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Archive for the ‘Robotics’ Category

AEC Skyline and Milrem Robotics Join Forces

Thursday, June 3rd, 2021

Dutch defence company AEC Skyline and Europe’s leading robotics and autonomous systems developer Milrem Robotics signed a Memorandum of Understanding last week to cooperate in the development of unmanned systems.

The MoU that was signed by Stef Have, director of AEC Skyline Holding and Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics paves the way for joint development, testing and validation of products and software in the fields of activity of both parties.  

Under the teaming agreement AEC Skyline will act as an integration partner of Milrem Robotics products including the THeMIS and Multiscope unmanned ground vehicles as well as the Type-X Robotic Combat Vehicle. AEC will also engage with the Dutch Ministry of Defence as well as with potential civilian customers, primarily in the Netherlands.

With six THeMIS UGVs already being operated by the Royal Netherlands Army’s Robotics & Autonomous Systems unit under a concept development & experimentation (CD&E) scheme, both parties now aim to position Milrem Robotics’ solutions for future requirements of the Dutch MoD including the use of manned-unmanned teaming.

The parties are looking into requirements that might lead to the integration of new technologies and payloads including (tethered) UAS, sensors and armaments into UGVs. The companies are also analysing how UAS data can enhance AI and autonomous navigation solutions developed by Milrem Robotics and enhance their Intelligent Functions.

“AEC’s tethered drone technology is a welcome addition to the list of capabilities required in the development of the European Unmanned Ground System during the iMUGS project, which is why Milrem has invited AEC to contribute with their technology,” said Kuldar Väärsi, CEO of Milrem Robotics.

AEC Skyline’s director Stef Have added: “we look forward to contributing to Milrem Robotics’ range of products, adding significant systems integration expertise to the partnership while engaging with the end-user, both military and civilian.”

The companies have already identified counter-UAS technology and the development of a new integrated user interface as specific areas of cooperation.

Similarity of Legs, Wheels, Tracks Suggests Target for Energy-Efficient Robots

Saturday, May 29th, 2021

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – A new formula from Army scientists is leading to new insights on how to build an energy-efficient legged teammate for dismounted warfighters.

In a recent peer-reviewed PLOSE One paper, the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, known as DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory’s Drs. Alexander Kott, Sean Gart and Jason Pusey offer new insights on building autonomous military robotic legged platforms to operate as efficiently as any other ground mobile systems.

Its use could lead to potentially important changes to Army vehicle development. Scientists said they may not know exactly why legged, wheeled and tracked systems fit the same curve yet, but they are convinced their findings drive further inquiry.

“If vehicle developers find a certain design would require more power than is currently possible given a variety of real-world constraints, the new formula could point to specific needs for improved power transmission and generation, or to rethink the mass and speed requirements of the vehicle,” Gart said.

Inspired by a 1980s formula that shows relationships between the mass, speed and power expenditure of animals, the team developed a new formula that applied to a very broad range of legged, wheeled and tracked systems – such as motor vehicles and ground robots.

Although much of the data has been available for 30 years, this team believes they are the first to actually assemble it and study the relationships that emerge from this data. Their findings show that legged systems are as efficient as wheeled and tracked platforms.

“In the world of unmanned combat aerial vehicle and intelligent munitions, there is a growing role for dismounted infantry that can advance, often for multiple days, and attack in the most cluttered terrain such as mountains, dense forests and urban environments,” said Kott who serves as the laboratory’s chief scientist. “That’s because such terrain provides the greatest cover and concealment against the unmanned aerial vehicles. That, in turn, demands that dismounted infantry should be assisted by vehicles capable of moving easily in such a broken terrain. Legged vehicles – possibly autonomous–would be very helpful.”

One of the problems with legged robots, Kott said, is they seem to have poor energy efficiency, which limits teaming with Soldiers in austere battlefields.

“For the past 30 years, U.S. military scientists have addressed a number of challenges in developing autonomous vehicles,” said Kott. “Ground vehicles that maneuver on wheels or tracks, and air vehicles that resemble small airplanes which we call fixed wing and small helicopters, which are rotary wing, are now quieter and easier to integrate in troop formations. But for legged platforms, many hurdles remain elusive, and a huge one is making them energy efficient.”

Soldiers cannot afford to carry fuel or batteries for “energy-thirsty legged robots,” he said.

The paper explores whether artificial ground-mobile systems exhibit a consistent trend among mass, power, and speed.

