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Archive for the ‘Charity’ Category

Combat Flip Flops Veteran Art Auction

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Over the last two months, the world witnessed an unprecedented event within the borders of Afghanistan. The only thing that matched the nature of the loss and destruction has been the positive effort of the veteran community stepping up to aid in evacuations and transit of interpreters, journalists, athletes, and activists.

Although the media seems to have already moved beyond the event, human beings are still trapped within the borders of Afghanistan. Veterans and private citizens are still working to move them to safety. Without support of the United States Government, organizations continue to raise money to assist in the transportation and resettlement of refugees–because the reality is that this freedom isn’t free. It takes money.

Combat Flip Flops enlisted the effort of renowned artists to donate art to auction to assist in these efforts. For a limited time, you can bid on limited edition art to raise money or resettlement efforts.

Launching the initiative is InvaderGirl and Matt Galbraith. For more information on the art available and incoming, please visit the link: www.combatflipflops.com/AAA

ESSTAC Using MDM 21 Crayon Sales to Benefit Family of Cpl Lopez

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

With Modern Day Marine 2021 cancelled, ESSTAC wasn’t sure what to do with their gag business cards. Turns out, they’ve found a far better cause for them to go to, honoring the 13 Americans who gave their lives this past month.

Hunter Lopez was an ESSTAC fan and an avid user of their products and many other companies.

May He Rest In Peace, and no one forget his sacrifice.

ALL Procedes from the sale of these crayons will go to Hunter Lopez’s family via the following fundraiser…. ESSTAC will match money taken in from the MDM 21 crayon sales.


Adding these to your cart should apply free shipping to your order. Order as many as can afford.


Support SOC-F by Bidding in this Auction

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

The charity, Special Operations Care Fund is holding an online auction.

See all of the items here.

Join Kuiu In Helping The Families Of The Fallen Soldiers And The Wounded As They Tram Up With Recon & Sniper Foundation

Saturday, September 4th, 2021


KUIU, the leading manufacturer of ultralight performance hunting gear, is teaming up with the Recon & Sniper Foundation to raise funds for fallen soldiers’ families and the families of the injured soldiers after the recent bombing in Afghanistan. The brand is asking the public to support the cause and Kuiu has pledged and since contributed a $25,000 match to the Kabul Fallen Fund.

“The tragedies unfolding in Kabul serve as a sobering reminder of the sacrifices our brave military men and women, as well as their families, make.” Comments Philip McGinty, Vice President of the Recon & Sniper Foundation, “The Recon & Sniper Foundation has partnered with KUIU to launch the Kabul Fallen Fund. The mission is to provide immediate and ongoing support to the families of the fallen warriors and wounded. The lives of these patriots and their families are forever changed, the least we can do is stand shoulder to shoulder to share their burden.” 

So far $129,000 has been donated towards the families through the Recon & Sniper Foundation which works to enhance the quality of life for service members, veterans, and their families. 

“KUIU is humbled at the opportunity to step up and partner with such a great organization to help support the Kabul Fallen Fund,” says Justin Shaffer, Sr. Program Director of Guide and Outfitter at KUIU. “We were heartbroken to hear of the incredibly sad loss of our 13 service members and the 18 that were wounded in this senseless attack. We recognize that it’s a long road ahead as these families of the fallen and wounded continue their healing and grieving process, we want them to know they are not forgotten.” 

To make a donation to the Kabul Fallen Soldiers fund, click here. To learn more about how you can help the Recon & Sniper Foundation and how they help service members, veterans, and their families, visit their website at reconsniperfoundation.org.

GORUCK – How You Can Help – Afghanistan

Tuesday, August 31st, 2021

GORUCK sent this out to their email subscribers yesterday. Many of us are frustrated because we can’t help the situation and this post gives us some hope. But no matter what you do, do NOT let our elected officials off the hook on this. Write them, call them, and remind them what a disaster was created here and that there will be consequences for our country and the world community for not only emboldening the Taliban, but arming them as well. Also, we’ve lost 13 fine young Americans, the best our nation has to offer. We need accountability so that this won’t happen again.

September 1st the Taliban will shut down the cell towers and continue hunting down, one by one and with increased effectiveness, those most loyal to the American cause for the past 20 years. We even gave them the list to help them carry this out.

If you’re wondering how you can help, this is one way.

A small group of Special Forces and other SOF members have established what’s called Task Force Pineapple as part of Operation Recovery (a 501c3 non-profit). They are operating out of an Ops Center in America, activating and reverse engineering 20 years of human networks in Afghanistan and Pakistan and the surrounding areas to get all US Citizens and as many Afghan partners — the people we served with and their families — out of the country. This will happen over land through a country under Taliban rule, full of Taliban checkpoints, activating safe houses and ratlines and an underground network operating in secrecy. It’s a classic Special Forces mission which requires a bunch of pissed-off and highly motivated Special Forces soldiers — and with your help they can save even more lives.

Without any official US military presence as of September 1st, this is exactly how America can still represent and carry out our highest ideals — given the ground truths, this will happen in the shadows. It does not matter at this point what should be happening, or who to blame. There will be time for that, there always is. What is happening right now with Task Force Pineapple is what we do have, and it’s growing stronger by the minute. 

Before the bombing at the Kabul Airport, this was the precise symbol to get inside the wire. So far, over 500 lives have been saved with this symbol. It has since been changed — but the spirit remains and it is one of hope and sacrifice in line with our highest values as a country. Namely, loyalty to our friends and partners. Task Force Pineapple will not stop operating just because the U.S. is officially leaving. The Underground will grow. More lives will be saved.

Unfortunately, the Taliban will also grow stronger.

I know personally the people who are running TASK FORCE PINEAPPLE and I vouch for their character and effectiveness. We will not be able to save all of our partners, but we will damn sure try.

To aid and support the mission, here’s the patch for sale. All proceeds to benefit Task Force Pineapple. Or you can donate directly to them below.

Jason McCarthy

10th Special Forces Group, 2006-08

Founder, GORUCK

Purchase a patch here

Donate here

SENTRY Tactical Announces Official Partnership with the Navy SEAL Foundation

Monday, August 30th, 2021

SENTRY Tactical™ and the Navy SEAL Foundation Partner to advance the Human Performance Program Initiatives for Naval Special Warfare Warriors.

Virginia Beach, Va. (August 2021) – Since its founding in 2000, the Navy SEAL Foundation has remained the premier benevolent organization serving U.S. Navy SEALs, Special Warfare Combatant-Craft Crewmen (SWCCs), and active-duty service members assigned to NSW commands. NSF’s support also reaches NSW dependent family members, Gold Star and Surviving Family members, and all SEAL and SWCC veterans. Today, NSF is pleased to announce it has entered into an official partnership with SENTRY Tactical. The partnership will advance the Foundation’s Human Performance Program initiatives for Naval Special Warfare (NSW) warriors through product donations and a significant funding grant from SENTRY’s Founder and CEO, former SEAL, Mike Noell.

NSF has delivered critical assistance by developing and funding evidence-based programs, including programs to advance the recovery and optimal human performance of those service members who have become ill or injured during their military service. The Foundation’s Virginia Beach-based “Return-To-Duty Program,” is an individually tailored program that takes a comprehensive approach to wellness by addressing the participant’s nutrition, physical health, and cognitive functioning. After completing the intensive multi-week program, participants have seen significant improvement in overall health, sleep patterns and reduced pain in many cases. Due to the program’s success, NSF has seen demand for increased availability and a need for an additional location in California to serve those living on the west coast reducing the burden of travel for participants assigned to west coast SEAL Teams.

SENTRY Tactical Founder and CEO, former SEAL, Mike Noell.
“Over the years I have been fortunate to remain active with the Navy SEAL Foundation. Having experienced the NSF, VHP myself, and understanding the mission of their Return to Duty program, I felt this was the right time to provide resources to assist in the expansion of this vital program to the West Coast,” stated Mike Noell, Founder and CEO of SENTRY. “As a company, we are committed to our association with the Navy SEAL Foundation, and proud to support the mission of our country’s elite warfighters in the best way possible.”

“NSF is thrilled to expand our Return-To-Duty / Human Performance Program to the west coast with the support of Mike Noell and SENTRY,” said Robin King, CEO of the Foundation. “SENTRY’s support is a testament to Mike’s commitment to his brothers in the SEAL community, and we are grateful for this generous partnership. Together we will continue to provide the best care and programmatic support for the NSW community.”

Behind The Scenes – Whiskey & War Stories Operation Eagle Claw M65 Reveal

Thursday, August 19th, 2021

You’re probably seeing the earlier videos depicting the features of the iconic black over-dyed M65 Field Jackets which were modified for use by Delta’s Operation Eagle Claw rescuers.

The jackets are finished and ready for the Silent Warrior Foundation’s Whiskey & War Stories event and auction which kicks off tomorrow in Scottsdale, Arizona. (Big thanks to Alpha Industries for the jackets and Cory at Bergspitze Customs for making this happen!)

SWF President Dave Hall and Lona Spisso surprised Jim Fuller who donated a custom build AK for the auction with one of the Eagle Claw jackets. Greg Wong who works for Haley Strategic got a surprise as well as he was presented a jacket for his hard work behind the scenes at Whiskey & War Stories events over the years.

You don’t have to be at the event yo get in on the auction for some amazing items, visit whiskeyandwarstories2021.afrogs.org.







UK Veteran Establishes Talisman Triathlon To Raise Awareness of Physical Resilience, Mental Health and Suicide

Thursday, August 5th, 2021

Former Royal Marines Commando and current RAF Physical Training Instructor Frankie Tinsley is setting out to do something extraordinary; establish the “Talisman Triathlon” which is the 1st Great British Triathlon. It is achieved by cycling Lands End to John O’Groats, linking swimming the longest lakes and climbing the highest peaks in Wales, England and Scotland in 14 days.

Tinsley’s motivation is two mates from the RAF, Andrew Shepherd from Ballachulish – Scotland who took his own life in 2016 and Andrew Morris, originally from Falmouth – Cornwall, who took his own life in 2017.

As Tinsley undertakes this amazing feat, he will be supporting the charity CALM in the movement against suicide

You can follow his progress on INSTAGRAM – @talismantriathlon or Twitter – TalismanTri

To donate, go here.

Tinsley is supported in his effort by CALM, HUUB, Ribble and ThruDark.