
Archive for the ‘Aviation’ Category

US Army Seeks Powered Parachute Capability aka Personnel Air Mobility System (PAMS)

Wednesday, August 21st, 2024

Yesterday, the Army Combat Capabilities Development Command-Soldier Center‘s Soldier Sustainment Directive (DEVCOM-SC SSD) published a sources sought notice to industry to to identify potential sources for a Personnel Air Mobility capability to ensure freedom of movement in Contested Environments. They plan to procure this system via an Other Transaction Authority.

As demonstrated by SOF during May’s SOF Week capabilities exercise, a PAMS will provide an additional option to the unit commander, supporting freedom of action in remote and austere locations. This new system will be capable of transporting individual warfighters hundreds of kilometers, reducing dependency on traditional aircraft platforms and extending the range available through traditional parachute infiltration systems. A militarized powered paraglider platform is envisioned to provide both low-altitude (nap-of-the-earth and/or contour-level flight) infiltration and exfiltration capability to increase survivability and avoid detection by the enemy as well as higher-altitude (up to approximately 10,000 feet mean sea level) transit where possible given appropriate threat profile and mission parameters. The PAMS will support multiple mission types including reconnaissance, surveillance, troop movement, infiltration and exfiltration. This new PAMS will also significantly reduce the cost to deliver/transport warfighters over traditional means. 

According to the notice, PAMS is planned to be developed to support the U.S. Army’s Airborne forces by addressing a capability gap to provide unit organic personnel air mobility to support freedom of movement in contested environments. Future battlefield threats are expected to require disbursed operations by small units in complex, contested environments. Traditional air assets, including fixed wing and rotary wing transport aircraft, will likely be unavailable for the movement of small teams due to supporting other missions and the difficulty of operating these vehicles in anti-access/area denial threat areas. To overcome the challenges of conducting operations in this space, a concept of expanded maneuver in all domains calls for new platforms that can provide low-cost mobility solutions over extended ranges which are available at the individual unit/warfighter level.

Desired System Performance Parameters:


Threshold 100 kilometers

Objective 300 kilometers

Total System Weight (dry)

Threshold 75 pounds

Objective 60 pounds

Weight Capacity

Threshold 200 to 350 pounds

Objective 150 to 400 pounds

Maximum Altitude

Threshold 10,000 feet mean sea level

Objective 20,000 feet mean sea level

The textile components must be Berry Compliant.

To respond, submit a Broad Other Transaction Authority Announcement (BOTAA) preproposal as outlined in the DEVCOM Soldier Center BOTAA DEVCOM-SC BOTAA 22-01 located here.

AFSOC Demonstrates ACE with Historic Highway Landing

Wednesday, August 7th, 2024

BONO, Ark. —  

In a historic first, Air Force Special Operations Command successfully landed an AC-130J Ghostrider Gunship on Highway 63 in Bono, Arkansas, on August 4, 2024. This operation was part of a broader exercise, Emerald Warrior Field Training Exercise II, designed to showcase AFSOC’s Agile Combat Employment capabilities.

The exercise provided an opportunity for participating units to refine their skills and advance ongoing pathfinding and experimentation efforts within AFSOC.

“This exercise serves as a significant milestone for AFSOC, demonstrating our ability to operate in diverse and austere environments,” said Tech. Sgt. Robert Gallagher, lead planner for the highway landings, assigned to the AFSOC Air Commando Development Center. “By leveraging ACE concepts, we enhance our operational flexibility and resilience.”

Throughout the morning, Special Tactics Airmen from the 1st Special Operations Wing established and secured a landing zone on the highway.

Shortly after, a C-146A Wolfhound and an MC-130J Commando II from the 492nd Special Operations Wing landed on the five-lane highway.

The MC-130J crew then set up a Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP), as the AC-130J assigned to the 1st Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field, Florida, made its approach, landed, refueled, rearmed and took off again.

The primary objective of this exercise was to validate AFSOC’s capability to operate in austere environments with minimal infrastructure. Key tasks included securing the landing zone and performing FARP operations, both critical elements of the ACE framework.