As a starting point, the team investigated a scaling formula proposed in the 1980s for estimating the mechanical power expended by an animal of a given mass to move at a given speed, and compared this to a range of artificial mechanical systems varying in size, weight and power that are autonomous or driven by humans.

The team found the answer to their research question: a similar, consistent relationship does in fact apply also to ground-mobile systems including vehicles of different types over a broad range of their masses.

Kott said this relationship surprisingly turned out to be essentially the same for legged, wheeled and tracked systems. These findings suggest that human-made legged platforms should be as efficient as wheeled and tracked platforms, he said.

To conduct this study, the team collected diverse ground mobile system data from a literature review of previous studies and published data sets.

They studied wide ranges of sizes and morphologies within a data set that combined systems that included for example a 17th century British canon, the Ford Model T, the M1 Abrams tank and an ACELA train.

Gart said their research is relevant to designing ground mobile systems because it helps designers determine tradeoffs among power, speed and mass for future terrestrial robots for defense applications.

One Army goal is to develop new types of autonomous, or partly autonomous, ground vehicle to deliver supplies to Soldiers in challenging terrains, he said.

“To haul supplies, it must be able to carry a certain weight, or mass, at a certain time, or speed,” Gart said.

The formula can approximate the amount of power that vehicle will need, researchers said.

“The Army must develop feasible yet ambitious targets for tradeoffs among the power, speed, and mass of future terrestrial robots,” Kott said. “It is undesirable to base such targets on current experience, because military hardware is often developed and used for multiple years and even decades; therefore, the specifiers and designers of such hardware must base their targets–competitive yet achievable–on future technological opportunities not necessarily fully understood at the time of design.”

The formula developed in this paper gives such a target and could enable the Army to make predictions of future performance of ground platforms such as legged robots given design constraints like vehicle and motor weight and desired speed, he said.

Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS UGVs Used in a Live-Fire Manned-Unmanned Teaming Exercise

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021

The Estonian Defence Forces Artillery Battalion used Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS UGVs in a live-fire exercise to provide advanced situational awareness, conduct casualty evacuation (CASEVAC) and to support units manoeuvre while providing direct fire support from various positions.

During the exercise held in April, two THeMIS UGVs were used by the Artillery Battalion: the THeMIS Combat Support integrated with FN Herstal’s deFNder® Light Remote Weapon System (RWS) with a 7,62 mm machine gun and the THeMIS Observe with Acecore’s tethered drone.

The THeMIS Combat was tasked with supporting an advance force that consisted of an antitank weapons team and a forward observer’s team. The main task of the UGV was to provide covering fire and support the retreat of the two teams to main positions as well as transporting their anti-tank weapons. At the main battle position the UGV was used for casualty evacuation.

The THeMIS Observe provided overwatch and enhanced the battalion’s situational awareness. The use of a tethered attachment to the THeMIS UGV provides tactical units with 24 hours of constant observation of the operational area that is essential in the situational awareness prospective as well as peace time live-fire safety perspective.   

“Taking part in the live-fire exercise of the Artillery Battalion was a great opportunity for us to validate our new infantry support UGV with end users in an actual combat scenario,” said Jüri Pajuste, Director of Defence Research at Milrem Robotics. “The THeMIS Combat Support as well as other unmanned ground systems will enhance various combat capabilities and help reduce loss of life during combat operations,” Pajuste added.

“We found several benefits in including UGVs into our battle scenario,” said Lt Mari-Li Kapp, Commander of operations and training section (S3) in the Artillery Battalion. “Having UGVs as a part of the reconnaissance force that prepares the arrival of the main unit, the UGVs could secure the indirect fire and anti-tank teams by providing direct fire support during an engagement and whilst some units are withdrawing. UGVs could also act as front guards all by themselves since they can provide situational awareness and act as forward observers for indirect fire,” she added.

Travis AFB Partnership Springs Air Force Forward with New Aerial Porter Exoskeleton

Wednesday, May 26th, 2021


The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center and Air Mobility Command partnered with Arizona State University to develop the Aerial Port Exoskeleton, a new piece of equipment set to be used in an official capacity at Travis Air Force Base, May 17.

The Aerial Port Exoskeleton helps aerial porters perform their duties with less strain.

“Aerial ports have a high injury rate in the Air Force,” said Tech. Sgt. Landon Jensen, Air Mobility Command innovations, systems and future command manager. “That’s why we are looking into this kind of solution to help porters perform their duties more safely while also helping reduce the risk of injuries, so they are not suffering later in life.”

