
Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

Stratagem Jumps on the A-TACS AU Camo Train

Monday, February 27th, 2012

German manufacturer, STRATAGEM is now offering A-TACS AU Camo gear in their product line.

The DC (Dynamic Combat) Chestrig
As integral component of the Dynamic Combat Concepts (D.C.C.) the D.C. Chestrig also functions as well as a modular platform for the combined carrying method with the STRATAGEM LVAC Hybrid, MRAV Hybrid and other modular Vests.

The DC Chestrig features ultra-slim construction and a large zipper compartment grants access to the inner portion of the Chestrig for additional equipment storage or to function as a storage for the Shoulder and Hip Straps while worn in combination with the LVAC or the MRAV Hybrid.

Attachment points for the patent pending Quick Connect System (Q.C.S.) enable the user to quickly attach the DC Chestrig, to the LVAC Hybrid and MRAV Hybrid within seconds allowing greater functionality.

LVAC (Low Visible Armor Carrier) Hybrid
Designed for Less Weight and More Performance, it combines rigid, conventional and lightweight materials to create an incredibly lightweight product that is still sturdy enough to handle whatever gets thrown at it. The “Hybrid” part of the name refers to the combination of conventional and lightweight materials. Additionally, as part of the Dynamic Combat Concepts the LVAC can easily adapt to become a complete ballistic system. The internal plate pockets will hold ballistic plates up to size L (11″x13″).

HK417 Quick Draw Pouch
The pouch holds one HK417 magazine which is secured by Shock Cord, for fast access. They claim it is “Designed to grip, not to slip.”

For more information, or to inquire about ordering, visit them online at:

Army Preparing to Produce Baseline Camo Gear for Testing

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

Natick has released a Special Notice making known their intent to “negotiate on a sole source basis with Beyond Clothing, LLC” to produce 310 sets of “AOR 1/2 Fabric (50/50 Nyco), Helmet Covers, Pants and Blouses. These uniforms are among the baseline uniforms required for camouflage testing and evaluation.”

Army-style uniforms and OCIE do not exist in the AOR 1 & 2 patterns. What’s more, the patterns are restricted, so any gear must be manufactured by a company already certified to handle the fabric. OCP, or as it is commercially known, MultiCam is the other baseline pattern for the upcoming field trial phase of the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort. Due to its use in Afghanistan, there is already an ample supply of the equipment available.

One interesting note. Currently, OCP is only issued as the FR ACU and not the standard FR ACU. While much work has been done to color match dyed TenCate’s Defender-M fabric used to manufacture the FR ACU, the pattern may look differently than it would when printed on 50/50 NYCO. This is a variance that will have to be considered in performance unless the Army also pursues the acquisition of an adequate number of OCP NYCO test uniforms. If they are commercially sourced, further care will need to be taken that such uniforms are not in the so-called MultiCam VS print which does not provide NIR protection.

These ‘baseline’ Government issue patterns will be pitted against four commercial families of patterns to determine the best performer and possible new Army issue camouflage.

The commercial finalists are:
ADS Inc as Prime, partnered with Guy Cramer
Brookwood Companies
Crye Precision

A-TACS Camo to Exhibit at the IWA Show in Nuremberg Germany

Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

For the first time ever, Digital Concealment Systems’ A-TACS Camo will be an exhibitor at the upcoming IWA Show March 9th – 12th in Nuremberg, Germany. Representatives from DCS as well as Schott Performance and Tactical Fabrics, DCSs’ exclusive fabric provider, will be in attendance. The DCS Exhibit will be located in hall 7A during the exhibition.

“This is a tremendous opportunity for us to say “Thank You” to all of our loyal supporters around the world. We look forward to seeing everyone there.”

Look for updates and photos to be posted on our Facebook page and Website during the show. For more information on the IWA Show, visit their website at

SORD Smock in MultiCam and A-TACS AU

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

To order your smock visit

Zulu Nylon Gear Adds A-TACS AU

Monday, February 20th, 2012

Zulu Nylon Gear has begun producing products in the A-TACS AU pattern. Here you can see their Mega Admin Pouch, M4 Double Magazine Pouch, and their MOLLE Visor Panel.

BROWE Introduces A-TACS AU and FDE

Sunday, February 19th, 2012

BROWE Inc has introduced their 4 x 32 Combat Optic (BCO) in both and A-TACS AU Flat Dark Earth to complement the Black version already on the market.

The BCO is “dip coated” in A-TACS AU which many will find effective for camouflage and will blend in with the finish of many weapons already coated in the pattern.

In the case of the FDE variant, they rely on a CeraKote “H” series thermal cured ceramic coating which is applied over the Bio Black Titanium anodizing.

Interested in a Slangvel from Slangvel?

Friday, February 17th, 2012

Right about now, the vast majority of you are scratching your heads asking yourselves, “What’s this “slangvel” you speak of? It is an Afrikaans word for “Snake Skin” and is used to describe the South African parachutist smock because the shoulders and elbows are reinforced with nylon webbing.

There’s also Slangvel, the manufacturer of things camouflage and cool. He has manufactured some of my favorite hats and while he has made Smocks in the past, he is working on getting a new Slangvel off the ground.

Here you see a South African brown (nutria) Slangvel next to a Badlands Slangvel to show how close he has kept the detail. He is in final sourcing for the proper snaps which is a major design detail on a Slangvel as they are exposed.

Although the sample is in PenCott Badlands he also plans on offering them in MultiCam and other patterns and solids as well. These will be initially offered in medium and large size. We’ll let you know when they are ready for order.

PenCott Camo in New Zealand

Thursday, February 16th, 2012

Hyde Definition, creators of the PenCott family of camouflage patterns sent these photos of a fan wearing their GreenZone pattern. He didn’t camouflage his face or arms so you could see him.