
Posts Tagged ‘Weapon Outfitters’

Join The MAWL Man Militia

Friday, March 10th, 2017

For Christmas last year, BE Myers & Co., Inc sent out custom brick figures configured as MAWL Man to commemorate the launch of their weapon laser. Armed with a MAWL-DA on top of a suppressed MK18, MAWL Man also sports a pistol, knife, plate carrier and full loadout.

These proved so popular in social media that they decided to offer them for sale in order to raise funds for their favorite charity, SOC-F.

Get your MAWL Man from Weapon Outfitters and share photos of him in action by joining the MAWL Man Militia on Facebook.

Weapon Outfitters Has KAC T1 and H1 Aimpoint Battery Caps In Stock

Tuesday, September 30th, 2014

Weapon Outfitters was recently heavily restocked with KAC T1 and H1 Aimpoint battery caps. The T1/H1 Aimpoint sights are awesome and the Knight’s battery cap upgrade is excellent.


Weapon Outfitters did a great job of detailing its advantages:

1. They allow you to store an onboard spare battery for the already impressive Aimpoint Micro
2. They are a lot stronger than the standard battery cap: an actual consideration for hard use rifles. I busted up my stock cap real good and it had to be removed by the gunsmith… the KAC unit is a lot less vulnerable to blunt forces and deformation.
3. The machined features make adjusting brightness a lot easier, especially with gloves and sweaty hands!
4. Lastly, the cost is fair for an intricately machined part and useful upgrade!

Long Range Operators Challenge – After Action Report

Monday, March 17th, 2014

Roy Lin of Weapon Outfitters attended the recent Long Range Operators Challenge that was held near Colville, Washington, March 7-9, as a non-participant. This AAR consists of his observations at the event, including the weapons he saw were used, the challenges the participants faced, the participants themselves, and his overall experiences.

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A few months ago, I heard about the Long Range Operators Challenge from Tarrol Peterson. Tarrol is a retired Army sniper, who’s had a long and interesting career from going to Somalia with 10th Mountain to being the OIC at the US Army Sniper School. Given his past experience organizing the annual US Army International Sniper Competition as well as his experience working with industry, this competition seemed intriguing.


The competition was designed to challenge shooters equally: the rules required two man teams to utilize whatever equipment they had on hand to engage targets of varying unknown distances in unknown terrain. Seems a simple enough challenge on paper, but field conditions in the north east corner of Washington definitely complicated things. Due to the unpredictability of Washington in Spring, there was a massive amount of snow dumped onto the match location the week before. Additionally, over the course of the match, fast moving low clouds, rain, and quickly shifting wind also proved to be challenges for the participants.

Participants in the competition consisted of US Army members from around the country, international military observers, and civilian teams. Equipment was diverse and a pleasure to see tested. Some teams ran issued equipment such as an M24 (“Where did you manage to get that!?” a RSO and young retired sniper remarked), and a refurbished Mk110 SASS. Non-issued equipment quickly got exotic and expensive. Among the weapons in use I observed: a Nemo Arms semi automatic 300 Win Mag rifle, a Desert Tactical Arms bull pup sniper rifle, a Primary Weapon Systems Mk2 (piston AR-10 variant), and a GA Precision GAP-10. Remington 700s of all flavors from the vanilla to the extensively customized were also in use.

Of note was the civilian teams seemed to have a lot more high speed rifles and gear when compared to the military teams. It made sense given their lack of restriction to military ammunition and equipment supply and logistics. In particular, it became clear that competitors who were able to use more specialized long range rounds had a very large advantage at longer ranges. Civilian long range enthusiasts are free to experiment with ammunition, rifles, gunpowder, primers, and reloading techniques to extract out accuracy that would be hard to issue en masse to military forces.

Teams were required to carry all their equipment between stages, and distance between stages could be deceptively long with elevation changes, snow, wind, and light navigation required. I’d estimate distance between stages to be 400 yards on average: not enough to make this a wholly physical event, but not so easy as so one could lug around needless equipment. Snow shoes were not absolutely required, but definitely helped on a number of stages. Some competitors did well simply with hiking boots, Gaiters and jeans… I went for the whole 9 yards myself with the Salomon Boots, Patagonia Goretex pants, and Arc’Teryx Alpha LT on top of synthetic base layers.

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Targets consisted of AR-500 steel targets in a variety of sizes from small head sized boxes to more traditional USPSA “popper” sized targets at longer ranges. A single laterally moving target on a rail system was also featured, used to maximum effect to challenge shooters. On the first day, it was placed at 485 yards away, moving at roughly 3-4 mph. The lateral movement was an insurmountable challenge to some, and an easily conquered one for those with the equipment and experience to hit moving targets. Each stage was manned by experienced long range enthusiasts of all types, who’ve gone to countless long range matches and served as stage directors as well as target spotters. The personnel intensive nature of this competition was necessary, given the difficulty of spotting and scoring long range shooting matches.

One stage, sponsored by Glock, required shooters to engage pistol targets while moving with a slung rifle, before engaging with rifle targets. Participants were allowed the use of the new Glock 41 long slide .45 ACP pistol. Match volunteers built a fire near this stage, and it became an unofficial break/rest area for support staff who got to handle Silencero suppressors, as well as an M24 outfitted with a Gemtech suppressor BE Meyers was kind enough to bring out.

