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SCUBAPRO Sunday – Buoyancy

October 21st, 2018

Buoyancy is key to a lot of things. It helps make the dive easier in a lot of ways. When using a closed circuit rig (CCR) it keeps you from rocketing to the surface, it prevents you from dropping to the bottom when you stop to fix your gear or “Dräger” talk/ yelling at your dive buddy.

There are two keys to buoyancy: balance and breathing

The two significant factors in achieving neutral buoyancy.

• 1st Wear the right amount of weight for the dive. This will differ depending on the thickness of your wetsuit/ dry suit and gear you are wearing.

• 2nd Breathing slowly and evenly and not having too much air in your breathing bag. If diving a CCR

What is the best way to maintain proper buoyancy?

Pre-dive preparation. Buoyancy control begins, with the pre-dive preparation. As you pick what to wear for a dive. Double-check to make sure nothing has changed that could affect buoyancy. A new wetsuit is more buoyant than an older one and will need more weight. A new suit has more inherent buoyancy at first because diving, especially deep diving simply bursts its bubbles. New gear; compare the old version to the new. Gear is always being updated with new buckles or martial so when you switch from old to new make sure you know what the buoyancy is of the new stuff. So when you go to the new magazine pouch make sure you know how it is in the water. Check the weights on a scale; often there is variation between claimed and actual weight. If diving open circuit, are you using a new cylinder? Some cylinders are negatively buoyant when full and simply less negative when empty; others sink first and float later.

Do a buoyancy check. Here is the best way to do a proper buoyancy check. With your lungs half-full, you should float at eye level with no air in your BC. If you are diving open circuit, remember the average cylinder loses about 5 pounds as it empties. So you might have to add about 5 pounds to your weight if you have done your buoyancy check with a full one.

Keep a log

Keeping a log of what gear you have wore, what the temperature was and the type of water (salt/fresh /brackish). What equipment you used, how much lead you carried, how much your body weighs and whether you seemed too heavy or light.  Knowing the weight of the gear that you used on the dive will help. Make sure you understand that if you are going to remove something during the dive you need to account for that on the return trip home. If you plan ahead by recording in training what you used it will help when you have to do it the next time.

Saltwater VS Freshwater.

If most of your diving is done in the ocean, then ballast calculations should be done in the ocean. Jumping in the pool to check your balance will get you close, but it won’t be 100% correct. If you switch back and forth, you’ll need to adjust your ballast. Be prepared to add anywhere from 4 to 7 pounds going from fresh to saltwater.

Buoyancy, Trim, Position, and Breathing

The secret is buoyancy control, begins with fine-tuning your weighting. How much lead you put into your pouches or have on your weight belt. If you are carrying just the right amount of weight, you will only have to put a little air in your BC. That means less drag and more efficient finning. Less BC inflation also means less buoyancy shift with depth, so you’ll have to make fewer adjustments. There are many tricks, but buoyancy control is the fundamental skill. Precise control of your buoyancy is what enables you to hover motionless and fin through the water, at any depth, without using your hands at all or stirring up mud or silt from the bottom. In addition to using the right amount of weight, make sure you are correctly balanced to optimize your position under water. Keeping a more horizontal position makes you more hydrodynamic. Distribute the weight as uniformly as possible from side to side; you should never notice that you put on more weight on one side while diving. You must also consider the weight of your dive gear and any other additional gear you might be wearing. I.E gun belt or special gear. Make sure it is balanced on your body and it doesn’t shift when you are diving. The lowering you wear your dive rig can cause a tendency to push the diver forward (upside down) in the water, so the placement of weight towards the back can help reverse this position, especially on the surface. While carrying weight in the pockets on the back of the vest or taped to you rebreather can help with the adjustment. Lastly, any dive weight you put on should be easy to remove in an emergency.

The factors that affect your buoyancy besides ballast weight are BC inflation, your trim, exposure suit, depth and breathing control. Your ballast weight and your trim are the only two factors that, once you’ve selected them, stay put. Ballast is the amount of weight it takes to keep you neutral in the water. Trim is about the position of your body weight relative to the position of your weight. Sometime when diving a rebreather you can tape lead washers on it to help with your trip.

There is one more thing to understand that will help with your buoyancy. It is controlling your breathing. Make sure you maintain proper breathing. Take long, relaxed breaths this will allow you to maintain control over your buoyancy.

To determine the amount of weight you need, you take your body weight, the diving suit you are going to use, the weight of your equipment and the environment you are diving in salt or fresh water. You can use about 10 percent of your body weight,  is a good starting point for a full  5 mm or more and for a 3 mm suit, use 5 percent of your body weight.

Dry suits and thick neoprene suits require more ballast to counteract the increased buoyancy of those suits in comparison with the thinnest. Body composition (the muscular density, for example) will also influence the necessary weight.

