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Archive for August, 2022

Tulmar Receives Contract Extension

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

Tulmar Safety Systems is pleased to announce the extension of their Repair & Overhaul contract with the Canadian Department of National Defence for the Canadian Army’s Flotation Life Support Equipment.  Pictured are Canadian Army Patrol Pathfinders equipped with Life Preserver – Underarm systems manufactured and maintained by Tulmar.  Since its founding in 1992, Tulmar has become a leader in the field of tactical flotation systems.  For more information on their capabilities and product suite, please contact

Luminae Low Pro Wallet

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

Offered in MultiCam and MultiCam Black, the Low Profile Wallet is the latest from Luminae. It features 2 x Card Slots and 1 x Pound Notes/Dollar Bills slot.

CAKE Ösa Adventure Series by Hookie Co

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

The Cake Ösa is a popular electric urban scrambler. Germany’s Hookie Co has created a bolt-on moto kit for the Swedish EV to give you some more versatility.

The kit consists of four items: ADV Headlight Unit consisting of side-by-side HELLA Comet 500 lights, limited-edition ADV Long Seat as well as the ADV Storage Basket and its QuickFist Tool Mount which will accept their overland shovel.

TACP Test Future Capabilities During Exercise “Gunslinger 22”

Thursday, August 18th, 2022


Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Airmen from the 10th Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS), 93rd Air Ground Operations Wing (AGOW), participated in Gunslinger 22, a joint Expeditionary Air Base Operations exercise with Marine Corps operators and aircrews, at Fort Riley, Kansas, June 13-14.

Gunslinger 22 was a joint, dynamic force employment exercise that integrated Marine Corps Air Command and Control System capabilities with Air Force Agile Combat Employment techniques. The 10 ASOS seized this as an opportunity to test the utilization of customer agnostic TACP strike teams, reconnaissance mission concepts and advanced infiltration training with joint-service partners.

The training consisted of air-to-ground synchronization as well as support functions necessary to combat operations.

“2d ANGLICO Marines provided the 10 ASOS TACP strike team with a small unmanned aerial system sensor operator to add standoff reconnaissance capability, and provided a Corpsman for medical support on the ground,” said Major Ralph Johnson, 10 ASOS director of operations. “Lt Hilvers, a TACP officer, had lead for mission execution and was tasked to conduct target acquisition of any threats that were in the vicinity of a planned forward area refueling point location, their purpose was to enable Expeditionary Air Base Operations.”

As the TACP weapon system (TP WS) continues to advance their capabilities for the future fight, Gunslinger 22 demonstrated TACP abilities to enable advanced options for Air Force Lead Wings via Agile Combat Employment (ACE) that other weapon systems are unable to provide.

“Gunslinger gave 10 ASOS the opportunity to conduct advanced infiltration techniques, and test a strike team’s ability to detect, positively identify, and pass targeting data to a supported commander in order to close a kill chain and gain an operational advantage” Johnson said. “TACP strike teams can develop an operational environment for commanders and facilitate engagement of targets in an area that is contested where others cannot operate.”

Along with the ACE capabilities that TACPs bring to the battlefield, as part of accelerating change, the TACP enterprise is transforming from an Army support focused force to a multi-role, customer agnostic, capabilities-based, and threat relevant weapons systems.

“Although TACP has traditionally supported the Army as its main customer, through proper application of the tools, equipment, qualifications, and delegated authorities, the TACP WS can be customer agnostic, and threat focused to solve a supported commander’s problems,” Johnson said.

The TACP enterprise as a whole provides Joint Force Commanders with expertise on the integration of air power while extending Theater Air Control Systems specifically for the Joint Forces Air Component Commander. Gunslinger 22 validated these proficiencies and improved TACP skills necessary for joint, adaptive operations in the future.

By 1stLt Katie Tamesis, 93rd Air Ground Operations Wing

Thomas Homberg Named CEO of Mehler Vario System Group; Also Managing Director of Mehler Vario System GmbH

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

FULDA, GERMANY (15 Aug. 2022)—Thomas Homberg has been chosen to serve as CEO of Mehler Vario System Group, Europe‘s market leader for ballistic protection and carrying systems, platform and vehicle protection, and tactical equipment and clothing.

His appointment to the top leadership position took effect at the beginning of August. Homberg also assumed the title of Managing Director of Mehler Vario System GmbH, which he now jointly heads with Dr. Mario Amschlinger.

Homberg brings to his new roles extensive military, defence, and security industry experience. A former German Armed Forces paratroop commander who also received German and French General Staff Service training, Homberg has held board and managing director positions in the European MBDA Group and served as Head of Group Strategy for the Airbus Group.

