SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Archive for the ‘SOF’ Category

USSOCOM Seeks Amphibious MC-130 & Remote Gunship

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

During a briefing by USSOCOM’s PEO – Fixed Wing, COL Kenneth Kuebler, USAF, at NDIA’s virtual Special Operations Forces Industry Conference, he mentioned that SOF is seeking several future aircraft initiatives. According to COL Kuebler, “In the future, freedom of maneuver may not be guaranteed.” Consequently, they need to consider new ways to get to the fight.

First, is an amphibious version of the MC-130 infiltration aircraft referred to as MAC for MC-139J Amphibious Capability with a goal of being able to take off and land from both land and a maritime environment on the same mission.

Next is High Speed Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL). This capability is an improvement over the current CV-23 Osprey by utilizing jet propulsion rather than propellers.

Finally, the last aircraft type SOCOM is investigating is a Remote Gunship.

In addition to future aircraft, SOCOM is also interested in developing several enabling technologies for their current and future airframes.

These include improved launch mechanisms for munitions, integrated swarming effects for unmanned systems and munitions as well as light aircraft radar which offers enhanced situational awareness.

In the near-term, SOCOM will be demonstrating a AC-130J High Energy Laser, a ~60Kw offensive laser which is low probability of detection and can target small vehicles and C3 nodes.

USSOCOM PEO-SOF Digital Applications Update

Wednesday, May 19th, 2021

Under the helm of COL Paul Weizer, USA, PEO-SOF Digital Applications serves as USSOCOM’s “One-Stop-Shop” for SOF software intensive digital applications. This new office was just announced during last year’s SOFIC and they’ve hit the ground running.

To set up this new PEO, they sought out “digital natives,” according to SOCOM’s Acquisition Executive Mr Jim Smith, who oversees all of the Command’s acquisition efforts. Bringing in the right talent, they assembled government personnel, contractors and so-called reimbursables, which are personnel who belong to outside organizations but accomplish work for SOCOM based on interdepartmental transfers of funds. That happened fairly quickly while they simultaneously looked at the Command’s acquisition portfolio to determine what exactly belonged in PEO-SDA.

They brought in programs that include Mission Command Systems, SOF Digital EcoSystem, Special Operations Mission Planning and Execution, and Tactical Assault Kit.

Mission Command Systems: Intelligence and Operations analytics systems that provide a unified SOF Common Intelligence Picture and Common Operating Picture (CIP/COP) and decision support to USSOCOM Commanders/Operators at all echelons. Delivers interoperability and integration required for synchronized SOF Global Situational Awareness. COL Weizer referred referred to this program as the, ” ring that binds them all.”

SOF Digital EcoSystem: Data Analytics Services and Tools

Special Operations Mission Planning and Execution: Mission planning & execution software tools (SOF Air, Ground & Maritime)

Tactical Assault Kit (TAK): Suite of Map-Based, Situational Awareness (SA) Software Applications across multiple platforms to include Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and HTML, that provides Tactical Capabilities for Military, Federal Government, and Civil 1st Responder operations

PEO-SDA has breathed new life into long-term programs such as mission prep which date back almost to the founding of USSOCOM. They look at the programs with a new set of eyes and move away from stovepipe approaches to capabilities to a more holistic operating environment.

With USSOCOM’s transition from looking at software as a component of a program to the glue that binds multiple capabilities together, they’ve taken charge of software development efforts on their own behalf rather than living with the software that comes on a system.

One of the challenges PEO-SDA is facing, is articulating what is “SOF Unique” about Software. This can be a sticking point of whether USSOCOM’s MFP-11 funds can be used to pay for a program. COL Weizer explained that use of and individual requirements for software can be SOF unique, but the code itself isn’t.

Even more challenging, is the lack of a current DevSecOps strategy which offers challenges when interfacing with other organizations within DoD and industry. However, it seems to be happening, if only because SOF personnel tend to get things done.

For those unfamiliar, DevSecOps is getting the developers, security and operators to work together from the outset of a software effort. Generally, it requires an integrated development environment.

The goal is to field new software every six months or faster. Although SOF are well known for their speed at fielding solutions, they have had to adapt to such an ambitious schedule. Already, they’re working with vendors to speed to integration of new SOMPE software from 18-24 months down to as little as four months. COL Weizer mentioned how the software acquisition pathway is adapting to commercial practices for development, which regularly rolls out software in support of their wares. Understandably, this faster process means that changes will become less substantial with incremental upgrades. Additionally, to mitigate configuration management issues across the enterprise which can come with frequent software updates, COL Weizer explained that his office is automating the process.

