GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

SOFWERX – Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Pre-Release for Visual Augmentation Systems (VAS) Range Finder

July 10th, 2023

The USSOCOM Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program will soon be accepting submissions for the technology area of interest below.

Special Area of Interest

SOCOM234-003: Visual Augmentation Systems (VAS) Range Finder

SOF ground forces require an improved capability for situational awareness allowing reliable and effective day/night observation and range measurement in a small, low-cost, easy to use device in primarily urban or near- urban environments with ambient light sources.

Current observation and range measurement solutions possess the following requirements:

• requires digital integration

• requires low-light or night capability

• Too large

• Cost prohibitive

• Require active emission of laser energy

• Lack user-assistance, limiting the effective range

• Lack feedback mechanisms that allow the user to be sure of their measurement

Potential solutions should hyper enable the SOF operator by interrogating a potential target with its integrated sensors, organizing that gathered information in a useful manor, and reliably disseminating it via Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) interface to the End User Device (EUD).

Potential solutions include integrated sensing solutions capable of aiding the user in detecting human sized targets at the maximum possible distance for both day and night urban environments. Solutions must enable the user to gather range measurements to target types that include, but are not limited to humans, vehicles and buildings. Solutions utilizing a laser transmitter for range measurement must maintain user safety by using a laser with wavelength greater than 1400 nanometers and also by not exceeding the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Class 1 laser hazard classification.

Potential solutions shall be capable of surviving all environments that SOF encounters, including immersion, transportation vibration, high and low temperatures, high humidity, high altitude, drops and shocks, rain, ice, sand and dust, salt fog, and electromagnetic radiation. Participants are encouraged to outline the design trades associated with surviving immersion at 1 meter for 30 minutes.

The innovative research should focus on solutions that can be adapted to meet the size, weight, and power (SWaP) constraints listed below.

• Less than 18 oz. (1.125lbs) with power source(s) installed.

• Less than 64 cubic inches in volume, and not exceed 6 inches in either length, width, or height.

• Potential solutions must provide the operator with the following runtime profile before requiring a change of power source.

o Daytime: 30 minutes of observation including 75 range measurements; and

o Nighttime: 30 minutes of observation including 75 range measurements; and

o 20 Rapid Ranging Events: A Rapid Ranging Event can be described as follows. User detects an object of interest while not using the device. User then picks up the device and utilizes its range measurement capability until user is confident, they have an accurate range measurement to the object of interest.

Clarifying Information: The purpose of this effort is not to generate precise target coordinates. For any target coordinates that the integrated sensing solution can generate, it should be able to communicate those digitally into TAK with all associated errors.

Submissions Open 20 July 2023 12:00 PM ET (Noon). On 20 July, SOFWERX will host a virtual Q&A session for the area of interest. RSVP to the Q&A session at events.sofwerx.org/sbir23-4r3.

Thyrm Switchback

July 10th, 2023

I’ve found that once in awhile it’s good to reintroduce older products to the SSD readership as there are constantly new readers coming on board.

The Switchback is a flashlight accessory which screws a retention ring into place between the body and tail cap. It has become a mainstay of the Thyrm line and expanded over time to five different models which will fit most popular handheld lights.

• The now defunct SwitchBack Large was the original SwitchBack Large, compatible with many 1-inch diameter lights.

SwitchBack Large 2.0 is the newest version of the Large SwitchBack, compatible with even more 1-inch diameter lights and with several improved features.

SwitchBack DF is an extra-large flashlight ring that is compatible with Surefire Dual Fuel handheld lights and Pelican 7600 flashlights.

SwitchBack HOG is an extra-extra-large flashlight ring that is compatible with the Modlite HOG handheld light.

SwitchBack S Backup is a smaller flashlight ring that is compatible with most Surefire “EDC” and legacy Backup lights.

Many appreciate the versatility the SwitchBack adds to handheld lights by aiding retention, but the most common criticism I hear is from people who have never actually tried one.

They either rely soley on a weapon mounted light, which means they’ve got to expose their pistol and point it at things they might not want to point a weapon at, or they see others use a modified shooting grip with the flashlight and declare that they don’t shoot that way.

Got it. I don’t either. But I do like to know that I’m not going to accidentally drop my light while I’m using it.

For those of you who do shoot that way, SwitchBack makes it much easier to establish and maintain a solid grip on your light.

Check the SwitchBack out and get 10% off by visiting thyrm.com/soldier-systems.

