FirstSpear TV

Archive for March, 2013

Sneak Peek – SPECOPS KTS-1 v2

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

Here are some photos of SPECOPS.PL’s KTS-1 v2 smock-jacket prototype.




Forces Focus – USAF Special Tactics

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

Fan Photo From The Tactical Pro Shop Grand Opening

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013


Here SSD friend Peshawar and Tac Pro Shop’s own Matt Kime celebrate the grand opening.

MagPul Announces Boulder Airlift

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013

The other day we told you that MagPul wants to get as many PMAGs in the hands of law abiding Coloradans as possible before a ban. Here is their plan.


Magpul is proud to announce the “Boulder Airlift”, our program to make sure that responsible Colorado citizens have the opportunity to own standard capacity PMAGs prior to the potential implementation of pending legislation that would infringe on their Second Amendment Rights. The program will be open to all responsible CO residents, (with both billing and shipping addresses inside CO) and provide access to a limited quantity of PMAGs. Remember to contact members of the Senate and the Governor prior to ordering and urge them to oppose HB 1224.

Full details at

Similar to the Berlin Airlift, the Boulder Airlift will bring much needed supplies to freedom-loving residents trapped inside occupied territory. While we plan to initially use FedEx or UPS instead of aerial delivery, we figure that $5 flat rate shipping will make up for any loss of “style points.”

The increases we have made and continue to make in production capacity will allow us to open this program with very minimal impact on the number of PMAGs we are shipping to our dealers and distributors out of the state. We are also aware that Colorado is not the only state with existing or pending magazine capacity restrictions; we are working on programs for other affected states as well.

S.O.Tech Offering 50% Off Mission Go Bags in A-TACS

Sunday, March 3rd, 2013


Repost – Army Camo Improvement – What’s Up?

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

I posted this just two weeks ago and it remains just as true today as it did then. The Army Uniform Board was to be briefed on the program on 28 Feb. As far as I know that happened. Everyone was up in arms on Thursday and Friday because they didn’t hear anything. No kidding. Of course they didn’t, because that’s not how it works.

Of course, we’ve had another rash of people claiming on various forms of social media that they’ve seen this Army PowerPoint Briefing that tells all. That horribly put together thing keeps showing up like a bad penny and if you believe it, I’ve got some swamp land in Suffolk, VA I’d like to sell you. If I’d have created something like that when I was an action officer I’d have become CINC Snack and never given another project. So here once agin, is the truth as I believe it be.

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that the US Army is currently looking for a replacement for the so-called Universal Camouflage Pattern (UCP) currently worn by Soldiers in virtually all environments except Afghanistan. Now, after months and months of silence, PEO Soldier has provided an update to the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. I know, this thing seems to be going on forever, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The results of the most exhaustive camouflage testing in history will be briefed to the Army Uniform Board on 28 February.

If you’re familiar with how the Army Uniform Board works, they don’t announce their findings directly from the board but rather later, an announcement will be made once the Chief of Staff of the Army gives his approval. Considering the gravity of this decision, the Secretary of the Army will most likely also give his approval. There is precedent for this. When the Army officially announced the adoption of MultiCam for use in Afghanistan as Operation Enduring Freedom Camouflage Pattern (OCP).

We said that this is the most exhaustive camouflage testing in history and since last Summer the Army has been running the four families of patterns along with baseline patterns through the paces in locations that replicate the nine Military Operating Environments. Over the past couple of months sources have told us that testing was curtailed in two locations due to fires and that the Army had to go back and reaccomplish data collection. The Army wants to make sure that the record is complete and that their decision is based on the data. Consequently, we are told that an independent auditor has been used to verify the integrity of the data. No matter the decision, it will be based on facts so there won’t be any second guessing the choice a year or two down the road.

So when will we see a final Army announcement? Sequestration and continuing resolution notwithstanding, the switch for ACUs, the day-to-day uniform of the Army is essentially cost neutral. It’s a matter of altering contracts to procure the new pattern(s) rather than UCP. The real, long-term sunk cost is in the Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment such as the IOTV and MOLLE. It costs more and lasts longer than a uniform. However, we understand the Army has a few concepts up their sleeve to ease the transition. When UCP was fielded it was all in. The Army essentially transitioned everything to UCP in about five years and issued ACUs to each Soldier gratis. I don’t think recapitalization will go so smoothly this time. The US Army officially adopted the woodland camouflage pattern in 1981. The old OD green fatigues could still be worn until September 30 1987. OD field equipment was still being used up until the advent of UCP. Based on budget shortfalls I would expect serving Soldiers will have to purchase new uniforms with their annual clothing allowance and expect a longer transition period than with UCP. Also, don’t expect any changes to the actual cut of the ACU along with the camouflage change. It will be the same uniform but with an entirely new paint job.

