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Archive for the ‘Comms’ Category

goTenna Presents – Testing goTenna Pro X Mesh Networks in a Dense Forest

Wednesday, November 17th, 2021

goTenna is offering a webinar on a recent test conducted by Mike Gibbs, Senior Forward-Deployed Engineer, on his recent test of a goTenna X mesh network in a dense forest.

The video includes the results from the following field tests:

1 | Point-to-Point: Through Ground Vegetation

2 | One-Hop Relay: Base Station / Relay

3 | Point-to-Point: goTenna with Bunker Case

4 | Drone Relay: Base Station / Relay (Drone)

To access the webinar, visit thelastmile.gotennapro.com/video-presentation-testing-gotenna-pro-x-mesh-networks-in-a-dense-forest.

Hurricane Hunters Testing New SATCOM Capabilities

Sunday, November 7th, 2021


For the Air Force Reserve’s 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron Hurricane Hunters, stationed at Keesler Air Force Base, the ability to transmit data in flight is tantamount to mission success.

As one of their WC-130J Super Hercules powers through a hurricane, a loadmaster is in the back, preparing and launching dropsondes that collect atmospheric data.

The aerial reconnaissance weather officer sits adjacent, quality checking the figures from the dropsonde, as it plummets to the ocean’s surface, and from the stepped frequency microwave radiometer attached to the wing of the aircraft.

From there, all pertinent information that can help forecasters better predict the storm’s intensity and track is sent directly from the aircraft to the National Hurricane Center, Florida, or the Central Pacific Hurricane Center, Hawaii.

To accomplish all of this, the 53rd WRS’s 10 WC-130Js are equipped with satellite communications capabilities.

While for years the squadron’s 10 aircraft have been able to send the atmospheric data collected from the dropsondes and SFMRs, new technology is being tested that will allow more real-time information for the NHC concurrent with the National Hurricane Operations Plan’s requirements of radar reflectivity imagery and high density, three-dimensional Doppler radial velocities of the tropical cyclone core circulation.

Ed Bodony, Center Test Authority test director at Robins AFB, Georgia, and 1st Lt. Makiah Eustice, flight engineer for the CTA, made the trip to test a protocol satellite communications system that will allow those on the ground to see high-definition video of radar footage from flights as they fly through a storm.

“With our current system, we’re able to send data we collect in intermittent bursts throughout the flight,” said Lt. Col. Tobi Baker, 53rd WRS ARWO. “This new SATCOM system will allow us to send data continuously, including sending video of the radar imagery we’re seeing on our screens on the aircraft to the people on the ground.”

For this initial testing portion, Bodony and Eustice as well as representatives from the companies behind the technology, first conducted a ground test.

“We tested for compatibility and functionality to make sure it’s not going to harm any other parts or functions of the airplane’s normal systems like taking off, cruising, and commanding,” Eustice said.

Eustice also said they tested to make sure the system could transmit data and be received on the ground.

The setup used for testing is called the C-130 X-Band Multi-Purpose Hatch System Solution SATCOM System and includes a hatch mounted satellite antenna, a portable base kit, and a laptop.

The 18-inch electronically steerable parabolic antenna, enclosed in what is called a radome, is inserted and protrudes from the escape hatch on the flight deck while connected to the base kit in the back of the aircraft, which consists of a power distribution unit, power supply, tactical switch, modem, and router.

“The equipment used for these tests is not exactly what the final product will be like,” Bodony said. “What we’re using for testing is what’s called a ‘roll on, roll off’ setup, because of the relative ease of putting it on and taking it off of the aircraft. If all goes well, and the 53rd (WRS) moves forward with this technology, a permanent design will be constructed and installed.”

Following the ground test, the crew took flight.

“Everything went well,” Bodony said. “This two-day process was just to qualify and confirm that the equipment works. Next is operational testing. A different crew of engineers will come in and they’ll test its capabilities in an actual storm environment.”

Of course, unlike other weapons systems and testing, it’s difficult to plan operational testing when it’s dependent on the weather, so the unit will have to wait for a storm to develop to complete the process.