As part of instituting DevSecOps, the team has formalized a relationship with the user community, and Mr Smith tells us he is “most excited about the focus on the user,” which he went on to describe as, “a fanatical focus on the user.” Likewise, PEO SDA cuts across the entire SOF enterprise, including all of the other PEOs. Additionally, they look outside of the Command itself with customers at all of the SOF components as well as the Theater Special Operations Commands. In fact, they regularly utilize SOCCENT, co-located at MacDill AFB as a test element for new software before they release it to the field.

PEO-SDA has already made improvements on how quickly user software requirements are satisfied and it has only been a year.

Jankel Delivers ‘Next Generation’ Guardian Counter Terror Assault Vehicle-Urban (CTAV-URBAN)

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

Jankel, a world-leader in the design and manufacture of high-specification defence, security and NGO protection systems, has delivered the first of their ‘next generation’ Guardian Counter Terror Assault Vehicle-Urban (CTAV-URBAN) to an undisclosed customer. Based on the latest 2020 Ford F-550 platform, the Guardian CTAV-URBAN features a new Mobile Adjustable Ramp System (MARS) from long-standing partners Patriot 3 who work exclusively with Jankel in the UK.

Firmly established as one of the premier global suppliers of armoured counter terror adapted vehicle systems, Jankel, with Patriot 3, have developed and integrated a new version of the MARS ramp system for Guardian CTAV-URBAN that delivers a narrower, lighter, single ramp, fully hydraulic variant that will allow counter terror teams to effectively operate in tighter spaces and more restricted city environments. Retaining the Ford OEM aluminium body, Jankel engineers have developed an armour suite that mounts within the vehicle without compromising structure, rigidity or durability. The integration of the new MARS ramp onto the Jankel Guardian CTAV-URBAN includes the flexibility to remove the MARS system, if needed, as well as the development of numerous other innovative enhancements in platform protection and tactical systems.

Jankel has a history dating back to the early 2000’s of providing the very best tactical counter terror platforms. With this new CTAV-URBAN variant, Jankel has customised the platform to meet the exact customer needs and tactics. The vehicle has been fully tested to prove the durability, reliability and maintainability but also to validate the advanced handling and performance characteristics expected of a truly tactical counter terror assault platform. Working closely together with Patriot 3, the CTAV-URBAN ladder system has been developed and refined to retain all of the MARS standard functionalities yet deliver additional options packaged in a single ramp configuration.

Charlie Fuqua, Elevated Tactics Sales Manager from Patriot 3 said: “we have had an ongoing working relationship with Jankel since the mid-2000s and have supplied numerous multi-mission vehicle solutions to defence and law enforcement end users around the world.” He went on to say: “Patriot3 looks forward to continuing our Jankel partnership with the introduction of the new CTAV-URBAN (complimenting the CTAV), as well as future developments to meet our customers ever evolving operational requirements.”

Andrew Jankel, Chairman at Jankel Group said: “we’ve worked with Patriot 3 for many years on a number of successful specialist vehicle-based projects so delivering the first of this next generation Guardian CTAV vehicles to an exceedingly important customer is a continuation of an already strong partnership”. He added: “Effective partnering is one of our key strengths here at Jankel and our partnership with Patriot 3 is another fine example of how we bring capability, innovation, flexibility and agility together to deliver and support the very best products and services, driving mission success”.

USSOCOM Moves Forward with 5 Armed Overwatch Contenders

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

Last week USSOCOM selected five candidates for their Armed Overwatch program which the Command places a high priority on to provide dedicated Close Air Support, precision strike, and airborne intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) from austere locations in a permissive environment.

The candidate systems:

L-3 Communications Integrated Systems AT-802U Sky Warden

Leidos Inc Bronco II

MAG Aerospace MC-208 Guardian

Sierra Nevada Corp. MC-145B Wily Coyote

Textron Aviation Defense AT-6E Wolverine

Missing is the Embraer EMB 314 Super Tucano or A-29, as it has been known during the cancelled USAF Light Attack Aircraft trials which seemed a serious contender when USSOCOM began talking about the need for an Armed Overwatch capability a few years ago. Even stranger, Air Force Special Operations Command is poised to begin operating three A-29s as part of their Combat Aviation Advisor mission.

