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Posts Tagged ‘MATBOCK’

Warrior East – MATBOCK Tarsier Eclipse

Thursday, July 14th, 2016

MARBOCk told me that three years of work have paid off. Tarsier Eclipse is NAVAIR approved and will be added to the NATOPS!

For those of you unfamiliar with Tarsier Eclipse, it’s an add-on, easily adjustable iris for the objective lens of night vision devices which facilitates quick focus. With a twist of the adjuster, the iris opens and closes (as you can see above) in order to fine tune the focus for up close work. It also works as a sacrificial lens in order to prevent lens damage.


Sneak Peek – MATBOCK Jungle LIFT

Wednesday, June 15th, 2016

I stopped by MATBOCK yesterday and they showed me this new J LIFT. Designed at the request of a South American military, this litter weighs 1.5 lbs and won’t absorb water.

MATBOCK – Berserker Plate Carrier

Friday, June 3rd, 2016

At only 14oz, its going to be hard to find a lighter plate carrier on the market with all of these capabilities. MATBOCK has once again lived up to their motto of “Lighter Faster Warriors”. We have written about this carrier in the past, but it’s finally ready for production after much testing and abuse.

The MATBOCK Ghost material is super lightweight, but extremely strong. Its waterproof and pre-treated with signature reduction and flame-resistant properties. Currently available only in MultiCam with the possibility of other colors based on demand.

Carrier includes:
– Internal dual comms pouches
– Side armor plate pockets
– Shoulder pads
– Integrated reinforced drag handle
– 4-way stretch material around the front and back armor pockets to accommodate various plate cuts, like swimmer cut and ESAPI.
– Available in S/M, L, and XL sizes

MSRP – $490

**PLEASE ALLOW 8-10 Weeks for delivery**

Order direct from MATBOCK before the 4th of July for a release special $400.00 price. Enter code SSDBerserker at www.matbock.com/collections/matbock-ghost-line/products/berserker-carrier.


Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

What do you get when you take a great idea from a couple of SEALs, add a load carriage solution from Mystery Ranch and then have Drift Dry waterproof it?

This bundle is the MATBOCK MR Dry. The idea was borne from over the beach operations where previous waterproof pack solutions proved bulky.

The guys at MATBOCK took a look at the issue Myster Ranch Tri-Zip 3-Day Pack and considered ways to make it more user friendly for the mission. Mystery Ranch agreed to the project and MATBOCK brought in Drift Dry to produce a waterproof overbag.

As you can see, MR made some slight modifications to their harness for use in the maritime environment.

The pack remains fully waterproof until you open the outerbag. It also incorporates an oral inflation tube. Inside, you can integrate the MR 3-Day pack or medic bag and the outer bag can be rolled out of the way for full access to the inner pack.


Warrior Expo – MATBOCK / Strike Force

Thursday, May 5th, 2016

Strike Force, the liquid energy elixir, has introduced a subscription service. It’s pretty cool. You can choose how often you want another 10 pack shipped to you.

Add one pack to a standard 1/2 liter water bottle (or 16 oz glass) to turn your water into a full power energy drink.

Each flavor pack is a liquid that is sugar / calorie free, but adds an explosion of energy and flavor to any beverage. There’s no mixing, stirring or shaking, and the flavor will never settle to the bottom like crystals or syrup.

Enter code SSD20 for a 20% discount off of the subscription service as well as regular orders.


2016 MATBOCK Catalog

Monday, March 7th, 2016

(Click cover to view pdf.)


MATBOCK Named to 50 Innovative Companies in Combat Medicine and Battlefield Healthcare

Wednesday, February 24th, 2016

MATBOCK is pleased to announce that it has been named to the 50 Innovative Companies in Combat Medicine and Battlefield Healthcare 2016 report from VisionGain. Visiongain is a leading business information portal, helping customers keep abreast of key changes taking place in their industry. MATBOCK prides itself in pushing innovation and technology to support our warriors on the battlefield and is honored to be included in this report with so many other great companies supporting our troops.

Check out section 5.4.2


Strike Force from MATBOCK

Monday, January 11th, 2016


So what is Strike Force. It’s little packet but packs a huge strike…(cough) force! This packet contains the same amount of energy as 2 Redbulls but is sugar/calorie free. A StrikeForce box holds 10 packets (picture) and retails for $10. MATBOCK also offerS 100 qty boxes as well.

I’ve tried it several times and I like the taste. What’s more, this liquid can be added to any potable water so there’s no need to transport loads of energy drink cans.

