TYR Tactical

Archive for February, 2021

Outdoor Retailer Summer Market Moves to August 10-12

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Outdoor Retailer has issued a statement on hosting an in-person Outdoor Retailer Summer Market from August 10-12 in Denver.

Mark Your Calendars

The Outdoor Retailer Summer 2021 show is shifting back two months. Mark your calendars for the new dates of August 10-12, 2021, when we’ll return to the Colorado Convention Center in Denver. Originally scheduled for June, this change allows more time to facilitate a safe and successful in-person event, gives exhibitors and attendees more days to plan participation, and provides greater peace-of-mind in the opportunity to gather and do business together.

We remain committed to ensuring the health, safety, and well-being of each member of our community, our internal team and everyone involved with the show. We have been working closely with Visit Denver, the Colorado Convention Center, and hotel partners to implement the highest safety protocols and measures recommended by health officials and government agencies, and we are available to address any questions or concerns you may have.    

We’ve heard from many of you who are eager to reunite and ready to get back to the productive work you find at the in-person show. We’re anxious to see you too! When we reconvene in Denver this August, expect to see extra precautions we are taking beyond those mandated by government authorities, and face masks will be required of all persons entering the building, without exception.   

We recognize the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is dynamic in nature, and we will coordinate with local officials, health agencies, and show partners to adapt preparations consistent with the latest protocols. Read more about our current guidelines here, and we will communicate updates throughout the coming months. 

If you are unable to attend in person, there will be opportunities to learn and discover what’s new. Education sessions will run throughout the summer to help advance your business and grow our industry. The webinar-style programming, developed in partnership with Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), will be accessible from wherever you are and offer the same high-caliber sessions you’ve come to expect. Also, new digital opportunities via Elastic Suite will allow you to connect with brands and find new products for your store. Stay tuned for more information coming this spring.   

During this past year we’ve all changed – how we live, the way we work, where we spend our time. One of the highlights has been the dramatic boom in outdoor participation. Now, we have a chance to embrace the new consumers and welcome all into our incredible community. They become lifelong outdoorists when we collectively nurture the new pursuits and ensure accessible adventures. We do that as a united industry and through the relationships we build. 

These days are shaping our future, and we’re here to help you grow with each other and move forward more resilient. We look forward to seeing you in August when we are safely together again.  

Marisa Nicholson 
Outdoor Retailer Senior Vice President and Show Director 

SOFWERX Disruptive Speaker Series – “A Turmoil of Shadows: The Hidden Facets of Arctic Threats and the Role of USSOCOM in Ensuring Stability” by Dr Lilian Alessa

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Join the Disruptive Speaker Series on 31 March, 2021 as Dr. Lilian Alessa presents, “A Turmoil of Shadows: The Hidden Facets of Arctic Threats and the Role of USSOCOM in Ensuring Stability.”

Presented in collaboration with the USSOCOM J5 Donovan Strategy and Innovation Group, Dr. Alessa will address the roles that the SOF Enterprise, as a force multiplier, could be responsible for in the emerging Arctic operational environment. While SOF maintains a standard of being able to operate in any conditions anywhere in the world, the Arctic is emerging as a more nuanced and complex theater.

RSVP NLT 24 March 11:59 PM ET

Got full details visit events.sofwerx.org/dssarctic.

Liteye Systems Launches: Liteye SHIELD The Next Generation of Counter UAS Defense

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

The Liteye SHIELD Autonomous Kill Chain with dispersed Command and Control provides robust state of the art protection from small UAS, at Machine Speed.

Photo: The Liteye SHIELD Autonomous Kill Chain payload is a customizable Multi-Mission solution

Centennial, Colorado (February 23, 2021) – Liteye Systems, Inc., a US leader in Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems, announces Liteye SHIELD, the next level in Multi-Mission, Multi-Domain systems and a true advancement in Counter UAS Defense.

Liteye SHIELD incorporates Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning techniques with a newly designed SPYGLASS™ 3D radar, EO and IR tracking to increase the speed and confidence of the system.   The SHIELD Command and Control further ensures the full Detect, Track, ID Kill Chain is automated and conducted at machine speed.  SHIELD is the next generation, cutting-edge technology required to defend against the rapid technology maturation and proliferation of small UAS threats worldwide.