It’s important to note that the Air Force also purchased several AT-6E Wolverine examples after cancellation of the Light Attack Aircraft program which it continues to experiment with.

However, the candidates selected are all noticeably different aircraft which will give the Command multiple data points to determine how to best fulfill their requirement.

USSOCOM is using the Other Transaction Authority (OTA) agreement acquisition strategy. To mitigate risk, they’ve looked at this from the outset as leveraging Near Non-Developmental airframes from industry.

Despite this, last year Congress put the brakes on purchasing the aircraft but allowed the Command permission to conduct an evaluation during this year.

In all, USSOCOM plans to buy 75 Armed Overwatch aircraft to satisfy their global commitments. As an offset, it looks like AFSOC’s fleet of U-28A “Draco”, a legacy airborne ISR aircraft which is based on the Pilatus PC-12 will get the axe to help free up manpower billets, ramp space and the budget. Draco can’t fulfill the Armed Overwatch mission due to its lack of close air support capability.

Noticeably absent from the candidate aircraft are unmanned systems. During a SOFIC media round table yesterday, USSOCOM Acquisition Executive Mr Jim Smith explained that the Command always anticipated a mix of manned and unmanned systems, but in the future he expects Armed Overwatch to become even more capable by controlling semi-autonomous unmanned aerial systems as part of the program.

Despite the program’s foxua on manned aircraft, Dr Michael Vickers, former Army Special Forces Officer and CIA Operations Officer who just so happened to also serve as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations, Low Intensity Conflict and Interdependent Capabilities, made an rather compelling case in an Op-Ed in the Military Times for relying on the General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper for the mission. He cited the lack of risk to a manned crew and noted that the aircraft is already in the inventory rather than a new system as well as a few other points. It’s worth a read, but keep in mind that he now sits on the General Atomics advisory board which manufactures the MQ-9.

To select the right aircraft for the job, Mr Smith laid out the criteria the Command would use to evaluate the systems with emphasis on what he described as the “move, shoot, and communicate” Key Performance Parameters.

– Austere Take Off and Landing
– Range / Endurance
– Weapons Employment (they will be interested for the evaluation)
– Communications (Line of Sight and Beyond Line of Sight)
– Cockpit Configuration
– Full Motion Video capture
– Auto Pilot

They’ve allotted five weeks in June and July at Elgin AFB, Florida for the five candidates and each will make five flights. The first three flights will be used to evaluate the criteria listed above. The fourth flight is a make up and the final flight will include an AFSOC Operator in the crew.

After that, the Command will take a hard look at the candidate performance as well as the logistics chain required for the 75 aircraft. According to past comments by AFSOC Commanding General Lt Gen James C. “Jim” Slife, they hope to make a decision and begin procurement in 2022.

SOCOM Heads to Space

Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

While there are a few SOF personnel who have joined NASA’s Astronaut Corps over the years, what SOCOM has in mind is placing sensors into Low Earth Orbit on Space Force cube satellites rather than operators.

During a briefing during yesterday’s virtual Special Operations Industry Conference presented by NDIA, Mr David Breede, the head of USSOCOM’s Program Executive Office – Special Reconnaissance (PEO-SR) discussed Program Manager Integrated Sensor Systems’ efforts to expand the Joint Threat Warning System, which is a SIGINT program of record, to the Space domain.

The plan is to test the capability during an Industry Demonstration Event at the Muscatatuck Urban Training Center in Indiana later this year.

USSOCOM Acquisition Executive Jim Smith commented that utilizing the space domain to collect information was a new thrust by PEO-SR stating, “how can we leverage space in a permissive environment?” He went on to explain that they also were working on improving how they fuse information gained from cyber, space, and small unmanned systems.

JTWS has fielded ground, air and maritime systems for decades and continues to adapt to the current operating environment.

JTWS is joined by another program of record called Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination which does exactly what the name describes to information gathered via JTWS.

SOFWERX – At the Edge Integration Virtual Tech Sprint

Monday, May 17th, 2021

SOFWERX, in concert with the USSOCOM Science and Technology (S&T) Office, will host a Virtual Tech Sprint to identify technology solutions that will provide advanced computing to support localized SOF teams in degraded, disconnected, and contested or anti?access/area denial (A2/AD) communications environments, 05 July – 07 October 2021.

Data collection, management, storage, and dissemination have become complex and will continue to increase in complexity. In addition, body-worn Internet of Things (IoT) to Battlefield of Things (BoT) sensing has not been effectively integrated into an open architecture, system-of-systems design for next-generation computing at the edge.  

