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Archive for the ‘ADS’ Category

Cadex Extended Rail Mount

Friday, December 7th, 2012

Cadex showed us a 3D printed prototype of this cool Extended Rail Mount in the ADS Inc booth at AUSA. At the USASOC Sniper Comp this week at Ft Bragg, they had a machined aluminum version. It attaches to a Knights Armament Rail to give you some additional rail real estate out in front of the sight.

These are available for unit and agency purchase through ADS Inc.

Photo courtesy of our friends at Inali Media.

Guy Cramer Talks Camo on CNN

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

Filmed in August, CNN broadcast a report by Chris Lawrence entitled “New technology makes troops invisible.”

He interviews Guy Cramer of Canada’s HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp and partner of ADS Inc in their bid to win the US Army’s ongoing Camouflage Improvement Effort. The ADS/Cramer team produced the finalist US4CES pattern. Rumor has it that the Chief of Staff of the Army will be briefed this week on the results of the extensive testing undertaken to find a new family of camouflage patterns for use the the Army.

Cramer goes on to very briefly discuss his Quantum Stealth technology. As I understand it, CNN spent more than an hour with Cramer and yet edited it down to less than three minutes. It’s too bad because we want to hear Cramer speak more about his advanced camouflage concepts.

Ballistic Helmet Bungee Retention System from Black Bag Designs LLC

Monday, November 19th, 2012

The Black Bag Designs LLC Ballistic Helmet Bungee Retention System is a simple camouflage and helmet accessory management system which works with all popular ballistic helmet models from SDS, MSA, Ops Core, and CRYE Precision.

According to Black Bag, they have built and tested this system in real world combat conditions. It is designed to allow you complete access to all of your helmet mounted devices including strobe lights, NVG mounts, NVG battery boxes, and IR identifiers and you are able to easily access all switches and route any cabling for powered NVG mounts. What’s more, any passive IR identifiers remain visible. Additionally, you can also incorporate natural foliage using the bungee cord system. The system is compatible with all currently available helmet covers for the CRYE Airframe and Ops Core Ballistic helmets. Additionally, the system is also fully compatible with both the CRYE and Ops Core ballistic rifle front helmet plates.

The Ballistic Helmet Bungee Retention System can be ordered by emailing matt@blackbagdesignsllc.com or calling 815-252-8766. The bungees are also available through ADS and Adams Industries.

Activision Selects Ghostex Camouflage for “Call of Duty: Black Ops 2”

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012

Activision Publishing, Inc, has selected Ghostex camouflage patterns for use in “Call of Duty: Black Ops II.” As you will recall Ghostex is a Hyperstealth/ADS Inc joint venture that has been providing specialized camouflage development and print-on-demand solutions for specialized customers since 2010. A few of the patterns have been released to the public including the Delta-6 pattern seen below which will be included in the game.

20121113-115917.jpg The web has been abuzz with chatter about specialty camouflage patterns that can be unlocked during game play and Ghostex is it. Notice I said patterns with an “S” meaning I’d expect to see additional Ghostex variants show up in the game. www.ghostex.com

More on US4CES Family of Camouflage from ADS IncADS Tactical

Monday, November 5th, 2012

Developed by ADS Inc in conjunction with Guy Cramer of HyperStealth Biotechnology Corp for the US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort, the digital textured US4CES consists of four color variants; Woodland, Arid, Transitional as well as a common OCIE pattern for personal protective equipment. In fact, its currently a finalist along with three other contenders to become the US Army’s next camouflage.


Warrior Expo 2013 Dates Announced

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

ADS Inc has announced the dates for Warrior Expo 2013.

Warrior Expo South: April 10, 2013 | Austin, TX
Warrior Expo West: April 24-25, 2013 | San Diego, CA
Warrior Expo East: July 11-12, 2013 | Virginia Beach, VA

In case you missed Warrior Expo 2012, check this out.

For more info visit www.ADSinc.com

Win a Set of US4CES Caps

Friday, November 2nd, 2012

ADS Inc displayed their US4CES family of camouflage patterns at AUSA. It was great to be able to see all three patterns along with accessories in the OCIE/PPE pattern. We secured a set of caps as a giveaway to our readers.

To enter for your chance to win the set of caps featuring US4CES Arid, Transitional and Woodland patterns (the prize does not include the ITAR restricted US4CES placards, just the caps) state in the comments section of this post on SSD your favorite camouflage pattern. Be sure to use a valid email address as we will use it to randomly select the winner at 2359 ZULU (GMT) on 4 November 2012. One entry per person. Void where prohibited.

To get a better idea of how these patterns work in concert with one another make the jump to the rest of the article.

RedXDefense XPakADS Tactical

Tuesday, October 30th, 2012

The RedXDefense XPak detects trace particulates of TNT, DNT, RDX, PETN, HMX, Semtex, Tetryl,C4, PE -4, COMP B, Deta sheet, Prima sheet, Det cord, Prima cord, Picric Acid, TNB, DNB, and Nitroglycerin in 15 seconds or less.

There’s no warmup time and no radioactive components. The XPak is powered by a rechargeable Lithium Ion battery.

RedXDefense products are available for unit and agency purchase from www.ADSinc.com.