Travis AFB is currently serving as the test base for the new exoskeleton equipment. If the equipment proves to be beneficial, it will be utilized throughout the Air Force.

“We began looking into this equipment because of the outcome of the 2019 Volpe study,” Jensen said. “The Volpe study was a Department of Transportation study that focused on why retired aerial porters alone were costing upwards of $31 million a year on disability benefits.”

Following the results of the 2019 study, the 60th Aerial Port Squadron leadership looked into working with external parties to develop a solution reducing the number of Airmen leaving service in such a rough state.

“This project would have been impossible without the help of Arizona State University,” said 2nd Lt. Aaron Cox, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center program manager. “They focused on the development and manufacturing of the exoskeleton, and without their partnership we wouldn’t have been able to develop this technology.”

After a month-long testing period, the Airmen expressed the suits are a good investment and significantly reduces load bearing.

“This suit’s core function is to help us lift, but can also be used in other ways,” said Airman 1st Class Kyle Sunderman, 60th APS ramp serviceman. “During a load, fatigue can be a real issue and these exoskeletons really take a lot of the strain away.”

However, as with any new piece of equipment, it is not without fault, but the Airmen say they still feel safe.

“There are small things here and there where the suits can be improved to make them more user friendly,” said Airman 1st Class Xaviar Archangel, 60th APS aerial porter. “But there is no danger and these suits don’t have the strength to overpower the user, so I feel completely safe in it.

“These suits are pretty light,” Archangel said. “You hardly notice you are wearing them aside from the bulk around the waist. “But other than that, I could honestly wear these for an extended period with no problems if necessary.”

The Aerial Porter Exoskeleton is still in its prototype stage and will continue to be updated as data is recorded.

By SrA Cameron Otte, 60th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs

Fresh Success for the Rheinmetall Mission Master: Her Majesty’s Armed Forces Order Four More Robotic Vehicles

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Rheinmetall has achieved another sales success in the United Kingdom. The British have ordered four more Mission Masters under the second phase (Spiral 2) of their Robotic Platoon Vehicle programme. Rheinmetall had already succeeded in placing its robotic vehicle in the Spiral 1 subproject of the UK’s RPV programme, which tests how unmanned vehicles can boost the firepower and capabilities of dismounted combat troops at platoon level.

Having already procured four Mission Master vehicles with cargo modules in the spring of 2020, the British military will now be acquiring four more Mission Masters, equipped this time with a fire support module to explore potential future capabilities.

The contract was awarded at the end of February. Delivery of the four Mission Master – Fire Support vehicles will take place between May and August 2021. The order, which will be handled by Rheinmetall Canada, also encompasses training and support activities as well as spare parts. Based in the UK, the joint venture company Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land will also be supporting the project.

Boasting a whole host of innovative features, the Mission Master’s nerve centre is the Rheinmetall PATH autonomy kit. It comprises a suite of advanced sensors and perception algorithms that assure rich situational awareness, enabling the vehicle to find the safest route through the surrounding environment. This ensures that the vehicle can navigate challenging terrain safely and complete its mission successfully, without collisions.

Featuring a built-in security circuit board, a tablet computer running Rheinmetall command and control software lets the operator steer the platform and control the weapon station in a safe wireless way.
The Mission Master – Fire Support is armed with the Rheinmetall Fieldranger Multi, a remotely controlled weapon station. Targets are never engaged autonomously: there is always a human in the loop. Fully stabilized, the 7.62mm cal. Fieldranger Multi features a wide vertical and horizontal slewing range, thus assuring high accuracy and effectiveness even at long distances.

Rheinmetall Mission Master – Focusing on the future with robotics and autonomy

Robotics is already changing the modern battlefield. The Rheinmetall Mission Master is a modular, autonomous, unmanned ground vehicle designed to enhance the operational effectiveness of troops tasked with carrying out a wide array of activities. Thanks to the Mission Master vehicle, soldiers can count on artificial intelligence and robotic muscle when performing dull, dirty, and dangerous tasks – the three Ds – and, more importantly, they can carry out their missions in greater safety.
Ready for deployment, the Mission Master can serve either as an autonomous or semiautonomous element of a combat team.

Designed for maximum flexibility, the Mission Master can be outfitted for a multitude of different operations thanks to modular, quickly mountable build-ons. Besides logistic tasks, it can perform in a variety of other roles, including surveillance, security, casualty evacuation and CBRN detection. The Mission Master can also serve as a mobile radio relay station.