“This has been in the works for a long time,” Baker said. “Right now, we’re able to send the radar imagery we compile from flights in a video file after the fact. That’s great for research purposes, but being able to send the video in real time will be beneficial for those people on the ground putting out the watches and warnings as it will give them a better idea of what’s going on in and around the eye or center of a storm.”

By SSgt Kristen Pittman, 403rd Wing Public Affairs


Thursday, October 14th, 2021

The Lynq PRO from OTTO Communications uses Global Navigation Satellite System data to provide GPS in austere environments. Compatible with TAK, location data and waypoints can be shared amongst the network nodes (up to 24). You can also send messages via the network. This is a frequency hopping, encrypted line of sight system which has a range of about 10 km.

AUSA 21 – Joint Communications Unit

Wednesday, October 13th, 2021

The Joint Communications Unit is a technical unit of the United States Special Operations Command charged to standardize and ensure interoperability of communication procedures and equipment of the Joint Special Operations Command and its subordinate units.

They are always seeking the best communicators in DoDs for a special duty assignment with the Joint Communications Unit.

A New Approach to Protective Communications for the IHPS Helmet

Thursday, October 7th, 2021

Avon Protection Ceradyne in conjunction with 3M™ PELTOR™ are pleased to offer a new integrated headset adapter solution for use with the U.S. DOD Integrated Head Protection System (IHPS). 

The Avon Protection Ceradyne IHPS headset adapters allow for select 3M™ PELTOR™ ComTac™ headsets to be seamlessly mounted to the rails of the IHPS helmet. This new solution integrates exceptional ballistic performance with hearing protection and communications, while providing improved comfort for the user.

Commenting on the development, Vasilios Brachos, VP Development and Technology, at Avon Protection Ceradyne said: “Integration with other soldier systems is always front of mind when we design and engineer new products for our customers. This new accessory for the IHPS is an example of our commitment to providing users with the most comfortable and flexible integration solutions.”

Designed for the Army to improve operational flexibility, Avon Protection Ceradyne’s rail mounted headset adapters offer advanced ergonomics and comfort when connected to a compatible 3M PELTOR headset. This new solution provides the user with the ability to adjust their headset position without removing their protective helmet or compromising the radio transmission monitoring during a mission.

Brian Myers, Global Business VP at 3M, commented: “We are excited to work with Avon Protection Ceradyne to deliver an innovative integrated personal protection solution and provide our soldiers with a tactical communication and hearing protection system that is comfortable and built to last. 

Kent Moeller, President, at Avon Protection Ceradyne, continues: “At Avon Protection Ceradyne we are committed to equipping the modern warfighter with the most advanced personal protection.  We continuously work alongside industry partners and our customers to ensure we design, develop and deliver world leading product solutions.”

The IHPS headset adapters will be on display at AUSA 2021, October 11-13, 2021 at Avon Protection Ceradyne Booth #619 and 3M PELTOR Booth #7048.  For more information email Avon Protection Ceradyne: info@avonprotectionceradyne.com or 3M PELTOR: 3Msupport.safety.us@mmm.com .

SHOP Show Raeford – Gentex Ops-Core

Thursday, October 7th, 2021

There’s lots of new stuff on the horizon from Gentex’s Ops-Core line but one item that has garnered a lot of interest is the new AMP Communications Headset PTT built for use with the Persistent Systems MPU5.

55th Communications Squadron Redesignated as Cyber Squadron

Monday, September 27th, 2021


The 55th Communications Squadron recently met all objectives required by the Air Force to be redesignated as the 55th Cyber Squadron.

The redesignation indicates the squadron will add a new Mission Defense Team to its overall capabilities while continuing to maintain their legacy mission.

“I’m so proud of the unit and our amazing Airmen,” said Lt. Col. Christopher Wong, 55th CS commander. “We have accomplished all of this through COVID, with a huge deployment burden and the transition to Lincoln.”

For the unit’s Airmen, the redesignation means they are not only responsible for ensuring the installation’s communication infrastructure is protected, but they are also now proactive cyber defense operators on the Air Force’s tactical edge.

“One of the major hurdles that we had to overcome was shifting our mindset from a maintenance to an operational perspective,” said 2nd Lt. Jeffrey Cruse, 55 CS Cyber Defense Flight commander. “No longer is our primary focus customer issues or general system maintenance, but instead we are thinking about ways to engage near-peer adversaries and defend our mission critical networks and infrastructure.”

The unit’s redesignation to a cyber squadron comes only after it met four phases outlined by the Air Force. They include maintaining the unit’s current mission, declaring Initial Operating Capability on its new MDT mission, implementing Enterprise IT-as-a-Service, and having the wing commander recommend the redesignation to the unit’s major command.

By continuing its legacy mission and with the implementation of EITaaS at Offutt Air Force Base in 2020, the unit had to mostly focus its efforts on ensuring its new MDT mission met all of its IOC requirements to make the transition a reality.

“Due to some very unique circumstances here at Offutt (AFB), our squadron was in an advanced position, which enabled us to be a front running cyber squadron and MDT organization,” Wong said.

This included adding specific cyber equipment, tweaking the unit’s manning document, qualification training, and the development of unit specific defensive tactics, techniques and procedures.

“We had to put in place so many new processes and procedures and completely change the way we do business, not just within the team but within our entire squadron,” Cruse said. “As for the operators, once things got moving along they were fully bought in and on board. They had been working and waiting for so long to finally get connected to a system and apply their skills. Once we were able to make our first connection, it was game on for them.”

The unit focused heavily on building a robust operations training program early on in the process and that paid off in the end.

“We’ve put more people through the initial qualification training and mission qualification training pipeline than any other squadron in the Air Force,” Wong said. “We’ve done that just over the past four months and in fact, we’re looking to double that number here soon.”

As part of this redesignation, the unit is further integrating itself into the wing’s operations environment. This includes allowing its Airmen access to the RC-135’s ground and onboard systems for the first time ever.

“One of our main tasks now is RC-135 mission assurance,” Wong said. “To that end we have established an officer exchange program with the 55th Operations Group, we’re now on the jet, flying with them, and all of these are major efforts to help us get to RC-135 mission assurance.”

“Our cyber warriors are proving to the ops world that cyber deserves a seat at the table and play a critical role in their missions,” Cruse added. “What this means for the wing is that we now have a robust capability and way to provide defensive cyber forces to the fight and ensure the unique mission set of the RC-135 and its variants can provide their ISR [intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance] capabilities to the nation.”

Along with meeting all of the criteria for the redesignation, the unit also underwent some internal restructuring. They have consolidated all battlespace activities under the new Information Technology Support Flight, defined a distinct Operation Support Flight, and changed the name of the Cyber Protection Flight to Cyber Defense Flight.

“We want to employ each individual’s technical expertise and talents to get after the mission set,” Wong said. “This will be key when we start engaging nation states as they will have to rely on those critical-thinking abilities in order to plan, execute and operate in those environments.”

While the unit continues to adapt to its changing mission, the leadership team said this transition wouldn’t have been possible without an array of base agencies who support the 55th CS mission.

“We have a great relationship with all of our mission partners,” Wong said. “The reason all of this has worked is because we have made a huge effort to build strong, positive relationships.”

55th Wing Public Affairs

DSEi 21 – Molliflex

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

Sometimes at a trade show you zig instead of zag? and when I turned left instead of right on my last say at DSEi I ran smack dab into the Intelligent Textiles Limited stand and their Molliflex cables.

The lady in the stand read my badge aloud, “soldier systems” and as she did it I looked at what they were doing and replied?, “you’re right in my wheelhouse.” Turns out, this is the gem I was searching for at DSEi, that one product I didn’t expect to find, but has great potential.

They’ve done such a good job with their Molliflex cable, that you probably didn’t even notice it in the photo at first or maybe even second glance.

The cable is just 2mm thick and can be woven into PALS compatible platforms. Due to how things it is, pouches can be added over Molliflex. Molliflex lays flat even when folded for 90 degree turns. In fact, it can be folded over two million times before the internal connection is broken. Additionally, it is IP68 rated. The connector is a standard Glenair Mighty Mouse which is Nett Warrior compliant.

Attachments to devices include an Ejector QD plug and Hardpoint attachment plate.

It is rated for power at 5amps,<50voltsDC1 and data at USB 2.0, 480 Mbps.

The outer material is DWR coated nylons me available in Multicam, Coyote, Flecktarn, CADPAT, and Black.