“Emerald Warrior FTX II demonstrates to our adversaries that we can meet them anytime, any place, anywhere, without the need for traditional runways to project air power,” said Col. Patrick Dierig, 1 SOW commander. “By landing an AC-130J on a highway and conducting FARP, we’re proving our ability to operate in austere and unique environments. It shows our commitment to maintain operational flexibility and readiness, ensuring we can deliver decisive airpower whenever and wherever it’s needed.”

The successful execution of this exercise underscores AFSOC’s commitment to evolving its capabilities and adapting to emerging threats. By continuing to refine and operationalize ACE concepts, AFSOC ensures it remains at the forefront of innovative and agile combat operations.

By MSgt Ryan Conroy

FLRAA Achieves Milestone B, Enters Next Phase of Development

Tuesday, August 6th, 2024

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. — The Army’s Future Vertical Lift program took a major step forward as the Future Long Range Assault Aircraft, or FLRAA, program entered the next major phase of development when the Army announced the approval of the FLRAA Milestone B Acquisition Decision Memorandum on August 2, 2024.

The decision came after the successful FLRAA preliminary design review in April and a meeting of the Army Systems Acquisition Review Council in June. After reviewing FLRAA affordability, technological viability, threat projections and security, engineering, manufacturing, sustainment and cost risks, the ASARC confirmed that all sources of program risk have been adequately addressed for this phase of the program. Milestone B allows the Army to exercise contract options and continues development of the aircraft as it now enters the engineering and manufacturing development phase.

“This an important step for FLRAA and demonstrates the Army’s commitment to our highest aviation modernization priority,” said the Army acquisition executive, the Honorable Douglas R. Bush. “FLRAA will provide assault and MEDEVAC capabilities for the future Army, adding significantly increased speed, range and endurance.”

“This is an exciting day for the Army … and more importantly for our Soldiers. The FLRAA provides truly transformational capability to Army aviators as we uphold the sacred trust with the Soldier on the ground,” said Maj. Gen. Michael C. McCurry, 17th chief of the U.S. Army Aviation Branch. “Future battlefields require expanded maneuver, the ability to sustain and provide command and control across vast distances, and of course, evacuate our wounded. All of these apply to both conventional and special operations forces. With roughly twice the range and twice the speed, FLRAA brings unmatched combat capability to the joint force.”

The Army awarded the FLRAA Weapon System Development contract to Bell Textron on December 5, 2022, and it includes nine options. The Milestone B allows the Army to exercise the first option which includes detailed aircraft design and build of six prototype aircraft. The Army is planning for the first FLRAA flight in 2026 with low-rate initial production scheduled to begin in 2028 and initial fielding activity in 2030. The Army will continue to review and refine the schedule as necessary based on the contract award and the latest program activities.

“PM FLRAA and our Team of Teams across the aviation enterprise are working hard to make sure that we get it right,” said Brig. Gen. David Phillips, Program Executive Officer, Aviation. “We will deliver a next generation combat capability that meets the Army’s goals for affordability, survivability, maintainability, reliability and safety.”

“The FLRAA Milestone B decision is another successful step of a deliberate modernization effort by the Army,” said Brig. Gen. Cain Baker, director for the Future Vertical Lift Cross Functional Team. “The many stakeholders, including academia and industry, have worked hard to ensure rigorous technology development and demonstration and have informed FLRAA requirements and affordability. FLRAA’s speed, reach and survivability will be key to transforming U.S. Army maneuver.”

“I am very proud of the FLRAA team. We’ve maintained a deliberate balance between sustaining program momentum while maintaining technical and acquisition rigor,” said Col. Jeffrey Poquette, FLRAA project manager. “Using digital engineering as a key part of our ‘go slow to go fast’ approach has helped to accelerate the program by investing in requirements development up front.”

FLRAA will provide transformational capability for ground forces and aircrews with speed, range, and surprise to present multiple dilemmas to the enemy. It will expand the depth of the battlefield, extending reach to conduct air assault missions from relative sanctuary while enabling us to rapidly exploit freedom of maneuver to converge ground forces through decentralized operations at extended distances. FLRAA’s inherent reach and standoff capabilities will ensure mission success through tactical maneuver at operational and strategic distances.

As the Army transforms to meet an uncertain future, FLRAA is one of many modernized capabilities that will help ensure the Army of 2030 and beyond is ready to win when the nation calls.