Jankel Celebrates the Delivery of Over 500 Fox Tactical Vehicles

July 10th, 2023

In July 2023, Jankel, a world-leader in the design, integration, manufacture, and support of high-specification vehicles and protection systems, is celebrating the delivery of over 500 Jankel Fox tactical vehicles, globally. The Jankel Fox product line is a family of tactical vehicles based on modified off-the-shelf Toyota base vehicles; either the Hilux or the 79 series pickup (single and double cab), depending on each customer’s s requirements.

The 500 vehicles have been designed, developed and built by Jankel in the UK where the IP resides, as well as being produced in collaboration with their French partners, Technamm who have built the French variant of the Jankel Fox Long Range Patrol Vehicle (LRPV), named ‘Jankel Fox by Masstech’. The vehicle was procured by the French MoD as part of the VPS2 urgent requirement in 2018. The vehicles are manufactured under license in France by Technamm at their Lambesc facility. In 2015, Jankel was awarded an internationally competed contract to supply 108 Jankel Fox 4×4 Rapid Reaction Vehicles (RRV) to the Belgium Ministry of Defence (BeMoD) for use by their Special Forces. The last of the BeMoD Jankel Fox RRVs rolled off the production line in 2020. Since then, Jankel has received a significant number of orders for Jankel Fox vehicles from undisclosed global customers in different variants, bringing the current total to over 500, supporting UK exports and jobs across a growing team of engineers and skilled technicians. The Jankel Fox vehicle is now in service and supported in: UK; USA; NZ; Romania; France; Belgium; Botswana; Oman; Jordan; South Korea; Brunei; Spain; Italy; Mauritania and Indonesia.

The Jankel Fox family comprises of three main role variants: Tactical Utility Vehicle (TUV); Rapid Reaction Vehicle (RRV) and Long Range Patrol Vehicle (LRPV) available in 4×4 and 6×6 variants. Jankel continue to spirally develop the platform in the UK with configurations and developments to integrate future mission systems across the Jankel Fox family. Jankel has designed and integrated upgrades to the off-the-shelf automotive platform systems including: suspension; drive train; brakes; transmission and power generation. The military integration then includes weapons, communications, ECM, modular armour, seating, tools and stowage. The vehicle is compliant with multiple international defence standards that include reliability, integration, service support, operating environments, towing, tie-downs, aircraft and helicopter transportation. The Jankel Fox has a crew of 2-6 and is used in a variety of roles including: command, reconnaissance, tactical patrol, fire-support, logistics, border patrol and anti-poaching. Jankel has also put in place a comprehensive global support solution that is delivering all aspects of in-service support to the range of customers now operating their Jankel Fox vehicles.

Andrew Jankel, Chairman at Jankel said: “this is an important milestone for Jankel as we see over 500 of our Jankel Fox tactical vehicles having been delivered to over fifteen end user groups. That’s a significant achievement creating UK-held Intellectual Property and enabling Jankel to further grow the team, creating and sustaining skilled engineering jobs. The programmes have demonstrated our flexibility in producing and exporting vehicles globally including through licensed manufacture in-country, to satisfy local build requirements “a model that can be replicated anywhere.” He added: “I think there are three main points to make about the Jankel Fox. 1) it’s an extremely capable and flexible platform that is now battle-proven on multiple operations. 2) our approach of using modified off-the-shelf base vehicles delivers the required capability but at an affordable price. 3) because the Jankel Fox is based on the world-renowned and supremely reliable Toyota chassis’, remote users can tap into a global support network literally, anywhere. At the same time, we’ve developed a comprehensive support solution to complement that.”

New Bereavement Leave Policy Provides for Soldier Well-Being

July 10th, 2023

WASHINGTON – Grieving Soldiers who have recently lost a child or spouse now have the option to take up to 14 days of non-chargeable bereavement leave, based on a policy signed by the Secretary of the Army on May 8.

Soldiers will be allowed the time off to make funeral and burial arrangements for deceased loved ones as part of a directive passed by the Secretary of Defense on March 29. The new policy, which falls under the National Defense Authorization Act, also allows troops bereavement time to grieve before returning to duty. The service published its All Army Activities summary of the directive or ALARACT, this week.

“During this time, we don’t want our Soldiers thinking about the mission or readiness,” said Larry Anderson, assistant deputy of military pay, compensation and entitlements, Assistant Secretary of the Army’s Office for Manpower and Reserve Affairs. “We just want them to take care of themselves and be mentally, spiritually and physically able to come back and accomplish that mission. This is just one of the many touch points to help them go through that grieving process.”

