SureFire XC3

Archive for March, 2020

US Army To Test New Tech-based JROTC Program at Select Schools

Sunday, March 29th, 2020

WASHINGTON — The Army plans to implement a new cybersecurity and tech education program for high school students enrolled in junior ROTC programs, leaders told lawmakers March 11.

The program, scheduled to be implemented at select schools by fiscal year 2022, will focus on cybersecurity and computer science. Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs Casey Wardynski said the program’s curriculum remains under development.

The Army wants to reach a broader, more academically diverse group of students while also expanding its science, technology, engineering and math curriculum in its JROTC programs, said Assistant Deputy for Recruiting and Retention Lin St. Clair.

While the Army’s JROTC programs aren’t inherently a recruiting tool, they could open the doors toward a possible military career, Wardynski said. The cyber pilot program is being developed by the Office of the Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs), Army Training and Doctrine Command and U.S. Army Cadet Command.

“Our effort here is designed to capture the imagination of young adults,” Wardynski said during a Senate Committee on Armed Services personnel oversight hearing. The assistant secretary added the service has been working to expand the number of eligible candidates for military service through education.

Through the program, Army leaders hope young men and women will be steered toward a possible Army career earlier in life. While the goal of junior ROTC remains to create better citizens, Wardynski said the program will raise awareness of career opportunities in computer science and cyber security so that the Army will be on recruits’ radars when they decide on their post-high school plans.

In many of the Army’s 22 priority cities for recruiting, young people don’t have much awareness about the Army as a potential career path, Civilian Aide to the Secretary of the Army Jim Bland said recently. CASAs are community leaders who provide advice and counsel to Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy.

“We need to begin educating them much earlier about the opportunities in the military, the benefits of service and the challenges of service,” Wardynski said, “so that as they form their set of life-course alternatives, military service can be in there early enough to shape their behaviors throughout high school. So by the time they graduate, they can avail themselves to those opportunities.”

St. Clair said many of areas with schools that remain underrepresented in junior ROTC programs lie in the Midwest and Northeast. And that diverse student populations are located in or near the Army’s priority cities.

The proposed pilot program is intended to educate students at the Advanced Placement and honors course level  St. Clair said the program would cover the entire four-year junior ROTC program.

The pilot program as envisioned would be “rigorous and arduous enough that it would warrant AP or honors-level equivalency in terms of points or grade structure,” St. Clair said. He added it would be graded the same and it would be viewed the same as an honors or advanced-placement class.

By Joseph Lacdan, Army News Service

Voices of Freedom Project Veterans Oral History of LTC Lewis “Bucky” Burruss (USA, Ret)

Sunday, March 29th, 2020

LTC Lewis “Bucky” Burruss (USA, Ret) is a Special Forces veteran and founding member of the 1st SFOD-D. He has written several books and is a fountain of knowledge.

Corps Strength – Corona Reset

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

Sorry guys, I know it’s been awhile since you’ve heard from me here on SSD. Between the shooting we had last Dec and now the COVID-19 Virus, here at the international School House we’re hanging on by our short hairs. It’s been and continues to be a tough time for our staff and students. But we are going forward as best we can. I say that as I know that many people are hurting now with the effects of this virus and its impact on their economic situation.

Just by the circle of the people I hang with and in my family. I had a couple of early indicators that this virus was going to be a big thing. My wife is an RN, my sister is a Nurse Practitioner in California, a good friend of mine (a former enlisted Marine), is a VA doctor in east Florida, my youngest son works at the National Institute of Health in DC and my main climbing partner is an emergency room tech across the bay. [Yes, it’s weird I have so many medical people in my life? I can’t explain it]. They all told me several weeks ago that this thing was coming and it was going to be serious. I kind of listened but in reality, I just ignored them (as I usually do) and just plowed on. Then on March 2nd a former Marine that I knew, suddenly died of the virus. He was only 43, in apparent good health and had no prior conditions? He tragically left behind a young family and I instantly knew this wasn’t just media hype.

Now as most of you know that what I write about here on SSD is fitness, nutrition and weight management, mostly as it relates to the military and 1st Responders. So you might say, “I don’t give a shit about PT with all this going on” and I get that gut reaction. But this is a time when people are very concerned about their health and while I’m not a doctor and wouldn’t presume to talk specifically about COVID-19, this whole situation is about health. Which PT and eating right can have a huge influence on. It’s also a very stressful time for millions of Americans. Maybe not directly from the virus itself, but more so from all the economic issues and forced life style changes.

