SIG MMG 338 Program Series

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

July 16th, 2017

Greetings from the 21st Tag der Infanterie

These days the German Armed Forces’ Infantry and Infantry minded Community meets at the Ausbildungszentrum Infanterie (German Army’s Infantry Training Center) located in Hammelburg, Franconia, Germany.

Horrido, JP

Corps Strength – Excuses Are Like Ass****s, Everyone Has One And They All Stink

July 15th, 2017


I’m sure you’ve heard that old line before as it’s well used, especially in the military. IMO it’s accurate too and pretty universal, as it applies to just about any subject. However, I will contend that more excuses are used around the subject of weight loss and fitness than any other area. Over the years I’ve heard an untold number of excuses from friends, family, students and my fellow Marines (who came up with some of the best ones), for being overweight and out of shape. “I’m big boned, I don’t have time. I have a slow metabolism, I can’t afford good food, etc, etc.” The excuse list is way too long to post here. Addressing those is a whole other article.

The other odd thing about this category of excuses, (set aside the fact they are all at least 95% bullshit), is how many people will follow a workout routine and/or diet that yields very little positive results, yet will stick to it, defend it and make excuses for it, to the bitter end. Over the years I’ve heard many people enthusiastically defend their favorite diet and workout program, even through it’s obvious it hasn’t worked for them, at least not very well. It’s a very weird, but very real thing.

I experienced this again just the other day. Several years ago, outside the main gym here on base they constructed a nice elevated workout platform with several pull-up bars attached, and there are some sand filled ammo cans and tires out there to throw around. A few times a week I do an early morning PT session there that usually takes me about an hour (if I kick it). Now, this platform is located right outside the gym’s “cardio room” I can see in there through several big floor-to-ceiling windows and when I get going around 0600, they seem to always have an exercise class going. From my casual observation it seems to be made up of active military, retirees and dependent civilians. The class itself appears to be a mix of calisthenics, those rubber band things, light dumbbells and stretching. Of course everyone has their mat, water bottle and I hear loud workout music playing and the female instructor yelling out what to do.


The class also has a wide range of fitness levels, with many that are overweight. Now, this is nothing new except for what happened the other morning. I was outside, doing my thing when a man, (who I don’t know, but I had seen a few times in the exercise class) came walking up to me and spoke:

“Hey man, that looks like a tough workout you’re doing”

“Well, it can be.”

“I see you out here all the time.” Is that all you do?

“Well, I run a bit also.”

“No weightlifting?”

“No weights like you’re thinking, but I do throw around these some ammo cans and tires a little.”

“Huh, I figured you lifted weights?” (Apparently I’m lying?)

“No, No weights, no inside gym at all unless it’s really bad weather.”

Then we got down to cases. (I knew what was coming).

“I don’t think that your routine would work for me.” (Keep in mind I didn’t suggest it).

“Why is that?”

“Well, I’m too old, that stuff is more for you younger guys”

“How old are you?”

“53, how old are you 40-45?”

“I’m 57,”

‘Really? Huh, well, I’ve had issues with my back and knees, I can’t do a lot of what I see you doing out here.”

“I see”.

“Plus, I really like the PT class they have here in the morning.

“Yeah, I think I’ve seen you in there.”

“Yes, I go almost every morning.”

“How’s that working out for you?”

“Great, I really like it.”

“Are you tiring to lose some weight?”

“Yeah, I want to lose about 25 lbs, I started this class to help me.” (IMO 30-40 lbs would be better)

“Has it helped?”

“Well, not really.”

Why is that?”

“I don’t know exactly, I think my metabolism has slowed down? but it’s a great class. A real workout!”

“How long have you been in the class?”

“Since, I retired from the Navy, hell, almost five years now. Great class. It’s the best PT class I’ve ever taken.”

“Sounds like it.”

