Available now, the St George’s Scarf from clothing brand Pretty Green is pretty cool whether you’re a soccer fan or just want to sport the colors.
Available now, the St George’s Scarf from clothing brand Pretty Green is pretty cool whether you’re a soccer fan or just want to sport the colors.
Many of us who are married and lead active lifestyles don’t wear our bands because of concerns over injuries. The guys at QALO Ring had the same concerns so they did something about it. They created the QALO pronounced [KAY-LO] for Q-uality A-thletics L-ove O-utdoors. The idea is that it is a bit more malleable and less likely to injure the wearer. Made of silicon, they are available in a variety of colors and both Men’s and Women’s styles.
We’ve all seen the “Make me a sammich” meme. Now, the ladies can get their revenge.
Pretty clever. Ya gotta laugh.
Comes as part of a “Fight Like A Girl” three pack.
We all have much to owe Stephanie L Kwolek, who invented the basic Kevlar compound while working for DuPont in 1964. Amazingly, she was attempting to develop a material to replace steel radial belts in tires when a polymer she was working didn’t quite come out right. On a hunch, she had it spun into fiber that turned out to be five times as strong as steel as well fire resistant. Further development resulted in the Kevlar family of aramids we know today, although it took a decade for the material to be introduced into soft body armor. Eventually, Ms Kwolek was honored with a National Medal of Technology in 1996 for her work that has resulted in countless lives saved.
DuPont continues to develop the material discovered by Ms Kwolek. Just last week, they announced that the millionth vest made from Kevlar XP had been manufactured and they recently launched DuPont Kevlar AS450X, specifically engineered for greater comfort to the body armour wearer while protecting against multiple threats including bullets, knives, spikes, bullets and blunt objects as well as DuPont Kevlar XP S104, a water repellent fabric that offers enhanced bullet stopping power and reduced back face deformation, even in hot and humid climates and wet conditions.
Born on July 31, 1923, in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, Stephanie L Kwolek passed away in Wilmington, Delaware, on 18 June, 2014 at the age of 90.
Thank you for your hard work. Rest In Peace.
Combat Flip Flops? Valentine’s Day? Oh yeah…Aside from some sweet slippers for the lady in your life they’ve also introduced a couple of other new products. I know some of you guys are buying for the first time, or dread getting it wrong. A couple of these options from CFF are nice gifts that take the guess work out of your choice. For you ‘power users” who are old hats at buying something nice for mama, there are also Flip Flops in a full range of sizes.
Cover & Concealment Sarong No sizing required! Handmade in a women-owned factory in Kabul, Afghanistan, the Cover & Concealment sarong reveals glimpses of Afghan heritage blended with beautiful fabrics and vibrant colors. This versatile piece seamlessly transitions from scarf to beach wrap to après skirt to evening dress with ease and distinction. $70
Peacemaker Bangle & Wrap No sizing required! 270 million bombs were dropped on Laos during the Vietnam War. Thirty percent of them are still sitting there ready to explode, in fields, behind trees, next to schools. But local artisans are melting down some of the unexploded ordnance (UXO) to hand craft art like our Peacemaker Bangle and Peacemaker Coin Wrap. When you buy one you help fund the clearing of 3 square meters of UXO. You literally help save life and limb and you help create jobs. So, thanks. $50
Bombshell Dark or Lite Flip Flops Sexy and sleek, these femme fatale flip flops are perfect for the effortlessly chic women of the world. Designed with full leather footbeds, Afghan patterned straps, and flashy chrome grenade detailing, these flip flops exude confidence. Perfect for cruising to the beach or relaxing in town. $65
For those times when a beard and body armor just aren’t enough…Ladies sizes Small – Large from ART 15 Clothing.
SSD is lucky enough to have the opportunity to offer you a look at two of the hottest pistols from SHOT Show 2014 by Megan Holly, a lady with many years of experience in the firearms market.