By PEO Aviation

Lockheed Martin Sikorsky Advances to Next Phase of Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability Program

Monday, July 29th, 2024

NATO Support and Procurement Agency Selects X2 Rotorcraft for Integrated Platform Concept Study

FARNBOROUGH, United Kingdom, July 26, 2024 — The NATO Support and Procurement Agency (NSPA) has awarded Lockheed Martin Sikorsky a contract award to study integrated platform concepts that could fulfill NATO’s next generation rotorcraft requirements through its Next Generation Rotorcraft Capability (NGRC) program.

“Sikorsky is ready to design a rotorcraft prototype for NATO’s NGRC concept study to support defense and deterrence for an ever-changing global environment. Years of investment and rigorous flight testing with multiple X2 technology demonstrators have proven its ability to change the future airspace,” said Andy Adams, vice president of Sikorsky Future Vertical Lift.

“Our X2 aircraft will bring to bear the strengths of Lockheed Martin along with input from our European Industry Group, such as digital thread, advanced manufacturing, sustainment, training, and weapon and mission system development, to provide NATO with an integrated rotorcraft system that combines speed, range, maneuverability, survivability and operational flexibility.”

Lockheed Martin Sikorsky’s European Industry Group includes Tier-1 aerospace suppliers, such as BAE Systems, ELT Group, ESG Elektroniksystem-und Logistik GmbH, GE Aerospace, Hellenic Aerospace Industry, Kongsberg, Liebherr-Aerospace Lindenberg GmbH, MAGroup,

Malloy Aeronautics, SAFRAN, Rheinmetall and TERMA. This industry group will provide input as to how their world-class military products can support the X2 integrated platform concept approach to advance NATO’s capabilities and provide a next generation rotorcraft solution.

With more than $1 billion invested and 15 years of testing and flying, X2 rotorcraft, Sikorsky’s X2 aircraft are demonstrating mission relevance. The S-97 RAIDER technology demonstrator’s rigorous flight test program continues to provide critical data that correlates to a virtual prototype and enables Sikorsky to experiment with the unique capabilities that an X2 Technology rotorcraft can provide.

NSPA General Manager, Ms Stacy A. Cummings, stated: “The launch of Concept Study #5 is a significant milestone for the NGRC concept stage activities, and demonstrates NSPA’s dedication to meet the challenge of next generation medium lift for Participating Nations. The strategy to launch 3 parallel contracts awarded by competition delivers on our commitment to maximise industry expertise, opportunity and engagement in the programme, and will provide a broad range of potential concepts in the study results for our multinational customers.”

The NGRC program initiative began in 2022 and includes France, Germany, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, United Kingdom and Canada. The United States and Spain are currently acting as observers. Under the NGRC program, NATO is seeking to develop a medium-class, multi-role rotorcraft aimed to replace medium multi-role helicopters currently in service. NSPA, through its dedicated NGRC Support Partnership, aims to respond to this upcoming requirement, in a timely and cost-effective manner, while concurrently leveraging a broad range of recent advances in technology, production methods, and operational concepts.

AFSOC Seeks sUAS Group 3 Swarm Carrier Drone Capability

Wednesday, July 24th, 2024

The U.S. Air Force Offensive small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) System Program Office (SPO) has issued a Request for Information to Industry to conduct market research to determine Industry’s ability to provide capabilities supporting the Air Force Special Operations Command’s (AFSOC) Adaptive Airborne Enterprise (A2E) concept within 24 – 36 months.

What they are after is a Group 3 sUAS capable of internally carrying and deploying Group 2 sUAS equipped with an Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) payload. Essentially, a drone capable of being launched from a C-130 which carries and deploys a swarm of even smaller drones.

This is one of three distinct RFIs to be issued that will cover the sUAS platform needs for fielding Adaptive Airborne Enterprise (A2E) capabilities within 24 – 36 months of this RFI.

