OTTO Engineering is proud to be providing our elite Federal agents with our Noizebarrier Tactical Communication Suite. The OTTO suite of products was selected over currently fielded solutions and provides agents with unparallel Audio clarity, Situational Awareness / hear through, ruggedized solutions for any environment. OTTO Noizebarrier TAC provides increased communication intelligibility in all environments.
OTTO is working on several new technologies to increase operational awareness including their Lynq Pro handheld Position Location device.
Most ATAK enabled EUDs require a cellular connection or RF comms between radios that have been pre-programmed taking hours to set up. The Lynq Pro system works with or without an EUD but you can easily pair to your EUD via BLE or hardwire, providing a real time encrypted data link between your squad members even when networks are denied.
Core technology is an intelligent network well suited for comms denied contested environments that’s low power, RF quiet and rapidly deployable, 256 encrypted and peer to peer with jamming resistant with chirp spread spectrum frequency hopping. A next gen squad level blue force tracker — capable of secure location and LPI/LPD comms that drastically enhance situational awareness and ensure no personnel is left behind.
Come visit OTTO Engineering in VA Beach July 28th & 29th at Bad Ass Coffee across from the Virginia Beach Convention Center.