SureFire XC3

Purple Orange Media Event

August 18th, 2021

The evening before Outdoor Retailer Summer Market kicked off, PR company Purple Orange held a private media event at a local venue for the various brands the represent*.

It was very well attended and I didn’t get to speak with every company there because the lines were too long. So instead, I’m going to mention just a few brands and products.

Sea to Summit

Sea to Summit makes some great lightweight camping gear with welcome news that we’ll start to see more subdued colors as they begin to push into the hunting market. Their Stretch-Loc TPU straps are 12mm wide come in multiple lengths from 300mm to 750mm. The straps function like a belt with a bit of inherent stretch so you can crank down a bit for a snug fit. They are offered in Grey, Black and Yellow.


The big new from BioLite is that they are introducing the Basecharge 600 and 1500. They incorporate ISB ports and DC sockets. The Basecharge can be recharged via shore power or solar panel.?

SomeWear Labs

SomeWear Pabs was the most interesting conversation I had at this event and it’s not just because they had heard of SSD. The company which specializes in satellite data services via this puck which connects your end user device to the web. It weighs just 4 oz and has been approved for DoD use with ATAK.

Gnarly Sports Nutrition

Fuel2O is like a powdered version of the gummies so many endurance athletes use so that the nutrients can be drunk while rehydrating. You’ll also get dextrose and sucrose (100 cal per 12 oz) as well as HMB (280 mg).

*Purple Orange represents the following companies:
Peak Design
Sea to Summit
Jack Wolfskin
Somewear Labs
Swiftwick Socks

Ibex Wear
Gnarly Nutrition
Oru Kayak
Climate Neutral

MARADMIN 428/21 – Modern Day Marine Announcment

August 18th, 2021


R 132000Z AUG 21

GENTEXT/REMARKS/1.  Purpose.  This message announces the 2021 Modern Day Marine Expo, taking place from 21-23 September2021 at Lejeune Field on Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA.  Registration is open on the following site:
2. Background:  The Modern Day Marine Exposition is hosted by the Marine Corps League and the Marine Corps Association for the purpose of transforming service priorities into future force capabilities.  This is accomplished through interaction between exhibiting U.S. defense manufacturers and private-sector U.S. companies with service leadership and serving Marines of all ranks and occupational backgrounds.  Modern Day Marine is an annual three-day professional networking and education event that is open to the entire force.  All Marines are encouraged to register and participate, either in person, if local to the national capital region, or to view the recorded sessions featuring Marine Corps and Department of Defense leaders which will be available on the website to registrants following the event.
3.  Theme:  This year’s event theme of “Today’s Innovation, Tomorrow’s Battles Won” signals the 38th CMC’s objective to refine the future force for 2030 and beyond.
4.  The Modern Day Marine website and recorded content platform is accessible via the MCEN and authorized for use.  The Marine Corps is not responsible for content on sites that may be accessible from the exposition site.  Marines are reminded to practice ethical conduct when visiting any  websites.  Service level recorded sessions will be available to registrants for sixty days following the expo.
5.  Schedule is as follows:
Day 1:  (September 21) Industry Day
0945 Opening Ceremony 
1000 Report to Industry Panel
1400 Requirements, Experimentation, and Acquisition Panel
Day 2:  (September 22) Leadership Day
0900 Enlisted Award Parade
1000 Service Level Update on Force Design 2030
1200 Keynote by Deputy Secretary of Defense
1400 Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Leadership Remarks
Day 3:  (September 23) Professional Military Education Day
1000 TECOM Holistic Overview and Updates
1200 Naval Campaigning and Stand in Forces Presentation
1400 Future Capabilities Presentation
6. In addition to the main briefing center, numerous other presentations and briefs will take place including presentations from the Marine Corps Warfighting Lab, the Capabilities Development Directorate, the Human Performance Branch, the Cunningham Group, the Krulak Center, C4I, TECOM, and I&L. For more information, visit:
7. Release authorized by BGen G. B. Rowell IV, Director of Communication, HQMC.//

Dept of Veteran Affairs Message Regarding Dealing With Events In Afghanistan

August 18th, 2021

There are loads of vets out there like me who don’t interact with the VA, so we don’t get emails like this. Thanks to my friend Thulsa Doom, I’m sharing the contents of an email that went out on Monday. Please share this with friends.