The SPO intends to release three distinct RFIs, each covering a specific A2E sUAS capability, detailed below. The SPO is seeking Industry responses to help inform how it can provide AFSOC with air-launched sUAS capabilities that integrate Group 2 Air-Launched ISR systems, Group 3 Air-Launched Swarm Carrier systems, and Group 3 Air-Launched Signature Managed systems within the A2E architecture (see Appendix A, Figure 1) while complying with a Modular Open System Approach (MOSA). Specifically, the SPO will be seeking responses for each of the three capabilities below via three separate and distinct RFIs:

• Group 2 ISR – To be internally carried and air-launched via Common Launch Tube (CLT) from a Group 3 Swarm Carrier.

• Group 3 Swarm Carrier – To be deployed from a C-130 as an air-dropped, palletized effect, internally carrying and able to launch Group 2 ISR sUAS from CLTs.

• Group 3 Signature Managed – To be air-launched from a Group 5 system, act as a C2 node in a network/swarm of sUAS and send data from the contested/denied environment to the Joint Force.

Solutions must align with MOSA design principles and be cost-effective for the government. They must also be compatible with an Autonomous Government Referenced Architecture and the software chosen to support that architecture. Finally, solutions must demonstrate a maturity level and production capacity that confidently conveys the ability to deliver scalable quantity within 36 months.

RFI responses are due no later than (NLT) 1700 EST (sic) on August 09, 2024.

Read the details at

All-Electric Fixed-Wing Aircraft Offloads Cargo at JB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst

Wednesday, July 17th, 2024


Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst played a vital role in a historic first cargo flight as part of a demonstration of the ALIA CTOL, a battery-powered fixed-wing aircraft, July 9. The National Aerospace Research and Technology Park (NARTP) in Atlantic City tested the aircraft’s cargo usage by flying a lap pattern from Atlantic City, Dover Air Force Base and JB MDL.

The U.S. Air Force, in a partnership with BETA Technologies, has been instrumental in the development of ALIA. This groundbreaking aircraft, with a range of 250 nautical miles and the capacity to seat up to five passengers, is a testament to the Air Force’s adaptability to new technologies. The Air Force’s interest in the ALIA’s flexible applications further reinforces its commitment to staying at the forefront of technological advancements.

Moving cargo between Dover AFB and JB MDL with the ALIA is advantageous because it saves time and many other valuable resources.

“We can be ready to take off in a matter of minutes, and the battery has a low center of gravity, which is not affected by the way you load the cargo,” said Ross Elkort, BETA Technologies flight test engineer.”

The 305th Maintenance Squadron’s Precision Measurement Equipment Laboratory team unloaded 319 pounds of cargo from Dover AFB and loaded 222 pounds to send on a return trip.

Having last-mile cargo delivery handled by a battery-powered fixed-wing is an opportunity to make air mobility safer, cleaner and more cost-effective.

“It brings key innovation to the mission. It’s going to make things faster and simpler,” said Alyxandra Scalone, 305th Maintenance Squadron production controller. “Dover (AFB) is about two and a half hours away from us. Today’s flight only took 45 minutes.”

“An all-electric aircraft like the ALIA is the next evolution of rapid global mobility,” said Zachary White, BETA Technologies team member. “We started working with the AFWERX Agility Prime Program in 2019. We are super excited to be here and supporting Air Mobility Command. Doing different types of missions and flying cargo between bases, it was great to see the flexibility of this aircraft.”

By MSgt Joseph Vigil, Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Public Affairs

Engineer Charged with Obstructing a Criminal Investigation into the Cause of the USMC Yanky 72 Plane Crash

Tuesday, July 9th, 2024

OXFORD, MS – A former Robins Air Force Base employee has been arrested for making false statements and obstructing justice during a federal criminal investigation into a 2017 military plane crash that claimed the lives of 16 service members.

On July 10, 2017, a United States Marine Corps KC-130 transport aircraft known as “Yanky 72” crashed near Itta Bena, Mississippi, resulting in the death of fifteen Marines and one Navy Corpsman. On Tuesday morning, JAMES MICHAEL FISHER, formerly of Warner Robins, Georgia and currently residing in Portugal, was arrested on an indictment issued by a federal grand jury in the Northern District of Mississippi charging him with obstruction of justice and false statements during a criminal investigation into the cause of that crash.

According to the indictment, FISHER, 67, a former propulsion engineer with the C-130 program office at Robins Air Force Base, engaged in a pattern of conduct intended to avoid scrutiny for his past engineering decisions related to why the crash may have occurred. Specifically, the indictment alleges that FISHER knowingly concealed key engineering documents from criminal investigators and made materially false statements to criminal investigators about his past engineering decisions.

