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Archive for the ‘Suppressors’ Category

Armageddon Gear – Hot Pocket

Wednesday, April 5th, 2017


Armageddon Gear’s Hot Pocket a new suppressor accessory that has been in the works for some time. They got tired of waiting on their cans to cool down enough that they wouldn’t burn a gun case and did something about it. They came up with a zippered case that is lined with a thermomcontrol material. This is a great way to transport a can in general, with the pocket for the paperwork, too.


Available in two sizes; 7.5″ model fits cans up to 7.25″ in length and 10″ model fits suppressors up to 10.5″ in length. As always, the Hot Pocket is proudly made in the USA of Milspec materials and features the Armageddon Gear Lifetime Warranty.

“Make Silencers Great Again” Promotion from Griffin Armament

Tuesday, March 14th, 2017

Griffin Armament is proud to announce the “Make Silencers Great Again Promotion” Effective immediately every silencer* shipping from Griffin’s manufacturing floor to its Dealers and Distributors will contain two $100 coupons which can be mailed to Griffins address in exchange for store credit on their website. Boxes containing coupons will be sealed with a gold label.

“Sales are down unnecessarily, said Evan Green business development manager at Griffin Armament. “When the markets have been rallying and jobs are being produced, consumer misunderstanding of the legislative process and the Hearing Protection Act, is hurting an otherwise stable industry. Many people who want to buy are sitting on discretionary spending in the hopes that HPA will soon pass. The entire industry has come to a very similar conclusion that it will be quite a while until HPA is able to pass if at all despite almost unanimous support. People not buying right now is only further delaying them from enjoying silencers. It just doesn’t make any sense and this shouldn’t have happened. Unfortunately a lot of miss information was flying around and nobody in the industry was trying to educate consumers on how long it actually takes to get a bill to pass, what percentage of bills pass, that the legislative process usually takes hundreds of days etc. This bill in some form has been presented to congress since 2015 and this congressional session is closing in a few months, so it looks like it will be rolling to another year. Griffin is just as hopeful as everyone else for the HPA. However having a realistic viewpoint on it is critical to the survival of the silencer industry and the Americans who work hard to move it forward. The ‘Make Silencers Great Again’ promotion is the most we can do as a company to try to encourage spending right now.” Evan continued. “It’s honestly an amazing time to be a buyer. I remember when I was younger and was spending my money on an OPS INC can and promotions didn’t exist in the market. You could barely even get a dealer to handle the sale for you. Muzzle devices had to be purchased separately from the silencer, etc. I remember having to help my local class 3 dealer to understand the paperwork because he did so few transactions. But times have changed and there are plenty of dealers on the market selling products at great prices and walking the customer through the purchase quickly while keeping them informed. This program is also a great way to let consumers know that we appreciate them, we’ve been wanting to so something like this for a while.”

For more information visit All Griffin silencers are applicable to the “Make Silencers Great Again” promotion except for Griffin rimfire silencers.

24 Hour Warning – Q Launching Pre-Orders of half NELSON & FULL NELSON Suppressors Via Instagram Live

Friday, February 17th, 2017

Tomorrow at 3 PM Eastern standard time, Q will once again take to Instagram Live to showcase and launch the pre-order for their half NELSON & FULL NELSON suppressors.


Here are the specs.


I already know what you’re thinking. Pending suppressor legislation for the liberalization of Suppressor regulation, known as the “Hearing Protection Act” will be great for everyone and it’s happening soon. However, it’s still just a bill and we don’t know when it will pass. While the odds look good, when it does become law, there will be a huge demand for Suppressors. Concurrently, prices will spike, at least temporarily, due to demand. Purchasing the ones you want now not only locks in your price, but also guarantees you’ll get them.


Q understands your concerns. Many don’t want to spend the $200 stamp tax in the event the HPA passes; so Q is offering $200 off now on each suppressor, and then another $200 rebate when HPA passes in the future. That’s a potential saving of $400 per suppressor and the $200 discount is just that, and not a voucher you can use on one of their other products. You can spend it on whatever you want, but I understand Robby suggests making it rain at the gentlemen’s club.

-Get your suppressors now, before they are impossible to find once HPA becomes law
-Q is opening up pre-orders to *individuals* only Saturday 2/18 @ 3 PM, join them on Instagram Live
-100 of each suppressor are available for order and individuals will receive $200 off their order

Those of you who want to ensure you’ll get one of limited pre-order suppressors can download your for here and upload it to tomorrow at 3:00 PM EST.

Join the event at They are always a good time and Kevin usually lets something slip that isn’t supposed to be released yet.

Blue Can Training Solutions

Sunday, January 29th, 2017

Blue Can Training Solutions is home to the Blue Can, a training tool for marking munitions training. The Blue Can, which simulates the size and length of a real suppressor, is a training replacement for an actual suppressor, so that the rifle is the same exact length in sims training as it would be in the real world. Universally mounts to any standard size muzzle brake or flash hider which accepts a suppressor. Blue Can Training Solutions philosophy is simple: Train the way you fight.

CDC Study: Use Suppressors To Reduce Noise Exposure

Tuesday, January 24th, 2017

The American Suppressor Association shared this press release with us. Anti-2A organizers have long wanted to use the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as source material to curtail gun rights. However, this report doesn’t follow their expected narrative.

The question of increased access to firearms Suppressors is indeed a public health question. Their implementation as a standard, over-the-counter device would not only help preserve the hearing of gun owners, but also their dogs used for hunting as well as nearby livestock and wildlife. Additionally, the use of suppressors would lower the profile of firearms ranges and lead to a decrease in spurious nuisance complaints.

Finally, with an increased market size, prices will come down and technological innovation will increase. Military and law enforcement will benefit from this boon, better protecting those serving, as well as the public.

With the reintroduction of the Duncan-Carter Hearing Protection Act, suppressors have been thrust to the forefront of the national political debate. According to many traditional gun control advocates, firearms are not loud enough to cause hearing damage. They make definitive statements, like this one from a recent LA Times article, that, “there’s no evidence of a public health issue associated with hearing loss from gunfire.”

To this end, they could not be more wrong.

In a study from 2011 entitled Noise and Lead Exposures at an Outdoor Firing Range – California, researchers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found the following (see page 5):


If you still don’t believe that hearing loss is a public health issue associated with gunfire, and that suppressors help hunters and recreational shooters reduce their exposure to dangerous noise levels, there is likely nothing that we can say that will change your mind. Just know that the correct term for your opinion is willful ignorance.

Full CDC Study: CDC Study – California Firing Ranges

SIG Media Range Day – SRD22X .22 Suppressor

Sunday, January 15th, 2017

This is the SRD22X .22 Suppressor from SIG SAUER.

It features a Grade 9 Ti tube with PVD coating aling with 17-4 stainless heat-treated shielded baffles which offer 110 db average. The SRD22X has standard 1/2 x 28 mounting but a Metric 9 adapter is also available.

Like its 9mm Suppressor counterpart (seen below), the SRD22X is now available for order.

OSS Introduces Two New HELIX Suppressors

Thursday, December 22nd, 2016

Murray UT – Operators Suppressor Systems LLC (OSS) proudly introduces two additions to our HELIX line – the HX 556 and HX 762. Built with OSS’s patented Flow-Through™ technology, the HX 556 and HX 762 are integrated flush mount suppressors and are full-auto rated.

Shorter, lighter and quieter, the HX 556 is 6.8” long, weighs 20.8 ounces and delivers a 32-34 dB sound reduction. The HX 762 is 7.6″ long, weighs 22.3 ounces, and delivers a 30dB sound reduction. Both are constructed with stainless steel, cobalt and titanium, and mount with OSS’s STS-Muzzle Brake – a direct threading mount and fully functioning muzzle brake that self-tightens during fire.

“These new HELIX products are the culmination of a lot of hard work this year by OSS’s talented engineering, manufacturing and test teams,” said VP of Sales and Marketing Chris Estadt. “And we’re excited by the reaction we’ve had with distributors, dealers and customers.”

The NFA Review Channel just wrapped their test of the HX 556 and confirmed its superior performance vs. baffle suppressors. They were impressed by how the HX 556 reduced blowback, bolt velocity, and “gunk” in their gun, and they liked its “great tone” too. Watch here.

And recent testing of the HX 762 by Military Arms Channel confirmed the HX 762’s superior sound suppression performance as well. MAC Channel was also impressed by the recoil reduction, accuracy, and signature reduction tone of the HX 762 compared with popular baffle suppressors they’ve tested. Watch here.

MSRP for the HX 556 is $1385. For the HX 762 it is $1495.

To find an OSS Dealer near you, please visit our new Dealer Search here.

Connect with Operators Suppressor Systems at on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

SilencerCo CEO Josh Waldron on the Hearing Protection Act

Thursday, November 10th, 2016

My fellow Americans,

Tuesday’s Republican election victory was a tremendous win for our Second Amendment rights and it also marked a significant increase in the potential for the Hearing Protection Act to become law and remove silencers from the NFA registry. SilencerCo has been and will continue to be a vocal supporter of the HPA and advocate for it to become a priority in the legislative agenda for 2017.

As a member of The Suppressed™, you’ve likely thought to yourself, “Why are silencers still an NFA item?” SilencerCo has not only wondered this ourselves, but along with partners such as the American Suppressor Association, we’ve taken steps to support the introduction of legislation to remove silencers from the list of NFA items.

On October 22, 2015 the Hearing Protection Act was introduced. This piece of legislation is aimed at removing silencers from the NFA and instead having their transfer go through a traditional ATF Form 4473 – the same way you would purchase a standard rifle or pistol.

What does this mean for you?

No $200 tax stamp
No excessive wait times
No NFA trusts
No fingerprint cards, passport photos, or Chief Law Enforcement Officer notification
A simple process, just like when you purchase most firearms through your dealer

Even though the House, Senate, and Presidency will be controlled by like-minded advocates for the Second Amendment, bills take time to become laws and citizens should not be taxed for trying to protect their hearing while exercising their Second Amendment rights. Between now and the passage of this bill, we encourage our customers to continue to support the industry and to take advantage of the following provision: The Hearing Protection Act also includes a provision for all people who purchase a silencer between the time the bill is introduced (October 22, 2015) until the day it passes – should you purchase a silencer during that time, you will receive a $200 tax credit to cover the cost of any new silencer tax stamps you pay for.

This bill was initially championed by Rep. Matt Salmon (R-AZ) as its primary sponsor and since then has had multiple co-sponsors. SilencerCo, Rep. Salmon, and all supporters of the bill realize that this is a long-term effort and will not be something that happens overnight. With the help of people like you – The Suppressed – we will gain momentum and educate both the general public and lawmakers as to the true nature of silencers.

If you haven’t already joined The Suppressed, click HERE to add your voice to the cause and write to your Congressmen and women and Senators to voice your support for the HPA as a legislative priority for 2017.


Josh Waldron
CEO, SilencerCo