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Archive for February, 2013

Sneak Peek – M3 Sky Fins from MATBOCK

Monday, February 25th, 2013

Ever imagine having the same level of control while freefalling in your combat uniform that you have while wearing a RW suit? Well MATBOCK’s M3 Sky Fins won’t get you all the way there but you feet are going to be much more aerodynamic. What’s more, they stay put while jumping yet are easily removed once you hot the dirt. Coming Soon. 2013 Contributor of the year Award Program

Monday, February 25th, 2013

We just found out about a really cool opportunity for those in the shooting community who fancy themselves Mickey Spillane.

We are pleased to announce that has just launched the 2013 Contributor of the year Award Program. Specifically designed to attract the greatest minds in the precision shooting community; one writer will WIN a complete “turn-key” Ashbury Precision Ordnance® ASW308 Precision Tactical Rifle System. This is a complete system valued at $11,800.00, including a 200 case of RUAG .308 Match Ammunition!

Sniper Link ASW308 COTY 2013

Contest Quick Facts!

-It’s not a raffle
-It’s not a drawing
-No money whatsoever is involved
-Winning is based entirely upon EFFORT!

Sniperlink 2013 Contributor of the Year Press Release by solsys





Redback One Zeroing Standards

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Redback One has posted the zeroing standards from their Carbine Operator’s manual. Redback One is a wealth of knowledge so keep up with their latest posts on

M4 Iron Sights

To adjust elevation using the factory M4 iron sights, rotate the front sight using a sight adjustment tool, multi tool or the tip of a bullet. To bring the point of impact up, follow the arrow markings on the front sight base. Up will be clock-wise and down counter clock-wise. Each indent or click on the front sight will move the Point Of Impact or (POI) by 1-inch at 100-meters.

To adjust windage using the factory rear A2 sight, follow the arrow markings on the right side of the windage knob. To move the POI to the right, turn the knob clockwise. To move the POI to the left rotate the knob counter clock-wise. Each click of the windage knob will move the POI ½ an inch at 100-meters.

Moving the Group

Following the manufacturers guide will give the shooter the best results when making adjustments to the sight during the zeroing process. The shooter must determine the center of the group or, the Mean Point of Impact or (MPI) before making any adjustments to the sight. The pattern formed after firing is known as the group. The center of the group is known as the Mean Point of Impact. If after firing the first three round group it is determined that the MPI is a long way from the desired zero point, the shooter should make bold adjustments, using the manufacturers guide to move the group in the general direction of the zero point. Once the shooter is in the vicinity of the zero point, he can then use fewer click adjustments to make fine movements of the group until the correct zero is achieved. Remember, the value of the click will be reduced by ¾ when zeroing from 25-meters. Therefore, if the value of each click is 1-inch of movement at 100-meters, the value of the same click will be ¾ less or ¼ of an inch at 25-meters.

Additional 30 Round Ultra Mags Available

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

Just before SHOT Show we told you about a rather large supply of 30 round 5.56mm AR magazines. The 42,000 went very quickly but now there are more in the pipeline. In fact, twice as many as before. Same terms.

Ultra MAG

I was contacted by a distributor that has 5.56 mm 30 rd Ultra Mags available. They are offered in boxes of 100 with discounts for orders in excess of 500. These Made in USA magazines feature aluminum bodies with steel anti-tilt followers and braided wire springs. Further details are above. This is legit.

Contact the distributor at

Some More on Moleskine

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

The has been a lot of discussion about whether Italian firm Moleskine’s position on embossing firearms manufacturer’s logos on their notebooks after we reported that they are right against it. Turns out, according to their brand guidelines, they not only don’t work with firearms companies but also, “Pornographers, Extreme Political Organizations, Religious Organizations, or the Defense Industry.”

On one level, I understand that they want to steer clear of anything controversial, but the Defense Industry? I guess on some level it does go to strengthen my argument that the firearms and defense industries are one in the same and all of these half-baked anti-2A laws only serve to weaken our military in the long run.

Still, I hope they don’t realize Arc’teryx has a LEAF division. Those notebooks are a pretty cool giveaway.

Thanks to BE Meyers for the additional info on Molseskine.

Anti-2A Legislation Introduced in Oregon

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

We received this note yesterday from a reader in Oregon. These legislators aren’t just going after the Second Amendment. Apparently, they don’t think much of the Fourth Amendment either. His note begins with a synopsis of the elements of the proposed legislation and directs us to visit the Oregon Firearms Federation.

You can have ONE “Assault Weapon” with THREE Magazines ALL THE REST have to be turned in, the one you keep along with the 3 magazines will have to be registered and “stored securely” and only shot at a local Range!!

And of course a warrantless in home inspections to make sure it’s safely locked up! These are just some of the Bill!

Link to the OFFA FB & Website page giving more details, we also of course posted it on our FB last night right after we found out about it

Sons Trauma Kits from Phokus Research Group

Sunday, February 24th, 2013

There are three variants of the Sons Trauma Kit.


Originally designed to fit in the plate pocket of an armor vest the initial military variant was soon augmented with an LE version. Not long ago they realized you could carry the Sons Trauma Kit in the hydration sleeve of a backpack and the hunter/outdoorsman model was born.

A Quick Spot of Battlefield Airmen

Sunday, February 24th, 2013