TYR Tactical

Archive for May, 2024

OSI / Ocean State Innovations is Attending OPERATOR EXPO Ottawa, Ontario – Canada

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

OPEX is a 2-day event (May 29th & 30th) focused on supporting the operational requirements of Military, Law Enforcement and Corrections end-users in Canada. Looking forward to working with our existing customers and securing new business relationships.

We will have our entire products line available. If attending, contact: peter@osinnovate.com

Accelerator for Innovative Minds (AIM) Genomic Non-Specific Operational Matchmaking Enabled Systems (GNOMES)

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

SOFWERX, in collaboration with the USSOCOM, U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Chemical Biological Center (DEVCOM CBC), the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), and the Accelerator for Innovative Minds (AIM) Genomic Non-Specific Operational Matchmaking Enabled Systems (GNOMES) Team, will host an Assessment Event (AE) 09-10 July 2024 to provide awareness of biological agents/compounds in a far forward, resource-limited environment.

AIM is a collaborative initiative led by DoD in the CWMD and CBRNE space. The goal of AIM is to demonstrate an enduring Hybrid Accelerator model in coordination with Industry, non-traditional partners, and SMEs to develop technology, build networks/relationships, and develop processes targeting specific Warfighter problem spaces as identified by AIM government collaborators. AIM requests information from Industry, Academia, Laboratories, and non-traditional partners on approaches, products, and/or services to support CWMD technology requirements. Once these are reviewed, the collaborative DoD group intends to align transition pathways across the full technology maturation spectrum.

The Chemical and Biological Defense Program’s vision through AIM is to identify capabilities which provide insight of chemical and biological (CB) contested environments. The objective is to develop a system with maximum utility for the warfighter to overcome current limiting factors in providing awareness of biological agents/compounds in a far forward, resource-limited environment.

Submit NLT 09 June 2024 11:59 PM ET.

Details here.

Discover Mehler Systems’ Offerings at Eurosatory 2024

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

FULDA, GERMANY (21.5.2024)

United under one banner and one name, MehlerProtection, Lindnerhof, and UF PRO will exhibit at thisyear’s Eurosatory in Paris, France, from 17-21 June. Their offerings will be showcased at Mehler Systems’ booth, no. K280.

Held every two years, Eurosatory is a vital global eventthat brings together manufacturers and key players in the fields of public and private defence and security.

Mehler Protection’s focus will be on presenting therevolutionary ExoM Up-Armoured Exoskeleton. Initiatedby the GIGN (Intervention Group for FrenchGendarmerie) and co-developed through a collaborativeeffort between Mehler Protection and Mawashi Science & Technology funded by the Defence Innovation Agency(DIA), this groundbreaking product is meticulouslycrafted to deliver top-tier ballistic protection withoutimposing additional weight on the operator. Additionally, the spotlight will be on the M.U.S.T. system (ModularUniversal Scalable Technology), developed in cooperation with Lindnerhof and renowned for itsadaptability and versatile configurability, women’s soft-ballistic panels, and the Omega ballistic helmets line. In addition, the company will display its extensive range ofballistic protection for platforms. These solutions include3D-printed window frames, weapon station shields, advanced armour for land vehicles and other solutionswithin the Mehler Protection M-RACC family.

On the other side of the booth, Lindnerhof will be presenting its extensive portfolio of functional carryingsystems and high-quality, modular equipment for tacticaloperations. From plate carriers, modular bags and beltsystems to the revolutionary heavy load carrying system, also known as “The Beast” – a versatile 5-in-1 carryingsystem and one of this year’s highlights. Also takingcentre stage will be brand new tactical equipment forclimbing and abseiling, which can be put together usingeither a chest harness that can be integrated into theplate carrier or a chest harness with quick releasefunction and the “Shikari” waist harness.

UF PRO will focus on showcasing the versatility of theirStriker garment systems line. Highlights include theStriker FR garment system, which offers robustprotection against flames and intense heat and theStriker X line, engineered to meet the demands ofmilitary special operation personnel. What’s more, UF PRO is coming out with the never-seen-before Striker TT line, designed for hot and humid weather and the lightestin their BDU lineup. Additionally, visitors will have theoption to try on garments from other lines, such as Delta, Monsoon, and more.

The last event before the summer months providesMehler Systems with a platform to showcase theirholistic approach to safeguarding communities’ protectors. This comprehensive strategy includes top-tiertactical gear, ballistic protection, and carrying systems, ensuring complete head-to-toe protection with no detailoverlooked.

With this diverse range of innovations, Mehler Systemsreaffirms its commitment to delivering high-qualitysolutions that meet the stringent safety standards andrequirements of its customers.

To learn more about Mehler Systems at this year’s Eurosatory, visit: mehler-systems.com/event/eurosatory-2024

AimLock: Leading the Charge in Semi-Autonomous Weapons Tech

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

Denver, CO – AimLock, a pivotal innovator in the defense industry, continues to redefine precision targeting and engagement capabilities with its state-of-the-art semi-autonomous weapon systems.

Since its inception in 2009 and incorporation in 2013, AimLock has been at the forefront of integrating cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, sensor management, and computer vision into advanced weapons systems, enhancing targeting accuracy and operational efficiency in combat scenarios.

AimLock’s dedication to enhancing the capabilities of warfighters while ensuring their safety through advanced technologies is unwavering,” said Bryan Bockmon, CEO of AimLock. “Our systems are designed to increase the speed, accuracy, and safety of military engagements, making them indispensable in modern warfare.

Revolutionizing Military Engagements with Core Targeting Module

Central to AimLock’s technology suite is the Core Targeting Module (CTM), a robust computing solution that drives precision in fire control and platform management across air, ground, and unmanned systems. The compact, IP67-rated CTM brings unprecedented processing power to various military applications, from unmanned mission computing to guided weapons launch control.

Seamless Integration with Legacy Systems

AimLock excels at marrying new technologies with existing military hardware. Integrating the Core Targeting Module into legacy systems enhances their efficacy without necessitating complete overhauls, bridging the gap between traditional and modern warfare technologies.

Innovative Semi-Autonomous Weapon Systems

AimLock’s portfolio includes the I-M1 and R-M1 systems, which significantly enhance the capabilities of medium-range rifles and machine guns by introducing autonomous targeting features that improve accuracy and reduce response times in dynamic combat environments.

The R-S1 system, part of AimLock’s R-S Series, offers versatile applications, ranging from sniper overwatch to precision strike capabilities. It is designed to function effectively in both ground and aerial engagements.

Remote Operated Launch System (ROLS)

The Remote Operated Launch System further underscores AimLock’s innovation in semi-autonomous weaponry. Integrating the Core Targeting Module with a single launch tube for APKWS, ROLS extends the reach and precision of this established weapon system across various new platforms.

Leading the Future of Defense Technology

As AimLock continues pushing the boundaries of military technology, it invites defense departments and industry stakeholders to experience the transformative effects of its semi-autonomous systems. With a steadfast commitment to enhancing combat effectiveness and warfighter safety, AimLock remains a player in the evolution of modern military operations.

For more information on AimLock’s innovative solutions or to schedule a demonstration, please contact us.

Combined Special Forces Selection Course a First for Australia

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024

For the first time, Special Operations Command (SOCOMD) has run a combined selection course, allowing ADF personnel to apply for either special forces (SF) operators or SF integrators – such as medics, signallers or engineers.

About 250 candidates from across the ADF travelled to Bindoon Training Area in Western Australia for the 2024 Special Forces Common Selection Course, to be assessed for service based on personal and professional attributes.

They will then be selected for reinforcement training for SOCOMD core capabilities as SF operators or SF integrators.

Commanding Officer ADF School of Special Operations Lieutenant Colonel A said the significant weight of effort the command has put into orchestrating common selection demonstrated the importance it placed on finding the right people.

“We select people for service in SOCOMD using an attribute-based assessment, where the course builds in intensity and applies pressure to ensure the candidate’s true character can be observed,” Lieutenant Colonel A said.

“The Special Forces Common Selection Course is the main effort for SOCOMD for the month of May, with all SOCOMD units working together for the planning and execution of this key force-generation activity.”

During the first week, before sunrise, candidates woke to conduct a timed 20km pack march, already feeling the effects of sleep deprivation and fatigue. 

Senior directing staff from Special Air Service Regiment (SASR) Warrant Officer Class 2 (WO2) J said the fatiguing nature of the program was developed purposely and collaboratively across the command to align with real-world demands of special operations.

“Fitness levels and cognitive behaviours are observed throughout the course, and the data points we collect enable candidates to have a genuine opportunity to demonstrate leadership and collective or individual skills,” WO2 J said. 

“This also ensures all of SOCOMD’s candidates go through the same experience during selection no matter the role they apply for.”

At the end of the course, successful candidates will move into the reinforcement cycle or specialist training.

Story by Major Roger Brennan

Green Ammo E-Blanks Replace Traditional Blank Ammunition During U.S. Army 25th Infantry Division Live Fire Exercise

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Company’s Electronic Blanks Weapon System Enables Large-Scale Combat Operations Certification For Three Platoons

SKIEN, Norway – May 21, 2024 – Green Ammo, AS, developers of the industry’s only drop-in electronic blanks system for live weapons, today announced the successful demonstration of its electronic blanks (E-Blanks) weapon system as part of a U.S. Army 25th Infantry Division’s (ID) Live Fire Exercise (LFX).

Conducted as part of the 25th ID collective live fire event certifying the platoon’s ability to effectively synchronize weapons, the demonstration featured Green Ammo’s M4 and M249 weapon kits, enabling soldiers to train with personally configured, individual service weapons. Armed with the E-Blanks system, soldiers conducted battle drills while reacting to simulated stoppages consistent with the use of live ammunition, delivering a more realistic training experience. The platoons also observed the kit’s laser system and enhanced training aides to analyze performance across formations by assessing marksmanship principles.

Throughout the day and night drills, the platoons navigated diverse terrain spanning jungle environments to plains, expending the equivalent of 36,000 rounds of 5.56 ammunition and 57,600 rounds of 5.56 linked round ammunition. Additionally, given the electronic nature of the systems, units conducted training without the additional time, planning and energy typically required to transport, distribute and clean up after traditional blank ammunition training.

“Effective tactical training drills are core to mission preparedness and directly influence operational outcomes. Our soldiers train with familiar weapons but in doing so must also account for the preparation, transport of heavy cargo and cleanup associated with conventional blank ammunition. Those requirements limit the types of environments they can train in and the amount of time actually spent training,” said Lieutenant Colonel Pete Walther, Battalion Commander in the U.S. Army’s 25th Infantry Division, Senior Trainer of the event. “Live fire training exercises and certifications are crucial to ensuring our soldiers’ preparedness and ability to adequately perform tactical maneuvers in theater, underscoring the importance of training time.”

The Green Ammo E-Blanks system offers a completely electronic alternative to live and traditional blank ammunition for tactical training exercises, eliminating key pain points around blank ammunition control, cost, safety and sustainability. Additionally, the kit has operated under military-grade pressure testing, demonstrating its ability to withstand harsh environments and extreme temperatures ranging from up to 140° Fahrenheit down to 5° Fahrenheit.

“With the completion of these exercises, we’ve successfully demonstrated the reliability, durability and functionality of our Green Ammo E-Blanks system and played a role in certifying three platoons’ large-scale mission preparedness,” said Rolf Inge Roth, CEO of Green Ammo. “We’re thankful for the opportunity to participate in a live demo with the 25th (ID) and are very pleased with the kit’s performance. We look forward to continuing to build on this momentum and enhance soldiers across the globe.”

To learn more about Green Ammo’s patented electronic blank technology and its applications, visit www.greenammo.com.

ZeroTech Optics Unveils the TRACE ADVANCED 5-30X56MM Precision Riflescope: Setting New Standards in Performance and Affordability

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

Murfreesboro, TN – May 22, 2024 – ZeroTech Optics is proud to announce the launch of its newest innovation in precision shooting optics, the Trace Advanced 5-30X56mmriflescope. This groundbreaking product comes in two variants: the TRACE ADVANCED 5-30X56MM RMG 2 ILLUMINATED and the TRACE ADVANCED 5-30X56MM TREMOR3 ILLUMINATED. Both models are designed to meet the rigorous demands of competition and extended long-range (ELR) shooters, setting a new benchmark in the precision riflescope industry.

Manufactured in Japan, the Trace Advanced 5-30X56mmriflescope boasts a 34mm one-piece main tube, locking diopter, dual throw lever positions, push-button digital illumination, and Tenebraex™ Tactical Tough™ Flip Up Covers. ZeroTech has partnered with HORUS Vision to offer the field-proven TREMOR3™ reticle, while also featuring ZeroTech’s own illuminated RMG 2 reticle. The innovative hidden thread capped windage turret and oversized elevation and parallax turret system provide the ultimate combination of speed and precision, making the Trace Advanced a robust precision instrument you can count on.

See it in action here!


Illuminated TREMOR3™ FFP reticle

• Illuminated RMG 2 FFP reticle

• Push-button digital illumination

• Locking diopter system

• Removable dual position Magnification Throw Lever

• 34mm one-piece tube

• Tenebraex™ Tactical Tough™ Flip Up Covers

• Precision Turret System (PTS)

• Zero Stop

• Capped Precision Windage Turret

• Glass-etched reticle

• Weathershield lens coating

• Argon Purged

Made in Japan

In the Box

• Tenebraex™ Tactical Tough™ Flip Up Covers

• 56mm Sunshade

• Neoprene Protective Scope Cover

• 2mm Turret Hex Key

• ZeroTech Vinyl Transfer Stickers

• QR Welcome Card & Instruction Manual

• Reticle Range Chart

• High-Quality Microfibre Cloth

Disrupting the Industry

ZeroTech Optics has designed the Trace Advanced 5-30X56mm riflescope to disrupt the big names in the precision riflescope industry by offering superior performance matched with affordability. The Trace Advanced series is engineered to provide unparalleled accuracy, durability, and versatility, making it the go-to choice for precision shooters who demand the best.

“We are so excited to finally unveil the Trace Advanced 5-30X56mm riflescope to the market,” said Ben Clarke, CMOat ZeroTech Optics. “Our collaboration with HORUS Vision and the implementation of our RMG 2 reticle has resulted in a precision instrument that meets the highest standards of performance. We are confident that the Trace Advanced will set a new standard in the industry, providing competition and ELR shooters with a robust and reliable optic that doesn’t compromise on quality or price.”

Backed by ZeroTech’s industry-leading AAA unconditional lifetime warranty, the Trace Advanced 5-30X56mm riflescope is the next phase in ZeroTech Optic’s commitment to excellence and innovation.

Contact us: sales@zerotechoptics.com

You can visit the company website at: www.zerotechoptics.com

Socials: www.instagram.com/zerotechoptics

GM Defense and Mistral Inc. Announce Strategic Collaboration to Enhance Tactical Capability

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

WASHINGTON, D.C. — GM Defense, a subsidiary of General Motors, and Mistral Inc., a provider of high-performance, reliable and innovative solutions to U.S. defense and federal agencies, announced the integration of the innovative UVision and Mistral’s Hero-120 loitering munition with GM Defense’s light tactical utility vehicle. Combining GM Defense’s expertise in military mobility with Mistral and UVision’s loitering munition technology enables the companies to support the tactical needs of a modernized force.

The GM Defense utility concept vehicle is based on the Chevrolet Colorado ZR2. The utility vehicle features a high percentage of commercial off the shelf parts, including Chevrolet Performance components to enhance off-road capabilities, and offers different seating configurations to meet customer requirements. The utility solution is designed with a cargo bed in the rear of the vehicle, ideal for housing Mistral’s and UVision’s Hero-120 solution, or to support command and control, electronic warfare, counter-unmanned aircraft systems, reconnaissance and logistics.

The Hero-120 is designed for engaging enemy combatants without exposing Soldiers to direct enemy fire. This loitering munition system is versatile in targeting, capable of engaging a variety of targets, including armored vehicles, enemy troops, field fortifications and urban structures. Its precision strike capability is specifically designed to maximize effectiveness while minimizing collateral damage.

“We’re seeing an increased need for light tactical wheeled vehicles that deliver agility, speed and lethality,” said John “JD” Johnson, vice president of Business Development for GM Defense. “Our collaboration with Mistral demonstrates the versatility of our utility concept vehicle and its ability to enhance the tactical capabilities of warfighters. With initial demonstrations successfully completed, we will continue to look for opportunities to showcase the value these integrated technologies deliver to defense customers.”

“This integration sets a new standard in military technology, providing the U.S. Army and allied forces with an unparalleled combination of mobility, precision and adaptability,” said Yoav Banai, vice president, Mistral. “Our collaboration with GM Defense reflects our combined commitment to advancing military capabilities and to evolving battlefield challenges.”

Key features:

• Maintainability: The utility vehicle is built for sustained operations in austere environments with a high percentage of commercial parts that may be obtained through GM’s existing global supply chain.

• Customization with Modular Kits: GM Defense offers diverse kits to enhance the concept vehicle’s capabilities, making it adaptable to meet a broad range of general purpose and special operations forces requirements.

• Multi-Canister Launcher – Expeditionary (MCL-E): The utility vehicle can house the Hero-120 MCL-E, enabling the operator to launch multiple munitions quickly and effectively.

• Enhanced Lethality: The integration of the MCL-E on the utility vehicle provides unmatched lethality for both mounted and dismounted Soldiers, enhancing their operational scope and effectiveness in diverse combat scenarios.