As SHOT Show 2014 approached, I learned of two new pistols set to be released which like the rest of the country, I was immediately intrigued by – the G42 (.380 single-stack from GLOCK) and the R51 (9mm single stack from Remington).
My immediate thought was that of relief, as I’ve been interested in a new concealed carry pistol – one that had a smaller profile, would fit into my small, female hands and allow me to feel confident while not overwhelm. As a mom, and a non-“professional” shooter, I wanted something reliable and compact – cute yet powerful.
Let’s just say that the announcement of these two couldn’t have come at a better time.
At Media Day I was able to shoot the G42, however the R51 wasn’t at the range due to the fact that it hadn’t “officially” been released. At the show however, I spent some quality time at both Remington and GLOCK’s booths, handling and being fully educated on each.
Without further delay, here are some very high-level observations I was able to put together on each:
Single Stack .380
Mag Capacity – 6 rounds
Weight – 15 oz loaded
Frame – Polymer
Barrel length – 3.25 in
Single Stack 9mm
Mag Capacity – 7 rounds
Weight – 20 oz loaded
Frame – Aluminum
Barrel length – 3.4
Immediate Impressions:
The GLOCK looks and feels exactly like it’s older siblings – just smaller; fitting comfortably in my small hands and shooting smoothly. Due to the fact that I currently carry a G19, making the switch to the G42 would be a seamless one. The features are virtually the same, and the pistol maintains the rugged and reliable body we’ve all come to know and trust – just in a more petite version.
The R51 is very aesthetically pleasing – the David Yurman of the pistol market, if you will. The lines are smooth and curvy, allowing the shooter to feel less tactical and more feminine while carrying. However, with a steel slide and aluminum frame, the cool metal feel reminds me of historical guns, allowing for the powerful confidence we look for. This pistol looks like something that belongs in the hands of a Bond character – sleek, sexy and powerful.
Handling the pistol confirmed my visual impressions. The R51 feels as good as it looks; with a smooth trigger pull and slide that can be racked with literally one finger. While the grip angle wasn’t one I was accustomed to, it was very easy to aim, and my hands fit perfectly without a dangling pinky or excess palm hanging from the magazine. While I haven’t yet fired the R51, my suspicions tells me that it will shoot just as good as it looks due to the stationary barrel and recoil spring surrounding the barrel (similar to the Walther PPK).
In comparing the two side-by-side, my personal conclusion suggests the following:
Caliber: .380 vs 9mm – No clear-cut winner.
I’m not a ballistics expert, but obviously .380 is not 9mm (let’s face it, you walk into an ammo store, and on a 10’ wall, 9.5’ of that is 9mm and the remaining part contains the .380). However, if you’re properly trained in personal defense either caliber will serve its intended purpose.
Grip: R51
I was able to get all three fingers on the grip of the R51 but I was only able to get two fingers on the G42 and my pinky hung off the bottom. Not a deal breaker – but I’d prefer to have as much grip on my pistol as I can.
Capacity: R51
7 is always preferred over 6
Familiarity: G42
I’ve shot GLOCKs almost exclusively, so I’m very familiar with the pistol’s features. Shooting a GLOCK comes second nature to me, and the G42 doesn’t disappoint.
Cost: No clear winner
I hear both will retail for around $400.
At this point, I’ll reserve my final opinion for after I get to shoot the R51 on the range. However, with all that I’ve learned and experienced with each, I expect this will be a very difficult choice… I might end up getting one of each!
By: Megan Holly
The ZIIVAA belt is a natural, drug-free treatment for pain or discomfort caused by menstruation. The non-invasive treatments take only 15 minutes each with users often requiring only one treatment daily. Treatment using the ZIIVAA belt works faster and longer than opioids, making it ideal for deployed female service members.
The ZIIVAA belt functions by applying pressure on the hips, easing tension on the ligaments, pelvis, and uterus. One-size-fits-all, the ZIIVAA belt requires no energy source or maintenance to operate.