“Liteye and our partners are able to present leading edge capability in advanced 3D radars, HD Cameras, and the only US company to provide both narrow band and directional wide band electronic attack for this threat” said Kenneth Allen Geyer, CEO Liteye Systems.  “SHIELD operates as a self-contained system or links multiple SHIELD payloads, but more importantly, it seamlessly integrates into higher-level networks, can cue kinetic and non-kinetic effectors, and can be physically integrated into practically any platform.  I’m proud of what Liteye and our teammates have achieved and confident we can continue to protect US interests around the world.”

Manufacturing and integration of SHIELD critical components are based at Liteye and partner locations in the United States.  Success over the last five years with Liteye’s deployed combat proven Anti-UAS Defense System (AUDS), has earned Liteye unmatched technical experience in this market.  It is this experience that has led to the development of Liteye SHIELD primarily for the C-UAS mission, but significant for additional surveillance and electronic attack missions.  From first combat deployment in Iraq 2016 to today with systems deployed worldwide Liteye’s continually adding to our repertoire of experience with the rapidly evolving threat.

“Liteye has been protecting US Forces, our Allies and Critical Infrastructure for years, and we’ve listened closely to what the US DoD deems important,” said Ryan Hurt, Vice President of Business Development.  “Constructing an autonomous kill chain with artificial intelligence and machine learning for detect, track and identification, so decisions can be made at machine speed, was the starting point for design of this new system. Seamless integration with existing Networks ensures Operators have access to the sensors and effectors they need, when they need them, and lessens the manpower footprint.  This is next generation multi-mission, multi-domain performance.”   

Key performance characteristics of SHIELD are:

Fully Autonomous Kill Chain:  The Autonomous Kill Chain affords machine speed detect, track, identification and classification allowing an Operator to monitor the environment, manage multiple systems and only step in for final Positive ID and trigger pull to fulfill the mission. Key components: Spyglass 3D Radar for Detect & Track, AI based RF Detect, AI Target Prioritization, and Automated Video Track.

Dispersed, Networked Command and Control:  SHIELD utilizes a Man-ON-the-Loop local C2, and is networked, requiring low manpower to operate any system from any console with a distributed common operation picture.  The local C2 provides multi-sensor resource management & Sensor Fusion to an intuitive operating system with Machine Learning principles and 3D targeting for cueing networked effectors.

Multi Domain/Multi Mission with OEM Service and Support:

Multi-Domain – Operation across Air, Ground, Surface, and Radio Frequency (RF) Spectrum, SHIELD effectively provides multi-domain critical infrastructure protection.

Multi-Mission – SHIELD provides platform agnostic (mobile, transportable, fixed/semi-fixed) mission essential service for: Integrated air and ground base defense, convoy protection, offensive electronic attack, wildland fires, space launch protection, event security and more. 

OEM Service and Support – Liteye’s mature Service and Support program is operational today.  Qualified and Certified by Liteye, our OEM Service and Support ensures the systems and Operators stay proficient and fully mission capable.

Liteye Systems, Inc, is a world leader in Counter Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS), radar and surveillance sensor packages, ruggedized thermal cameras, and helmet mounted displays with over $100M in services and products provided to the US Government. 

For More Information on Liteye SHIELD visit: Liteye.com/shield

Western Shelter Partners with Johnson Outdoors Gear / Eureka! Expeditionary Systems

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

Western Shelter, a global leader in the defense and first responder markets, is excited to announce their partnership with Johnson Outdoors Gear (JOG) / Eureka! Expeditionary Systems (EES). This wonderful opportunity allows growth for both organizations, as Western Shelter will distribute and sell Eureka! Branded RDS shelter systems for the Defense, First Responder, and Commercial industry.

“This is a great partnership”, noted Bryan Hunt, Director of Sales at Western Shelter.  “We believe in offering multiple shelter platforms to our customers. Adding theEureka! RDS shelter will increase our offerings and expand our reach into several markets.”

“Both of these companies have a strong commitment to customer service, manufacturing excellence and a long history supplying the best gear to the defense, First Responder, relief and commercial markets.,” said Jim Reyen, Business Director for Johnson Outdoors Gear. “I am excited about the growth that will come from this venture.”

These shelters are designed to provide multiple solutions for Command Posts, Command and Control Centers, and Tactical Operation Centers. They’ve also played a critical role in creating small treatment centers to complex field hospitals, base camps and sleeping facilities.

Western Shelter Contacts:

Caleb Johnson
Defense Sales Manager I Army-Air Force
P: 530-646-5527
E: cjohnson@westernshelter.com

Jason Mapel
Defense Sales Manager I Marines-Navy-Coast Guard
E: jmapel@westernshelter.com

Johnson Outdoors Gear Contact:

Jerry Paris, CSM, USA (Ret.)
Military Senior Sales Representative
P: 256-453-5671
E: jerry.paris@johnsonoutdoors.com

ADS Inc Hurlburt Warfighter – 2 March 2021

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

We are one week out from the ADS Hurlburt Warfighter, to be held 2 March at the Soundside Club.