In conclusion, I would say that no matter which family of pattern they select; ADS/Cramer, Brookwood, Crye or Kryptek, the Army will announce its decision when it’s good and ready and not a day sooner.

Canipe Correspondence – Support Your Local Law Enforcement

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

I’ve seen a number of disturbing videos on Youtube and social media sites recently where people are blatantly disrespecting law enforcement officers in various ways. In one, a man refused to roll his window down to accept a ticket, only cracking it and sliding the documents through, being very difficult and rude to the officer who puled him over for a violation, refusing to roll the window down and answer any questions the officer had. In another, a guy walks up to a cop on the street and just starts cursing at him, calling him names, and taunting him. This seems all to common, with our younger generations and their sense of entitlement, poor upbringing, and an inexplicable notion that they are not accountable for their actions.

Law enforcement is one of the most noble and in my opinion thankless jobs in America. Nobody likes the cops around until they need them, then they complain-loudly and publicly-that they didn’t care enough to get there fast when they needed them. Cops in general get paid for shit. Everybody ponder the fact that Lady GaGa made something like $60 million last year, and the guy that protects you, your wife, your kids, your house, or your work might make under $30,000. These men and women sacrifice time with their kids, their spouses, their parents, and their friends to protect all of us. If that’s not worthy of some recognition, I’m not sure what is. So next time you decide to flash your lights at oncoming traffic when there is a speed trap, remember…the speeders are the ones committing a crime, not the guy trying to keep them from hitting your kids as they ride their bikes around the neighborhood.

Also encouraging is the recent turnout of law enforcement officials speaking out in our fight to maintain our Second Amendment rights. It’s certainly not all-inclusive, and while some have spoken for gun control the number of chiefs, sheriffs, and commissioners who have risked their political positions, be they elected or appointed, to speak for our rights is pretty awesome.

It’s no secret our economy isn’t at it’s strongest, funding is being cut in budgets at all levels, and our local law enforcement is at the bottom of the funding line. Law enforcement is chronically understaffed and underfunded in America, and is asked to take on more and more responsibility all the time. Think of the guys in blue when it’s time to vote in your next elections. It seems like every law enforcement organization in the country has a booster organization, so when they ask, donate. If there is something you could do to help the people sworn to protect you, why not support them?

Law enforcement professionals, you have my sincere thanks for all you do. Working long shifts, mountains of paperwork, the pressure of knowing how severely the courts, the media, and the public criticize your every move, all while being expected to lay your life on the line for those same people. That takes some heart and deserves some recognition. The shifts aren’t likely to get any easier, the thugs aren’t likely to get any more respectful, and the pay isn’t likely to get much higher any time soon, but there are a lot of us that really appreciate you laying it all out there anyways.

Magpul Clarifies Their Position Regarding LEO Sales

Saturday, March 2nd, 2013

Just minutes ago, Magpul CEO Rich Fitzpatrick issued this statement-

March 1st, 2013

Back in 1990, when I was deployed in Desert Shield and Desert Storm as a Marine grunt, some companies prioritized me items for my M16 for shipping that I purchased with my own funds. After getting out and forming Magpul in 1999, I established the same priority policy for Military and Law Enforcement, due to the requirements of their profession.

The same policy has been in place for 13 years now and has never been an issue until a few days ago. I do not support the idea that individual police officers should be punished for the actions of their elected officials. That said, I understand the concerns that some have with Law Enforcement officers getting special treatment while at the same time denouncing second amendment rights to another citizen in the same state.

With the fight in Colorado right now we do not have time to implement a new program, so I have suspended all LE sales to ban states until we can implement a system wherein any Law Enforcement Officer buying for duty use will have to promise to uphold their oath to the US Constitution – specifically the second and fourteenth amendments – as it applies to all citizens.

Richard Fitzpatrick
President/CEO – Founder
Magpul Industries