“I am very much looking forward to my new duties,” Homberg said. “Mehler Vario System Group is a leader in the market and has highly competent teams with decades of experience. Developing the best equipment for those who daily guarantee our safety is an enormous incentive and motivation for me.”

Homberg took the reins after now-former CEO and Managing Director Siegfried Will departed to begin his planned retirement. Will had been with the company 37 years.

Mehler Vario System (MVS) is a globally active group headquartered in Fulda, Germany. Together, the companies of the Group manufacture protection and carrying systems for police, military, and special forces. MVS also is a partner with the German Armed Forces for procurement of the new Modular Ballistic Protection and Carrying Equipment Soldier (MOBAST).

For more than 40 years, the group’s companies have produced protective waistcoats, shields, equipment bags, helmets, and impact and body protection equipment. Additionally, they make an extensive range of high-end protection, carrying, and clothing products that include hard- and soft-ballistic elements as well as bullet, stab, and impact protection.

The Mehler Vario System Group is active in over 40 countries. It is widely recognized as a reliable and innovative partner of the military as well as of national and international security authorities.

For more information about Mehler Vario System, visit:  

American Rheinmetall Vehicles and GM Defense Team to Pursue U.S. Army’s Common Tactical Truck Program

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

American Rheinmetall Vehicles and GM Defense Team to Pursue U.S. Army’s Common Tactical Truck Program
American Rheinmetall Vehicles (Sterling Heights, MI), a leading developer of tactical wheeled and tracked combat vehicles and systems has formed a strategic collaboration with GM Defense LLC (Washington, DC), to compete in the U.S. Army’s Common Tactical Truck (CTT) program. The CTT program seeks to identify a replacement platform for the Army’s Family of Heavy Tactical Vehicles.

The Army expects to execute multiple Prototype Projects before determining whether to proceed to initial production that could entail purchase of approximately 5,700 vehicles at a value of around $5 billion. A Request for Prototype Proposals for the first phase was issued in late June with an expected Contract Award in December of 2022.

Rheinmetall, with its subsidiary Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles (RMMV), is a global leader in tactical military truck development and manufacturing. The Group’s HX family of trucks have been sold to 20 customers globally including an active Allied user group consisting of Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, Austria, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. Rheinmetall recently unveiled its HX3, next-generation series of truck with advances in power, mobility, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and an open systems architecture with pathways to hybrid technology incorporation, leader follower driving, and autonomous operations. The militarized HX3 series incorporates substantial commercial technologies reflecting Rheinmetall’s joint venture with MAN Truck & Bus which streamlines logistics and sustainment burdens and provides benefits in vehicle upgrades. An Americanized HX3 forms the basis of what the American Rheinmetall Vehicles and GM Defense team will offer the Army in the first phase of the CTT program. Combined with an open architecture, the commercial backbone of the HX3 will support persistent modernization and allow for increases in capability as technologies mature. This will reduce obsolescence issues and overall lifecycle costs.

GM Defense is a rapidly expanding, wholly-owned subsidiary of global technology powerhouse General Motors (GM) – one of the largest automotive producers in the world, delivering 2.2 million vehicles in 2021 alone, and remains the largest commercial provider of military vehicles in history. As GM’s purpose-built government-facing entity, GM Defense will bring its formidable manufacturing capabilities and technological excellence to the CTT team, leveraging GM’s innovation and portfolio of commercial technologies to advance customer capabilities. Having been selected to deliver the Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV) to the Army under an Other Transaction Authority (OTA) contract, GM Defense understands rapid prototyping, agile design and engineering, and rapid delivery.

The CTT Program is a rapid prototyping effort that uses a middle tier acquisition strategy and OTAs to enable the Army to quickly procure and test tactical truck prototypes to replace its family of heavy tactical trucks. The Army is seeking a modern platform featuring advanced driver safety systems, increased off-road mobility, cybersecurity, machine learning, artificial intelligence, improved survivability, and fuel efficiency among other emerging technologies. The program will enable the Army to replace legacy vehicles like the Palletized Load System (PLS), Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck (HEMTT), M915 Line Haul Tractor, and other platforms in the current heavy and medium tactical wheeled fleet. A truck with maximum commercial elements, able to perform military missions, and that can bring commonality amongst mission roles are top priorities for the Army in the program.