About 270 Soldiers across the force have already applied for bereavement leave, Anderson said.

Soldiers who have less than 30 days of leave on the date of death are eligible for up to 14 consecutive days of bereavement. Soldiers with more than 30 days leave become eligible for bereavement leave once their leave balance falls below 30 days. Soldiers who have served longer than one year are eligible for the program.

Additionally, Soldiers whose loved ones have passed away on or after June 25, 2022 and took chargeable leave associated with those deaths can have up to 14 days of charged leave restored.

The loss of a child or spouse can have a spiraling impact on the morale and mental health of a Soldier. In addition to the emotional and psychological toll, a Soldier who loses a spouse may have to take on additional duties such as more childcare responsibilities, Anderson said.

“Now your entire life has been interrupted,” Anderson said. “And during that time, we need them worrying about their family and making sure they have the necessary resources for their wellbeing. If a Soldier isn’t worried about what they’re supposed to be doing on their mission, there’s a possibility that lives could be at stake.”

Soldiers who have suffered the loss of another relative, such as a parent, or Soldiers who experience a miscarriage or stillbirth, do not qualify for bereavement leave.

Previously, Soldiers who suffered a death in the family had the option of taking chargeable, emergency leave or annual leave.

Now, Soldiers have a more convenient option for taking time away from duty. Army Chief of Compensation J.D. Riley said that the policy aligns with the Army’s priority of taking care of its people.

“The Army is people first, so this is a big step forward for service members,” Riley said. “Because when you take care of Soldiers and families, readiness takes care of itself.”

Anderson, a retired Air Force chief master sergeant, said he saw the effects of a loved one’s death on a fellow service member in 2003.

The Airman, an Air Force reservist, served as a medical technician during a stateside deployment at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. The Airman’s active duty spouse died in a motorcycle accident, Anderson said.

“I kind of saw how it shook that person,” Anderson said. “I don’t think that [Airman] ever recovered. We’ve never had any [leave policy] of this precedence. So this is a great step in showing service members, we do care.”

After Soldiers return to duty from bereavement leave, they will have 30 days to provide documentation to company-level commanders. Anderson said that the Army has left the documentation requirement to the discretion of a Soldier’s chain of command, so that the Soldier can focus on recovery.

“It’s about mourning,” Riley said. “People need time to grieve and people grieve in different ways.”

By Joe Lacdan, Army News Service

Savage Arms Continues Partnership with Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors

July 9th, 2023

WESTFIELD, Massachusetts – July 5th, 2023 – Savage Arms announces its continued partnership with Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors. The 501(c)-3 nonprofit is dedicated to its mission of providing mentorship and resources to children interested in outdoor sports. The organization’s goal is to immediately increase the number of outdoorsmen and women today, so that the industry, and its conservation efforts, have a support system in place to thrive in the future. Savage supports Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors to support more growth towards the shared mission values of conservation, safety and community.

“Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors encompasses everything Savage strives to support as they educate kids on the experiences, safety and ethical practices of the outdoor sports world,” said Beth Shimanski, Director of Marketing for Savage Arms. “A safe and ethical outdoorsman or woman is a responsible firearm owner, and these mentors work diligently to provide guidance. We’re happy to support their efforts as they mentor a new generation of outdoorsmen and women.”

Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors meet their mission goals by organizing events, fundraising and bolstering community support across the United States. In the last year, the organization more than doubled the number of hunts they organized, engaging over 1,000 youth. In addition to this success, Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors and their Shooting Sports Outreach Program has had great results. This program partners mentors with state high school shooting programs, and has helped to continue to invigorate a growing sport while also introducing more participants into the outdoor world.

“Continued support from Savage Arms is greatly appreciated. Their generosity will equip us to push our mission forward and reach the goals we have set for the year,” said Brittany French, CEO for the Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors. “When we all work together to try to move the needle in this industry, great things can happen. Savage Arms is an incredible partner to serve youth in the outdoors.”

To learn more about how to volunteer, participate or partner with Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors, visit their website at www.outdoormentors.org


Check out Savage Arms’ Stories From the Road here, and read how one youth trap shooting team is making their mark on shooting sports with the help of Pass It On – Outdoor Mentors.


Honor a Veteran in Trucking with a Free Vietnam Trip

July 9th, 2023


KANSAS CITY, MO. – WHAT: It is with great pleasure that we announce a special, all-expenses paid trip for honorably discharged veterans in the trucking industry to Vietnam from November 4th to November 12th. 

