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Archive for the ‘Tac Apps’ Category

TacApps – Tactical NAV News

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012

We’re big fans of the home brewed Tactical NAV app and its creator Jonathon Springer so we’re quite pleased to bring you some news. If anyone has ever earned the title TacHacker, it’s this guy.

First off, the makers of Tactical NAV recently released “Compass NAV” for Android a couple of weeks ago. Basically it’s just the compass function of TACNAV and it’s priced at .99 cents.

Tactical NAV is also in the midst of an update that will include –

– Separate iPad and Android versions … plus a new iPhone version (free update for existing users)
– Troop tracking (all users on all systems — iPhone, iPad, Android will be able to see each other on the battlefield along with MMS/SMS messaging capabilities between each other, etc)
– A realtime “FreeDraw” – a sandtable-like capability that will act very similar to BFT and CPOF
– iCloud integration
– Facebook integration
– Ability to record video with geolocation-data updated in realtime for playback later
– Voice annotating function
– UTM addition
– “Go to Grid” will be able to work with MGRS, LAT/LONG, and UTM

Here are some screenshots of Tactical NAV running on iPad.

‘Like’ them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/tacticalnav.


A New SSD App? Help Us Make It Better

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

We are working on putting out a new app for SSD. When it happens it will be for both iOS and Android. While the current app for iOS is very popular, we want something more. Please post in the comments section below, those features you would like to see in an SSD app. Naturally, we would like to see something you can use day-to-day and perhaps have some tactical utility as well.

We love crowd sourcing, so give us your ideas.

CamoScience App Makes Custom Precision Camo Design a Reality

Tuesday, September 13th, 2011

Soldier Systems Daily unveils exclusive photo evidence.

We have mentioned Special Operations Apps and their CamoScience app in the past. CamoScience is an App for Smart Devices like the iPhone 4/5 and IPad 2.

Interestingly, SOA contacted us after reading the recent article published last week here on SSD concerning NECC’s (Naval Expeditionary Combat Command) lack of an issue combat uniform and a version of what appears to be unique Navy DIY Camo. They provided these pictures as photo-evidence of a new solution for the unique requirements of expeditionary units like the NECC and SOF.

As you can see, MW R&D and Special Operations Apps have moved past the proof of concept phase by showing these first public photos of CamoScience App Designs being printed digitally-direct to fabric and using MW R&D’s proprietary processes.

This is a custom camouflage design made real by combining elements from:
-Smart Device
-Reliable Intel (GEOINT)
-Digitally Printing Direct-To-Fabric
-Just-In-Time Custom Manufacturing

According to the company’s President, K. Dominic Cincotti, MW R&D and SOA are in talks now with leading Tactical and Hunting/Outdoor Companies to utilize this new proprietary process. Cincotti is the inventor of Photographic/Camera derived Camouflage.

“The truly great thing about using our process and this App is that it would allow for SOF to make their own CAMO designs”, Cincotti said.

“Operators could use the latest technology, without having to rely on ‘CAMO Artists’, with little knowledge of SOF operational or tactical concerns. The App even converts photos to MilSpec colors if that need exists.”

In 2007 Photo-Realâ„¢ and Photo-Stealthâ„¢ camo debuted. They were printed onto special adhesive vinyls and applied to SOF hardware and equipment. In 2009 a unique grip was added to these technologies and was applied to weapons.

Today, Soldier Systems Daily received these first photos of this new type of camo, produced using completely digital means on textiles. According to the company, a wide range of textiles and fabrics can now be utilized. The printer applies the pattern directly to your grey goods.

SOA in association with MW R&D are now in beta-testing with new Apps for release this winter.


Tac Apps – Spyglass

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011

Billed as “AR compass, rangefinder, GPS tracker, stars, maps”, Spyglass is an iPhone/iPad app. It features Augmented Reality to overlay navigation data on to the phone’s viewfinder or on a map.

According to the iTunes description, it features, “Spyglass features a hi-tech viewfinder, milspec compass, gyrocompass, maps, GPS tracker, speedometer, optical rangefinder, visual sextant, gyro horizon, inclinometer, angular calculator, 5x zoom sniper scope and camera.” Lots of features here.

I really dig the fancy pointers.


Tac Apps – Tactical NAV ver 2.0

Monday, June 6th, 2011

A couple of months ago we told you about Tactical NAV, an iOS app developed by Army Artillery CPT Jonathan Springer while he was in Afghanistan. He has just released an update to the app. It offers an improved graphical interface as well as editable waypoints and the ability to navigate to waypoints. All points are available in MGRS format and bearings in degrees or mils.

Updates are free and we expect him to continue to refine his app. To get yours, visit iTunes.

Tac Apps – CamoScience Begets Special Operations Apps

Saturday, May 21st, 2011

The CamoScienceâ„¢ App from MW Research and Development, Inc has spurred the launch of a new company; Special Operations Apps. Their mandate is to “design and field applications specifically for warfighter mobile devices, touchscreens, laptops, and smartphones.” This includes Android and iOS.

“Special Operations Apps uses common platforms, like the Apple or Android systems, to integrate different hardware and equipment and centralize them into common, familiar, smart devices that the operators already know or own,” said K. Dominic Cincotti, who founded MW Research and Development, Inc and also serves president of Special Operations Apps.

“So we lighten the operator’s load and provide more real-time data, improved capabilities, and more effective targeting — taking full advantage of cutting-edge commercial devices without the need for budgeting and developing new and expensive devices and platforms that only serve one function,” he said. “We get more powerful devices at lower costs and without the need to re-invent the wheel.”

As an aside, Cincotti’s father is the late COL Joseph G. Cincotti (USA), the original ground-force commander of Blue Light. If you don’t know your history, do some research on Blue Light.

For the new company, Cathlena Spencer, who the led the commercial-application team for CamoScienceâ„¢ has been named Chief Technology Officer of Special Operations Apps. Mark Tocci, a former Ranger and patent-pending inventor, will serve as Vice President of Business Development. David Mullins, a former Special Forces operator, will lead in-house subject matter experts. I served with Dave and he is a great guy. In fact, his wife encouraged me to earn my degree when she worked at the Smoke Bomb Hill ed center.

Special Operations Apps is based in Wilmington, NC, strategically located between Fort Bragg and Camp Lejeune, and convenient to Virginia Beach, VA.

With both the Army and USASOC hell bent for leather to field Android devices to their troops maybe we can get Special Operations Apps to develop an Android app for us. If you need some work done, they have let us know that requests for new apps should contact them via 650-209-0762.


Tac Apps – Milidroid Blog

Tuesday, March 29th, 2011

We’ve been covering tactical software for some time now and have been kicking around the idea of combining them under a category like Field Gourmet or Corps Strength. So, we’ve done it and it’s called Tac Apps.

For our first post we’d like to introduce you to Milidroid Blog. It is a “one stop source for all thing military related to the android platform and associated equipment. We bring you industry news, articles on apps that may be of interest to those in the military, product announcements and reviews.” The US Army has shown a great deal of interest in the Droid platform so please check them out and Like them on Facebook.
