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Archive for the ‘GSOF’ Category

TacJobs – Global SOF Foundation Is Hiring

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2022

Want to work with the best team around?? Global SOF is hiring for four positions, including “Events Manager- SOF Week.” Check out the job posting at the link below.

Current job openings include:

• Events Manager – SOF Week

• Partner Relations Manager

• Sales Manager

• Multimedia Coordinator

MWW 22 – R-12 Neuro Protection

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

R-12 was founded by Daniel F. Saad, MD, a board-certified surgeon who is also a South Carolina State Constable to offer a soft cap with 360 degree armor protection from NIJ Level IIIA threats.

Weighing between 10-12 oz, R-12 ballistic headwear is available in three models: The Patrol which is a military Patrol Cap, the Halo which is a ball cap and the Oscie which is not shown but may be worn other soft caps or shemaghs to provide ballistic protection to the head.

MWW 22 – Northrop Grumman Hatchet

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022

Northrop Grumman’s Hatchet is a lightweight Precision Strike Munition. At only 12″ in length, this six-pound glide bomb can be delivered via Class 3 sUAS and above as well as larger aircraft like USSOCOM’s new Armed Overwatch aircraft.

It features a Lethality Enhanced Ordnance (LEO) warhead which limits collateral damage while providing precision to one meter through multiple guidance technologies to include GPS/INS/EO/IR seekers.

MWW 22 – Scorpion Mobile Mortar Weapon System

Monday, November 14th, 2022

What May look like a mild-mannered Toyota Land Cruiser configured as a supply truck turns out to be the scorpion Mobile Mortar Weapon System.

It can be configured with either an 81mm or 120mm mortar which can “shoot and scoot” firing eight rounds in two minutes. It features a non-seating base plate which will not dig into the ground and eliminates recoils effects on the vehicle.

The system will carry 72 rounds of 81mm and 40 rounds of 120mm mortar bombs. The Digital Fire Control can be controlled via an iPad inside or outside the cab.

Global Military Products

MWW 22 – BLADE 55

Monday, November 14th, 2022

The Ballistic Loitering Attack DronE (BLADE) 55 is a portable Group 2 VTOL sUAS. It can provide ISR via NextVision DragonEye 2 EO/IR camera, last mile Resupply up to 20 lbs, and Precision Strike via two M72 LAWs.

The weapon system is currently at TRL 7 and was developed by Alare Tech vi an AFRL Phase 2 SBIR.

MWW 22 – All-Terrain electric Mission Module

Monday, November 14th, 2022

During the recent Modern Warfare Week demo day at the Range Complex near Fort Bragg, I had the opportunity to see the All-Terrain electric Mission Module (pronounced Atom) from Plasan North America.

At first glance it’s a trailer. But it also incorporates a 47kWh Li-Iron Battery Pack. Additionally, the system is modular allowing the addition of mission payloads including weapons. ATeMM can be synchronized with the lead vehicle and this system also means it can be remotely operated.

When combined with a lead vehicle, the platform performs as an 8×8. ATeMM’s wheels track with any turns conducted by the lead vehicle which helps keep turns radiuses tight.

Not only can it add propulsion to any vehicle it’s attached to, but it can either propel that vehicle on its own or be charged while being towed by the other vehicle via regenerative braking and coast regeneration. It turns legacy vehicles like the HMMWV, ISV, and GMV 1.1 into hybrids without having to buy completely new systems. Those vehicles can also be moved in silent mode if propelled by ATeMM.

Since ATeMM is also a large battery, it can be used to power a wide variety of systems. As the Army looks more and more toward highly mobile command posts, this offers a way silently power them.

Because it does so many things ATeMM defies categorization. In fact, it’s an issue that the Army’s acquisition system is facing. ATeMM has been used in several experiments and is exactly the kind of multi-use gear that Cross Functional Teams love but when it comes to who would write a requirement and which Program Executive Office would be responsible is where things become fuzzy.

ATeMM looks to be a great options, but may be too generalized for a requirements generation process that seeks out highly specialized capability.

Maxim Defense – PDX-SD Integrally Suppressed PDW

Friday, November 11th, 2022

Maxim Defense unveiled their new PDX-SD to government and military customers at yesterday’s demo day portion of the Global SOF Foundation‘s Modern Warfare Week.

Chambered for 5.56 NATO, this personal defense weapon was designed around the suppressor which is hearing safe while firing M855, demonstrating 138 dB in testing.

This model features a 5.5” barrel and 23.75” OAL collapsed. The suppressor is 5” x 2.25”. While it’s short, they made it fat as well to create volume. It also incorporates their SCW stock to help with length.

The goal was to create weapons which are always suppressed. Consequently, the suppressor is the muzzle device. The outer tube of the suppressor comes off for maintenance. Additionally, as cores wear out, they can be replaced. Not only that, but cores can be upgraded as newer versions are created.

I had an opportunity to put a couple of magazines through the PDX-SD and while I wore hearing protection, I could tell it was definitely suppressed and I experienced no gas in my face which was very welcome.

Interestingly, they have found that the weapon is quieter shooting supersonic .300BLK ammunition than subsonic with this design.

With the launch of the PDX-SD, Maxim Defense is poised to become the first company to introduce an entire line of integrally suppressed carbines, in 5.56, .300BLK, and 7.62 x 39 with the SDX line and SD15.

The PDX-SD along with the entire line of Maxim suppressors and firearms will be available to the public for test firing at this weekend’s CANCON in Georgia.

MWW 22 – Ultra Armor

Friday, November 11th, 2022

Ultra Armor is a fabric based Faraday shielding barrier and the company offers a wide variety of bags, packs and other load carriage to protect devices from EM signals going in and out, including EMP.

They also offer sheets of stick-on Ultra Armor for applications requiring rooms to be shielded.