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Archive for February, 2022

SCHUBERTH Launches New Ballistic Head Protection System B.Ko.S. at EnforceTac 2022

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

A modern combat helmet with a high level of user comfort and ballistic protection, that provides scalable levels of performance and modularity – this is the approach of the new B.Ko.S. concept (Ballistisches Kopfschutz System/ ballistic head protection system). An innovative rail design with open system architecture allows the integration of a multitude of devices, some even not yet fielded to enable a future-proof upgrading and capability expansion potential of the helmet. The design of the inner lining and retention system also requires a new approach. Including a wide range of sizes, coverage of a variety of head shapes and the use of a combined hearing protection/ communication solution. This is achieved without compromising soldier health and safety requirements while communication capabilities are guaranteed for a long time without interference.

Milad Youkhanna, Head of the Military and Law Enforcement Business Unit, describes the positioning of the B.Ko.S. concept as follows: “For decades, SCHUBERTH has been the reliable partner of the German Armed Forces for head protection solutions. The Swiss Armed Forces also rely on a ballistic helmet from our company to this day. In addition to a high-performance product, an efficient lifecycle management with extensive maintenance capacities are part of the sustainable offer of our company. The B.Ko.S. concept consistently pursues this philosophy and sets standards in terms of modularity, comfort and integration capability – without compromising protection.”

The B.Ko.S rail system with integrated SCHUBERTH universal clips is unique in the industry. It can be easily adapted to a large number of slots provided in all three rails and in the night vision shroud. Allowing the cable routing to be individually adapted in order to reliably supply power to systems to be procured in the future. It also significantly increases the options for helmet bungees or artificial camouflage elements. In the future, connections required by the user can thus be realized quickly and cost-effectively via the universal clip as part of the open system architecture. In addition to the side rails, the B.Ko.S concept has an additional rear rail. This can be utilized to accommodate battery packs to increase powersupply security, while at the same time ensuring an optimal balance of the helmet on the head.

The B.Ko.S. concept focuses on comfort as a significant contribution to broad user acceptance and satisfaction and the directly resulting protection. Finally, an above-average share of common parts across all sizes as well as optimized maintainability ensures low life cycle costs and reduced logistical effort.

According to CEO Dr. Christoph Klotzbach, helmets are always being reinvented at SCHUBERTH: “Innovation and technology as well as user feedback define our focus. This is appreciated just as much by the reigning Formula 1 world champion as by our motorbike customers. But know-how from the police, firefighting and work safety sectors also goes directly into each new helmet generation via valuable synergy effects. We have followed this holistic approach with the B.Ko.S. concept. As a result, we are very proud to present another high-tech product in the year of our centenary, which sets diverse impulses and significantly sets us apart from the market.

At the Enforcetac 2022 trade fair in Nuremberg (Stand 12 279), SCHUBERTH will be presenting the B.Ko.S. ballistic head protection system concept to the trade public for the first time from 1.3.2022 to 2.3.2022.

Visit LMS Gear at Enforce Tac

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

Meet LMS Gear at Enforce Tac in Nuremberg, 1-2 March 2022.

10th SFG(A) Invites Warriors Heart to Discuss Matters Held Close to an Operator’s Chest

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) invited speakers from Warriors Heart to speak candidly about the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury (TBI) at the Norris Penrose Event Center Dec. 9, 2021.

Warriors Heart is a treatment center in Bandera, Texas, which provides inpatient care to active-duty service members, veterans and first responders for chemical dependency, alcohol abuse and psychological disorders related to PTSD or mild TBI.

The event was put on by Trojan Legacy—a 10th SFG(A) program that promotes resiliency, recovery and respect within the unit—to help shed light on what undiagnosed PTSD and TBI can look like and lead afflicted Soldiers to medical treatment.

“I almost killed myself,” said Tom Spooner, Warriors Heart co-founder and retired Delta Force Operator. “‘How do I get this noise to stop?’ I was getting lost all the time; I wouldn’t know where I was when I was driving down the road. I just kept going…I had damage to the decision-making part of my brain that I didn’t know of.”

In 2006, Spooner experienced his third mass-casualty event and suffered a traumatic brain injury from an exploded mortar round while deployed which ultimately resulted in an incident where he used the military decision making process (MDMP) to plan his suicide.

“What’s going to stop this noise?,” he continued. “I started going through MDMP on utilizing my Glock and putting a bullet in my brain to stop the noise as a valid course of action. I was doing constraints, limitations, other courses of action, second and third order effects.”

Throughout Spooner’s 21 years of service, he volunteered for Airborne duty, Special Forces and Delta Force.

“Volunteers can’t complain,” he said. “The [Special Forces] selection process guarantees a lot of things. Up front, selection guarantees I will never quit…and I have never asked for help. The selection process guarantees I will not ask for help, and I only do it when I’m off the road.”

Nevertheless, Spooner had a buddy whom he confided in about what was going on in his mind as he veered off course.

“He was my everything guy,” Spooner said. “I would always tell him the truth. He stayed on me, stayed on me and stayed on me. He told me to get help. I had undiagnosed TBI, unprocessed trauma, PTSD and grief going on.”

Spooner finally sought treatment and received cognitive, psychological and vestibular therapy in conjunction with medication. Through medical testing, Spooner found that he was operating at a processing speed of 50 percent and had verbal memory of 50 percent.

“How could I honor the guys who sacrificed their lives,” he said. “Me wrecking my family and my military career is dishonoring them.”
Along with a keen sense of honor, Spooner has a keen sense of regret which, in fact, prompted him to volunteer for Delta Force assessment and selection after serving with 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) for six years.

