GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for February, 2011

SPECOPS Unveils Uniform Prototype in Mirage Camo – Updated

Monday, February 21st, 2011

This is a SPECOPS MBS-1 uniforms in Bulldog Equipment Company’s Mirage camo. This pattern will run against Roggenwolf, A-TACS, Multicam, PenCott (updated), and possibly a Hyperstealth developed pattern in the upcoming Polish Army Camo Trials. We have already shown the Roggenwolf versions.


Military Wraps May Mask More Than Just Color – Updated

Monday, February 21st, 2011

Even though the Army issued guidance last year on how to paint rifles in order to better blend in to the environment, it seems that the practice just isn’t that wide spread. One reason may be that it is so difficult to restore the weapons to inspection order. Another issue is that the guidance was only issued for rifles and carbines and not for the myriad of other weapons that find themselves on the battlefield. UPDATE: In fact, we have recently heard that there are no plans to authorize painting of additional weapons.

For the past two years, Military Wraps has produced MW Gripz. They are die-cut applique kits that can be applied at the operator level to various individual weapons. The material is also available in sheets that can be cut to shape as needed. Additionally, the non-marring material leaves no residue when removed. As you can see from the photo below, they do a great job of breaking up the visual signature of small arms.

But there’s more. During a recent demonstration, it was noted that weapons covered on MW Gripz didn’t emit a significant thermal signature. In fact, it appeared to be about half that of unprepared weapons. Based on this, Military Wraps has secured lab time in order to determine exactly how much Grips mask the weapon’s IR signature. We look forward to their report and will pass on what we find out. In the interim, MW Grips can be applied and removed repeatedly with no damage to the weapon not additional cleaning requirement. It is important to note that the current versions of Gripz is designed for use with weapons that are employed in the semi automatic role, a new version is on the way that can take the increased heat of sustained automatic fire.

Updated: Military Wraps shared these photos with us of a few weapons wrapped in the Gripz technology. As you can see, the MultiCam (oops, OCP) makes a big difference. Additionally, an evaluation by a military unit came in over the weekend from Afghanistan stated that while a single kit is designed cover two carbines it could also easily be adapted for use with other weapons. Additionally, the break up of the weapon’s outline was significant in both daylight conditions as well as under night vision devices.

MW Gripz are available in a variety of patterns and can be manufactured using to match the operational environment. For more information visit www.militarywraps.com.

Like Crack for the Tactical Addict

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

Awhile back, one of our readers described SSD that way. Based on how often some of you visit us each day, it must be the truth. But even if we were to publish 10 times a day, some guys would be asking for more. More, we can offer, and in several flavors.

Awhile back we realized that as our readership grew, so did their interests begin to vary and in response, our editorial content began to shift somewhat as well. Ever conscious of our core readership; Industry, Government, and Military, we became a bit concerned that we had lost some of our focus. And in that notion, the idea for Tactical Fanboy was born. Officially launched during SHOT Show, you can think of it as sort of an alter ego. Over the past few months TFB’s fan base has grown and grown. In fact, some of our most popular stories have been from TFB.

Now, we can have our cake and eat it too and so can you. SSD at work and TFB at home. SSD has moved back to its roots concentrating on hardcore Government and Industry news while TFB has picked up the more recreational and entertainment sides of this community, with a little bit of humor and risque content thrown in for good measure. While this may mean no more worries about running across content on SSD that may be questionable at work, don’t just write TFB off as some milsim wannabe site. The name might be lighthearted but the content will always be on point. Additionally, TFB is more of a traditional blog so feel free to comment and join in the discussion. But don’t worry, you’ll see us share content and collaborate regularly.

We put the “new” in news. If it’s worth knowing you are going to read it here first. And if you do happen to see it somewhere else first we will tell you to go see it there, unless we have the rest of the story. Which, all too often seems to be the case. There were over 2000 registered media at SHOT show but there sure as hell aren’t 2000 publications or websites worth reading. We will always endeavor to give you the best and most up-to-date coverage of the tactical industry, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No one else provides this level of coverage.

We have found Twitter to be the best means to reach out to our readers and our list of followers continues to grow. In addition to alerts of new stories we also release information through Twitter that might be of interest to our readers or is related to our core content but originates elsewhere.

We launched our Facebook page awhile back and to be honest, while it is all the rage, it is a pain in the ass for us. Telling you that we have posted articles on Facebook and Twitter seems kind of redundant so we will see about doing something more here. We just don’t see the business model for a news website to send our readers over there to put more money in Mark Zuckerberg’s pockets. It’s not like he is going to tell you anything about the tactical market. Having said that, Tactical Fanboy has got his up and running. Check him out as well. That is, everybody except for that weird cyberstalker dude, There’s always one in every crowd.

Our iPhone app has been extremely popular and delivers the latest updates directly to your iPhone each time you open it. We want to do an Android app but we are not happy with the company we had chosen. Any suggestions?

