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Archive for the ‘MDM’ Category

2018 Modern Day Marine

Tuesday, September 25th, 2018

The 2018 Modern Day Marine Exposition kicked off to a very wet morning. We’re looking forward to seeing the latest industry has to offer.

MDM 17 – National Molding Two-Point Release Evil Twin

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

National Molding is always working on new products. 

The Two-Point Release Evil Twin is a direct pull cable release system which can be built into an armor vest or other system. 


MDM 17 – Geissele Automatics Super Modular Rail MK16

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

The Upper Reciever in this photo is equipped with the M-Lok standard, Super Modular Rail MK16 Rail, from Geissele Automatics (but in Desert Dirt Color rather than Black), and Super Charging Handle as well as a Daniel Defense Barrel and Gas Block and finished off with a SureFire WarComp. US Army Special Operations Command, as well as others, are said to be looking at this configuration. Despite being referred to by some as “URG-I” (Upper Receiver Group Improved) these are parts, intended to replace existing components, giving their M4A1s an update. The Super Modular Mk16 is not available commercially.


For those of you familiar with the Geissele Gas Pedal, that’s one on the lower. It’s ambidextrous and offers a 45 Deg throw from Safe to Semi. The real magic is when you depress the spring-loaded Gas Pedal, offering momentary Full Auto performance, as long as it is depressed. Let go, and the weapon reverts to Semi Auto mode. It takes a couple of magazines to overcome muscle memory associated with the full 90 Deg throws of a standard Selector, but it’s a very fast transition from Semi to Full Auto. There’s no more fumbling with the Selector, just push the Gas Pedal and Rock and Roll. This is an upgrade DoD should consider immediately.



MDM 17 – Bike Track Modular Plastic Flooring

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

I was walking past Quantico Tactical’s booth and I noticed this flooring sample on one of the tables. For a lot of our readers this is going to seem very mundane, but if you’ve lived in a tent, or worked in a tent, for weeks and months at a time, if you don’t put down some form of flooring, you’re going to be ankle deep in a mess rather quickly. 

Bike Track offers stainable, slip-resistant, 1″ and 2″ thick flooring as well as 2″ ICM flooring which features channels for cable management. That too is a big deal. There’s nothing worse than tripping all over power and data cords, except maybe standing in a mud puddle while you brief the CG.

The HDPE 4′ x 3.5′ panels snap together and can be installed without tools. Even better, they have NSNs.


MDM 17 – United States Tactical’s Reversible Chest Rig

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

It does exactly what the name implies. This chest rig reverses from PALS compatibility to four elastic slots for AR or AK magazines. Sandwiched in between is a slot which will accept maps, documents or even a holster.


Made from 1000D Cordura, it also features an H-style harness. Offered in Black, Coyote or OD.


MDM 17 – DRIFIRE/Crye Precision Field Uniform in Woodland MARPAT

Thursday, September 21st, 2017

At Warrior West DRIFIRE officially unveiled their FR Field Uniform collaboration with Crye Precision. The initial model was in MultiCam, with additional patterns to come.


ADS Inc featured this Woodland MARPAT version in their booth at this year’s Modern Day Marine.


These Berry compliant uniforms are made with DRIFIRE’s durable and comfortable Fortrex fabric. It’s not only FR but also moisture wicking and includes odor control. They are offered in the full CP size range which is prefect for those who are running a uniform program. The uniforms are also available in MultiCam, Desert MARPAT, US Navy Types II and III (AOR 1 and 2) and NATO Woodland (that’s what we wore in the 80s and 90s for you whippersnappers).

DriFire products are available for unit and agency purchases through ADS Inc.

MDM 17 – RE Factor Tactical Helmet Cover

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

RE Factor Tactical was exhibiting in the Quantico Tactical booth and gave us a sneak peek of their upcoming helmet cover.

It’s a combination of mesh and four way stretch softshell material.

It has a couple of unique features. for instance, the side Velcro can be pulled down in order to route cables behind it.

The rear pocket will accommodate a battery case and when opened comes with counterweight material. 


MDM 17 – SureFire Advanced Rifle Operating Core

Wednesday, September 20th, 2017

SureFire’s new Advanced Rifle Operating Core is a system consisting of an enhanced Bolt Carrier Group, Barrel Extension, Buffer and Spring.

Because AROC requires a new Barrel Extension, they’ve also developed a Drop-In BCG called the Optimized Bolt Carrier. It includes Buffer and Spring. Although it’s not fully optimized like AROC, it is backward compatible with existing Mil-Spec AR pattern rifles.

Below, you can see (top to bottom) the AROC, OBC and standard AR BCGs.

The AROC Bolt offers 30% longer bolt lugs. Naturally, this means it requires a longer Barrel Extension. This was done to eliminate bolt lug breakage.

Additionally, the Buffer is longer than the Mil-Spec version. The H8S comes with AROC and is 8 oz. The 2 oz H2S comes with the OBC. The included Action Spring offers additional tension.

Regardless of which SureFire BCG, the Gas Key features a single screw which SureFire’s Barry Dueck related is stronger than the standard two screw model.

The BCG features an internal weight which is spring loaded in both directions. This, along with the other elements, combine to offer additional travel time. This also affects the angle from the bolt to the feed ramp. With a standard M4, the angle is 52 Deg. For an M16A4, it’s 45 Deg. But with AROC, it’s 37 Deg.

When the Bolt is at the end of its stroke while using a Mil-Spec BCG, it takes 28 milliseconds for the bolt to travel back into battery. With AROC, it’s 38 milliseconds. That slight difference is signifigant, especially when firing full auto or suppressed, or both.

On the range, AROC was demonstrated successfully with both Piston and Direct Impingement rifles. Although we previewed a version of this at 2016 SOFIC, SureFire has been working with suppliers to bring the cost down signifigantly from the initial estimates. At this point, Bolt Carrier Groups are a commodity item. Prices are so low that even specialized versions, such as this, have to be price competitive as possible.

No word yet in when this will be released commercially.