“There are things in life worse than death, and that’s regret,” he said. “Not having those hard conversations with people I care about. I could’ve said something but I didn’t because I thought it’d jam up my relationship. I don’t know if it would’ve changed the circumstances…but it’s one of my greatest regrets in life.”

Spooner’s own experiences acted as a looking glass as to how TBI and PTSD can manifest.

“If you have a buddy and you’re seeing these same things going on, you can talk to them and refer them to treatment,” said Sgt. Maj. Doug Lane, 10th SFG(A) Trojan Legacy senior enlisted adviser. “We want to create that peer-to-peer network and have candid conversations with our friends to ensure that if there are these issues, we steer them to the right resources.”

Story by SSGAnthony Bryant, 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne)

S.O.Tech Road Warrior Bag in MultiCam Arid

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022

A travel bag designed by guys who hit the road hard, fast and often – SOF operators. These are guys who are always waiting for the balloon to go up and the call to move out. The guys who live in hotel rooms and stay prepped and organized to lift and shift to the next location on a moments notice.

The Road Warrior Bag has pockets for your power cords, first aid and survival kits, international licenses, passports and travel documents, and a main compartment organizing your hygiene items and meds. This bag stays stocked and loaded in your locker. When the call comes, you throw this in a 3 day pack with a weeks worth of clothes and you are out the door. When you are laid out in your hotel and the team needs to shift to the next town, a quick visual inspection of this pack will remind you what is missing before you blow out. Power cords, batteries, can openers, flashlights, SCUBA license, bug juice, pill packs – everything has its place. And when you get back to home base, restock before you replace because you never know when that phone is going to ring. 

The Road Warrior Bag also makes a great tool, electronics or medical bag.

Drops Friday 2/25 12pm PST. While supplies last, no backorders. $99. Use the following code at checkout for free shipping: asseenonssd

“Built to survive the world’s worst!”

See md-textil at Enforce Tac

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

Visit md-textil at Enforce Tac at Stand 12-278. They’ve got some new products including an expandable MEDIC Rucksack, a new Placard system and MOLLE pouches.

High Speed Gear NTOA Approved Gear

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

SWANSBORO, N.C. – February 22, 2022 – High Speed Gear® announces newly awarded product recommendations from the National Tactical Officers Association (NTOA).

The NTOA has awarded gold status to the High Speed Gear® ReVive™ Medical Pouch and to the ReFlex™ IFAK System. The ReVive™ Medical Pouch received an overall NTOA score of 4.56. The ReVive™ is a compact pouch designed to carry immediately accessible, essential medical gear. The ReFlex™ IFAK System also received gold status with an overall NTOA score of 4.58. The ReFlex™ IFAK System was originally developed with direct input from active-duty medical personnel. High Speed Gear® is very proud of this major accomplish for both of its premiere life saving medical pouches.

The NTOA has additionally awarded silver status to the Apex™ Sling with a rating of 4.38, the Duty Double Pistol TACO® with Rifle with a rating of 4.02 and the Duty Handcuff TACO® with a rating of 4.1.

“Our company has a desire to design and build gear to the highest standards,” explained Bill Babboni, HSGI® COO. “Our commitment to our customers is that we do not go to market unless our products past rigorous tests. It is a true honor to continue to receive these awards from the NTOA and that just goes to highlight how our team is always focused on creating high quality products that are built to perform and last.”

Previously in 2020 the NTOA awarded High Speed Gear® with gold status for the Operator Belt and Ambidextrous Multipurpose Pouch. The same year the NTOA also awarded silver status to the Mag-Net™ Dump Pouch V2, Duty Flash Bang TACO®, Gas Mask Pouch V2, Bleeder/Blowout Pouch™, and Double Decker® TACO® Covered.

The mission of the NTOA is to enhance the performance and professional status of law enforcement personnel by providing a credible and proven training resource as well as a forum for the development of tactics and information exchange. The Association’s ultimate goal is to improve public safety and domestic security through training, education, and tactical excellence.

Wilde Custom Gear President’s Day Sale

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

Save 10% Code PREZ22

Saab Unveils the Deployable 5G Network ‘DeployNet’

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022

Saab is launching a state-of-the art, ruggedised, 5G communication system for military and crisis operations at the Umex SimTEX 2022 exhibition in the UAE. DeployNet, locally developed by Saab in the UAE, further demonstrates Saab’s commitment to creating world-class Emirati defence and security solutions, for national needs as well as for export to the global market.

A key fundamental for efficient command and control in military and crisis operations is communication. DeployNet provides a scalable 5G/LTE wireless network for the most challenging environments, offering high-capacity bandwidth for today’s missions that rely on a multitude of information sources, sensors and user interaction. The compact system, underpinned with robust cyber security, can be deployed rapidly, enabling high-capacity bandwidth in geographically remote areas, or reinforcement of damaged or limited local networks.

“We believe that DeployNet will be a highly valuable asset to both military and civilian markets where there is a requirement for a ruggedised, quickly deployable 5G/LTE network, not just in the UAE but for export globally, particularly in regions without an existing fixed communications network,” says Anna-Karin Rosén, Managing Director of Saab in the UAE.

Utilisation of DeployNet delivers the capability for real-time video streaming in high resolution, push-to-talk functionality and data transfer. Scalable both in terms of user numbers and system range, DeployNet demonstrates advantages in mission scenarios such as base security, search and rescue, reconnaissance, mission training and crisis management. This turnkey solution includes handsets, a power source, administration tools and active telecom equipment that are compact and ruggedised for easy deployment.