Special Operations Forces (SOF) require real-time situational awareness and connectivity in the highly-contested future operating environment. SOF require portable, interconnected sensors that enable data fusion, networking, and processing at the edge. Such edge computing solutions will deliver increased Warfighter safety and mission effectiveness by providing real-time information that is not dependent on distant command resources. Edge computing hardware solutions must be able to process and analyze data from multiple sources to deliver a holistic picture of the operating environment. Edge computing hardware solutions miniaturized to a minimal form factor (i.e., individual chips) that will allow for body?worn hardware components supporting either individual or multiple functions in a lower?power consumption manner than most traditional commercially sourced edge compute offerings. Edge computing hardware solutions must facilitate numerous varieties of evolving analytical software and toolset processing needs. These requirements will need to deliver an edge compute solution that delivers a holistic picture of the operating environment for the SOF Operator. The following attributes are preferred:

1 Provide low-power-consumption computing relative to existing, Commercial?Off?The?Shelf (COTS) CPU/GPU hardware

2 Support software applications that provide advanced data analytics and visualization tools

3 Provide the ability to compute and derive insights at multiple points within a tactical network before reach?back to an enterprise?level network connection

4 Support networking of multiple body?worn computing chips that are capable of fusing numerous data types

5 Provide the ability to host Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning software that conducts face?to?face engagement with non?English speaking individuals with a wearable system that automatically changes the words spoken into the desired language and transversely converts the foreign language back to English.

6 Novel, new smart sensors for collection and filtering

7 Low signature management should be considered. This includes visual, electro-magnetic, infrared, etc

8 If proposed solution utilizes communication between various points, then Low Probability of Intercept/Low Probability of Detection methods should be incorporated

9 Ability to be used in Air, Maritime, and Ground Environments

The desired end state is to create an integrated, body-worn, sense, and compute system of systems that aggregate useful data, provide analytics, and visualization to Operators at the edge.

Submit NLT 09 June 11:59 PM ET.

Visit for full details.

SOFWERX – Integrated Survey Program (ISP) Digital Transformation Virtual Assessment Event

Friday, May 14th, 2021

SOFWERX, in collaboration with USSOCOM PEO SOF Digital Applications (PEO SDA), will host an event to be held 07 July 2021 to identify technologies for geospatial survey collection, production, dissemination, and continuous innovation of the existing data-centric, software-intensive system. 

This activity is an Assessment Event (AE) under USSOCOM Commercial Solution Opening (CSO) for Mission Support Systems. Potential prototype projects will be directly relevant to enhancing the effectiveness of software-intensive programs, platforms, components, algorithms, or processes for Integrated Survey Program (ISP) Digital Transformation. The CSO and AE will result in award for solution(s) for innovative commercial technologies through a multi?phased, competitive process.


• Exterior 3D Capture including sUAS Technologies

• Interior 3D Capture including Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning

• Interior Mobile Collection

• 5G-enabled Cloud Computing

• Network Dissemination

• 3D Model Compression

• Game Design / Interactive 3D

• Enterprise Services & DevSecOps Pipeline

Interested parties must submit NLT 14 June 11:59 PM ET, visit for details.

SOFWERX to Host Special Reconnaissance (SR) Virtual Assessment Event Series 10-12 August 2021

Monday, May 10th, 2021

SOFWERX, in concert with SOF AT&L Special Reconnaissance (PEO-SR), will host a series of Virtual Assessment Events (AEs) to identify technologies and techniques to aid four (4) Program Management (PM) Offices with the following eight (8) Technology Focus Areas (TFAs):

1 – PM Remote Capabilities (RC): Small Satellite Communications

2 – PM Remote Capabilities (RC): Advanced On-Orbit Processing Architectures

3 – PM Remote Capabilities (RC): Collaborative Autonomy for Small UAS

4 – PM Integrated Sensor Systems (ISS): Low-Cost Simple RF Collector

5 – PM Integrated Sensor Systems (ISS): Assessing Cyber Vulnerabilities

6 – PM Technical Collection & Communications (TCC): Remote Emplacement of Sensors/Tags

7 – PM Technical Collection & Communications (TCC): Maritime Tagging, Tracking, and Locating (TTL)

8 – PM Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE): Biometrics

Interested parties should submit NLT 08 July 11:59 PM ET.