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The first Long Range Operator’s Challenge was a great event that brought military and civilian long range shooters together, and allowed us to compare and note differences and advantages brought on by different techniques and equipment. I observed that civilian outdoor equipment was largely preferred even by the military teams. As a whole, trained military teams seemed to have an advantage with techniques, and had superior spotter support and fieldcraft in general. Civilian teams had largely superior rifles and ammunition, with all other factors being about equal.

Weapon Outfitters Lowers Price On B.E. Meyers Flash Hider

Tuesday, December 17th, 2013


The B.E. Meyers 249F 5.56 flash hider is currently being offered by Weapon Outfitters at Government pricing. This is your chance to own the industry standard 5.56 flash hider at a greatly reduced price.

BE Meyers “Drive Fast. Shoot First” Morale Patch Available Now From Weapon Outfitters

Saturday, October 26th, 2013


The BE Meyers “Drive Fast. Shoot First” Morale Patch was created to support the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, with 100% of profits being donated to the cause. For every 100 patches that are purchased, they will post an image of the donation check on their Facebook and Tumblr pages, so be sure to check it out!

Simplistic Shooting Solutions – QD Brake Shield for AAC Mounts

Wednesday, January 2nd, 2013


Weapon Outfitters has the QD Brake Shield for AAC Mounts by Simplistic Shooting Solutions in stock. If you’re running an SBR with a brake, the gun can be LOUD. Some like it that way, but not everyone at the range is going to appreciate your particular taste in noise. Use the QD Brake Shield when you don’t have a suppressor in place and it will direct the gases and noise forward, away from the shooter.


According to Weapon Outfitters, this mount is compatible with AAC suppressor mounts for 5.56, and 7.62/6.8/300 BLK. If your mount fits the M4-1000, M4-2000, 762-SD, or 762-SDN-6, then this device will fit your mount.

BE Meyers Flash Hider for 5.56mm Weapons Now Available for Civilian Purchase from Weapon Outfitters

Friday, November 9th, 2012

Developed for use with the M249 SAW, the highly successful 5.56 flash hider from BE Meyers is available for the first time for civilian purchase from Weapon Outfitters. It also fits other 5.56mm weapons.


As you can imagine this is an ITAR controlled item so US domestic sales only.

ARA Robotics Solutions – Nighthawk Mini UAV

Wednesday, September 12th, 2012

SSD would like to thank Weapon Outfitters LLC for sharing this report on the Nighthawk UAV with us from the recent NTOA conference in Seattle.

In the last ten years, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology has grown exponentially as technology has taken a leap forward to meet the needs of service men and women in the war on terror.

Information lag used to span days and minutes, as well as down organizational hierarchies… but modern technology has increasingly shortened the lag of gathering of information to delivering that information to the folks on the ground.

The ARA Robotics Solutions Nighthawk is an extremely intuitive and user friendly mini UAV that can support operations at the lowest levels: no need to call up to command to ask for assistance to see what’s right beyond the hill with the Nighthawk.

One of the first things you notice about the the Nighthawk Mini UAV is its impressive, all carbon fiber construction. The fuselage, wings, and “cargo bay” which stores the optical and optional thermal camera are all made of carbon fiber. Known for its lightweight and durability, carbon fiber is an ideal material for this application, and handling the demo Nighthawk, it was clear ARA was quite skilled with this sometimes finicky medium. Impressively, the carbon fiber wings of the Nighthawk are easily wrapped around the fuselage for storage and quick deployment, and can also be easily installed or removed with just two pins, and the payload selection.

A complete system with two Nighthawks, control units, support materials, carry pack for field use, and hard case for transport is estimated to be around $125K. Each Nighthawk is estimated to cost around $25 to $35K depending on imaging payload, as the thermal imaging unit is worth $12K by itself! Adding to the cost are the live video and data transmission hardware, as well as the $6K for a COTS autopilot system. Though a $6K autopilot may seem expensive, as anyone with RC airplane experience will tell you, crashing is very, very easy and can be very expensive considering the electronic payloads the Nighthawk is designed to carry.

Designed with user friendliness in mind, the Nighthawk’s COTS autopilot system that eliminates the need for users to have anything other than a basic understanding of flight. Users just have to launch the unit, and can then control the unit by plotting coordinates on a map, or controlling the Nighthawk with a video game-like interface. With programmed automatic landing, map based “point and click” navigation, failsafe responses to loss of communication or GPS, and other traditionally vexing problems for novice pilots, the autopilot system truly takes out all the hard work from controlling what amounts to a miniature aircraft.

For a guy in the field who jobs and hobbies have nothing to do with RC aircraft piloting, the well designed and complete system offered by ARA Systems looks to be a useful tool for safe reconnaissance.

The Nighthawk has been purchased and fielded extensively by the military, but suffers from FAA regulation in domestic operations by police departments. Though rules have loosened somewhat in the last few weeks, there is still a byzantine layer of red tape which must be navigated by law enforcement agencies to use this unit stateside. Some larger departments are using this system though, so don’t hesitate to give it a shot!

Quick Facts

-Each Nighthawk UAV weighs roughly 2 pounds
-Extensive carbon fiber use for strength and weight
-Modular design allowing for easy reconfiguration, repair, and storage
-10 KM range
-60 minute run time in Lithium Polymer Batteries
-18-30 knots cruise speed
-Built in autopilot system for easy navigation and/or piloting
-Live relay of day time and/or thermal optic capability


Weapon Outfitters LLC