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Archive for 2018

Marine Corps Systems Command to Showcase Tech, Innovation at Sea Air Space

Sunday, April 8th, 2018


As the Marine Corps presses towards modernization to meet the demands of the strategic environment, Marine Corps Systems Command will showcase some of its latest gear at the 53rd annual Sea Air Space Exposition April 9-11 at the Gaylord Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland.

“This year’s exhibit demonstrates a slice of what our Command is doing to equip our Marines,” said command spokesperson Barb Hamby. “The future maritime environment and threat landscape requires the latest advances in technology to outperform our competitors in lethality, speed, maneuverability, and fires.”

The following systems and equipment will be showcased in the MARCORSYSCOM booth #2705:

Target Handoff System Version 2

The Target Handoff System Version 2, or THS V.2, is a portable system designed for use by dismounted Marines to locate targets, pinpoint global positioning coordinates and call for close air, artillery and naval fire support using secure digital communications. Marine Corps Systems Command will feature the THS V.2 along with other equipment at the Sea Air Space Exposition April 9-11. (U.S. Air Force Photo by Staff Sgt. Joe Laws)

The Target Handoff System Version 2 is a portable system that uses commercial off-the-shelf smart phones designed for use by dismounted Marines to locate targets, pinpoint global positioning coordinates and call for close air, artillery and naval fire support using secure digital communications. The upgraded system includes a laser range finder, video down link receiver and a combat net radio.

An upgrade to the current system, THS V.2 reduces the system’s total weight by half and includes more intuitive software.

Additive Manufacturing

In the last few years, the Marine Corps has continued its exploration of additive manufacturing, or 3D printing, to quickly repair and replace parts for weapons, vehicles and equipment.

The Corps uses additive manufacturing to reduce maintenance costs, increase equipment readiness and improve combat effectiveness. Additionally, it offers Marines opportunities to solve day-to-day and low-risk challenges, such as those encountered on aircraft, weapons, vehicles and communications equipment, by offering the capability to repair and replace individual parts onsite.

Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer III

The Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer III has three added weapons, 3-D imagery, and enhanced training modes, giving Marines a better, more realistic training experience as they prepare for the complexities of modern warfare.

ISMT III ups the ante by providing wireless connectivity to the M9 service pistol, M4 carbine and adding three new wireless weapons—the M27 Infantry Automatic Rifle, M32A1 Multi-Shot Grenade Launcher and M72 Light Anti-Tank Weapons. ISMT helps to build fundamentals of muscle memory for Marines so that when they hit the range, they are ready to respond to real-life scenarios.

Away from the exhibit floor, Brig. Gen. Joseph Shrader, commander, MCSC will participate in the “Accelerated Acquisition” panel April 11, to discuss Marine Corps initiatives to speed delivery of systems and equipment to the fleet.

As the systems command of the Marine Corps, MCSC equips Marine forces with ground weapon and information technology systems to accomplish their warfighting mission.

By Kaitlin Kelly, MCSC Office of Public Affairs and Communication | Marine Corps Systems Command

Massif Demonstrates How To Fold The Army Combat Shirt

Sunday, April 8th, 2018

Massif ought to know how to do it, they’ve produced over 5 million of them!

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up!

Sunday, April 8th, 2018

Thanks Jake!

Brothers in Berets: The Evolution of Air Force Special Tactics, 1953–2003

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Air University Press new publication announcement:

Brothers in Berets: The Evolution of Air Force Special Tactics, 1953–2003 by Forrest L. Marion.

Relying largely on oral history interviews, this work explores the evolution and contributions of the Battlefield Airmen assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) special tactics units over 50 years.

“Their story deserves telling within the US Air Force and to the general public,” notes Gen John Jumper, USAF, retired.

Battlefield Airmen core competencies include performing duties primarily on the ground, often “outside the wire,” and under austere conditions—all skills needed for carrying the fight to the enemy on the ground. The AFSOC special tactics community is a small brotherhood of highly trained and equally dedicated warriors consisting of special tactics officers and combat controllers, combat rescue officers and pararescuemen, and officer and enlisted special operations weathermen.

Its members have proven themselves as force multipliers time and time again throughout their history in places like Somalia, Serbia, and the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Download our publications at Order publications by e-mailing or calling 334-953-2773 (DSN 493). Publications are also available at the Air University Press Bookstore, 600 Chennault Circle, Building 1405 (Muir S. Fairchild Research Information Center), Maxwell AFB.

Gunfighter Moment – Zack Harrison

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

In today’s post, we are going to dive into the discussion of physical readiness. The purpose of this article is not to describe which physical training program Northern Red thinks is the best; it’s to discuss the importance of keeping our bodies physically prepared. We will examine why it’s imperative to maintain a high level of physical readiness in order to succeed.

Why is it important to maintain a high level of physical readiness? We are going to break this down into two categories: Job performance and cultural aspects. If you carry a gun for a living, you have many additional duties you need to perform other than shooting. Many of these require physical exertion. Running, climbing, combatives, etc.…. If you fail to maintain a state of physical readiness you are setting yourself, your partner/team, and those you’ve sworn to protect up for failure. Being physically fit is, unarguably, crucial for optimal performance.

It’s very difficult to make good decisions or shoot well when your heart rate is through the roof. It’s impossible to make entry if you do not possess the ability to climb over the wall that separates you from the residence. All of your others skills go right out the window if you cannot physically make it to where you need to be. Ineffectiveness comes on rapidly in those who do not train properly. Your body must be acclimated to physical stress in order to conduct the tasks you are required to perform.

