Many people suffer from seasickness, especially during your first couple of times being on the water. Once you learn some of the basic tips for dealing with seasickness, it will become more natural and help you to move past having to take anything. A lot of the time, these remedies will be the easiest to implement because they require moving around on the boat.
First stay ahead of it by taking meds before you go out on the boat. There are a variety of medications that are available to help prevent or treat motion sickness. They need to be taking 1-2 hours before you go out so plan ahead. Medicines for nausea are called antiemetic drugs. They include antihistamines such as Dramamine and scopolamine drugs, which come in pill or patch form and require a prescription.
Focus on the horizon. By focusing, many people experience the extraordinary power of the brain to overpower the feeling of the waves. Get horizontal and close your eyes. Your ears control balance, but your eyes can deceive you. By adjusting your balance by 90 degrees from standing to laying down and keeping your eyes from paying attention to the rolling motion, your brain can work through the motion more easily.
Keep the fresh air coming. If you are sitting there with the engines running the exhaust air can start to make anyone sick, so try avoiding it as much as possible.
Move to the center of the boat. The rocking motion is typically significantly reduced where the center of gravity for the boat is more defined, so the motion will tend to not be as dramatic in the center of the boat if you are sitting there and can get into the water that will help also.
Eat Small Meals and Stay Hydrated. Eating smaller, more frequent treats and drinking water / Gatorade type drinks, will help by putting something in your stomach and also gives you something to do to help take your mind off it.
Tilt Your Head Into Turns. Synchronizing your body with the motion may help reduce motion sickness. Turns and rotary motion tend to cause more severe motion sickness than travel in a linear motion.
Look at the Horizon. Looking at the horizon will help you avoid sudden head movements. People who are prone to motion sickness tend to have more body sway while standing. Try to widen your stance to help reduce body sway. This is why people that have mTBIs tend to get motion sickness easier.
Press on This Pressure Point. The point is located on the inner side of the forearm, about two inches (or three finger widths) above the crease of the wrist in between the two tendons.
Ginger Root A widely used remedy for nausea, ginger root is often taken in the form of lozenges, tea, capsules, tablets, crystallized root, candies, or ginger ale.
If you have tried all the above and you still feel sick the last thing you can try is sticking your finger in your mouth as far back as you can get it. Throwing up does help, and the bright side is it might make other people do it also. So you won’t be alone anymore.
If you get motion sickness or thing you will, remedies may be worth considering, especially if you are not able to take medication. If you are going to take meds is to try them before you step on the boat. If you have never tried it, it might make it worse if it makes you sick or sleepy. Good Luck and I hope this helps.