FISHER is charged with two false statements and two obstruction of justice charges. If convicted, he faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge would determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

U.S. Attorney Clay Joyner of the Northern District of Mississippi; and Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI), Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), and Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) made the announcement.

AFOSI, DCIS, and NCIS are investigating the case.

Assistant U.S. Attorneys Scott Leary and Philip Levy are prosecuting the case.

An indictment is merely an allegation and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

U.S. Attorney’s Office, Northern District of Mississippi

Two U.S. Army T901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) Arrive at Sikorsky for Black Hawk Integration Efforts

Friday, July 5th, 2024

Fundamental to Black Hawk modernization, the new GE Aerospace engine will boost aircraft performance and range

The U.S. Army’s Improved Turbine Engine (ITE) will be integrated into the UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter. Representatives from the U.S. Army, GE Aerospace and Lockheed Martin gathered to mark the next step in ITE integration on June 27 in West Palm Beach, Florida. Photo courtesy Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company. 

The T901 engine will increase the Black Hawk’s power by 50%, while also improving fuel efficiency, and is a critical component of the roadmap to a modernized Black Hawk – a key part of Lockheed Martin’s 21st Century Security® vision. Photo courtesy Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company.  

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla., June 27, 2024 – Two of the U.S. Army’s T901 Improved Turbine Engines (ITE) arrived at Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin company (NYSE: LMT), signaling a new phase of Black Hawk® helicopter modernization efforts. The T901 engine, which is manufactured by GE Aerospace, will increase the UH-60M Black Hawk helicopter’s performance, including lift capability and range, providing Army commanders more options for planning and executing missions.  

The T901 engine will increase the Black Hawk’s power by 50%, while also improving fuel efficiency and is a critical component of the roadmap to a modernized Black Hawk – a key part of Lockheed Martin’s 21st Century Security® vision. 

“Increased performance and range offered by the T901 are high-value capabilities the Army is able to implement on the Black Hawk in a cost-effective way that will not require expensive re-engineering,” said Hamid Salim, vice president of Army and Air Force Systems at Sikorsky. “The ITEP and other enhancement efforts ensure the Black Hawk remains in operation well into the 2070s, securing its position as the Army’s foundational tactical air assault and utility aircraft of choice.”  

What’s Next 

Sikorsky is positioned to conduct a multi-aircraft test program to support the Army’s ITEP acquisition milestone schedule.  

·      The two T901 engines will be installed in one Black Hawk test aircraft for ground runs and flight testing. 

·      Aircraft hardware is already on hand to accept two additional T901 engines for installation into a second Black Hawk test aircraft, which will accelerate the test program. 

The Army’s Utility Helicopters Project Office (UHPO), Aviation Turbine Engines Project Office (ATE PO), and Sikorsky have completed several key program milestones to prepare for this integration, including: 

·      Successful completion of the H-60M Preliminary Design Review and Critical Design Review. 

·      Software Formal Qualification Testing (FQT) for the Integrated Vehicle Health Management System (IVHMS) and is on track to complete the Flight Management System FQT this summer. 

·      Receipt and completion of all aircraft test instrumentation required to support the test program. 

·      Receipt of all aircraft “A-kit” hardware required to install two T901s into the H-60M in preparation to execute ground test and flight test.  

“We view this as an extension of the work we’ve completed on ITE with our Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) prototype and are even better positioned for a timely and simplified integration of the engine into the H-60M, due to data and insights we’ve retrieved from successful ITE tests completed to date,” said Salim. 

Sikorsky received, installed, and successfully conducted engine light-off of the T901 engine in the FARA prototype aircraft. The ongoing FARA test program is specifically designed to collect data relevant to the Black Hawk engine integration to support risk reduction for the Black Hawk flight test program. 

A Modernized Black Hawk 

Sikorsky H-60M modernization efforts continue to be primarily focused on ITE, as well as Modular Open Systems Approach/digital backbone and Launched Effects. Digital innovations, such as a new sustainment digital twin, improve safety and mission readiness while reducing costly downtime and unscheduled maintenance.  

For additional information, visit our website: