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Archive for the ‘Cyber’ Category

Syracuse’s IVMF Offers No-Cost Google Cybersecurity Certificate to Veterans, Spouses

Saturday, January 25th, 2025

Syracuse University’s D’Aniello Institute for Veterans and Military Families is offering a no-cost Google Cybersecurity Certificate for veterans and military spouses as part of its Onward to Opportunity career training program. Research shows that a successful transition out of the military is predicated on finding the next impactful civilian career in which they can deploy their military-specific skills.

Veterans and military spouses are well-suited toward this career field that addresses threats and protects Americans’ data. Most cybersecurity jobs are fully remote, making them especially adaptable for spouses of active duty service members who move frequently and balance careers with their partners’ military service. Many veterans have IT/cyber experience from their military service that translates well to the civilian sector, and credentials like this make them more competitive in the job market.

Key Benefits:

No cost / no military/VA benefits required—program is fully-funded through a grant from Google

Entry-level program—no experience required

Self-paced, virtual learning

180 hours (target completion: six months)

New cohorts start each month

Access to career resources (resume review, interview prep, career support)

Discount exam voucher code toward CompTIA Security+ Exam

Nine continuing education units (CEUs) that can be applied toward specific college degrees

Cybersecurity Stats: High Demand, High Salaries estimates that in 2023, there were more than 572,000 job openings requiring cybersecurity-related skills, and employers are struggling to find qualified candidates. On average, cyber roles take 21% longer to fill than other IT jobs.

Most entry-level positions offer nearly six-figure salaries.

One cyber attack every 39 seconds

95% of digital breaches caused by human error

$10.5 trillion total American business loss anticipated in 2025

Veteran Transition Stats:

The federal government spends $13 billion annually on military-to-civilian transition programs, primarily on education services, such as the GI Bill

The majority of veterans need – and want – the opportunity to go straight into the workforce.

Nearly two thirds of the nation’s 4.1 million post-9/11 veterans report that their civilian jobs don’t adequately align with their skills and education, even six years after service.

An estimated 200,000 service members transition out of the military each year, and more than half struggle with employment after service.

3rd MDTF Cyber Defenders Partner with Allies During Keen Sword 25

Saturday, December 28th, 2024

SAGAMI DEPOT, Japan — A Cyber mission element from the Multi-Domain Effects Battalion (MDEB), 3rd Multi-Domain Task Force’s, partnered with joint and allied forces to conduct defensive cyber operations as part of Keen Sword 25 from Oct. 23 to Nov. 1, 2024.

A MDEB Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) Mission Element partnered with Japanese and Canadian cyber professionals to defend mission critical infrastructure from adversary intrusions on a live cyber range. Using various cyber tools, the teams successfully mapped the network, discovered red team intrusions and then conducted hunt operations to restore full network operability.

“Cyber mission elements are a key component of multi-domain effects battalions that provide allies and the joint force additional cyber capability able to protect key infrastructure, enhance overall mission readiness across the full spectrum of military operations, and counter emerging digital threats in today’s complex operational environment,” said Lt. Col. Pablo Diaz, Commander of the 3rd MDEB.

The mission element executed multiple training iterations against a live adversarial red team alongside their allied partners.

The training objectives for the MDEB cyber mission element were to validate the readiness of the DCO mission element, refine standard operating procedures, and to build relationships with allied partner cyber units.

“My team integrated with our partners, leveraged cyber tools, and defended several critical infrastructure networks against a dynamic red team on a live network. It was a great training event where we were able to apply our skills and collaborate with our allies,” said MDEB Cyber Officer in Charge 2nd Lt. Lucas Bires.

Keen Sword is a biennial, joint, and bilateral field-training exercise involving U.S. military and Japan Self-Defense Forces personnel, designed to increase readiness and interoperability while strengthening the ironclad U.S.-Japan alliance.

Keen Sword 25 is the latest iteration of the exercise which was first conducted in 1986. Keen Sword provides realistic, relevant training that increases the Joint Force’s abilities to plan, communicate, and conduct complex multi-domain operations.

By SGT Perla Alfaro

Air Force to Evaluate Hanscom AFB for Air Force Information Dominance Systems Center

Saturday, November 23rd, 2024


The Department of the Air Force identified Hanscom Air Force Base, Massachusetts, as the sole candidate location to host the headquarters for the new Air Force Information Dominance Systems Center. 

The Air Force announced the creation of AFIDSC within Air Force Materiel Command as part of the service’s Great Power Competition initiative to strengthen and elevate the Air Force’s focus on Command, Control, Communications, and Battle Management; Cyber; Electronic Warfare; Information Systems; and Enterprise Digital Infrastructure.   

Four existing information dominance-related Program Executive Offices will re-align from AFMC’s Air Force Life Cycle Management Center to create the new center, led by a 3-star commander. The commander will be dual-hatted as the DAF Command, Control, Communications & Battle Management Program Director. 

The PEO directorates aligning under AFIDSC’s command are: 


Cyber and Networks 

Electronic Systems  

Business Enterprise Systems 

The current estimate for the center staff is 136 positions.  There will be minimal impact on the Program Offices designated to become part of this center, as personnel are expected to re-align in place.  