Veterans In Trucking has joined forces with Waypoint Vets and FASTPORT to offer veterans an opportunity to share their stories of service in the military for their chance to win this adventure of a lifetime.

To share your story of service please email info@veteransintrucking.com

The journey will involve 10 veterans and will include both historical expeditions and wonderful outdoor adventures. This is an opportunity for veterans to connect with their peers, share their stories, and experience the healing power of nature. 

Submissions are open and winners of the trip will be announced on July 20th. Interested veterans can visit veteransintrucking.com for more information and can share their stories here.

Veterans In Trucking is dedicated to providing a supportive environment for veterans to share their experiences and bond with one another. The trip is designed to help veterans find peace and closure after their time in the service.

WHO: Veterans In Trucking invites all honorably discharged veterans in the trucking industry who have served their country with honor to apply for this unique opportunity. The tour is designed to give back to the veterans who have given so much to our country. This is an opportunity for veterans in the trucking industry to share their stories of honorable service and to connect with other like-minded individuals.

HOW TO WIN: To be considered for this trip veterans must share their story of serving honorably in either the military or the trucking industry. The trip is open to all veterans in the trucking industry that were honorably discharged from the military.

WHERE: Veterans will explore the rugged beauty and rich history of Vietnam. Veterans In Trucking is proud to honor the heroic service of our veterans by providing them with an unforgettable adventure that celebrates their contributions to our nation.

The tour will explore some of Vietnam’s most beautiful destinations, and the expedition will be tailored specifically to the experiences of the attendees who served in Vietnam. Along the way, the group will have the opportunity to learn about Vietnam’s rich history and culture, as well as experience its natural wonders.

Activities will include light hiking, and exploring the stunning landscapes of Vietnam. This time in nature is meant to provide veterans with a chance to find peace and healing. 

About Veterans In Trucking: This special journey is being organized by Veterans in Trucking, a group dedicated to supporting veterans in the trucking industry. Veterans in Trucking is dedicated to supporting our country’s heroes through programs that recognize their service while providing resources and support to help veterans succeed in the trucking industry and beyond.

For more information, please visit the Veterans In Trucking website at www.veteransintrucking.com

*All participants must be in moderately good health and must obtain a passport in order to participate in adventures. No animals of any kind will be permitted on this trip in deference to local traditions and the inherent trip logistical limitations.

Futures Command Integrates Transformation Efforts Across Army, Multinational Force

July 9th, 2023

AUSTIN, Texas — For the U.S. Army to reach its transformation goals, it must ensure the innovations being tested and adopted in support of future readiness are also being seamlessly integrated across the force — a focus area for the Army’s newest four-star command.

“Army Futures Command has taken the approach that we will lead the integration for the United States Army, and the land component specifically, into all the domains that we’re dependent on — air, land, sea, space, cyberspace, etc., a truly multi-domain approach, while at the same time looking at concepts for the future — with all those key partners that we need to work with,” said Army Futures Command Deputy Commanding General Lt. Gen. Thomas H. Todd III.

The command’s strategic integration of transformation activities — from initial concepts and requirements onward — ensures the Army is achieving effective, sustainable and far-reaching improvements to how the force operates both on and off future battlefields.

AFC is undertaking its integration work in myriad ways, including building new systems compatible with those of multinational partners, incorporating support mechanisms for modern technologies into training modules and long-term sustainment plans, and sharing critical lessons learned from groundbreaking science and technology research across all relevant components of the Army and joint force. The command executes integration activities in conjunction with its five other core functions: future operational environment, concepts, research, experimentation and requirements; these six functions support the command’s ability to prioritize people, design the Army of 2040 and deliver the Army of 2030.

AFC’s Directorate of Integration is responsible for synchronizing integration across doctrine, organization, training, materiel, leadership, personnel, facilities and policy, while numerous downtrace organizations — including cross-functional teams, or CFTs — are engaging in integration-furthering activities daily. These efforts reinforce one another, enabling the U.S. military and its allies to more clearly see where strengths and weaknesses exist, and remedy any potential problems.

“The Army strategy requires a keen focus on integration, allowing us to hone in on necessary resiliency and situational awareness of the battlespace,” said Mike Monteleone, director of the Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing/Space (APNT/Space) CFT.

“Resiliency and situational awareness build confidence. Confidence builds speed. Speed builds force lethality. To achieve that end result, the Army must focus on integration at all levels,” Monteleone continued.