Leader–Follower Vehicles to Offer Army Increased Operational Capability

Wednesday, April 14th, 2021

DETROIT ARSENAL, Mich — Modernization is the buzz word floating around the Army currently and with good reason. To keep ahead of our near-peer adversaries, we must develop better technologies faster to dominate the battle space.

“We’ve done a good job at keeping up with developing current technologies,” said Maj. Gen. Darren Werner, Commanding General U.S. Army Tank-automotive and Armaments Command. “However, we need to get it to the Soldiers in the field for it to matter.”

Werner, along with other officers and civilian leaders attended a Leader–Follower demonstration on Apr. 5 at the Detroit Arsenal. The event was led by the Ground Vehicle Systems Center on the arsenal to highlight the effectiveness of semi-autonomous robotic Tactical Wheeled Vehicles.

Bernard Theisen, Division Chief Combat Support Robotics and Safety for GVSC, briefed the capabilities of the Leader-Follower vehicles and stated that they had some similar on-road capabilities to some current high end luxury vehicles and other off-road capabilities unique to the military.

“The vehicles have the capability to be driven independently, remotely, or in this instance, made to follow a lead vehicle,” said Theisen.

The Leader–Follower vehicles offers field commanders better options when operating in a combat zone by providing manned and unmanned capabilities.

According to Alfred Grein, Acting Director GVSC, by installing robotic kits to vehicles, a lead “manned” vehicle can lead a convoy of one or more follower “unmanned” vehicles accurately and safely.

Outside of Leader–Follower option, the Program Executive Officer Combat Support and Combat Service Support is looking at fielding the technology as GVSC continues developing further ways to leverage and improve the capabilities at a later time.

“Now that the hardware is in place, we can look at ways to enhance the remote and semi-autonomous capabilities in the future,” said Grein. “All we have to do is update the software.”

There are currently 60 Leader–Follower systems issued to the 41st Transportation Company at Fort Polk, Louisiana with their next software upgrade currently undergoing safety testing at Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. GVSC Agile Development, Security, and Operations approach through the Software Foundry allows for Soldier to provide constant feedback to the developers and to deliver better products to the user faster while supporting both PEO Ground Combat Systems and PEO CS &CSS operational needs.

By Scott Wakefield

Robot Dogs Arrive at Tyndall AFB

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021


The first official semi-autonomous robot dogs were delivered to Tyndall Air Force Base March 22 for integration into the 325th Security Forces Squadron.

The purpose of the Quad-legged Unmanned Ground Vehicles, or Q-UGVs, is to add an extra level of protection to the base. The robot dogs, designed by Ghost Robotics and Immersive Wisdom, are the first of their kind to be integrated onto a military installation and one of many innovation-based initiatives to begin at Tyndall AFB, coined the “Installation of the Future.”

“As a mobile sensor platform, the Q-UGVs will significantly increase situational awareness for defenders,” said Mark Shackley, Tyndall AFB Program Management Office security forces program manager. “They can patrol the remote areas of a base while defenders can continue to patrol and monitor other critical areas of an installation.”

Features applied to the robot dogs allow for easy navigation on difficult terrains. The robot dogs can operate in minus 40-degree to 131-degree conditions and have 14 sensors to create 360-degree awareness. They are also equipped with a crouch mode that lowers their center-of-gravity and a high-step mode that alters leg mobility, among other features.

Tyndall AFB’s Program Management Office, the 325th SFS, the 325th Civil Engineer Squadron, Air Force Research Laboratory, communications and other organizations have been working since July 2020 to ensure the Q-UGVs are assembled properly before reaching Tyndall AFB. The installation is considered an ideal base to host the new robot dogs with its ongoing rebuild.

“Tyndall (AFB) is a perfect test base as it was deemed ‘The Installation of the Future,’” said Master Sgt. Krystoffer Miller, 325th SFS operations support superintendent. “Across the base, every squadron has been pushing the envelope of how we do things and expanding our optics of what is possible. One huge attraction piece of the robot dogs is that it’s highly mobile and with the amount of construction we will face over the next few years, it helps us maintain and increase our security posture.”

This new technology has the capability to revolutionize the way base security operates. Tyndall AFB is expected to set the benchmark for the rest of the Defense Department when it comes to Q-UGV usage.

“I can say that there is definitely a lot of interest in the capabilities of the technology,” Miller said. “I’m hopeful that other units will see some of the successes at Tyndall (AFB) and will continue to explore the use of non-conventional tactics.”

By Airman 1st Class Anabel Del Valle, 325th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Advancement Creates Nanosized, Foldable Robots

Monday, March 22nd, 2021

RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C. — Army-funded researchers created nanosized robots that could enable locomotion, novel metamaterial design and high-fidelity sensors.

Cornell University researchers created micron-sized shape memory actuators that fold themselves into 3D configurations and allow atomically thin 2D materials with just a quick jolt of voltage. Once the material is bent, it holds its shape, even after the voltage is removed.

To demonstrate the technology, the team created what is potentially the world’s smallest self-folding origami bird.

“The research team is pushing the boundary of how quickly and precisely we can control motion at the micro- and even nano-scales,” said Dr. Dean Culver, program manager for Complex Dynamics and Systems at Army Research Office, an element of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command, known as DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory. “In addition to paving the way for nano-robots, the scientific advancements from this effort can enable smart material design and interaction with the molecular biological world that can assist the Army like never before.”

The research may result in future applications 10 to 20 years from now, he said.

In a peer-reviewed article published in Science Robotics, researchers said this work could make it possible for a million fabricated microscopic robots releasing from a wafer to fold themselves into shape, crawl free, and go about their tasks, even assembling into more complicated structures.

“We humans, our defining characteristic is we’ve learned how to build complex systems and machines at human scales, and at enormous scales as well,” said Prof. Paul McEuen, the John A. Newman Professor of Physical Science at Cornell University. “What we haven’t learned how to do is build machines at tiny scales.”

This is a step in that basic, fundamental evolution in what humans can do, of learning how to construct machines that are as small as cells, he said.

The researchers ongoing collaboration has generated a throng of nanoscale machines and components, each seemingly faster, smarter and more elegant than the last.

“We want to have robots that are microscopic but have brains on board,” said Prof. Itai Cohen, professor of physics at Cornell University. “That means you need to have appendages that are driven by complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor transistors, basically a computer chip on a robot that’s 100 microns on a side. The hard part is making the materials that respond to the CMOS circuits.”

This shape memory actuator developed by the research teams allows them to drive with voltage and make the materials hold a bent shape. The machines fold themselves fast–within 100 milliseconds. They can also flatten and refold themselves thousands of times and they only need a single volt to be powered to life.

“These are major advances over current state-of-the-art devices,” Cohen said. “We’re really in a class of our own.”

These actuators can bend with a radius of curvature smaller than a micron–the highest curvatures of any voltage-driven actuator by an order of magnitude. This flexibility is important because one of the bedrock principles of microscopic robot manufacturing is that the robot size is determined by how small the various appendages can be made to fold. The tighter the bends, the smaller the folds, and the tinier the footprint for each machine. It’s also important that these bends can be held by the robot, which minimizes the power consumption, a feature especially advantageous for microscopic robots and machines.

The devices consist of a nanometer-thin layer of platinum capped with a titanium or titanium dioxide film. Several rigid panels of silicon dioxide glass sit atop those layers. When a positive voltage is applied to the actuators, oxygen atoms are driven into the platinum and swap places with platinum atoms.

This process, called oxidation, causes the platinum to expand on one side in the seams between the inert glass panels, which bends the structure into its predesignated shape. The machines can hold that shape even after the voltage is removed because the embedded oxygen atoms bunch up to form a barrier, which prevents them from diffusing out.

By applying a negative voltage to the device, the researchers can remove the oxygen atoms and quickly restore the platinum to its pristine state. And by varying the pattern of the glass panels, and whether the platinum is exposed on the top or bottom, they can create a range of origami structures actuated by mountain and valley folds.

“One thing that’s quite remarkable is that these little tiny layers are only about 30 atoms thick, compared to a sheet of paper, which might be 100,000 atoms thick. It’s an enormous engineering challenge to figure out how to make something like that have the kind of functionalities we want,” McEuen said.

The team is currently working to integrate their shape memory actuators with circuits to make walking robots with foldable legs as well as sheet-like robots that move by undulating forward. These innovations may someday lead to nanorobots that can clean bacterial infection from human tissue, microfactories that can transform manufacturing and robotic surgical instruments that are 10 times smaller than current devices, according to Cohen.

The team is also researching the principles that need to change in order to design, manufacture and operate machines at this scale.

In addition to ARO, the National Science Foundation, the Cornell Center for Materials Research, the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, and the Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science funded the work.

By U.S. Army DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory Public Affairs