There will be 35 vendors on site to show you the latest gear. One of the products attendees should check out is the Drifire FR Softshell Jacket.

This FR jacket combines a moisture wicking fleece lining with a wind stopping breathable membrane which also offers rain resistance. It also offers chest and bicep pockets on each side as well as dual pen slots at each cuff.

If you can’t make it to the Hurlburt Warfighter but want more info on the Drifire FR Softshell Jacket, hit up Atlantic Diving Supply.

US Army EOD Soldiers Collaborate with Kosovan Demining School

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2021

CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo — The 702nd Explosive Ordnance Disposal Company, assigned to the explosive ordnance team for Regional Command-East, Kosovo Force, traveled to Dakovica to witness the Mine Action Training Kosovo school conduct their range day qualifications.

MAT Kosovo is a humanitarian demining school which trains its student in different levels of EOD certification. The course covers many techniques concerning unexploded ordnance (UXO) identification and removal as well as methods of disposal. MAT Kosovo also works closely with the Kosovo Security Force EOD team to complete training and focus on demining efforts.

“MAT Kosovo is a phenomenal opportunity to take advantage of when it comes to training with the KSF and promoting the humanitarian demining efforts in Kosovo,” said 1st Lt. Taylor Firn, platoon leader with the 702nd. “MAT Kosovo originated here to restore freedom of movement in Kosovo.”

As the KFOR and KSF EOD teams observed, the MAT Kosovo students qualified and demonstrated their abilities by using low-order techniques to dismantle an unexploded ordnance. They used different small explosives to render simulated UXOs ineffective. Low-order methods are designed to slowly burn off high-explosives and prevent a UXO from detonating to its full potential, said Firn.

By the end, the students were qualified in level three EOD operations.

“High-order is when the explosive functions how it’s meant to function,” said Doug York, the general manager for MAT Kosovo. “Low-order is where you’re trying to dispose of the ordnance without it functioning. We use explosives to initiate deflagration within the ordnance to burn all the explosives on the inside.”

Firn has made it a priority for his EOD team to reach out and forge relationships with institutions in Kosovo that play a key role in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

“We appreciate our friendship with American forces,” said York. “It’s important to us to build on it and continue to do cross-training to keep the flow of information between EOD teams active.”

Military EOD teams and civilian organizations like MAT Kosovo routinely enter high-risk situations to remove UXO and dispose of it in a safe manner. Their coordinated efforts help ensure freedom of movement as well as a safe and secure environment for the people of Kosovo.

“It’s always fun to get out and watch explosions,” said Firn, “but my favorite thing was getting face time and furthering that link between the KSF and MAT Kosovo. That’s our real mission here in KFOR.”

Story by Jonathan Perdelwitz

Photos by SGT Jonathan Perdelwitz

Paramount Group Launches Long Range Swarming UAV System

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Long Range, Precision Strike and Swarming UAV System ‘N-Raven’ Debuts at IDEX 2021

Abu Dhabi, 22nd of February 2021. In a move to bolster armed forces’ tactical situational awareness and precision strike capabilities while minimising personnel risk and collateral damage, Paramount Advanced Technologies (PAT), subsidiary to Paramount Group, the global aerospace and technology company, has announced the launch of its long-range, precision strike and cost-effective swarming UAV system, N-Raven.

The N-Raven family of autonomous, multi-mission aerial vehicles featuring next generation ‘swarm’ technologies to accomplish numerous missions with pinpoint precision, debuted at the 2021 International Defense Exhibition and Conference (IDEX 2021) held in Abu Dhabi.

The N-Raven family has been designed for technology transfer and portable manufacture from within partner countries with both unrivaled accuracy and affordability in mind. In doing so, the N-Raven addresses a myriad of mission requirements, including ‘future warfighter engagements’ where intelligent ‘swarming technologies’ combined with multiple munition loitering and attack operations have been proven to ensure mission survivability.

With a modular system allowing for flexible mission planning, operational units can launch the versatile N-Raven UAV from multiple land-based, naval, and airborne platforms. Formation level commanders can further benefit from the advantage of the N-Raven’s precision strike capabilities against high-value targets, both static and moving, located deep within enemy territory, by utilising a ‘swarm’ of loitering munitions.