So, my simple aim here is to provide some thoughts and ideas that may help some people find something good in all this. This actually can be is a good opportunity to “Reset” your current workout and eating program. Especially as many people have been sent home, either working from home, furloughed, or laid off. Plus, unless you live on Mars we’ve all been hearing about “social distancing” 24/7. Avoiding crowds at public places, parks, etc. and that includes gyms. However, on the other side of that, many people now may have some extra time to start up a new routine. The fact is people like resets. Like New Year’s resolutions, or any other dated event that gives them a starting point for a new diet and/or exercise routine. It’s very common for people in the military to start a new workout program when they go to, or return from a deployment. This can be a great motivational symbol. It’s more mental than physical, (and doesn’t always work), but is real never the less. But considering the current limitations, what would be the best way to do this?

So gyms are for the most part out and with that are classes like yoga, cross-fit, spinning, etc. Though you can do many of those classes through the internet, like if you have a Peloton bike and account, not cheap however. But physical get together group classes in a gym setup will probably will be out for quite some time, even after the main health issue passes. This is the time for home workouts and/or isolated workouts outdoors. Over the years I’ve always kept a basic amount of basic fitness gear where ever I was stationed. Back in the day when I was just starting out with all this, gyms (outside of your HS school, the Y, or the Boy’s Club), were far and few between. However, many people that were serious lifters had “gyms” in their homes. I actually got started competitive lifting that way. A high school wrestling teammate’s Dad was a nationally ranked Olympic and Power lifter. He offered to let members of the wrestling team lift there to strengthen us for wrestling. He was a really good athlete and a motivating coach, so after a few workouts I was much more interested in lifting that wrestling. I went on to complete and win a few meets. However, one of the biggest things I took from this experience was that though his “gym” was little more than a screened in porch (really fun during upstate NY winters), you could still get a great workout. He had a full set of Olympic weights and a power rack, but little else. He also had almost an entire basement full of weightlifting trophies he’d won from the workouts he did in that little gym. I learned first-hand that you don’t need $1000’s of dollars of expensive equipment, or a huge amount of space to maintain an very effective program.

If you have a garage, porch, a spare bedroom, balcony or just a backyard you can set up your own home gym. The fact is you can do this is a very small space with zero equipment, by performing body weight only movements. I’ve worked out in some very small spaces aboard Navy ships and in different Marine offices, like my recruiting office. However, by adding a few relatively inexpensive items, you can really ramp up your program. I think that it’s in this area people make the wrong assumption of what you actually need. I think best way to build up a home gym is to add a little stuff as you go and buy quality gear, so it will pretty much last a lifetime. In the attached picture of my own garage setup, there are some Joe Weider plates that my dad and uncle first purchased back in the early 1950’s.

My first choice would be a door jam pull-up bar. IMO the best is the kind that can easily be taken up and down and cost less than 50 bucks. I like the type that work on your body weight better than the ones that expand into the door frame. They allow a greater range of motion, more room, different hand grips and don’t damage the door frame. As a more expensive but better choice is a freestanding “Power Tower”. This allows not only pull-ups, but dips and some ab workouts. More expensive, but a great addition to any home gym. In my garage I have a portable pull-up bar (you can see me use in my book), that was made many years ago by a guy that built circus equipment. It was expensive to buy at the time, but more than paid for itself over the years. So buy quality gear, which BTW isn’t always the most expensive. Do your research.

Next, I would add to that an adjustable set of dumbbells. In most cases if you get a set that will hold 40lbs for each dumbbell is plenty, though you can get them much heavier if you like. This is more expensive, but I think well worth it. I personally would avoid the new “high tech” dumbbell’s that you can adjust the weight by switching levers, etc. They are very expensive and IMO not as durable as the old school ones. I’m a big user of kettle bells and have several pairs of different weight sizes. They allow you to do some things you can’t do with dumbbells, but if I had to pick between two 40lb adjustable dumbbells and two 40lb kettle bells, I would take the dumbbells, as they are much more versatile.

There are a few more things that will allow you to do different exercises, like an adjustable bench, and a short barbell. From there your budget, space and ambition are the only limits. From my background as a boxer, I’ve always had a heavy and speed bag, and a jump rope (trust me on this, only buy a leather rope). If weights are your main thing and you have a sturdy floor, you could add a power rack, heavy duty bench and an Olympic weight set. The point is to start with quality basic equipment and add you go. I say that as I personally know many people that spent a lot of money on various “fad” workout machines, that now are just expensive book shelves and clothes racks.

That’s inside work, but outside you can still go out and run, hike, walk, ride a bike, etc. as long as you avoid other people. Strange to even talk like this, but it’s what we need to do for now. In my book I lay out a lot of different body weight, weight lifting and cardio workouts, and how to put them all together to make an effective program. Honestly though, there are 100’s of different good books and videos you can use, depending on what your specific goals and living situation is. The fact is that you can find many for free on line.