The DAF anticipates making a final basing decision by the end of the year and plans to standup the new center in 2025. 

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Army Experiments with Capabilities, Multi-Domain Integration at Vanguard 24

Saturday, November 9th, 2024

FORT HUACHUCA, Ariz. — The 3rd Multi-Domain Effects Battalion, 3rd Multi-Domain Task Force, partnered with the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, Joint and Allied forces, and industry partners to execute the Vanguard 24 experiment from September 8-24, 2024.

Mission-tailored teams of 3rd MDEB Soldiers operated from the 1st Lt. John R. Fox Multi-Domain Range, the Buffalo Soldier Electronic Test Range and other training areas in the Southwest. Vanguard provided a venue for 3rd MDEB Soldiers to experiment with and assess various cutting-edge sensors, high altitude platforms and data transport solutions that are not yet Army programs of record.

“Multi-Domain Task Forces are the signature formations for the Army’s continual transformation. The emerging capabilities our Soldiers are training on help inform the Army on which capabilities should be pursued and possibly developed further and integrated at scale across the Army and DOD,” said Col. Michael Rose, 3rd MDTF commander.

These teams executed training and experimentation focused on integrating cyber, electronic warfare, extended range sensing and data transfer. The distances between training areas and teams replicated the distances required to operate in the Indo-Pacific Command theater, where 3rd MDTF is assigned.

“The challenge with extended range multi-domain sensing comes down to several problem sets — platforms, payloads, data backhaul and analysis. Vanguard provided the venue for the MDEB to tackle each of these problem sets at operationally relevant distances,” said Rose.

“My team was able to effectively locate signals of interest, aggregate the sensor data, pass it back to the MDEB tactical command post at Fort Huachuca, then integrate the data into mission command systems to include the Army Intelligence Data Platform, and send the data to the TF level All Domain Operations Center back in Hawaii,” said MDEB Commander Lt. Col. Pablo Diaz. “We met our key training objectives and look forward to taking the lessons learned to keep pushing the envelope.”

Objectives for 3rd MDEB were to experiment with high altitude and persistent platforms such as high-altitude balloons and unmanned aerial systems, various electronic warfare and cyber payloads, long range data backhaul solutions and validate defensive cyber capabilities

Vanguard 24 is an annual capstone experiment that provides a venue to explore, integrate, and test emerging technologies, tools, and concepts that address specific capability gaps and future warfighting requirements.

Vanguard provided capabilities development, testing, and training elements, with an INDOPACOM operational scenario that expanded the scope and scale of the experiment, which spanned from Fort Huachuca’s Buffalo Soldier Electronic Test Range and 1st Lt. John R. Fox Multi-Domain Operations Range, as well as across the Southwestern U.S.

By MAJ Stephen Page

Special Warfare Journal: How ARSOF Fights

Saturday, October 26th, 2024

JUST RELEASED – The Summer/Fall 2024 edition of Special Warfare Journal, “How ARSOF Fights, Future Integration of the SOF-Space-Cyber Triad“ is  available for download now at:

Special Warfare Journal is The Official Professional Journal of U.S. Army Special Operations Forces.

Green Berets Use Disruptive Cyber Technology During Swift Response 2024

Friday, August 30th, 2024

In 1991, U.S. Army Col. (ret) John Collins authored the special operations forces (SOF) truths. These five stanzas outline what it means to be a SOF soldier, and how the force must operate to be successful. Chief among those is truth number 1: “People are more important than hardware”. SOF capabilities have evolved considerably since 1991, however, and while people remain the most important asset, hardware has led the evolutionary change.

Advancements in technology have increased the capabilities of the people in the SOF community. Not only are they masters of air, land, and sea, but now there is a fourth domain. Cyberspace has become a key part of the battlefield, and quickly has become just as critical as the physical realm in battlefield superiority. It’s for this reason that Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) teams trained with disruptive cyber technology during Exercise Swift Response 2024 near Skillingaryd, Sweden this month.

“What this allows us to do is target an objective, use the signaling equipment to gain access to any WiFi networks originating at the target, and then monitor activity from that location for a period of time,” explained an identity protected ODA team member.

“It’s a very useful tool for us, because it gives us another set of eyes and helps to paint a clearer picture of our objective.” he said.

During the exercise, the aforementioned ODA team identified a target building and used a remote access device (RAD) to identify the networks coming from the facility. They were able to crack the WiFi password, enumerate the network, and run exploits on the target computer inside the building. This enabled the team to manipulate security cameras, door locks, and other security systems in the building.

While one team was in charge of manipulating the building through cyber disruption, a second ODA team conducted an infiltration operation on the facility. They conducted a military free fall (MFF) jump and marched seven miles to access the building, which they were able to enter easily due to the cyber disruption. From there they placed signal jamming equipment to clear any trace of the attack and exited the premises.

Training on a set of tools gives the team the ability to master them, living up to the second SOF truth, which is that quality is more important than quantity.

“In a real-world situation, this would allow us to gain information in a way that we haven’t always had,” explained the commander of the INFIL ODA team. “If we have a specific target or objective we need to reach, we now have the capability to glean critical information in a way that is undetectable if we do our jobs right.” he said.

