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Archive for the ‘Comms’ Category

Persistent Systems, LLC, Awarded $25 Million Contract from US Air Force

Thursday, April 16th, 2020

Company to provide new radio hardware for convoy communications/situational awareness program

NEW YORK, N.Y. – April 08, 2020 – Persistent Systems, LLC (“Persistent”), developer of the Wave Relay® Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), announced today that the U.S. Air Force awarded it a $25 million contract for the Wave Relay Tactical Assault Kit (WaRTAK) program. The refresh is expected to take four years.

The WaRTAK program, which began back in 2016, provides Air Force convoys driving in austere environments with reliable multi-domain communications and situational awareness. “It ties radio, GPS, cellular and satellite internet connections —everything—into our self-healing Wave Relay® MANET,” said Adrien Robenhymer, VP of Business Development for Persistent.

Ground vehicles, support aircraft and individuals using WaRTAK can see, communicate and coordinate with friendly units on TAK, a shared digital map for Android (ATAK) and Windows (WinTAK). They can also identify unknown or enemy vehicles that might prove a threat to strategic mobile Air Force assets via high-definition video or photos.

The WaRTAK program began because of a critical need for Rapid Innovation through the Air Force Research Lab, which Persistent has been supporting for years.

“WaRTAK uses our legacy MPU3 and Gen4 equipment. This hardware has been the backbone of the program, operating in extreme conditions and temperatures.” said Robenhymer. “But it’s time to introduce WaRTAK to the newest generation of gear.”

As part of the four-year contract with the Air Force, Persistent will provide the program with Android-loaded MPU5 smart networking devices and the Dual Push-to-Talk (PTT) system, which allow users to talk on two radio talk groups simultaneously and as an intercom system.

“The scheduled upgrade to Generation 5 hardware will bring a substantial increase in capability and reliability while reducing the size, weight and power on vehicles and dismount users,” Robenhymer said.


ARA – Augmented Reality Command Control Communicate and Coordinate RECON

Thursday, April 16th, 2020

During SHOT Show, Quantico Tactical ran me through several new technologies. The Augmented Reality Command Control Communicate and Coordinate or ARC4 was a special pleasure because I had served in the Air Force with the SME on hand. Nate Sanders was a Combat Controller and is now working for Applied Research Associates, Inc.

I really like ARA’s Augmented Reality technology. In fact, so does the Army who awarded them a contract last year.

Instead of looking down at a map and overlay while orienting it to the ground truth in front of you, ARC4 places the information from ATAK, day or night, within your field of view. Your head is in the battle space where it belongs.

Look at an area and you will see floating icons above targets, friendlies, routes, waypoints, and more in your field of view and they track 360 deg as you scan the horizon.

Below are demonstrations.

This COTS system integrates GPS, accelerometer, gyro, magnetometer, barometric presssure sensor as well as an EO camera. Output is via Day HUD or clipon for Visual Augmentation System, including Optics1’s ECOTI/ECOSI.

Don’t forget, ARC4 Recon is available for government users through Quantico Tactical.

MCSC Fields Upgraded Tablet-Based Technology

Monday, April 13th, 2020


Last year, the Marine Corps fielded a lightweight, tablet-based system that improves situational awareness on the battlefield. This year, Marines will see an enhanced version of the technology.

The Marine Air-Ground Task Force Common Handheld enables dismounted Marines to leverage commercial smart devices to plot and share locations. The tablet’s software includes a moving map with friendly and enemy positions, giving Marines at all levels a better overall view of the battlespace.

“MCH includes applications specific to the needs of a Marine at the tactical edge,” said Maj. R. Travis Beeson, Tactical Applications and Services Team Lead at Marine Corps Systems Command. “The system increases digital lethality while decreasing the chance for friendly fire.”

MCH allows Marines to relay messages and locations to other users in a manner similar to text messaging. The system’s capabilities augment previous methods of radio contact, allowing quieter and more efficient long-distance communication.

“By employing MCH, location errors due to misreading a paper map will be reduced,” said Maj. Justin King, MCSC’s project officer for MCH.

Updated system increases efficiency

MCSC recently rebuilt the system’s communication engine to increase interoperability.

The upgraded MCH enables Marines to communicate with one another through several additional communication systems, including the Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System, the Command and Control Personal Computer and the Army’s Joint Battle Command-Platform.

The newer system has lower data bandwidth requirements—a constrained resource on the battlefield— and uses a lower percentage of the available network when compared with the previous version of the technology.

