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Archive for the ‘LE’ Category

NTOA – Aimpoint PRO

Sunday, September 18th, 2011


Restricted to Military, Gov’t, and LE only, the Aimpoint PRO features a COMP body and offers a 2 MOA dot as well as a NVG compatible lens. Additionally, the PRO comes with a mount with a removable shim to accommodate a variety of weapons. Ingeniously, Aimpoint also includes a sticker to record battery data.

This is a terrific balance of features and price and is, in my opinion, Aimpoint’s greatest value.

LE, Mil, and Gov’t customers contact Joe Strohman.


Sunday, September 18th, 2011

20110918-125258.jpg is the brain child of Pima County Sheriff Department’s Chaplain Joonho “JK” Kim. He applies his keen eye for detail to drawings of LE and Military Tactical Units. Since starting in 2006 he has completed over 60 drawings for various agencies and manufacturers across America. If you are in the market for a high quality depiction of you or your organization then check out

NTOA – Women’s Tactical Association

Sunday, September 18th, 2011


The Women’s Tactical Association was on hand to spread the word on their advocacy and training programs for female tactical LE and military personnel. They’ll be taking their training programs on the road this year so make sure you check out You’ll need to create a login but it’s a simple process.

NTOA – Live from the Annual Conference in Richmond

Sunday, September 18th, 2011


SSD is on hand at the NTOA Annual Conference in Richmond, VA. Look for live coverage here as well as on

Mexican Cartels Using Improvised Grenades

Sunday, September 18th, 2011

Sometimes it’s hard for those of us not in the southern border states to imagine the situation with our neighbor Mexico. Articles like this one from the BOLO Report remind us of the dangers our sworn officers and citizens are exposed to. Mexican drug trafficking organizations (DTOs) are utilizing improvised hand grenades in their internal conflicts with the Mexican government as well as with each other.

Read about it here.

NTOA 2011 Conference & Vendor Show – Next Week!

Friday, September 16th, 2011

Don’t forget, the 2011 National Tactical Operations Conference & Vendor Show will be held next week, 18-23 September in Richmond, Virginia. In addition to a show featuring 175 vendors showcasing their latest wares, attendees may also choose from 16-, 24- or 32-hour practical tracks including Advanced Tactics, HRT and HRW. NTOA is also offering a variety of 4- and 8-hour seminar tracks on such topics as SWAT supervision, crisis negotiations and gunfight medicine.

To sign up visit

Photos courtesy of Sam Perry Photography:

US PALM Desert Tracker Plate Carrier

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Recently, we told you that US PALM would be offering their Desert Tracker Plate Carrier in the Italian CB62 camo pattern. But, what we didn’t do is tell you about the Desert Tracker Plate Carrier.

It’s a very interesting concept that was driven 100% by BP Agent Terry’s incident last December in Arizona. The problem is that many federal agents haven’t been wearing enhanced armor due to weight and heat issues. US PALM interviewed a couple of dozen different sworn officers to get their ideas on the subject. Then, they created a poll that their sales guys ran past LE customers.

Based on the information they gathered, US PALM came up with a three component solution. The DT P/C is just one of these components. As you can see from the unique design it offers front and side ballistic coverage as well as ample space for pouches. Not saying that this hasn’t been done before, it’s just that no one else has developed the complimentary pieces to offer full coverage. When coupled with a ballistic blast belt, and a hardened backpack, the agents and officers have, what US PALM refers to as a “highly configurable, on-the-fly mission adaptable, weather neutral solution that actually allows them to perform the multitude of tasks they encounter during even the most rudimentary call outs.” It has been adopted by one Arizona Sheriff’s Office with other agencies evaluating the system this fall.

Smokin Deal on Nike SF Boots

Monday, September 5th, 2011

Extreme Outfitters is offering a great deal on Black Nike SF Boots through 15 September. They are smooth leather and will take a shine. The SF Boot is very comfortable and built on the Nike Free sole which means they weigh ounces per boot. They make a great boot for LE and first responders who require a Black boot.

This is an unadvertised special price. They are going for for $89.99 and this offer is restricted to the Black version. To order, select the boots and then use code NIKE89 during checkout.