Remember to calculate for everything you are going to do and wear on your dive. If you are doing a long dive and plan to leave or remove something half way thru your dive. Say doing a ship attack, and you are taking limpets off. Plan for the whole dive. To check your buoyancy get into water deep enough to stay in an upright position, without treading and releasing all air from the vest. Inhale, in a normally, the surface of the water must be at the level of your eyes. When you exhale, you should sink until water covers your head and inhale again, you should emerge once again until the level of the eyes. Adjust your weight in small increments about 1 pound at a time.

Once you get your ballast weight and trim dialed in, you will be ahead of about 75% of all divers toward perfect buoyancy control. Now you can fine-tune your BC inflation to compensate for the very predictable changes due to breathing down your tank and changing depth and use only breath control to drop gently down to that cleaner shrimp, hover inches above it as long as you want and lift away from it harmlessly.

Lastly, there are advanced classes that you can take that focus on advanced skills like this. This may seem like a lot of work, but it will help make diving a lot better and make you more efficient at it.


Wounded Warrior Owned Valor Cycles to Bring Manufacturing and Tour Victory, Back to the US

October 21st, 2018

San Antonio based Wounded Warrior, Adam Mattis, is bringing bicycle manufacturing back to the U.S., and aims to reclaim Tour de France glory for the USA.

Adam Mattis - Valor Cycles

SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS, October 17, 2018 –Strategy Consultant, and Wounded Warrior, Adam Mattis, has big goals. How big? Mattis not only intends to manufacture carbon fiber race bicycles in Texas, but he intends to put an American athlete on the podium of Tour de France in 2029, riding one of his bikes.

“We have so many amazing athletes, skilled people, and technological expertise in the US”, says Mattis, “it is borderline lazy to build anywhere else.”

Beyond the great people and knowledge, South Texas also has technological know-how: “..3D printing, small-batch manufacturing, direct-to-consumer customization: the customer has never seen anything like what we’re planning.”

Valor Cycles intends to apply the same skills and principles that Mattis has applied successfully within Fortune 100 companies and startups to the cycling company. In addition to his own knowledge, Mattis has enlisted an all-star cast of advisors to include Ben Verner of Marolina Outdoor, Nick Rowley of Idea Distribution, marketing guru Stef Peterson, innovation phenom Justin Klahn, design visionary Seth Archer, contracting expert Amy Hicks, and others to help keep Valor on track.

“It is all about fast, integrated learning cycles. We won’t get suckered into one design for years on end. We are reinventing the process around carbon manufacturing, we will build amazing product for our customers, and we will care for them like no other.”

Mattis and his team are first focused on reinvigorating America’s passion for road cycling, but they won’t stop there.

“The sky is the limit” says Mattis “I have learned hard lessons through my work as a consultant, and I will apply each one to Valor Cycles. We’re coming after the Tour de France. We are coming after the big, well-known brands, and after we win there, we are coming after full-suspension.”

After the exodus of cycle manufacturing to Asia, it will take impassioned innovators like Mattis and the Valor Cycles team to bring excitement, authenticity, and a competitive American edge back to cycling.

“Yea, it’s going to be hard, but that’s why we’re doing it. Those hard-fought victories are the sweetest of all.” To learn more please visit www.ValorCycles.com.
For investment inquiries, please email: info@valorcycles.com.

Remington Adds 6mm Creedmoor to Premier Match Ammunition

October 21st, 2018

Huntsville, AL – Remington Arms Company, LLC, (“Remington”) adds a new load to Premier Match Ammunition.

Ever hear the phrase, “you could drive tacks with ’em?” They’re probably talking about Remington Premier Match ammunition. Using only match-grade bullets, Premier Match ammunition employs special loading practices ensuring world-class performance and accuracy with every shot.

The 112 Grain Open Tip Match BT in this new 6mm Creedmoor load is the venerable Barnes® Match Burner™ Open Tip Match BT. The projectile has an astonishing .624 G1 ballistic coefficient for the flattest trajectory and excellent wind-bucking capabilities. Other offerings within the Premier Match line include 223 Remington, 6.5 Creedmoor, 300 AAC BLK, 308 Win, 300 Win Mag and 6.8mm Remington SPC.

More information about the Company can be found at www.remington.com.

What’s Your Grail Gun?

October 20th, 2018


While I don’t have one firearm that is on my all time, must have list, I’d say that the Stoner 63A is one I’d love to have.

The modular design is a feat of engineering, with an interesting list of users.

What’s your grail gun?

US Army Announces Industry Days for Next Generation Squad Weapons

October 20th, 2018

Just two weeks ago the US Army issued a draft Prototype Opportunity Notice for the Next Generation Squad Weapons, their number one Lethality priority which consists of the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Rifle (NGSW-R) and the Next Generation Squad Weapon-Automatic Rifle (NGSW-AR). The NGSW-R is the planned replacement for the M4/M4A1 Carbine and the NGSW-AR is the planned replacement for the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) in the Automatic Rifleman Role in Brigade Combat Teams (BCT). Both are planned to be chambered in 6.8mm, firing a completely new cartridge which does not currently exist. This program is more an ammunition program than a weapon program.

