I literally live for irony. I can write and write and write all about the camo wars and the various services’ quest for a better camouflage but I just can’t force people to READ. Regardless of the topic, folks love news by headline and they form opinions around phrases designed to titillate rather than inform.
Most recently, I had a reader comment that the Army should look to the private sector to solve their camouflage woes. Classic. They have. The US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort is investigating families of camouflage patterns developed by industry. And, PEO Soldier and their scientific arm, The Natick Soldier Systems Center are embarking on the most extensive test and evaluation undertaking ever conducted. When this is over, the Army will truly be able to say that they have thoroughly considered the latest that industry has to offer.
Commercial finalists currently undergoing field trials include
ADS Inc as Prime, partnered with Guy Cramer
Brookwood Companies
Crye Precision