“American Rheinmetall Vehicles is a committed partner to the Army, bringing next-generation capability, technology and competition to high priority Army modernization programs like CTT. GM Defense shares our commitment, and together our team will provide a transformational truck to support the Army and its Soldiers,” said Matthew Warnick, Managing Director for American Rheinmetall Vehicles. “General Motors has a century of experience supporting the Department of Defense with a remarkable heritage in design, engineering, and manufacturing. GM Defense continues that heritage with the ability to rapidly develop and deploy advanced technologies, bringing an important capability to the American Rheinmetall Vehicles team and our exceptional CTT offering,” said Warnick.

“On the heels of successfully delivering the ISV to our Army customer, GM Defense is excited to join American Rheinmetall Vehicles on the CTT program to deliver another exceptional mobility solution for our Soldiers,” said Steve duMont, President of GM Defense. “This strategic collaboration enables GM Defense to continue showcasing our advanced capabilities, leveraging GM’s innovation and proven commercial technology. With American Rheinmetall Vehicles’ HX3 as the starting point, I’m confident that together we will deliver a winning solution that meets or exceeds the Army’s requirements and provides a platform for growth and technology insertion to support our warfighters well into the future,” continued duMont.

HX3 Common Tactical Truck (HX3-CTT)
Technology for the future: The HX3-CTT features an advanced, interchangeable protected cab design, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and drive by wire operation. The new open systems electrical architecture allows rapid integration of leader follower and autonomous capabilities that focus on protecting our most valuable combat asset – the Soldier.

Common Platforms and parts to support a family of vehicles: The HX3-CTT is the new, next-gen variant of the globally successful HX family of military-off-the-shelf tactical trucks. It possesses an extremely high level of commonality and modularity across variants: cargo, load handling systems, tankers, and line haul tractors. With an HX family that can scale from 4×4 to 10×10, the HX can meet any military need.

Commerciality in its DNA: The HX3-CTT leverages best-in-class advances in commercial truck technology, safety, fuel efficiency, and emissions reduction. Ruggedized for the stresses of military service, the HX family provides an “off the shelf” capability. This commercial backbone reduces obsolescence risk/cost, expands parts availability, and reduces sustainment demands.

Allied Interoperability: The HX family of trucks have been sold to 20 customers globally including an active Allied user group consisting of Germany, Australia, United Kingdom, Austria, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, creating common global supply chains, training opportunities, and integrated operations among key allies operating around the world.

KGM Technologies Ranks No. 27 on the 2022 Inc 5000 Annual List

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

Number 1 in manufacturing

Among America’s Fastest-Growing Private Companies

NEW YORK, August 16, 2022 – Today, Inc. revealed that KGM Technologies is No. 27 on its annual Inc. 5000 list, the most prestigious ranking of the fastest-growing private companies in America. The list represents a one-of-a-kind look at the most successful companies within the economy’s most dynamic segment—its independent businesses. Facebook, Chobani, Under Armour, Microsoft, Patagonia, and many other well-known names gained their first national exposure as honorees on the Inc. 5000.

“We are honored that our hard-working employees have been recognized for their extraordinary effort over the last three years” said Richard Cope, CEO of KGM Technologies. “Our amazing team has demonstrated that manufacturing in America is not only possible but profitable.”

KGM Technologies is the largest designer and manufacturer of weapon suppressors in the country. We are protecting the hearing of shooters everywhere and significantly enhancing the capability of our war-fighters. Our patented technologies and advanced manufacturing methods have allowed KGM to set the new standard of suppression. Additional information can be found at 

The companies on the 2022 Inc. 5000 have not only been successful, but have also demonstrated resilience amid supply chain woes, labor shortages, and the ongoing impact of Covid-19. Among the top 500, the average median three-year revenue growth rate soared to 2,144 percent. Together, those companies added more than 68,394 jobs over the past three years.

Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found at The top 500 companies are featured in the September issue of Inc. magazine, which will be available on August 23.

“The accomplishment of building one of the fastest-growing companies in the U.S., in light of recent economic roadblocks, cannot be overstated,” says Scott Omelianuk, editor-in-chief of Inc. “Inc. is thrilled to honor the companies that have established themselves through innovation, hard work, and rising to the challenges of today.”

TacJobs – Oak Grove Technologies

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022

We’re hiring! Seeking the following ‘A Team’ players to help continue writing our success story:

Section 508 Expert: provide 508 compliance experience, including accessibility, Section 508 and W3C testing of all types of electronic and information technology products and services.

Field Craft Instructors: Multiple full-time support positions at Joint Base Maguire-Dix, Lakehurst, NJ in General / Counter IED / Medical / High Risk Driving instruction.

Shuttle Driver: Shuttle (Van) Driver in support of work with the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Artesia, New Mexico.

Interested or know someone who is? Visit or share our careers page and learn more.