In a notice published earlier today on www.fbo.gov, the Army announced that it will hold industry days for the upcoming Next Generation Squad Weapons Prototype Opportunity Notice. They will be Wednesday to Friday, November 14 through 16, 2018. This pace shows how dedicated the Army is to the plan.

The NGSW program overview will be provided on November 14, 2018 beginning at 9:00 am and will be completed by 12:00 pm.

The one-on-one sessions will start November 14, 2018 at 1:00pm and continue through November 16, 2018 as necessary. One-on-one sessions will be limited to 45 minutes with a 15 minute break between sessions. Vendors may have partners join their one-on- one sessions.

Th Industry Days will be open to foreign companies but they must follow particular instructions.

Be sure to visit www.fbo.gov for full details.

Mission First Tactical Proudly Introduces its Versatile IWB Holsters

October 19th, 2018

The latest product from MFT is laser designed and handcrafted from Boltaron polymer.

Horsham, Pa. (October 2018) – Mission First Tactical, LLC (MFT™), a leader in USA-made rifle/carbine accessories, is proud to release its latest product, the Versatile IWB Holster.

MFT’s proprietary Polymer design, technology and production has developed a laser precise, passive retentive, holster offering carry inside the waistband, outside the waistband and appendix positions for a right or left-hand shooter.

“We created these holsters for the shooter looking for a rugged, durable, precision fitting holster that is versatile and comfortable to wear in a variety of carry positions. It’s also great for shop owners as one holster can do it all. Laser scanning of the handguns translates to the creation of CAD files from which unneeded elements are eliminated, creating less wear and a smoother draw and reholstering. These holsters are hand formed in our plant using Boltaron, a polymer offering superior fit and finish with greater wear, chemical and temperature resistance. Our goal, which we have met, is to provide hand finished holsters each meeting our exacting standards and we can do that with immediate delivery. Shooters may customize the retention and cant to their exact liking. Highest quality hardware provides lifetime service. Each unit includes our 1.5″ belt clip, yet other hardware may be easily substituted. It is available boxed or bagged with eye catching displays.” said MFT’s Vice President David Edelman.

Features and Functions:
-IWB-Inside the Waistband, OWB-Outside the Waistband, Appendix Carry
-Adjustable cant to over 15 percent
-Ambidextrous hole patterns for right or left- handed carry
-1.5″ Belt Clip
-Quality Screws and Hardware
-Molded, Trimmed, Assembled and Buffed by Hand
-Laser CAD Design for Perfect Fit, -Smoother Draw, Less Wear
-Comfortable for Constant Wear

Made in America Lifetime warranty. For more information on Mission First Tactical, visit www.missionfirsttactical.com.

Bobro Engineering Flashlight Mount

October 19th, 2018

Compatible with SureFire Scout series lights and the Streamlight Protac, the Bobro Engineering flashlight mount (Patent Pending) is designed to securely attach a light to an M-LOK slot without the use of tools. It can be installed and removed with a single hand, if necessary.


The RagnarokSD from T.Rex Arms

October 19th, 2018

Centerville, TN — T.Rex Arms has just released the RagnarokSD, a new OWB holster for the easy carry and rapid deployment of suppressed handguns. The SD supports a wide variety of weapons and suppressors, and its unique shape allows a user to draw and fire the weapon in the same short vertical motion common to standard OWB holsters.

The Ragnarok SD is precision-formed from heavy-duty .125″ Kydex, and is further strengthened by structural ribs that provide a more secure grip on the Surefire X300 series weapon light. The suppressor is braced by vented Kydex wings, which can be modified by the user to support the outside diameter of any can.

While this is a passive-retention holster, with no hood, strap, or button to release the firearm, the retention is fully adjustable. The holster requires the use of an X300U or X300V weapon light, but is available for all Glocks and various Sig, M&P, HK, CZ, FN, and XD suppressor hosts.

The back of the holster features the company’s Ragnarok mounting system, which is compatible with accessories from Safariland, Bladetech, Blackhawk, G-Code, S&S Precision, and others, allowing it be run with countless quick-detach systems, paddles, and offset mounts.

Like all Ragnarok holsters, the SD is modular, tough, and fast. Regardless of the configuration used, the weapon can always be deployed with a drawstroke of less than 6″. It is can be ordered now in Black, Ranger Green, Wolverine Brown, Multicam Original, and Multicam Black.

Base MSRP: $75

Questions: team@trex-arms.com

T.Rex Arms is a family-owned company in Middle Tennessee, providing innovative Kydex holsters, nylon products, weapon accessories, medical supplies, and training aids.