The point is here is not to make fun of someone, (well, maybe a little) but to point out something that is critical to the success of any PT program; That you have to decide if you really want results out of a exercise routine and/or diet plan. Or, that you just want to do something that makes you feel like you’re trying, but in the end not really have to worry about achieving any real results. I get that it’s great to go to a class, get some sweat on and feel good about it. However, for me and the people I train, results are what counts, feeling good is important, but secondary. As in the end I contend that people will feel the best about achieving their fitness goals, not just trying.

When I work with someone on weight loss and improving their fitness it starts with a (realistic) goal, a comprehensive plan to get there and then constant observation of progress to ensure the plan is working toward that end. If not, adjustments are made to get on track. What I don’t spend a second on is making excuses for things that don’t work and worse, continue on that path. Everyone is different, but things either work or they don’t and there are no shit reasons for both. This isn’t rocket science, but sometimes people make it much harder than it is and excuses don’t make it any better, or easier, (Other than just in their mind). The fitness/diet advice I layout in my book and in person has always been based on results, not bullshit to make you feel good, but real honest results. Results gained through consistent, long term effort. Results that will last and you can be proud of, and BTW when that happens, excuses aren’t needed. My old boxing trainer told me something many years ago about excuses; “You never need an excuse for winning, only losing.” Something to think about.

Taking some leave to climb a few rocks up north, We’ll talk next month. Till then:

“Ba Safe always, Good when you can.”

Semper Fi


Gunfighter Moment – Frank Proctor

July 15th, 2017

Train like you Fight

Hey Folks, we’ve all heard it or said it: Train like you Fight. A lot of times, folks think that means wearing full kit in order to train to better shoot your gun. I disagree with the party line that you have to wear full battle rattle to train to shoot better.

For tactical shooters I would strongly recommend shooting ‘slick with no kit’ and learn what they can truly do with their guns, what their full capabilities are, how fast can they really put bullets on targets, maneuver through a challenging course of fire, get into positions, etc. Once that base line of what’s possible is established then put your duty gear on and see if you can still do the same stuff.

If you can’t, why?

If it’s because your body armor is too restrictive, there are plenty of ways to keep the defensive capabilities of your body armor AND be mobile and able to mount your gun to shoot well, and give yourself and your team mates some valuable OFFENSIVE capabilities. This concept applies to all the gear you carry to duty; if it hinders your optimal performance I would fix it or get rid of it and stay as light as possible.

Here’s a proven concept that we all as tactical shooters can use to ‘Train to Win’. Every organized sports team in the country (especially the ones that win) use a similar concept to train. Football teams don’t go full speed in pads everyday in practice. That would be the conventional shooter’s wisdom of “train like you fight”. What they do instead is break down individual skill sets and train them to perfection. Then they’ll put on the pads and put all those things together and scrimmage. They take note of what went well and what didn’t go well, and then they take off the pads and train again. When it comes game time they are prepared to WIN.

That’s my ramble for now, maybe I’ll put together a video explaining it some more.

Thanks y’all!

-Frank Proctor


Frank Proctor has served over 18 years in the military, the last 11 of those in US Army Special Forces. During his multiple combat tours in Afghanistan & Iraq he had the privilege to serve with and learn from many seasoned veteran Special Forces Operators so their combined years of knowledge and experience has helped him to become a better operator & instructor. While serving as an instructor at the Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat Course he was drawn to competitive shooting. He has since earned the USPSA Grand Master ranking in the Limited Division and Master ranking in the IDPA Stock Service Pistol division. He learned a great deal from shooting in competition and this has helped him to become to become a better tactical shooter. Frank is one of the few individuals able to bring the experiences of U.S. Army Special Forces, Competitive Shooting, and Veteran Instructor to every class.

All this experience combines to make Frank Proctor a well-rounded shooter and instructor capable of helping you to achieve your goal of becoming a better shooter.

