
Archive for October, 2017

Thorlo Inc. – Active Duty And Retired Military Discount

Sunday, October 29th, 2017


The Thorlo Sock Company is run by Veterans and they reached out to us to let us know about an upcoming Active Duty and Retired Military Discount they will be hosting this coming Veterans Day weekend. November 10 – 12. Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel can take advantage of the deepest discount Thorlo has ever offered on their website, 35% off.

Qualifying customers can use the code HeroHonor in the promo box at checkout to take advantage of the deal.

We will post a reminder as the sale draws closer.

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

Sunday, October 29th, 2017




Thanks to Julien for these photos of recent training in Malta by MAS Special Operations Training.

Corps Strength – Just the Facts

Saturday, October 28th, 2017

You know one of best things (there isn’t too many) about getting a few years under your belt, is that if you pay half ass attention and have a decent memory, you can build up a large data base of useful experience. This isn’t news, but as physical fitness training has been a major part of my life, both as a Marine and now as a contract PT instructor, I feel like over the years I’ve built up a fair amount of knowledge on the subject. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t know everything about fitness (far from it). But, from a lot of hard learned personal experience and even more first-hand observation, I’ll just say: I know what I know.

One thing I know for absolute certainty about maintaining a healthy bodyweight and keeping yourself in decent condition is that the vast majority people make it much harder than it actually is. I get that it’s never really easy, but way too many make it harder than it has to be. Accordingly, this is one big reason why so many people struggle with weight issues, (which in turn drastically affects their health) and sadly most will never get a handle on it. It’s also why it was no surprise to anyone that a recent study showed that almost 40% of Americans are obese. Obese being defined as someone who has a BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 30.


Now I’ve heard all kinds or whining and excuses that BMI isn’t accurate? These complaints are usually paired up with some story about this guy, or that girl that has a high BMI, but they are actually in great shape, have a low bodyfat, look great, etc. etc. Ok got it. Now excuse me a second while I pick up the bullshit flag. Yes, there may be a few cases like that, but the overwhelmingly vast majority of people with a BMI over 30 are simply just overweight, most are very overweight. Don’t take my word for it, just go to the local mall, beach or sporting event and you’ll see with your own eyes what I’m talking about. Sorry, I don’t believe in “alternate facts” to try and make a problem seem less than it is. Give me the reality, warts and all, as the fact is you can only fix a problem by first seeing it clearly. As a country we are fat, out of shape and from those two things very unhealthy. The issue here is not about debating the problem (this isn’t politics), but coming up with a real fix.

The fact is there are many good diets and workout routines out there and most of them do work (to one degree or another), IF you actually follow them. The ones that do work all follow the same simple principle; Eat less, move more. There is no way around that basic mathematical process. However, the cause of their enviable failure is that 99.9% of them are unsustainable for the long term. The reasons that they aren’t sustainable are varied, but the main overall reason is that they just don’t fit well within a normal life of work, family, etc. The reality is that they become a pain in ass that requires too much money, time or planning and as time goes on, the motivation and/or self-discipline required is too much and that is the end of that. This is also why the fitness industry comes out with new workout routines and diets all the time, because after the old ones have had their run of success and failure, people start looking for something new. It’s a never-ending cycle in which the population gets fatter and the fitness industry gets richer.

Another thing I know for sure is that the only thing that I’ve ever seen that works long term, is the combination of a diet made up of “real food” in the right amounts and a consistent program of balanced exercise. IMO special diet foods and supplements are waste of time and money, if they weren’t, we would be a nation of Spartans, not food blisters. In the last year alone the diet food companies sold 100’s of millions of dollars worth of that over processed, cardboard crap. The same goes for the latest fad in exercise; “Hot Yoga”, “Animal Flow”, “Bokwa”, come on man? Based on my long experience the best activity that for anyone who is very overweight and/or hasn’t exercised in a while (or ever), is walking, followed by a good stretching routine. From there you can progress to running, biking, hiking, swimming and calisthenics to as high a level of fitness as you desire. Which can be higher than most people will ever need to have, or desire for that matter. The average person would be astounded by how fit you can become and maintain on an hour of the right exercise 3-5 times a week. That’s not a lot of time and actually doesn’t require super human effort either. It just has to be smart, consistent and balanced. In my book Corps Strength I lay out a simple and effective workout and eating plan that has helped 1000’s of people lose weight and get in shape. It’s not sexy, doesn’t require any special foods, equipment or supplements, it just works and not for just the summer or a few months, but for life. The bottom line is you have to decide if you want to live life at a staggering walk due to being overweight, out of shape and unhealthy, or you can take some simple steps to get better, a lot better. That part is up to you. The facts will take of themselves, they always do.