The APNT/Space CFT was able to increase as well as observe stakeholder integration during its most recent Positioning, Navigation and Timing Assessment Experiment, known as PNTAX, held at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, from August to September 2022.

PNTAX, which brings together hundreds of military and industry participants annually, is the Army’s premier live-sky, open-air GPS and communications denied/degraded experiment, offering tactical scenarios informed by pacing threats. The experiment incorporates new and existing PNT and navigation warfare technologies, which Army and joint force participants can assess, develop and reassess in the most challenging and realistic environments available.

The Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing/Space Cross-Functional team is a crucial part of the Army Futures Command, responsible for accelerating the delivery of advanced APNT, Tactical Space and Navigation Warfare capabilities to the Soldier. One way the CFT informs technology and system requirements, is through the PNT Assessment Experiment, or PNTAX.

PNTAX provides an opportunity for early, immersive experimentation, where the Army and its partners across government, industry and academia put technology of varying readiness levels directly into Soldiers’ hands. These early opportunities for direct end-user feedback are crucial and heavily influence the rest of the technology development process to meet capability requirements and ultimately integrate faster.

Other examples of how AFC is integrating new solutions are evident in the international partnership-building work being carried out by the Network and Long Range Precision Fires (LRPF) CFTs.

The Network CFT acknowledges that as national armies operate in multinational coalitions during future expeditionary operations, integration and interoperability of communications will be paramount to ensuring battlefield success. As a result, the CFT hosts foreign liaison officers from the armies of two close allies, the U.K. and Australia, to help shepherd information interoperability initiatives, concepts and goals.

Both the U.K. and Australia participated in Project Convergence 22, the Army’s capstone transformation experiment of 2022, to advance multinational collaboration, with data integration successes occurring at the human, technical and procedural levels. Today, U.K. and Australian officers are assisting with preparation for Capstone 4, a Project Convergence capstone experiment to be held in 2024. Capstone 4 will build upon the collaborative successes of PC22 by integrating increasing numbers of Australian, British and American data platforms.

Meanwhile, the LRPF CFT continues to advance its co-development of next-generation weapons systems capabilities with the U.K. as part of a collaborative agreement established in 2020. A foreign liaison officer from the U.K is part of the team, helping facilitate discussions, problem solving and continuous learning. The partnership between the two militaries emphasizes complementarity for joint deployments and enhances experimental operational activities, which are crucial for delivering the Army of 2030 and designing the Army of 2040.

“Our alliances play a vital role in shaping the future of our countries, and by working together with multinational partners, we enhance our collective strength,” said Col. Rory Crooks, director of the LRPF CFT.

The LRPF CFT demonstrated refined strategies and tactics for multi-domain battlefields during PC22, converging effects among Joint and Allied forces. The CFT also engaged in additional experimentation and learning with Australian and U.K. counterparts in the areas of artificial intelligence-enabled computing, manned-unmanned teaming, secure transport layer networks and disaggregated sensor collections, which can reduce the time required to identify, target and neutralize enemy threats.

AFC’s integration of new technology and processes improves interoperability between systems from various nations while also enhancing human capabilities and connectivity — all of which are integral to the Army’s pursuit of war-winning future readiness.

By Army Futures Command

ASA Members Now Get Access to Insider Discounts with ExpertVoice

July 8th, 2023

Atlanta, GA – The American Suppressor Association (ASA) is thrilled to announce a brand new membership benefit through ExpertVoice. This partnership connects ASA members to discounts from hundreds of their favorite brands.

Since 2004, ExpertVoice has evolved their platform by adding new industries, new brands and new experts.  They provide insider discounts to Trijicon, Mystery Ranch, Garmin, Browning and many more companies.

“We’re constantly looking for ways to improve the benefits available to ASA members,” said Owen Miller, Vice-President of ASA. “We’re thrilled to be able to offer this exciting benefit to each of our members as a way of supporting our members that support our suppressor advocacy work.”

If you are a current member of the ASA, you can sign-up for this new benefit by visiting ExpertVoice.com and click the “Join Now” button to submit a copy of your current ASA membership card.  If you are not yet an ASA member, join today to gain access to ExpertVoice.  When you join the ExpertVoice platform with your ASA membership, you can unlock amazing discounts up to 60% off and expand your knowledge on a variety of industry specific topics.

Join us in the fight to help protect and expand your right to own and use suppressors by becoming an ASA Member at  www.ASAMember.com.