Veterans from all eras are reacting to the events in Afghanistan, such as the U.S withdrawal and the takeover by the Taliban.

You are not alone.

Veterans may question the meaning of their service or whether it was worth the sacrifices they made. They may feel more moral distress about experiences they had during their service. It’s normal to feel this way. Talk with your friends and families, reach out to battle buddies, connect with a peer-to-peer network, or sign up for mental health services. Scroll down for a list common reactions and coping advice.

Resources available right now

• Veterans Crisis Line – If you are having thoughts of suicide, call 1-800-273-8255, then PRESS 1 or visit

? For emergency mental health care, you can also go directly to your local VA medical center 24/7 regardless of your discharge status or enrollment in other VA health care.

• Vet Centers – Discuss how you feel with other Veterans in these community-based counseling centers. 70% of Vet Center staff are Veterans. Call 1-877-927-8387 or find one near you.

VA Mental Health Services Guide – This guide will help you sign up and access mental health services. – information, resources, and Veteran to Veteran videos for challenging life events and experiences with mental health issues.

• RallyPoint – Talk to other Veterans online. Discuss: What are your feelings as the Taliban reclaim Afghanistan after 20 years of US involvement?

Download VA’s self-help apps – Tools to help deal with common reactions like, stress, sadness, and anxiety. You can also track your symptoms over time.

• Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) –  Request a Peer Mentor

• VA Women Veterans Call Center – Call or text 1-855-829-6636 (M-F 8AM – 10PM & SAT 8AM – 6:30PM ET)

• VA Caregiver Support Line – Call 1-855-260-3274 (M-F 8AM – 10PM & SAT 8AM – 5PM ET)

• Together We Served –Find your battle buddies through unit pages

• George W. Bush Institute – Need help or want to talk? Check In or call:1-630-522-4904 or email:

• Elizabeth Dole Foundation Hidden Heroes – Join the Community

• American Red Cross Military Veteran Caregiver Network – Peer Support and Mentoring

• Team Red, White & Blue – Hundreds of events weekly. Find a chapter in your area.

• Student Veterans of America – Find a campus chapter to connect with.

• Team Rubicon – Find a local support squad.

Common Reactions

In reaction to current events in Afghanistan, Veterans may:

• Feel frustrated, sad, helpless, grief or distressed

• Feel angry or betrayed

• Experience an increase in mental health symptoms like symptoms of PTSD or depression

• Sleep poorly, drink more or use more drugs 

• Try to avoid all reminders or media or shy away from social situations

• Have more military and homecoming memories

Veterans may question the meaning of their service or whether it was worth the sacrifices they made. They may feel more moral distress about experiences they had during their service.

Veterans may feel like they need to expect and/or prepare for the worst. For example, they may:

• Become overly protective, vigilant, and guarded

• Become preoccupied by danger

• Feel a need to avoid being shocked by, or unprepared for, what may happen in the future

Feeling distress is a normal reaction to negative events, especially ones that feel personal. It can be helpful to let yourself feel those feelings rather than try to avoid them. Often, these feelings will naturally run their course. If they continue without easing up or if you feel overwhelmed by them, the suggestions below can be helpful.

Strategies for Managing Ongoing Distress

At this moment, it may seem like all is lost, like your service or your sacrifices were for nothing. Consider the ways that your service made a difference, the impact it had on others’ lives or on your own life. Remember that now is just one moment in time and that things will continue to change.

It can be helpful to focus on the present and to engage in the activities that are most meaningful and valuable to you. Is there something you can do today that is important to you?  This can be as an individual, a family member, a parent, or a community member. Something that is meaningful to you in regard to your work or your spirituality? Such activities won’t change the past or the things you can’t control, but they can help life feel meaningful and reduce distress, despite the things you cannot change.