From a cultural perspective, physical readiness is a gateway into every combat arms SOF unit. From Ranger School, to SFAS (Special Forces Assessment and Selection), and BUDS, they all have must pass physical fitness requirements just to begin the course. This is the initial thinning process, which continues as these courses progress. The ideology behind it is if you cannot show up physically ready to go, then you do not deserve to even try out. Everyone of Northern Red’s instructors have worked in places where you give everything you’ve got just to be average. That’s one aspect of the culture, and everyone is held accountable. It was not uncommon for us to show up for work in the morning and have a PT test without warning. Whether that be running an Obstacle course, a ruck march, or some grueling event your TL came up with the night prior. You had to be ready for Performance on Demand. No warm up, no re-test. What you brought that day is all you have, and no one cared about what you did last week. This is the environment and culture that kept people from becoming complacent. Everyone on the Northern Red team keeps themselves in shape, and none of us are on Active Duty anymore. Why? We keep a high level of physical readiness because we know that we could still be called upon to perform on demand, and we refuse to allow laziness and complacency to keep us from succeeding.

There are many other positive effects that fitness provides. We can say we don’t judge people based on our initial assessment of them, but in reality, humans are extremely judgmental. The first thing most people notice in others is physical appearance. If you take care of yourself, bad people are less likely to do bad things to you. Physical readiness shows that you have a high level of self-respect, which leads to many other sought after traits. There is also indisputable evidence of the positive mental effects of staying fit. The old saying of “sound body, sound mind” may not always be accurate, but for the most part, this adage is more true than not. From first impressions, to self-confidence, performance, and stress reduction, consistent physical training has too many valuable attributes to neglect.

With all of our combined experiences, we’ve probably done every fitness program invented. It’s very hard, if not impossible to be incredibly good at everything at the same time. If all you do is power lift, then you probably are not running or conducting High Intensity Training. We believe that you must be well rounded in regards to physical fitness. You need to be able to run up 10 flights of stairs with kit on and the next minute you need to be strong enough to casualty carry your buddy back down. Think about a Strong Safety on an NFL team. He’s fast enough to cover people and he’s strong enough to take on blocks from lineman. He is quick, agile, and highly explosive. That, is a complete physical specimen. There are plenty of excellent, well thought out programs that will advance your overall physical capabilities. Our suggestion is that you ask yourselves two questions when deciding on a program: 1. Is this functional and applicable to my job and its requirements? 2. Am I willing to commit to doing it? If your answer to question 1 is no, then find another one that better suits your needs. We cannot provide any insight if you answer no to question 2. That’s an individual issue that must be figured out from within.

What could the consequences be for failing to maintain a high level of fitness? We could give examples and “what if’s” for another five pages. We will provide one and the rest is left for you to decide. Your buddy is shot and needs to be moved to a position of cover to receive medical treatment. You get to him, but you do not possess the strength to pick him up and carry him. You’re weak, winded, and have made the conscious decision to blow off PT for God knows how long. He succumbs to his wounds. Now picture yourself watching his grieving wife being handed a folded flag. Let that sink in for a minute.

Gunfighter Moment is a feature brought to you by Bravo Company USA. Bravo Company is home of the Gunfighters, and they bring us a different trainer to offer some words of wisdom.

Larry Vickers Addresses YouTube Policy Changes

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Larry Vickers addresses recent Youtube policy chamges regarding videos from Firearms Channels and his plans moving forward.

You can subscribe to his channel on both Youtube and

NTOA Adds The Ryker Grip To Its Member Tested And Recommended Program

Saturday, April 7th, 2018

Ryker Grip

The National Tactical Officers Association has recently added the Ryker Grip to its Member Tested and Recommended Program, which is intended to assist NTOA members in selecting functional products avaiable to the tactical community. Quotes from NTOA members about the Ryker Grip include:

“The [Ryker] Grip is hands down a game changer in the AR/Shotgun manipulation business. It may look a little silly, but it is violently effective. Most drills with the M4 were hostage rescue and the accuracy and quickness between multiple targets was phenomenal.”

“I have deployed my rifle on scene multiple times with the [Ryker] Grip and honestly; I never knew it was there because it just felt right.”

“The grip has an ergonomic feel to it and after several hundred rounds fired, I did notice less fatigue on my support hand and arm allowing for longer time on target and faster target acquisition.”


The Ryker Grip is a unique, side-mounted forward grip for long guns. Designed to be biomechanically optimized, the grip’s offset nature is reported to aid shooters in improving weapon accuracy and stability, as well as target acquisition and recoil management.

The Evolution of Kitanica’s Tactical Pants

Friday, April 6th, 2018

Kitanica’s new Raider Pant is essentially the combination of Kitanica’s Gen. 2 and All Season Pant. They’ve combined the better properties from both to make one pair of tactical pants that has it all. It stems from an effort to offer better availability for their customers by only sewing one style versus keeping up with two different styles. If you have shopped both Gen. 2 and ASP, you may know that they share a similar pocket layout. However, there are a few differences in build/features.

From the Gen. 2, the Raider Pant brings over the Cordura Fabric knees and knee pad sleeves. From the All Season Pants the pocket layout and the fabric selection (Nylon Cotton vs. Poly/Cotton Ripstop) are utilized. Over the years, Kitanica has found the NYCO to breath better than the Poly/Cotton and be equally durable if not more so.