The 41 kg N-Raven operates with a covert, low signature in contested environments offering a cruise speed of approximately 180 km/hr and a loitering endurance time of approximately two hours. N-Raven swarm loitering munitions offer a variety of sensors with each being capable of carrying a 10 – 15 kg payloads up to a range of 250 km.

The system provides detection, identification, location, and reportage (DILR) against various targets. The N-Raven Series can be critical to the successful execution of modern fire missions, with swarm capabilities offering support for Multi-Domain Operations (MDO). As the platform’s onboard sensors and communication technologies continue to improve, they can serve as significant force multipliers for strategic and tactical assignments.

Equivalent to positioning multiple personnel on the ground in often austere, high-risk environments, the N-Raven is designed to saturate an area with Electro-Optical/Infra-Red (EO/IR), Semi-Active Laser sensor-driven target identification and tracking technologies to provide a rapid, data-rich picture of activity. This reduces threats to personnel safety while enhancing human end-user responsiveness in radically changing engagement scenarios.

A field simulator is optionally available which connects to the system’s control unit, allowing the N-Raven crew to rehearse each mission before launch. The UAV’s recording capabilities allow for a full debrief and ensure a positive learning curve for the end-user’s personnel, while reducing costs and minimizing risks in operator training.

Paramount Advanced Technologies has developed the N-Raven as a robust yet cost-effective technology solution, utilising proven commercial components and experience gained from the company’s long legacy in the development of UAV systems, including however not limited to the Meteorite.

Lee Connelly, CEO of Paramount Advanced technologies, stated, “We continue to research, design and innovate new technologies that remove military personnel from the front lines, minimise collateral damage and exposure of friendly forces, at the same time providing surveillance and engagement support, and helping armed forces around the world garner greater intelligence and mission success.

“Our aerospace and technology company was founded on the belief that true innovation in our space means bringing technologically advanced, affordable and highly customisable solutions to the needs of our customers and partners. We are accordingly very excited to launch the N-Raven unmanned aerial vehicle at IDEX, and showcase its diverse capabilities in addressing the battlefield challenges of 2021 and beyond”.

Martin UAV to Demonstrate Their Upgraded V-BAT at the Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

Martin UAV, a leading advanced aviation technology manufacturer in the United States, today announced its selection and further participation in the Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment (AEWE), which assesses advanced technologies in support of the U.S. Army modernization efforts, including the Army’s six modernization priorities. AEWE is taking place Feb. 5-March 5, 2021, at Fort Benning in Georgia. 

For AEWE, Martin UAV deployed and is scheduled to demonstrate its newly upgraded version of the V-BAT, the V-BAT 128, showcasing increased power, payloads and endurance. Among the V-BAT 128’s enhancements are updates to the engine with increased horsepower, 11 hours of endurance, higher ceiling (20,000′ MSL) and interchangeable payloads (25 lbs not including fuel weight) for mission-specific requirements. The improved version of the V-BAT maintains its current small VTOL footprint to launch, transport and operate.

“We are honored to be a part of AEWE, being among some of the best organizations in the industry, to support their efforts to explore increased innovation,” said Heath Niemi, Chief Development Officer. “We have listened to our customers and are excited to deploy our upgraded V-BAT, displaying how Martin UAV is increasing mission capability, security and mitigating operational risk. The V-BAT’s versatility and agile nature of its competencies lend itself well for the varied needs of the Army and we could not be more excited about the upcoming demo days.”

Founded in 2015, Martin UAV and the V-BAT aircraft is best-known among government agencies for the organization’s work with the Department of Defense, supporting the Army, Marines and, most recently, the United States Southern Command’s (SOUTHCOM) enhanced counter narcotics operation in the Eastern Pacific.                             

AEWE assesses Cross Domain Maneuver (CDM) concepts and capabilities at the lower tactical echelon in support of Multi Domain Operations (MDO). The Experimentation Force (EXFOR) will employ mutually supporting lethal and nonlethal capabilities across multiple domains (air, land, space, and cyberspace), the electromagnetic spectrum, and the information environment to create a synergistic effect that increases relative combat power and provides overmatch. It is the Army’s primary venue for Small Unit modernization, providing capability developers, Cross Functional Teams (CFTs), PEO’s, Army Science and Technology (S&T) community, and industry a repeatable, credible, rigorous operational experiment supporting both concept and material development.

The AEWE V-BAT 128 demos take place on Feb. 19, Feb. 23, Feb. 26 and March 2 at Fort Benning. For more information on Martin UAV, its V-BAT and use across industries, visit: martinuav.com