Gunfighter Moment is a weekly feature brought to you by Bravo Company USA. Bravo Company is home of the Gunfighters, and each week they bring us a different trainer to offer some words of wisdom.

Weaver Introduces Premium MSR Mount

July 15th, 2017

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OVERLAND PARK, Kansas (July 12, 2017) – Weaver, an industry leader in high-performance optics and mounting systems for more than 80 years, continues its quest to produce the best mounting solutions on the market by introducing the new Premium MSR Mount.

A specialized modern sporting rifle deserves high-quality accessories. The Weaver Premium Modern Sporting Rifle (MSR) Optics Mount is designed specifically for MSR rifles. The Premium MSR Optics Mount lives up to its name, starting with its construction. The anodized Type III hardcoat black matte finish adds further protection and blends in seamlessly with the rifle. The sleek design sets optics at the ideal height, with a forward cantilever for MSR rifles. The edges are slightly radiused to prevent snagging. The Weaver Premium MSR Optics Mount adds an extra layer of durability and performance, but hardly any weight.

Available in 1 inch, 30 mm and 34 mm options, the Premium MSR Mount also features double recoil lugs to lock the mount in place and premium 7075-T6 aircraft-grade aluminum construction. Weighing in at just 6 oz., the mount also offers Torx-head screws with three oversized #25 Torx crossbolts with steel-threaded inserts.

Weaver, a Vista Outdoor brand, has more than 80 years of experience creating the world’s most reliable optics and mounting systems. For more information, visit

Magpul X-22 Backpacker in FDE Now Shipping

July 14th, 2017

The X-22 Backpacker in FDE for the Ruger 10/22 Takedown is now shipping!

Warrior East 2017 – Eagle Industries ULV Tactical 

July 14th, 2017

This is the Ultra Lightweight Vest – Tactical which is an evolutionary development of the US Army’s ULV.


Eagle added an adjustable cummerbund which is reinforced with laminate, laser cut with the same design as the shoulder straps. There’s also an optional elastic strap for times when you don’t need a full cummerbund. Additionally, the interior of the vest is made from 4-way stretch Tweave material and the shoulder straps are padded with Tweave. There are four sizes for the ULV Tactical but thanks to the Tweave, the panels will accommodate a variety of plates thicknesses. At the rear are #5 zips which will accept Eagle back panels. You’ll also notice a drag handle.


Another change from the baseline model is that the ULV Tactical will accept the removable front flaps from the Aero.


As a complimentary piece, Eagle introduced a Ultra Lightweight Chest Rig which is made from laminate and weighs 11 oz. Without the shoulder straps it’s just 7 oz. It also accepts the Aero’s front flaps.


The Chest Rig has dual AN/PRC-152 radio pouches on the interior and the rig can be attached via side release buckles directly to the ULV Tactical.

Offered in Black, Coyote, Ranger Green, Grey and MultiCam.

Warrior Expo 2017 – MATBOCK OsteoFX

July 14th, 2017

MATBOCK is now offering the OsteoFX cast system. It’s FDA approved and reimbursibke through Medicare and Medicaid.

Application is simple, offering a 40% reduction in application time over traditional cast systems. Also, OsteoFX can be used most anywhere, including austere areas. You roll the inner material unto the affected limb, wet the outer material, roll it into place, and you have five minutes to make any adjustments before it begins to harden. The material cures as it air dries, fully cured in 15 min. Even better, you can get it wet, like showering or even swimming and the cast won’t compromise while allowing the skin underneath to dry and breathe.

Warrior East 2017 – Juggernaut IMPCT Case

July 14th, 2017

The Juggernaut IMPCT is the lightest weight case they’ve ever built. Designed for use with the S8, S8 Plus, iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, it features a simple, snap-in floor plate with optional rubber gasket for those times you need to protect the connectors from ingress.

It is also compatible with Juggernaut’s line of mounts.

Although it was designed for LE and ruggedized industry, a wide variety of others will want them as well with pricing below $50.