“Reducing bandwidth frees up space for other tactical uses,” said King. “It also allows for additional users on the network without clogging it.”

In December 2019, MCSC fielded the upgraded version of MCH to infantry Marines aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, and will continue fielding to other infantry units throughout the year. The program office plans to field to the Reserves in fiscal year 2021.

Marine feedback on the MCH has been overwhelmingly positive, said Beeson. He noted how those who have received the system emphasize its benefits, while Marines still awaiting the technology are excited for its arrival.

“The units are constantly asking when they will receive theirs,” said Beeson. “And others have asked when they will receive more. The feedback has been great, but the MCH team recognizes that our work isn’t complete and will continue to develop and field new capabilities.”

Both Beeson and King expressed excitement over the benefits of MCH and its ability in helping Marines better accomplish their missions. The system is an efficient way to communicate with one another without relying on voice communication.

“Commanders down to the squad level will be better equipped with a lightweight tablet that grants them better situational awareness via a moving map with both friendly and enemy positions,” said Beeson. “That will ultimately help them on the battlefield.”

By Matt Gonzales, MCSC Office of Public Affairs and Communication | Marine Corps Systems Command

SOFWERX Target Location Device Assessment Event

Tuesday, April 7th, 2020

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM PEO-SOF Warrior (PEO-SW), is conducting a Target Location Device Assessment Event designed to acquire and/or develop a device that can be used to effectively observe potential targets at distance, accurately determine the potential target(s) location, and be interoperable with ATAK.

Ground forces require an improved capability to precisely fix-finish known enemies in an operationally relevant scenario. Currently, forces use map data, which is hard to get, or lengthy talk-ons for fixed and rotary wing close air support (CAS). Map data, while useful, is not always updated and cannot be used for personnel or moving targets. Ground systems have precision munitions and ground forces require coordinates with enough fidelity to maximize effectiveness of these precision munitions.

Target Location Device (TLD) is an acquisition project with the objective to streamline developmental efforts and field high accuracy target location technology in a rapid acquisition environment.

Select individuals will be allotted a one-on-one virtual session with USSOCOM to pitch, demonstrate, and/or discuss solutions.

The TLD event will be held on 28 May 2020

Submission Deadline: 04 May 11:59 PM EST

For full details on how to participate, visit events.sofwerx.org/tld.

Unity Tactical – Remora for 3M Peltor Helmet Adapters

Friday, March 27th, 2020

Professional warriors face a constant struggle of combining various pieces of kit, made by various manufacturers, to meet their mission requirements.  These items are usually not designed with integration in mind since the manufacturer is generally focused on making their own product to a certain government specification.  Integration is therefore left up to the individual in the field, who finds creative ways to ghetto-rig components into a useable-enough solution.  After all: warfighters can make anything work given enough 100mph tape, zip-ties, 550 cord, and Velcro; necessity being the mother of all invention.  Unity Tactical is dedicated to providing industry-leading innovation in the category of systems integration.  Basically: we make stuff that makes your stuff work better with other stuff.

Enter the Remora® for 3M Peltor™ Helmet Adapters.  Based off the original Remora® for the popular MARK line of headset helmet adapters, this version is designed to integrate with factory 3M products.  It provides a mechanically attached mounting surface for various lights and rings.  Helmet-mounted spotlights are often used by warfighters and law enforcement professionals for searching dark areas during SSE, SAR, and other tactical operations.  However, helmet real estate quickly disappears when helmet-mounted headsets are worn.  The most ubiquitous headset mount is the factory unit from 3M Peltor™.  Almost every other headset maker copies this proven design or purchases adapters direct from 3M.  The large mounting hub leaves little-to-no rail left for other accessories, leaving end users to precariously attach mission critical lights and cameras via Velcro, tape, and zip-ties.  The Remora® for 3M Peltor™ changes all that by integrating directly into the factory hub and placing a mounting platform directly above it.

The installation is quick and easy.  It can even be done in the field with a multitool.  Internal detents provide solid click rotational adjustments so the user can confidently position the light in a desired direction.  The platform features standard M1913 Picatinny along with a footprint that accepts any device with a Scout base.  It also accepts the popular Unity Tactical FUSION line of accessories.  The Remora® for 3M Peltor™ will work with any 3M-style backplate for use on Ops-Core™, Team Wendy™, Crye Precision™, MTEK™, HHV™ helmets (and many more).  It is injection molded from impact-resistant polymer and made in the U.S.A. 