The third SOF truth is that special operations cannot be mass produced. The ability to hack into a building through cyber technology is not exclusive to the special operations community, but the ability to do so, while also incorporating an MFF jump, and 7 mile foot march undetected is a SOF skill that when combined with the cyber capability gives special operations a unique set of skills that is exclusive said the ODA cyber team member.

“We are able to see what’s happening, and we know what the INFIL team is doing,” he said. “We have eyes on the whole scenario.”

The fourth SOF truth states that special operations forces cannot be produced after an emergency. They must be established, ready, and fully competent. This is why training in exercises like Swift Response is so important. It allows team members to sharpen their skills in an unfamiliar environment and put their knowledge to the test.

Advancements in hardware are due to the fifth SOF truth, which is that SOF requires non-SOF support. Cyber disruption is not brand new technology, but a tool that continues to develop. Staying current with the technology is a critical task, said the ODA cyber team member.

“This capability is something that we need to train on, and keep current with,” he said. “Because it’s evolving so rapidly, the devices we use today could be obsolete next year. It’s been five years since I first went to school for this – it’s changed so much in that time, I feel like it’s a whole new world.” he said.

While advancements are inevitable, the five SOF truths remain. New capabilities fall in line with established practices, and the entire machine keeps moving forward. Working during exercises like Swift Response 24 with Allies and partners such as Sweden enables special operations to remain uniquely postured to counter malign influence, build interoperability, rapidly respond to emerging threats and if necessary, defeat aggression.

By SFC Tim Beery

Army Cyber Protection Brigade-Led Exercise Brings Multiple Service Elements, Components Together

Monday, August 12th, 2024

CAMP DAWSON, W.Va. ­­– As the late July heat continues to scorch, cyber Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and civilians assembled in the foothills of a remote training base in West Virgina to hone their skills to build an effective defensive cyber force.

Every year, the Army Cyber Protection Brigade (CPB) plans, prepares, and executes Exercise Grungy Zion (EGZ) to simulate a joint task force employing defensive cyber operations across multiple echelons. From July 22 to August 3, 2024, the CPB deployed teams to Camp Dawson, W.Va., Orlando, Fla., and Fort Eisenhower, Ga. to participate in this exercise.

For the CPB task force staff and the brigade’s subordinate battalions, this was an opportunity to validate how information is received, managed and communicated to the Cyber Protection Teams (CPTs) that were operationally engaged in the training scenario.

“Exercise Grungy Zion is the Cyber Protection Brigade’s annual certification exercise,” said Col. Christopher Stauder, CPB commander. “Historically, this exercise has been focused on certifying mission elements, cyber protection teams, and battalion-size task forces. This year the CPB took a giant step forward in certifying the brigade headquarters as a maneuver element and by incorporating multiple partners into this exercise.”

This year’s exercise was the first time the Army’s sister service cyber elements participated in EGZ, working alongside their Army counterparts. Some of the partners included elements from Marine Corps Forces Cyber, Navy mission elements, Multi Domain Task Force mission elements, Army Reserve and National Guard CPTs, and signal professionals from the 60th Signal Battalion (OCO).

“Working joint with the Army during EGZ has been exceptional,” said U.S. Marine Corps Cpt. Michael Goff of 652 CPT, U.S. Marine Corps Cyberspace Operations Battalion. “This is the first time my team had an Army crew integrated with us. It has been a huge success, because they are proficient in all the tools, allowing us to achieve success much faster than normal.”

EGZ also demonstrated how the advancement of technology forces cyber elements to continuously transform how they train and fight to become a more competent force. This includes protection of mission-essential information as well as networks supporting infrastructure, logistics, and communication between joint and multinational allies and partners.

“It feels nice to be hands-on developing and learning new skills,” said Spc. Andrew Stout, 155 CPT, 1st Cyber Battalion, CPB. “Cyber is important, because it provides a broad range of assets and technical support to help the Army complete its mission all over the world.”

In the past, the exercise has taken place on Fort Eisenhower and Camp Dawson; each year new remote locations participate in the training. This is the fourth year the CPB has hosted EGZ and due to its success, plans to continue the exercise for many years to come.

“EGZ is successful because it stresses our units to see what operational load we can handle,” said 1st Lt. Luke Meyer, 155 CPT, 1st Cyber Battalion, CPB. “It measures how we respond in real time, our processes, and hunting capability to react to any cyber threat that might pop up.”

By Lloyd Bedford

TacJobs – Cyber Assignment Incentive Pay

Thursday, July 25th, 2024

Cyber Assignment Incentive Pay (CAIP) is designed to provide high-performing Soldiers with an incentive to pursue further professional development and certification. It is available to commissioned officers, warrant officers and enlisted Soldiers in the active Army, Army Reserve and Army National Guard in designated cyberspace work roles in approved units.

CAIP compensates Soldiers with specialized skills to meet readiness challenges and support national security objectives.

CAIP currently ranges from $200 to $1,500 per month based on assignment, certification and skill level, and determined on a tiered proficiency scale (basic, senior or master) within designated work roles and units.

For more information visit and