Till next month “Be Safe always, Be good when you can.”

Semper Fi


Whiskey 5 – Greyhive

Saturday, October 28th, 2017


Greyhive is a media company founded by a Special Operations veteran and a former law enforcement officer. Greyhive’s web application,, is the premier online destination for civilians, first responders and military personnel to access trusted firearms and tactics training content.

Greyhive is a cooperative enterprise built upon a community of like-minded professionals Greyhive calls its “Experts”. All Experts are vetted by their peers, are highly regarded in their specified fields of expertise and have chosen to join the Greyhive community where they create, consolidate and deliver free training videos and articles. They possess decades of experience (active, retired and former military and law enforcement, competitive shooting, strength and conditioning, sports psychology, combatives, survival), but perhaps more importantly, Greyhive Experts possess a common passion: To lead, teach, influence and engage with individuals committed to their own professional and personal development.


Greyhive is a community where civilians, public safety professionals and military personnel go to access vetted, trusted and relevant online tactical and firearms training content. consolidates industry-leading instructors, subject matter experts and training companies and delivers free articles and videos created by its “Experts”. The featured free content is Greyhive’s ‘Training Brief’ video series. The Training Brief series covers a broad spectrum of topics, but each video segment is delivered in a concise and narrowly focused format.

Greyhive is built to strengthen the bond of the men and women who invest their time, money, and hard work into their training. Whether you’re a responsibly armed citizen, law enforcement, or military personnel, Greyhive provides the knowledge that fuels the professional growth and development needed to accomplish your mission and meet your intent. Greyhive is a resource for like-minded individuals committed to defending themselves, their families, their communities and their country.


Greyhive is based in Nashville, TN.



Greyhive was founded in December 2016 and launched in October 2017. The first segment of the Training Brief video series will be released in November and Greyhive will begin delivering premium, subscription-based training content through its proprietary Team Room Platform in early 2018.



Greyhive has identified two significant gaps in the current firearms and tactical training continuum:

(1) There are no community-based sustainment or follow-on training solutions available to support professional, 1-to-1 online interaction between instructors and students;

(2) Instructors possess valuable subject matter expertise and highly sought-after training assets, but have no efficient way to control the dissemination of these assets online.

Follow-On Training. Students invest in attending training classes delivered by their instructors of choice. After the class ends, they have no way to continue training with the guidance and feedback from their instructors. This makes it difficult for the students to continue honing their skills and growing professionally. Without Greyhive, options for student-to-instructor interaction are too broad, too spread out, and not personal enough to get any meaningful feedback that is value added to their development. Students, as well as instructors, need a means of providing feedback, a professional community that encourages interaction and development, and a way to gain diagnostic feedback between attending classes.

Because training doesn’t end when you walk off the range.

ITS Modern Action Sweater

Saturday, October 28th, 2017

The Sweater

ITS Tactical and MilSpec Monkey have teamed up a limited edition apparel item, the Modern Action Sweater. Sporting a color very much inspired by NSW’s Maritime Assault Suit System sepia colorway, the Modern Action Sweater is made of 10 oz. heavyweight fleece fabric composed of 50/50 Poly/Cotton for reduced shrinkage, and double knapped for softness.


Additional features include reinforced stitching on key wear points, thumb hold pass-through ports, 5% spandex-infused ribbing, and custom color-matched YYK zippers.


Available in sizes SM-XXL, and 100% made in the USA with US materials.


WESN Titanium Micro Blade EDC Pocket Knife On Kickstarter

Saturday, October 28th, 2017

Kickstarter-only prices of $35 on the WESN — a titanium knife with a length of 3.6″. Available October 25.

The WESN is a titanium body micro blade measuring in at a total length of 3.6 inches. It has the practicality and versatility of a full-size knife—but at a fraction of the weight, and the size of a house key.

WESN Goods has launched an exciting Kickstarter campaign that offers backers exclusive early-bird prices on the WESN Micro Blade. WESN was founded by Billy Chester, who wanted to build a knife that combined all of his favorite parts and aspects from different knives he’d owned.

“When I started making the WESN knife, I didn’t have any grand ideas of starting a ‘knife brand,’” Chester says. “All I wanted was a knife that I myself would want to own—something reliable, practical, and made of the best materials. Plus, I wanted something worth every penny of the cost, and not a cent too expensive.”

By using top grade components, the WESN is made with some of the best materials at an affordable price: grade 5 titanium and AUS8 steel. Chester partnered with the top knife manufacturer overseas, meaning he produces the WESN out-of-country. This keeps the cost down, while still using top-grade, made-in-America components. The titanium makes the body simultaneously tough, hardy, and incredibly light. And by using AUS8 steel, the blade is durable, sharp, and made to last for years.

The full specs of the WESN are as follows:

  • Blade Length: 1.5” (38mm)
  • Closed Length: 1.9” (48mm)
  • Open Length: 3.85″ (98mm)
  • Handle Material: Grade 5 Titanium body
  • Blade Steel: AUS8 Heat Treated Steel
  • Hardware: Stainless steel
  • Frame-lock
  • Pocket Clip
  • Keychain Hole
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Those interested in the WESN micro blade can visit WESN Goods at their website, and can purchase their own by visiting the knife’s Kickstarter page and backing the project.

    About WESN:

    WESN Goods was started by Billy Chester as a way to pursue building practical, dependable, hard-working goods. Committed to using the best materials, WESN Goods promises to build things that carry far and carry well.

    Gentex Introduces New Hearing Protection and Communications, and Respiratory Protection Products at SAFE Symposium

    Friday, October 27th, 2017

    Expanded Portfolio Advances Protection and Performance Capabilities of Aircrew

    Carbondale, PA, October 27, 2017. Gentex Corporation, a global leader in personal protection and situational awareness solutions for defense forces, emergency responders, and industrial personnel will introduce several new hearing protection and communication products to the U.S. market at this year’s SAFE Symposium, featuring the Gentex Wire-Free Communication Earplugs (WCEP). Designed for aircrew requiring double hearing protection, the wire-free earplugs improve reliability and user experience.

    The new Gentex Wire-Free Communication Earplugs improve passive noise attenuation and eliminate snag, breakage, and hot spots associated with earplug wires, while simplifying helmet donning and doffing. The Gentex WCEP are shipped with ComplyTM Canal Tips and provide a NRR of 30 dB. The Gentex WCEP provides double layer hearing protection noise attenuation at a price that is a lower cost alternative to typical Active Noise Reduction (ANR) Headsets.

    “The introduction of the Gentex Wire-Free Communication Earplugs demonstrates our commitment to strengthen and grow our hearing protection and communications offering, and further expand in this category internationally,” said Robert McCay, vice president aircrew and aircraft maintainer systems, Gentex Corporation. “We’re excited to demonstrate the Wire-Free Communication Earplugs and all of our new solutions at this year’s SAFE Symposium, and honored to have been chosen again to provide our expertise during the symposium on the latest in aircrew helmet system technology.” Product experts from Gentex Corporation will lead the presentation “The Evolution of Rotary Wing Helmets,” scheduled on Tuesday, October 31st from 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM.

    Other products being introduced by Gentex at this year’s SAFE Symposium include the Gentex Mini Dynamic Oxygen Mask Microphone (MDMM), developed to replace the existing Gentex M-169/AIC Oxygen Mask Microphone. The MDMM’s small profile design allows for greater operator flexibility with microphone placement. Gentex Aircrew Helmet Noise Reduction (AHNR) Technology, which is DoD and MoD qualified to reduce noise exposure for aircrew flying in louder aircraft and during longer missions; and the Gentex Low Profile Particulate Respirator, a low-profile, half-mask respirator that offers 99.97% filtration efficiency against a wide range of particulate contaminants encountered by doorgunners and other rear aircrew.

    Gentex Corporation is the leading supplier of high-performance flight equipment for aircraft maintainers and military, law enforcement, and rescue aircrew worldwide. The company’s comprehensive portfolio of Gentex, ALPHA, and Aegisound products include scalable helmet systems, and advanced hearing protection and communication solutions.

    The SAFE Symposium takes place October 30th through November 1st in Orlando, Florida. Gentex Corporation is located in booth #521. Product experts and executives from Gentex will be on hand to meet with customers and media throughout the symposium. To attend the Gentex presentation on the evolution of Rotary Wing helmets, please visit the SAFE Symposium website. For more information on Gentex Corporation’s aircrew and aircraft maintainer portfolio, visit

    TacJobs – Radian Weapons

    Friday, October 27th, 2017

    Radian is moving to Redmond, Oregon! Located less than 20 miles from Bend in beautiful Central Oregon, we are looking for new team members who want to be part of our mission to deliver the highest quality rifles and accessories on the market. We are hiring positions in production, customer service, operations, and management.

    Visit for more or email your resume to