The main thing to remember from this is that during this stressful time, don’t neglect your health, to include your mental health. The worst thing you can do is just sit around, eat/drink too much and watch TV, or stay on line 24/7. Especially with the news and social media nowadays, watching too much will probably just piss you off and/or make you more stressed and depressed. Give yourself a break. If you have to work, or stay at home most of the time now, get yourself on a good routine. Get up early, PT, work, have scheduled meal times. Read more, organize your crap, etc. etc. If you can volunteer to help in your community do so, as there are some people out there that are worse off. I’m blessed to be healthy, still working and that’s the same with most of my family. But some friends are having a very hard time and it’s a good time to help them out if you can. Even if it’s just a phone call. I have a very close friend who is presently stationed in the south of Italy, their situation there is coming off the rails. He, his wife and young daughter have been basically locked down in their home for many weeks with no end in sight. We talk every few days, mostly about family and the lack of sports. For what it’s worth, it’s just talk, but I think it helps both of us.

Take a look at your present fitness routine and ramp it up if you can. You may even come out in better shape at the other end of this. In any case my prayers go out to you, your friends and family during these trying times. I know we will get through this and I hope I’ll be writing about something else next month. Till then

Be Safe Always, Be Good When You Can.

(Be Extra Safe and Extra Good in fact).

Semper Fi

Tyrant Designs Unveils NEW Glock 43X/48 +4 Magazine Extension

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (03/26/2020) – Tyrant Designs is proud to debut our NEW Glock 43X/48 +4 Magazine Extension! Utilizing our magazine extension technology, the Glock 43X/48 Magazine Extension is the FASTEST and EASIEST installing magazine extension ever! Add 4 Additional Rounds to your factory Glock magazine AND it includes a 10% Power Spring. Drop your mags faster, and more easily grab them with their machined and inlayed knurling!

We use our Retention Plunger Technology that allows the magazine extension to easily slide onto the bottom of your magazine! The entire install happens in 10 SECONDS or LESS and with no tools! Easily push the plunger down and slide the magazine base plate off!

Our magazine base pads are CNC machined from Aerospace Grade Aluminum. This gives any operator the added weight needed for your base pad to drop free and fast. Our magazine extensions instantly add 4 rounds to your Glock 43X/48 9mm.

As always, our products are manufactured in the USA and have a flawless finish. There is no easier or quicker way to add much-needed capacity to your slimline Glock than with our Glock 43X/48 +4 Magazine Extension!

Available in Black, Red, Grey, Blue, Gold, or Machined Aluminum for $39.95 with a Lifetime Warranty. No tools necessary and now available at

SureFire Spotlight: The SFMB Muzzle Brake

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

The advanced SureFire SFMB muzzle brake greatly reduces both recoil impulse and muzzle rise so that the weapon tracks straight back to keep you on target for faster shot-to-shot recovery. Its patented Impulse Diffusion design minimizes side blast and rear-directed concussion effects. The SFMB also serves as a rock-solid mounting adapter for SureFire SOCOM Series Fast-Attach® suppressors.

AmmoSquared Inc Raises over $300K in Seed Round

Saturday, March 28th, 2020

AmmoSquared® utilized, an equity crowdfunding site, to raise capital from customers and gun rights supporters to scale its unique ammunition subscription model to the mainstream market.

Boise, Idaho (March 2020) AmmoSquared® Inc., the online ammunition subscription site, has completed its equity crowdfunding round on, raising nearly $313k from pro-gun investors to date.

Investors in AmmoSquared Inc. will receive Series Seed Preferred Stock at a $4.49m valuation. The company will use the funds to improve their current technology, build a more user-friendly platform, provide customers with more specific subscription options (down to the UPC level), and increase the current offering of 88 calibers to over 200, including calibers that are hard to find or are very expensive.

“I am very excited to welcome our new investors to AmmoSquared! It was always a personal goal of mine to open the business opportunity to small investors through an equity crowdfund. Many of our investors are also customers who saw the value of the service before anyone else did and so as new owners in the company, can now take part in our rapid growth.” Dan Morton, CEO of AmmoSquared Inc., commented.

AmmoSquared’s subscription formula allows customers to accumulate ammunition over time through a recurring purchase program. It is then stored securely and delivered on request or automatically via pre-set delivery triggers. During the current ammo shortage crisis, in which retail and online store shelves are out of stock, AmmoSquared customers are confidently able to receive their accumulated ammunition without issue.

