FirstSpear TV

Archive for November, 2012


Friday, November 30th, 2012

At this point all we have is a peep, but every War Sport Industries LVOA AR will come packed in a DBAG manufactured by HSGI.

LA Police Gear Takes the “Ugly Christmas Sweater” Tactical

Friday, November 30th, 2012

LA Police Gear has introduced what I see as the greatest Christmas gift idea of the season. These “Ugly Christmas Sweaters” are going to be tough to beat.

Consisting of six different styles, the sweaters take the concept to a whole new level. They’ve got Patriotic, anti-terror as well as fun messages. My favorite is the American Flag Christmas seen here.

But, I’m also partial to the Dive Bomber sweater.

Get yours at

Core Survival Launches New Website

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Core Survival, makers of the HEL-STAR series of strobe lights, has updated their site.

In addition to the new look, the site has been tailored for viewing on various mobile devices including iPhone, Android, Blackberry, and Windows phone.

New Bose T5 Tactical Headset

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Bose introduced the new T5 Tactical Headset at AUSA.

Designed to fit under a variety of combat helmets, the new T5 is engineered to double the amount of time users can be exposed to tactical vehicle noise safely, compared to previous Bose models by leveraging over 30 years of noise cancellation technology. The T5 offers continuous and impulse noise reduction. It monitors sound inside the earcup and creates a correction signal to fade background distractions allowing the wearer to hear more radio comms without having to turn up the volume. The noise cancellation turns on automatically when connected to a powered intercom, and for dismounted operations away from the vehicle, a new battery power feature uses a simple on/off switch.

A cable-mounted control module sets the volume and permits ambient sound to be heard at three different listening levels without taking off the headset. An integrated push-to-talk switch activates voice communication through the noise-cancelling microphone, and an on-and-off switch offers intercom, listening-only setting or radio communication setting.

Available in single or dual comm versions, the dual comm variant offers smart audio distribution, which distributes audio automatically to the earcups according to the connected sources. In the most common use cases, the primary source (vehicle intercom and radio) is in both ears while the portable radio is present at a slightly lower volume in the left ear. When the control module is connected to two portable radios, the signals are split with one radio in the left earcup and one radio in the right.

Get a Limited Edition Arc’teryx Patch When You Order From Tactical Distributors

Thursday, November 29th, 2012


Get this exclusive patch with purchase of $99.00 of Arc’teryx LEAF Products from

EGL SkunkyWerks PWN in Kryptek Mandrake

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

ExtremeGearLabs (EGL) SkunkyWerks PWN “Platecarrier With No name” PC in Kryptek Mandrake 500D sized to fit Medium size M80 black SAPI plates. Admin pocket with slotted chemlight pocket behind.


The Biggest GSS Gear Sale Ever

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

And…GSS is relaunching their website so keep your eyes peeled.

TacHacker – Unleashed Tactical Equipment Presents Hotel Room Key Hacks a Simple Fix

Thursday, November 29th, 2012

Our friends at Unleashed Tactical Equipment spend a lot of time on the road, just like our readers and they are concerned with the all-too-common breakins that are occurring in hotel rooms due to vulnerable electronic locks. For you road warriors, they offer this advice.

It’s seems to be making the rounds in the press this past few weeks that there’s a security issue with certain hotel room electronic key locks. We can confirm that the issue is real and the room door locks can be bypassed using a few low cost pieces of electronic trickery.

We’ve been aware of this for some time, years in fact, so we thought we’d offer up this simple suggestion against a potential surge in room break ins.

When you first enter your electronically secured hotel room take a good look at the outside (hallway) side of the door lock. At the bottom of the underside of the door lock (facing the floor) you may find a round hole approx 5mm in diameter. This is the access point used to bypass the room electronic security.

You need to plug this hole using anything to hand. I tend to use a strip of paper torn from the room stationery, formed into a tight , interference fit, roll that is then pushed into the hole. The roll of paper will gradually unravel and fill the orifice. This technique is non destructive and can be relatively easily removed by hotel maintenance staff.

Assuming someone does access your hotel room, always use the hotel or room strong box. If you don’t, your insurance probably won’t pay out.

Sleep easy.

Team UTE