GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for December, 2017

SMA Dailey At Army/Navy Game In Prototype Pinks and Greens

Monday, December 11th, 2017

You’re looking at the best leadership team the US Army has had in quite some time.


Army Chief of Staff Mark Milley is seen with Sergeant Major of the Army Dan Dailey during Saturday’s Army/Navy Game. SMA Dailey is wearing a prototype ‘Pinks and Greens’ service dress uniform which he was recently fitted for by a team from PEO Soldier.

The uniform is referred to as ‘Pinks and Greens’ because it is inspired by an iconic World War Two-era dress uniform. This modernized version is available in male and female versions. If it is adopted, there’s even talk of an optional wear leather A-2 flight jacket.


Update: Here are a few more photos from PEO Soldier.

LBT – Friday – Friday Featured Product Sale

Sunday, December 10th, 2017


LBT’s Friday – Friday Featured Product Section features great deals on overstock, as well as web exclusive items throughout the holidays.

The current deal is for large fliers kit bags, $79. Free CONUS shipping.


Reproduction WWII Civil Air Patrol Recruiting Poster

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

During World War II the Civil Air Patrol’s coastal patrol flew 24 million miles, found 173 enemy U-boats, attacked 57, hit 10 and sank two, dropping a total of 83 bombs and depth charges throughout the conflict. By the end of WWII, 64 CAP members had lost their lives in the line of duty.

To order your copy, visit knowol.myshopify.com/products/civil-air-patrol-eyes-of-the-home-skies.

Kit Badger – VCAS Medic Sling By Blue Force Gear

Sunday, December 10th, 2017


For a limited time, Blue Force Gear is offering the Vickers Medic Sling.

Kit Badger did a video review of the sling. For his full post, visit kitbadger.com.

GCI Outdoor Honors Fallen US Veterans, Donates Wreaths to Wreaths Across America

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

With a mission to Remember, Honor and Teach, Wreaths Across America coordinates wreath laying ceremonies at over 1,200 cemeteries worldwide

Higganum, Conn. (Wednesday, December 6) – GCI Outdoor, creators of portable, durable outdoor recreation equipment and furniture, is helping to honor fallen US veterans this holiday season with a generous donation of wreaths to the non-profit organization Wreaths Across America.

Saturday, December 16 is National Wreaths Across America Day where volunteers all over the country will lay wreaths on the graves of lost veterans. Founded in 2007 with a mission to Remember, Honor and Teach, Wreaths Across America will coordinate wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as over 1,200 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea, and abroad.

“Supporting our veterans is very important to us so we’re doing this for all that have served and the brave ones who have lost their lives,” said Jeffrey Polke, co-president of GCI Outdoor. “The GCI Outdoor family would like to thank all U.S. veterans for their service and want everyone to know that we honor and respect all they have done to protect our freedoms! Peace be with you!”

With their headquarters in Higganum, CT, GCI’s donation will go to the nearby Connecticut State Veterans Cemetery and will help Wreaths Across America surpass their goal of 9,500 donated wreaths. Volunteers from the city as well as from the GCI Outdoor team will spend the day laying wreaths while remembering and honoring the fallen veterans.

Wreaths Across America started in 1992 when Morrill Worcester, owner of Worcester Wreath Company of Harrington, Maine, donated excess wreaths for placement at the Arlington National Cemetery. With help from Maine Senator Olympia Snowe, the Maine State Society of Washington, D.C. and volunteers from the local American Legion, VFW Posts, Wreaths Across America now enlists the help of over 60,000 volunteers who lay over 700,000 wreaths each year. You can learn more about their story here.

“We are not here to ‘decorate graves.’ We’re here to remember not their deaths, but their lives,” said Karen Worcester, Executive Director of Wreaths Across America.

Anyone can get involved with Wreaths Across America and more information on donation, sponsorship and volunteer opportunities can be found here and on the GCI Outdoor website.

Congratulations Army!

Sunday, December 10th, 2017

SPARTANAT – Do It With Style: MultiCam Bow Tie

Saturday, December 9th, 2017

Tardigrade Fliege 1

Danish, you have to melt on your tongue: Taktisk Butterfly og Lommetørklæde fra Tardigrade Tactical. This means “Tactical black bow tie and matching handkerchief from Tardigrade Tactical”. Great idea, so you can also send a small tactical signal during the opera visit in a tuxedo. Or in civilian professional life. Ideally you have to wear it in front of the Christmas tree. Extremely tacticool! HERE are black bow tie and handkerchief to have: inf-wear.dk/da/gaveideer-og-gavekort/3407-tardigrade-tactical-tacticool-bow-tie

TARDIGRADE TACTICAL im Internet: www.tardigradetactical.dk
INF WEAR im Internet: inf-wear.dk
SPARTANAT. www.spartanat.com

For The Ladies – Slangvel Hats

Saturday, December 9th, 2017

That’s right, Slangvel is now making hats in lady friendly colors.

In addition to Boonies, Slangvel also makes M43s, Rhodesian-style kepis, Bigeards, Helmet Covers and the occasional Smock.

To keep track of what he has for sale and in which patterns, follow him on Facebook or eBay.