It can also help to consider your thinking. Ask yourself if your thoughts are helpful to you right now. Are there ways you can change your thinking to be more accurate and less distressing? For example, are you using extreme thinking where you see the situation as all bad or all good?  If so, try and think in less extreme terms. For example, rather than thinking “my service in Afghanistan was useless” consider instead “I helped keep Afghanistan safe.”

Finally, consider more general coping strategies that you may want to try including:

• Engage in Positive Activities. Try to engage in positive, healthy, or meaningful activities, even if they are small, simple actions. Doing things that are rewarding, meaningful, or enjoyable, even if you don’t feel like it, can make you feel better.

• Stay Connected. Spend time with people who give you a sense of security, calm, or happiness, or those who best understand what you are going through.

• Practice Good Self Care. Look for positive coping strategies that help you manage your emotions. Listening to music, exercising, practicing breathing routines, spending time in nature or with animals, journaling, or reading inspirational text are some simple ways to help manage overwhelming or distressing emotions.

• Stick to Your Routines. It can be helpful to stick to a schedule for when you sleep, eat, work, and do other day-to-day activities.

• Limit Media Exposure. Limit how much news you take in if media coverage is increasing your distress.

• Use a mobile app. Consider one of VA’s self-help apps (see such as PTSD Coach which has tools that can help you deal with common reactions like, stress, sadness, and anxiety. You can also track your symptoms over time.

PTSD Coach Online. A series of online video coaches will guide you through 17 tools to help you manage stress. PTSD Coach Online is used on a computer, rather than a mobile device, and therefore can offer tools that involve writing.

If you develop your own ways of adapting to ongoing events and situations, you may gain a stronger sense of being able to deal with challenges, a greater sense of meaning or purpose, and an ability to mentor and support others in similar situations.

Curved Stribog Magazines Now Available from Global Ordnance

August 17th, 2021

Sarasota, FL—Global Ordnance, the exclusive distributor for Grand Power in the United States, is officially launching the highly-anticipated 30-Round Curved Magazines for the Grand Power Stribog SP9 lineup. After years of research and development, rigorous testing, and a long ride across the sea, the all-new magazines are finally available for purchase from Global Ordnance and their select dealers.

The Stribog Curved Magazine offers customers a more desirable design that’s easier to load and allows smoother feeding for the tapered 9mm cartridges, as well as a strong polymer construction and a more compact package.

Curved Stribog mags

Grand Power has worked with Global Ordnance for many months to perfect and test the new magazine design. “We are pleased with the results of our partnership in design and development with Grand Power,” said John Dilley, Director of Commercial Operations for Global Ordnance, “we are excited to put the new magazines in the hands of the dedicated fans and followers of the Stribogs.”

Initially, the new Stribog 30-Round Curved Magazines will be offered for retail purchase in limited quantities directly from Global Ordnance’s commercial website and from select dealers including Gun Mag Warehouse and others. For current inventory, Grand Power Stribog SP9A1 and SP9A3 models will be upgraded to include one Curved Magazine in all new shipments.

To learn more about Grand Power and the Stribog lineup, please visit

Headquartered in Sarasota, Florida, Global Ordnance LLC ( is a force multiplier within the commercial and defense military industries supporting a wide array of equipment, ammunition, and firearms. As a Veteran-Owned Small Business, Global Ordnance LLC strives to provide excellence to our customers with unparalleled integrity of values and the loyalty expected. To learn more about Global Ordnance, please visit, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.

ASNL Now Offering Combat Wool

August 17th, 2021

Oceanside, CA: All Skill No Luck (ASNL) has announced a new version of their two flagship styles of “combat flannel”: the Ntchwaidumela and Nemean.

Both garments retain the features of their military- and power-sport-inspired predecessors, e.g. front breast pockets tilted inboard, canted shoulder pockets with Velcro closures and hidden buttons on front and cuffs. These are made of a different material, however: they’re sewn with double-weight brushed Combat Wool flannel from Cordura.