New investors in AmmoSquared are betting that the company’s unique approach to selling ammunition, much like a 401K for ammo (minus the tax benefits, of course), will appeal to new and existing gun owners who want to stay stocked up on ammo, regardless of future market and social conditions.

Over the past year, there has been a surge in demand for the company’s ammunition accumulation program, with the current COVID-19 crisis and ammo shortage further highlighting the importance of AmmoSquared’s business model as a game-changer in the ammunition industry. Subscriber growth has increased over 200% from 12 months ago with a 27% increase in just the last three weeks alone.

AmmoSquared is currently accepting additional investments from Accredited Investors for a limited time. For investment information visit:

Unity Tactical – Remora for 3M Peltor Helmet Adapters

Friday, March 27th, 2020

Professional warriors face a constant struggle of combining various pieces of kit, made by various manufacturers, to meet their mission requirements.  These items are usually not designed with integration in mind since the manufacturer is generally focused on making their own product to a certain government specification.  Integration is therefore left up to the individual in the field, who finds creative ways to ghetto-rig components into a useable-enough solution.  After all: warfighters can make anything work given enough 100mph tape, zip-ties, 550 cord, and Velcro; necessity being the mother of all invention.  Unity Tactical is dedicated to providing industry-leading innovation in the category of systems integration.  Basically: we make stuff that makes your stuff work better with other stuff.

Enter the Remora® for 3M Peltor™ Helmet Adapters.  Based off the original Remora® for the popular MARK line of headset helmet adapters, this version is designed to integrate with factory 3M products.  It provides a mechanically attached mounting surface for various lights and rings.  Helmet-mounted spotlights are often used by warfighters and law enforcement professionals for searching dark areas during SSE, SAR, and other tactical operations.  However, helmet real estate quickly disappears when helmet-mounted headsets are worn.  The most ubiquitous headset mount is the factory unit from 3M Peltor™.  Almost every other headset maker copies this proven design or purchases adapters direct from 3M.  The large mounting hub leaves little-to-no rail left for other accessories, leaving end users to precariously attach mission critical lights and cameras via Velcro, tape, and zip-ties.  The Remora® for 3M Peltor™ changes all that by integrating directly into the factory hub and placing a mounting platform directly above it.

The installation is quick and easy.  It can even be done in the field with a multitool.  Internal detents provide solid click rotational adjustments so the user can confidently position the light in a desired direction.  The platform features standard M1913 Picatinny along with a footprint that accepts any device with a Scout base.  It also accepts the popular Unity Tactical FUSION line of accessories.  The Remora® for 3M Peltor™ will work with any 3M-style backplate for use on Ops-Core™, Team Wendy™, Crye Precision™, MTEK™, HHV™ helmets (and many more).  It is injection molded from impact-resistant polymer and made in the U.S.A. 

With an MSRP of $32, the Remora® for 3M Peltor™ is a cost-effective upgrade to any tactical helmet.  The solid lockup helps ensure expensive lights and accessories will not be lost during kinetic operations.  And it provides enhanced capability with easy access and solid rotation.  Government pricing is available for unit/agency purchases.  Available now.

Liteye Earns Additional CUAS Contract as Part of Critical US Defense Industrial Base

Friday, March 27th, 2020

Colorado Manufacturer promotes stability in Defense Industrial Base, provides key Counter UAS (CUAS) Systems during turbulent times 

Centennial Colorado — Liteye Systems, Inc, a world leader in Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (CUAS), announced the receipt of an add-on specialty production order for $3M.  The contract will ensure delivery of hardware for US Government urgent requirements during this unprecedented time dealing with COVID-19.

The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) is identified as a Critical Infrastructure Sector by the Department of Homeland Security. 

“This contract, and the recent deliveries of Liteye’s US configured AUDS system continues a three-year run of consistent performance, delivering life-saving technology to our warfighters,” said Kenneth Geyer, CEO of Liteye Systems.  “This order from the US Government, and designation as part of the Defense Industrial Base Sector during this difficult time is an example of the trust Liteye has garnered with the US Government to deliver much needed capability.”

“Liteye is operating at full capability and has NOT been impacted.  We are taking all appropriate steps to mitigate risk to employees while ensuring Liteye can meet ALL customer demands,” said Geyer

While many companies are already feeling the economic impact, the recent contract award and previously delivered product to the US Government, positions Liteye to remain a stable and trusted leader within the Defense Industrial Base.  COVID-19 is having a dramatic and dynamic impact on our lives, businesses and on the global economy.   Liteye Systems is committed to lead through this pandemic, and related recovery, and take aggressive action to mitigate the impacts on employees while meeting the needs of Customers.