M4Carbine.net has been most gracious in offering us a dedicated sub-forum to interact with our readers. Not only is it a great place to discuss our articles and current issues in the Soldier Systems industry but M4Carbine.net gives access to the best group of Subject Matter Experts we have run across. No over-inflated CVs, no BS, just good information. Military, Law Enforcement, or a fan of the Black Rifle? You should be a member of M4Carbine.net.

We post videos for our articles on our Youtube channel. Additionally, we make use of content posted by others. Always be on the look out for more content.

Subscriptions to SSD’s content are available for the Kindle via Amazon. Don’t forget there is a Kindle reader for iPhone and iPad.

We have been running some cool contests this year thanks to our sponsors. Our recent kit design contest was the first time we have seen industry reach out to partner with a user to develop new products.

Trade Shows
In the near-term look for us at ADS Warrior Expo West and NAVEXFOR.

On-line Gaming
If you have an Xbox Live account, you can friend request ‘Tactical Fanboy’.

The Future
Here at SSD we continuously look at ways to increase interaction with our readers. For example, some of our writers have begun to develop specialized content for other sites. In fact, you may have seen the article on Environmental Clothing Systems on ADS Inc’s web site. You will also begin to see some of our stuff in print. We have also posted content from the Mad Duo and others.

One final word. None of this would be possible without the support of our sponsors. We have affiliated ourselves with reputable companies who provide solid products and services and we would not hesitate to recommend any of them. At SSD we look at our sponsorship program as a two-way street. We are endorsing them as much as they are us and we urge you to support them. They offer some great products. Use them.

One of the first things I learned in the Army was to constantly improve my fighting position, so if you have any additional ideas on ways SSD can do more for you, please feel free to share them with us.

Field Gourmet – Danes Issue New Ration

Sunday, February 20th, 2011

According to Denmark-based SSD reader “L”, the Danish military has adopted a new ration pack.

The new ration comes in one cardbox and includes these things (picture above)

1 x Freezedried breakfast (Oatmeal with berries etc)
1 x Freezedried dinner (all sorts of stuff. Chili Con Carne, Pasta In Spicy Sauce etc. There is a lot of different meals)
4 x ryebread
1 x Cocoa
2 x lemonade (lemon, raspberry etc)
1 x tuna
1 x liverpatê
2 x ketchup
3 x alcohol swabs
3 x sugar
1 x porridge (Apple, Strawberry etc)
1 x cheesespread
2 x jam
1 x crackers
2 x nutmix
3 x chewinggum (2 per pack)
3 x tea
3 x coffee
3 x salt
3 x pepper
2 x nutbars
2 x toothpick
1 x spoon
1 x toothbrush

Also included but not pictured is a spoon.

S.O.Tech’s BLOCS Explained

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

Almost every time we talk about S.O.Tech, we mention BLOCS (Battle Load Carriage System) which is now on its third generation. This video by S.O.Tech owner Jim Cragg, explains the system in detail.

Look for more educational videos from S.O.Tech as well as a redesigned website, soon.


Finally, Lowa Combat Boots for Women

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

As we see more and more women on the battlefield, it’s good to see manufacturers step up to the plate and add women’s sizes. According to a report on www.militaryboots.com, Lowa is doing just that by adding sizing in two of the most popular Task Force styles. Make sure you go over and read the whole article.


LCI Welcomes Ty Manns to TAG

Saturday, February 19th, 2011

LC Industries welcomes Terrence “Ty” Manns as new Director, Tactical Assault Gear (TAG). Ty is a retired Army Infantry Officer and former US Infantry Center, Chief Soldier Systems Division, Infantry Requirements Branch, Fort Benning, Georgia. He isn’t the kind of guy who runs around tooting his own horn but we want you to know he also served as an enlisted man in the US Air Force. Since retirement in 2003, Ty has held positions in several defense sector companies as Product Manager, Business Developments Manager and Vice President. I have known Ty for years and he is a great addition to any team. LCI and TAG are lucky to have him on board. Ty can be reach via email at ty.manns@tacticalassaultgear.com.


New Helmet Coming for US Troops

Friday, February 18th, 2011

For the first time, U.S. Forces will be equipped with combat helmets capable of providing reliable protection against rifle fire (an as yet undisclosed .30 threat) at close range and at any angle. Such an advancement, long the Holy Grail of armored headgear designers, has been achieved through the use of an advanced thermoplastic composite mixture by Ceradyne, maker of advanced hard armor inserts for ballistic vests and vehicles.

Called the Ceradyne Diaphorm Ballistic Helmet, the design is twice the price of current Army and Marine Corps helmets, but provides up to 70% improvement in ballistic protection while remaining light enough to meet current requirements. Moreover, use of advanced construction techniques makes production simpler by allowing molding of the shell without having to cut or dart materials, as has been done previously. This allows creation of a seamless, multilayered form that is weather and chem/bio agent proof.

The U.S. Army is expected to field some 200,000 of the helmets beginning in the fall of 2011, with units bound for Afghanistan being the first recipients.

-Mike Perry