There are two styles of the Combat Wool flannel: Ntchwaidumela and Nemean. Both names are based on mythological lions, and both are initially limited to black and red only.

Combat Wool. Not exactly apparel’s version of Diamond Like Carbon, but definitely a superior material.

ASNL Ntchwaidumela

N’tchwai’dumela: pronounced nn-chwy-doo-meh-la

Ntchwaidumela means he who greets with fire”. The shoulder pocket has a slightly updated design from its predecessor, featuring a modified angle for improved access, an added internal pocket, and a greater depth.

Ntchaidumela flannel features include:

  • 100% Cordura Combat-Wool
  • Mandarin collar
  • contoured fit supreme comfort and softness
  • no exposed buttons
  • breast pockets tilted inboard with a slit to hold sunglasses
  • shoulder pockets tilted inboard
  • adjustable positions for cuff thickness
  • 2 space pen pockets  at forearm
  • available in Small through Double XL

The Nemean Flannel

The Nemean Flannel is a more traditional flannel look.

Features include:

  • Wool blend
  • double brushed for supreme comfort and softness
  • button closures throughout
  • breast pockets with a slit to hold sunglasses
  • hidden collar stay buttons
  • adjustable positions for cuff thickness
  • re-enforced Bartack and double-needle stitching in key areas
  • available in Small through Double XL and
  • military uniform style sizes Medium/Long, Large/Long, X-Large/Long, and 2X Large/Long

All Skill No Luck

ASNL is a “vetrepreneur” company based in Oceanside, CA.

Check out ASNL, All Skill No Luck: home of the combat hoodie, “tactical” drug rug hoodie, and combat flannel.

Follow them on Instagram, @allskillnoluck or connect with them on Facebook, /allskillnoluck/.

Cordura Combat Wool Fabric

Comfort and aesthetics of wool with the performance of nylon

Combining the comfort and aesthetics of wool with the durability of nylon, CORDURA COMBAT WOOL fabrics offer engineered endurance performance. Woven using INVISTA nylon 6,6 staple fiber that is intimately blended with merino wool for an authentic classic wool look and feel with enhanced abrasion resistance and toughness.


  • Rugged – up to 10X more abrasion resistant
  • Comfort – high wool content
  • Lightweight strength – optimal strength to weight ratio
  • Strong – excellent tear strength
  • Authentic – look and feel of classic wool wovens
  • Minimum INVISTA nylon 6,6 fiber content required

The CORDURA COMBAT WOOL fabric portfolio offers apparel solutions for today’s active urban lifestyle and specialist military and work uniform applications. Some options can also be adapted for use in bags, footwear, and accessory items.

Maxim Defense PDX Now Available in URBAN GREY

August 17th, 2021

St Cloud, MN – Maxim Defense, the premiere manufacturer in PDW technologies, is proud to announce the availability of its much-lauded PDX in Urban Grey.

The PDX, which is now chambered in .300BLK, 5.56 NATO, and 7.62×39, had its genesis in USSOCOM. Born of the SOCOM PDW solicitation, the Maxim Defense PDX dominates CQB encounters and puts maximum energy on target.

The PDX – which is just 18.75 in. OAL is available in both pistol and SBR configurations. Utilization of the patent-pending Maxim SCWTM system reduces stock length to 4 in., while an integrated BCG with interchangeable buffer weights provides maximum performance and versatility without sacrificing functionality (and, for the aesthetically minded, form).

The PDX™ is also equipped with the newly-invented Maxim HATEBRAKE™ muzzle booster. This patent-pending device significantly reduces recoil, decreases the flash signature, pushes gasses and concussion waves downrange away from the operator, and improves overall performance in short barrel pistols and rifles.

? HATEBRAKE™ installed under the handguard

? 2 MOA accurate

? M-Slot compatible handguard

? Military-grade materials [17-4 Stainless Steel, 7075 and 6061 Aluminum]

? SCW buffer-carrier

? HK height rail for a more rigid upper receiver

? Optimized Personal Defense Weapon.

