GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for the ‘ADS’ Category


Thursday, January 6th, 2011

While it’s not truly a debut, GHOSTEX, a joint venture between camouflage gurus Hyperstealth and tailored logistics titans ADS is being unveiled to the masses. The reason we say not truly a debut is that previously, they had premiered a sample of their lineup at the ADS Warrior Expo last summer in Virgina Beach.

Intended primarily to support niche forces, GHOSTEX (Ghost Textures) derives its name from the US Army’s Ghost unit of WWII, (23rd Headquarters Special Troops). This Ghost Army specialized in Camouflage, Concealment and Deception (CCD). The premise of the mashup is intriguing; Commercial Off the Shelf camo patterns to cover virtually any scenario paired with rapid manufacturing capabilities to support contingency operations.

We took a look at their wares during the Warrior Expo and came back impressed. The GHOSTEX website goes into pretty good detail about what they are up to so make sure you visit it to gain a deeper understanding of what they have going on. One important detail that we appreciate is that the GHOSTEX program is limited to authorized customers. These patterns are going to be restricted to those who need them only.

Will GHOSTEX be a contender for the Army’s Family of Camouflage program? We won’t know the answer to that until the solicitation is actually released, but if they do, my money is on something completely new that we haven’t even seen yet. After all, with over 8000 patterns to their credit, no one concentrates on camo like Hyperstealth.

Be sure to visit the Hyperstealth reps at ADS, Inc’s booth #20415.


Silynx Updates Website ADS

Friday, December 31st, 2010

Silynx has updated their website. They offer a variety of communications solutions and as we reported earlier this year, the C4OPS headset system is fully programmable and is the system of choice for many of world’s most elite forces. Not only does Silynx regularly provide software updates, but they have built a system that can integrate with communications equipment from other vendors. Not only that, but it’s available in MultiCam, so no more big black PTT boxes on your chest.

One of the coolest upgrades to the site is the new “Build Your Own” interface. It allows you to configure a C4OPS system based on your actual requirements.

Silynx has also developed some very useful battery cables for those using the MBITR.

If you are in the market for specialized communication equipment, Silynx has your solution. Don’t forget, ADS can supply the entire Silynx line up to your unit or agency.


Source’s MAX CBRN Hydration System Approved for CBRN Use by US Army ADS

Wednesday, December 29th, 2010

Following a rigorous multiyear testing program conducted by the U.S. Army, Source’s Max CBRN hydration system was found to meet the U.S. Army’s CBRN hydration protection requirement.

“Our goal was to produce a CBRN system that performed like our everyday Source system and we succeeded”, said Source owner Yoki Gill. “Users have been asking us to supply our CBRN systems for several years but we decided to hold off until we could supply an Army tested product. Now we’re ready to go”.

The Max CBRN will withstand a 6 hour chemical warfare agent challenge after 30 days of operational use. It uses the same Glass-Like coextruded construction used in standard Source systems but with a CBRN resistant barrier. All materials in contact with liquid are FDA approved and guaranteed safe. Plug-in drinking valves are offered as an accessory to allow users to hydrate normally when training or for use in non-CBRN environments.

The Max CBRN comes with a choicee of two mask adaptors: Type M (fits M17, M40, M70 and C4) and Type A (fits S10, FM12. and M50/53). Additional adaptors are planned for future release. The Max CBRN will be available as a stand alone hydration system or as a component of Source’s Patrol CBRN 35L cargo pack and our Tactical 3L CBRN carrier system.

Source Hydration MAX CBRN Approved

For unit orders visit www.ADSinc.com/source-hydration.


ZERO POINT Combat Exploitation Kit ADS

Monday, December 27th, 2010

ADS has just added ZERO POINT to their line up of vendors. ZERO POINT makes some pretty amazing equipment and much of it is built for very specific purposes and the CEx-E is just such a kit. Designed as a small and lightweight site exploitation kit it provides the EOD operator the capability to detect, identify and sample explosives, desensitize sensitive explosive compounds as well as sample and package unknown liquids and powders. In addition to the tools, the kit also provides supplies to collect evidence for Sensitive Site Exploitation purposes. There are components to collect and tag evidence, protect sensitive electronic IED components and media, and document and photograph a site. There is even a large collapsible bag to transport all recovered materials. They have thought of everything. The organizer which is designed to be carried in a larger pack is Berry Compliant and available in a variety of colors and camo patterns.

For more information visit www.zeropointusa.com. ADS can support unit and agency orders. www.ADSinc.com/ZEROPOINT

Mad Duo – AF Makes a Smart Move When It Comes to Snivel Gear

Thursday, December 23rd, 2010

SSD Note: This is great news for WTT as well as the USAF! Airmen look for your Gen III Level & garments in Grey.

As you may have read last week, the Marine Corps has ordered a bunch of new happy suits for Gyrenes in cold places around the world, courtesy of Wild Things Tactical by Wild Things, Inc. What you may not know is it’s now official that zoomies can wear their version of WTT. Yes indeedy, the AF has finally figured it out.

Now let me make this clear. Slim and I have been bad ass tough guys for years, but frankly when it comes to cold weather we’re what you might call actively voluble pussies. (That’s the MILSPEAK way of saying we piss and moan and bitch a lot, but still get out there and get the job done—and for the record, before you criticize us for being pussies, keep in mind that the snow currently stacked up to the top of your boot is actually over our head.) If you want to make an acronym out of that, feel free. We’re not ashamed of being AVPs.

Anyway, our handlers have spent the last couple of days in Wild Things Tactical snivel kit. You may remember us talking about WTT cold weather gear before, because it’s so damn fantabulous. We genuinely love this stuff, and so do our handlers, so it shouldn’t be a big surprise that we’re happy to bring this good news to those of you forced to wear that damnable digital tiger stripe crap and deal with zipper-suited sun gods.

If you do not know what a zipper-suited sun god is, then you haven’t spent much time around AF bases. We hear at Breach-Bang-Clear appreciate pilots for their impact on the battlefield, CAS gun runs in particular, but anyone whose spent any time around them out of the cockpit knows what a pain in the ass most of them are, and must wonder how much they spend annually on hair gel, sunglasses and teeth-whitener…but again we digress. Wild Things Tactical Extreme Cold Weather Gear, by Wild Things Tactical, Inc, is now Air Force approved.

According to the Air Force Uniform Office, Wild Things Tactical Gen III Level 7 Extreme Cold Weather System jacket and pants are replacing the N3B and F1B parka and trousers. This is the same ECWCS the Army has been using and it’s pretty bad ass. We actually called Richard Keefer’s office (he’s the head duck at the “AF Uniform Office”) but we never heard back. This could possibly be because he and his staff weren’t sure how exactly to deal with an interview request by foot tall tactical operators-slash-journalists, or perhaps he’s just really busy. We won’t hold it against him.

A couple things you need to know if you’re an A4/purchasing officer type USAF individual (or anyone else that might want to put your troops, officers or operators into WTT snivel kit). First off, it doesn’t have to worn as just a layering system. It can be stand-alone. They jackets, for instance, are sized to accommodate body armor, and are sized in the torso appropriately to wear with a duty belt or holster (if you’re so inclined). This could be a Good Thing for some of the folks that spend a lot of time shivering in garrison, like skycops doing dismounted RAMs, foot patrols around billeting, standing overwatch at the gate, etc. It’s comfy, it’s warm and it’s nowhere near as loud or irritating as the Gore-tex jacket you’re already wearing.

Second, they’re built with Epic, which is way too complicated for us to explain here and will probably be over half of your heads anyway (no offense, we don’t get it either). It makes for a good cold weather garment, though, trust us. We’d lie to you, just not about this. They’ve got 6 oz. of PrimaLoft and the Epic barrier that allows it to insulate even while completely wet. This gear wasn’t only industry tested, it was NATICK tested.

Third, it’s already been tried and tested in really shitty conditions under fire by guys that know what they like. When the Army decided to completely redesign its cold weather system, it went to the 10TH Mountain Division (Climb to Glory!) for field testing between the Fall of 2006 and Spring of 2007. Reviews were outstanding. For instance, LTC Christopher Cavoli of 1-32 Infantry (“Chosin”) said, “…I found myself praying for bad weather…I knew my soldiers could handle it and the enemy couldn’t. [Wild Things Tactical] ECWCS allowed my men to outlast the enemy on their own terrain. When the enemy was forced out of the mountains due to the bitter cold to take shelter, that’s when we got them…”

Fourthly, if you’re an AF purchasing official, UDM, etc. with authority to source equipment for your squadron, group or wing, Wild Things Tactical will send you a sample to T&E at the local level. You just need to contact their military sales representative, Grady Burrell, and make the arrangements.

Fifthly and lastly, Wild Things LLC, WT Tactical will offer until Jan 15, a Military / Federal Officer Discount of 20% off Retail on Multicam, Coyote, OD Green and Black Tactical Gear for INDIVIDUAL sales. Must validate with FED / MIL address. AD/RES and NG. ON IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY!

Gen III ECWCS is provided to the US Army under a contract with ADS. Air Force units wishing to purchase Level 7 should contact them. www.ADSinc.com/Gen-III

Oh…if you need to contact Grady (Grady Burrell III, Director of Military & LE Sales), he can be reached at (828) 421-4349 or Grady.Burrell@wildthingsgear.com. Make sure you let him know we referred you, so we can affirm in their minds once again how valuable an ally they have in the Mad Duo, and how foolish they’d be not to keep us up to speed on new developments on their end.

Please check back in at SSD more frequently than you might otherwise do so. We’ve gotten a bunch of new kit in over the last couple of weeks and are in the process of reviewing it. Naturally we are eager to share the finding of our evaluation, our wisdom and almost supernaturally incisive wit. If you have any ideas for us to review or discuss, drop us a line at Breach-Bang-Clear or FaceBook.com/MadDuo; unless you’re going to complain about our opinions, writing style or philosophy (or you’re a sissy) in which case don’t bother.

Mad Duo Out!

Name That Pack Winners

Monday, December 20th, 2010

The winning name is SPARTAN and the generous folks at Mystery ranch are going to award packs to the three contestants who suggested the name.

PF, ML, and PG need to contact us here at SSD to arrange for your prizes. Thank you to all who entered! For those of you who want a Spartan of your own you are going to have to wait 4-6 months for full production to be ramped up.


Unit and agency orders can be handled by ADS.

Watershed Introduces Waterproof iPad Cover

Monday, December 20th, 2010

Watershed, makers of the finest submersible waterproof bags we have seen, has introduced an iPad cover. It is designed so that you can actually use your Ipad while still in the bag. They showed us a prototype at one of the early Fall trade shows and it is pretty cool. We held off writing about it because they aren’t on the website yet, but they can take your order over the phone (1-800-811-8601). Retail cost is $96.95.

Remember that the entire Watershed line is available from ADS.

First-Light USA’s AMP Admin/Medical Pouch ADS

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

First-Light USA’s AMP (Admin/Medical Pouch) increases lighting versatility for Combat Medics and other soldiers who are currently using their Tomahawk Tactical Light in conjunction with their MOLLE vest. The pouch allows the Tomahawk to be positioned on the Soldier’s chest by providing a mounting surface for First-Light’s MOLLE Tactical Retention System (TRS). This eliminates the need to wear body armor in training scenarios, as well as a myriad of other scenarios, in order to utilize the hands free functionality of the Tomahawk. When body armor is required, the straps on the AMP can removed and it can be attached directly to the PALS webbing, and used as a standard admin pouch. In addition to providing a mounting surface for the Tomahawk with TRS, essential equipment, such as writing tools, notepads, bandages, medications, etc. can be stowed within the pouch for easy access. The AMP is made in the USA by Tyr Tactical and constructed of 500D Cordura Nylon with ample exposed loop Velcro on the flap and front surface for attaching identification patches. Fully adjustable and fast-connecting straps and buckles allow for quick fitting of the pouch for all sized Soldiers.

The AMP and other First-Light products can be seen next at the SOMA (Special Operations Medical Association) Conference in Tampa, December 10 – 12. They’ll also be at the SMA Nominative Conference at Ft Bliss, January 10 – 12 and SHOT Show in Vegas, January 18 – 21. Additionally, the entire First-Light line is available for agency purchase from ADS.