With an MSRP of $32, the Remora® for 3M Peltor™ is a cost-effective upgrade to any tactical helmet.  The solid lockup helps ensure expensive lights and accessories will not be lost during kinetic operations.  And it provides enhanced capability with easy access and solid rotation.  Government pricing is available for unit/agency purchases.  Available now.


Army Scientists Create Innovative Quantum Sensor – Covers Entire RF Spectrum

Saturday, March 21st, 2020

ADELPHI, Md. — A quantum sensor could give Soldiers a way to detect communication signals over the entire radio frequency spectrum, from 0 to 100 GHz, said researchers from the Army.

Such wide spectral coverage by a single antenna is impossible with a traditional receiver system, and would require multiple systems of individual antennas, amplifiers and other components.

In 2018, Army scientists were the first in the world to create a quantum receiver that uses highly excited, super-sensitive atoms–known as Rydberg atoms–to detect communications signals, said David Meyer, a scientist at the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command’s Army Research Laboratory. The researchers calculated the receiver’s channel capacity, or rate of data transmission, based on fundamental principles, and then achieved that performance experimentally in their lab–improving on other groups’ results by orders of magnitude, Meyer said.

“These new sensors can be very small and virtually undetectable, giving Soldiers a disruptive advantage,” Meyer said. “Rydberg-atom based sensors have only recently been considered for general electric field sensing applications, including as a communications receiver. While Rydberg atoms are known to be broadly sensitive, a quantitative description of the sensitivity over the entire operational range has never been done.”

To assess potential applications, Army scientists conducted an analysis of the Rydberg sensor’s sensitivity to oscillating electric fields over an enormous range of frequencies–from 0 to 10^12 Hertz. The results show that the Rydberg sensor can reliably detect signals over the entire spectrum and compare favorably with other established electric field sensor technologies, such as electro-optic crystals and dipole antenna-coupled passive electronics.

“Quantum mechanics allows us to know the sensor calibration and ultimate performance to a very high degree, and it’s identical for every sensor,” Meyer said. “This result is an important step in determining how this system could be used in the field.”This work supports the Army’s modernization priorities in next-generation computer networks and assured position, navigation and timing, as it could potentially influence novel communications concepts or approaches to detection of RF signals for geolocation.

In the future, Army scientists will investigate methods to continue to improve the sensitivity to detect even weaker signals and expand detection protocols for more complicated waveforms.

The Journal of Physics B published the research, “Assessment of Rydberg atoms for wideband electric field sensing,” in its special issue on interacting Rydberg atoms. Army scientists David H. Meyer, Kevin C. Cox and Paul D. Kunz led this research, as well as Zachary A. Castillo from the University of Maryland. This work was supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.

By US Army CCDC Army Research Laboratory Public Affairs

INVISIO receives new order from U.S. Security Force Assistance Brigades

Monday, March 16th, 2020

INVISIO has received another order for communication equipment from the U.S. Army’s Security Force Assistance Brigades (SFAB). The order is valued at approximately SEK 36 million. Deliveries are expected to take place in the second quarter 2020.

Confidence in the INVISIO systems continues to grow with the additional Army SFAB units utilizing the INVISIO kits. These specialized units have specific tactical communication needs with many different applications/mission sets and INVISIO’s solutions provide them with multiple capabilities in a variety of configurations. The situational awareness provided under operational tactical communications coupled with superior hearing protection is crucial to the soldiers’ ability to perform their tasks successfully under critical conditions.

The order, which is valued at approximately SEK 36 million, is an important reference in the ongoing global modernization of communications equipment in the military and defense sectors as well as in policing and security.

“We are very proud that the US Army continues to provide more SFAB units with our communications systems. It shows that they have confidence in INVISIO and that our offer meets the communication needs of users in the most critical environments. The order is an important reference in the continued processing of the US market,” says Lars Højgård Hansen, CEO of INVISIO.

The Security Force Assistance Brigades are specialized units whose core mission is to conduct advise-and-assist operations with allied and partner nations. Soldiers in SFABs are highly trained and will help brigade combat teams build readiness by freeing them from advisory missions.


2020 ADS Ft Bragg Warfighter Expo – RomeoSix Operator PTT

Friday, March 13th, 2020

RomeoSix has introduced the new Operator Push To Talk.

Offered in a wide variety of configurations, it can be had with single or dual leads, custom lead lengths, dedicated plugs or pigtail adapters, and water resistant and/or shielded single or dual buttons.

The Operator PTT is EMI shielded and incorporates a swappable side spring alligator clip for attachment to gear.