? Increased reliability due to included HATEBRAKE™

? Optimized for low flash signature

? Military tested Rapid Deploying PDW stock



  • CALIBERS 5.56 NATO, .300 BLK, 7.62x39mm
    • BARREL LENGTH 5.5” / 139.7 mm
    • MUZZLE VELOCITY 5.56 NATO, 62gr: 1965 FPS avg. 7.62×39, 124gr: 1675 FPS avg.
    • FINISH Urban Grey Hard Anodizing
    • OVERALL LENGTH 18.75” / 476.25 mm
    • WEIGHT (EMPTY) 5.9 lbs / 2.68 kg
    • MUZZLE DEVICE Maxim Defense HATEBRAKE™ Muzzle Booster
    • CONFIGURATIONS SCW™ stock system, SCW Pistol
    • TRIGGER ALG Combat Trigger (ACT)

Magazines: Each PDX ships with one 20rd magazine (7.62x39mm 20rd CPD mags, 5.56NATO 20rd DHL, .300BLK 20rd Lancer Systems)

Learn more about the latest Maxim Personal Defense Weapon with this video:


Maxim Defense PDX – Tough enough for the Tier 1 community and compact enough to keep you and your family safe.

Maxim Defense Industries

3900 Roosevelt Rd.   STE 110
St. Cloud, MN 56301
320-774-1661 FAX


Gryphon Investors’ Mechanix Wear Acquires Chicago Protective Apparel

August 17th, 2021

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 17, 2021 // — Mechanix Wear®, a leading designer and manufacturer of high-performance work gloves, announced today it has acquired Chicago Protective Apparel (“CPA” or the “Company”), a 108 year-old, family-owned manufacturer of personal protective equipment (PPE). Mechanix Wear is a portfolio company of middle-market private equity firm Gryphon Investors. Terms of the transaction were not disclosed.

Founded in 1913 and headquartered in Skokie, IL, CPA manufactures and offers an extensive line of over 20,000 products for arc flash, foundry, and welding applications. The Company’s previous owners, Scott and Myrna Sherman, are retiring after 30 years of service. Vice President John Merikoski will remain with the Company as Director of Production, along with other members of the management team.

Mechanix Wear CEO Michael Hale said, “Our two-year partnership with Gryphon has accelerated our growth and positioned us to expand beyond our core line of work gloves. CPA’s culture of quality and focus on innovation synchronize with Mechanix Wear’s mission of bringing the latest design and material innovation to gloves for working hands. Moving forward, we will integrate and expand on CPA’s product portfolio by looking beyond conventional ideas to innovate the most advanced PPE possible. We are excited to collaborate with John and his team.”

Ryan Fagan, Managing Director in the Consumer Group at Gryphon, said, “We’ve been happy to partner with Michael and his team, and see the impressive growth they have continued to achieve as Mechanix Wear celebrates its 30th year of Hand Built Trust. We are excited to welcome CPA into our partnership.”

Mr. Merikoski commented, “We thank Scott and Myrna for building a trusted company that has attracted a loyal following and enjoyed enormous success. We are now in a great position to grow, and we are delighted to team up with such an iconic brand as Mechanix Wear. With their support, and with Gryphon’s capital and operational resources behind us, we expect to invest in continued innovation and customer satisfaction both domestically and abroad.”

EC M&A served as financial advisor to Gryphon and Mechanix Wear. Kirkland & Ellis acted as legal advisor to Gryphon and Mechanix Wear, and Williams, Bax & Saltzman acted as legal advisor to CPA.

Smith & Wesson M&P 12 Bullpup Shotgun

August 17th, 2021

Smith & Wesson has introduced a 12 ga bullpup shotgun called the M&P 12. It features a 3? Chamber, for a total of Seven rounds – 23/4? or Six rounds – 3? shells per tube.

At the wave top level, here are the features: