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Archive for the ‘USMC’ Category

Super Squad 21

Wednesday, October 6th, 2021

U.S. Marines with 1st Marine Division participated in Super Squad 21 at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, Aug. 23-27, 2021. The competition tests the Marines’ abilities in a broad spectrum of infantry-related skills to determine the most lethal infantry squad in the 1st Marine Division.

(U.S. Marine Corps video by Cpl Frank Webb)

TacJobs – USMC Seeks Marines to Lateral Transfer to PSYOP

Saturday, September 25th, 2021

In MARADMINS 499/21, the Marines are soliciting existing CPLs and SGTs from any MOS to retrain to Psychological Operations MOS 0521.

Pertinent elements of the message are below:

1.  The purpose of this MARADMIN is to solicit qualified Marines to screen for a lateral move into Primary MOS (PMOS) 0521, Psychological Operations (PSYOP) Specialist, and to publish screening and assessment dates for Fiscal Year 22 (FY22).  The demand for qualified Marines to lateral move into the 0521 MOS will remain high for the foreseeable future.
2.  PSYOP Marines enable the Marine Corps to achieve targeted effects in the information environment (IE) by conducting Military Information Support Operations (MISO), providing Civil Authorities Information Support (CAIS), or supporting Military Deception (MILDEC).
2.A.  MISO are missions that convey selected information and indicators to foreign organizations, groups, and individuals to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately their behavior in a manner favorable to the Commander’s objectives.
2.B.  CAIS missions are intended to aid civilian populations during Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HA/DR) situations by disseminating critical information intended to support the rescue effort.
2.C.  MILDEC missions are intended to deter hostile actions, increase the success of friendly defensive actions, or to improve the success of any potential friendly offensive actions.
3.  While the essential technical and operational skills are learned through formal training, there are certain innate qualities which PSYOP Marines must possess.  PSYOP Marines must think critically, communicate clearly, and bring interpersonal skills, flexibility, creativity, as well as a diverse understanding of cultures.  Preexisting language skills are preferred.

4.  PSYOP Marines are capable of operating independently or as part of a larger PSYOP team or detachment.  Throughout their career, Marines in the PSYOP PMOS will have opportunities to support a Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF), MEF Information Group (MIG), Marine Corps Service Component, Combatant Command (COCOM), or Marine Corps Special Operations Command (MARSOC).  They may also be tasked to support Joint, Interagency, or international partners in support of training and operations.  PSYOP Marines have increased opportunities to deploy and support ongoing Marine Corps missions and requirements.
5.  Marines approved for lateral move by Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA) will be enrolled in the pre-resident training (PRT) on MarineNet.  After the Marine is enrolled in the PRT they will be scheduled to attend the PSYOP Qualification Course (POQC), U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and Schools (USAJFKSWCS) and the Intermediate MAGTF Information Operations Practitioners Course (IMIOPC).  Permanent Change of Station (PCS) or Permanent Change of Assignment (PCA) orders to a MIG or the MCIOC will be issued following the completion of the POQC in most cases prior to attending IMIOPC.  Upon successful completion of all training, FY22 lateral movers into the 0521 PMOS will rate a lateral move reenlistment bonus in accordance with reference (c).
6.  Interested Marines should review the references and visit the Marine Corps PSYOP website at:  https:(slash)(slash)intelshare.intelink.gov/sites/mcioc/PSYOPPMOS/LateralMove/SitePages/Home.aspx.  This site is a CAC-enabled, public website designed for Marines seeking information on the lateral move process, scheduled screening and assessments, references, and points of contact.

7.  Marines requesting a lateral move must attend a four day screening and assessment comprised of physical and academic events, and meet the minimum requirements as outlined in reference (a) in order to receive a favorable endorsement for lateral move.  Marines must have in hand the completed PSYOP PMOS Command Screening Checklist (reference (b)), their Marine Corps professional resume, and a security clearance verification letter from their Command Security Officer or Special Security Officer, confirming their current security clearance.  These documents can be found on the website listed in paragraph 6.  Marines may pre-register for a screening and assessment utilizing the website listed in paragraph 6.
7.A.  Per reference (a), the following prerequisites for lateral move into the 0521 PMOS apply:
7.A.1.  Must be a volunteer Corporal or Sergeant from any MOS.  Sergeants must have less than 18 months’ time in grade.
7.A.2.  Must attend a psychological operations screening and assessment and receive a recommendation for lateral move from the MOS specialist.
7.A.3.  Must possess a GT score of 100 or higher.
7.A.4.  Security requirement:  secret security clearance eligibility.
7.A.5.  Must have a first class physical fitness test (PFT) and combat fitness test (CFT) (accomplished during the PSYOP screening and assessment process).
7.A.6.  Must obligate to a minimum of 48 months of service when approved for lateral move into the 0521 PMOS.
7.A.7.  Must be worldwide deployable when approved for lateral move into the 0521 PMOS.
7.B.  All Marines must complete the physical and academic requirements of the screening and assessment process in order to be eligible for a lateral move recommendation.
7.B.1  Physical events are used to assess an individual Marine’s ability to meet or exceed the physical standards set by the USAJFKSWCS.  Physical events are as follows: Marine Corps PFT and CFT, five mile run in under 45 minutes, and an unknown distance individual effort ruck march with a minimum 35 lb dry ruck (water not included) that must be completed while maintaining a 15 minute mile pace or faster.  The ruck march will not exceed 8 miles.
7.B.2.  Academic events are designed to assess a Marine’s ability to communicate, critically think in a time-constrained environment, engage in complex social interactions, and demonstrate objective based reasoning.
8.  Screening and assessment locations and dates are published on the website listed in paragraph 6.  Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, locations and dates are subject to change.  Additional locations may be added as needed based on demand and availability of screening teams.
8.A  Screening and assessments will be conducted approximately once a quarter aboard Camp Lejeune, Camp Pendleton, and Marine Corps Base (MCB) Quantico and semi-annually aboard Camp Hansen and MCB Hawaii.
8.B  Letters of Instruction (LOI) will be published approximately 60 days prior to the execution of a specific screening and assessment.  These LOIs will be posted on the website in paragraph 6 and disseminated to all Career Planners via Manpower Management Enlisted Assignments (MMEA) using the Total Force Retention System (TFRS).
9.  Interested Marines should contact their career planner to ensure they meet the prerequisites and initiate the lateral move process. 

US Navy Selects Kongsberg to Help Develop Autonomous Target Recognition for USMC Weapon Systems

Friday, September 24th, 2021

JOHNSTOWN, PENN., Sept. 23, 2021 – The U.S. Naval Surface Warfare Center, Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace have signed a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to demonstrate a weapon system with autonomous target identification, recognition and engagement. NSWCDD develops the Automated Remote Engagement System (ARES) that increases the efficiency of remote weapon systems and remote turrets which will be integrated onto Kongsberg Remote Weapon Stations to evaluate technology performance at a system level and support the demonstration of a weapon system for autonomous target identification, recognition, and engagement. The common goal is to demonstrate this performance on Kongsberg’s latest weapon systems that will be fielded in the U.S Navy such as the Tech Refresh Common Remote Operation Weapon System (CROWS), the RT20 turret on the Amphibious Combat Vehicle (ACV) and the Marine Air Defense Integrated System (MADIS).

Kongsberg’s selection for the CRADA follows on the heels of several other Marine Corps programs started in the last two years. In addition to the fielding of CROWS on ACV and the Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV), Kongsberg’s RS6 30x113mm RWS was selected for the MADIS program, its RT20 30x173mm turret was selected as the ACV medium caliber weapon system, and various Kongsberg RWS are the weapon systems on the prototypes selected for the Advanced Reconnaissance Vehicle (ARV). For the CRADA, Kongsberg is leveraging work it has already done as the remote lethality architecture provider for the U.S. Army’s Robotic Combat Vehicle (RCV) program.

Kongsberg brings more than twenty years of remote-control weapon technology of different sizes, complexity and payloads and is an ideal partner for this co-development effort with NSWCDD. While continuing to perfect its systems, Kongsberg has developed a fire control system that can be wireless operated and controlled by a robotic operator. This independently funded fire control system for RWS and medium caliber turrets is capable of interacting with ARES and will be demonstrated through this CRADA.

Kongsberg is the world’s leading manufacturer of RWS, having delivered nearly 20,000 units to more than 20 countries worldwide. Kongsberg is also the sole provider of RWS and remote turrets to the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps. All RWS and remote turrets bound for U.S. customers are manufactured in the Kongsberg Johnstown, Penn. facility. The company takes great pride in its continued support to, and for the United States, U.S. employees, and U.S. supply base.    

For more information, visit kongsberg.com.

ESSTAC Using MDM 21 Crayon Sales to Benefit Family of Cpl Lopez

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2021

With Modern Day Marine 2021 cancelled, ESSTAC wasn’t sure what to do with their gag business cards. Turns out, they’ve found a far better cause for them to go to, honoring the 13 Americans who gave their lives this past month.

Hunter Lopez was an ESSTAC fan and an avid user of their products and many other companies.

May He Rest In Peace, and no one forget his sacrifice.

ALL Procedes from the sale of these crayons will go to Hunter Lopez’s family via the following fundraiser…. ESSTAC will match money taken in from the MDM 21 crayon sales.


Adding these to your cart should apply free shipping to your order. Order as many as can afford.


Tactical Multi-Tasking

Sunday, September 19th, 2021

A Marine Raider with 1st Marine Raider Battalion uses an MATV armored vehicle as cover while deconflicting airspace before employing a M224 60mm lightweight mortar system.

United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) Marine Raiders

Marines 3D Print a Rocket Headcap for Mine-Clearing Missions

Saturday, September 4th, 2021


The Marine Corps continues to leverage additive manufacturing to benefit the warfighter.

This summer, the Program Manager for Ammunition at Marine Corps Systems Command 3D printed a headcap for a rocket motor used to detonate a M58 Mine Clearing Line Charge. The MICLIC is a rocket-projected explosive line charge that provides a demining capability for Marines.

“The process of 3D printing allows Marines to create a physical object from a digital design,” said CWO2 Justin Trejo, a project officer with PM Ammo at MCSC. “We essentially created a 3D-printed product and incorporated it into a highly explosive system.”

Marines use the MICLIC to clear paths through minefields and other obstacles on the battlefield. However, traditional manufacturing methods for creating the headcap can be both timely and costly, said Trejo. MCSC wanted to identify a more efficient method for producing the part.

PM Ammo found the answer to this dilemma in additive manufacturing.

In 2019, PM Ammo began exploring alternative solutions for manufacturing the headcap. After many hours of research as well as developing and testing a prototype headcap, the team collaborated with Naval Surface Warfare Center Corona Division to produce a 3D-printed version.

Earlier this year, NSWC Corona produced the 3D-printed, stainless steel solution. The next month, PM Ammo representatives assessed the 3D product during a test event at Yuma Proving Ground in Yuma, Arizona. The evaluation involved launching the rocket motor to detonate the mine-clearing line charge.

Trejo said the event went flawlessly.

“The rocket motor fired off just as intended and the line charge detonated as it is supposed to, which was a significant moment for us.”

-CWO2 Justin Trejo, Project officer with PM Ammo at MCSC

“In the future, we’d like to attempt to 3D print the headcap with its nozzles attached,” said Trejo.

He stressed the significance of the successful test event because it further confirmed the effectiveness of 3D printing, which has been growing in popularity within the Department of Defense.

Additive manufacturing provides Marines with a streamlined solution to meet their needs. In 2019, MCSC established its Advanced Manufacturing Operations Cell to serve as a 24/7 help desk for Marines who need assistance with 3D printing, and other sustainment and manufacturing solutions.

AMOC is available to answer questions, field requests for prints and fully vet any part that requires fabrication by a Marine organization. The team of skilled Marines and civilians has employed additive manufacturing to develop everything from innovative maintenance tools to a reinforced concrete bridge.

Caleb Hughes, an engineer with MCSC’s PM Ammo who supported the Yuma testing event, said 3D printing saves the Marine Corps time and money.

“The previous process of traditional manufacturing is outdated, while 3D printing is a more modern manufacturing technique,” said Hughes. “I truly believe 3D printing is the next generation of the Marine Corps.”

Trejo believes additive manufacturing aligns with Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. David Berger’s vision in that 3D printing helps increase Marines’ battlefield efficiency. Trejo said the manufacturing method enables the warfighter to be “lighter and faster,” critical attributes when supporting various missions.

“We’re able to create equipment parts and other assets for whatever particular mission we’re engaged in,” said Trejo. “This 3D-printed headcap represents the Marine Corps going above and beyond to support our Marines.”

By Matt Gonzales, Marine Corps Systems Command

2021 Modern Day Marine Canceled

Friday, August 27th, 2021

Modern Day Marine has announced the cancellation of the 2021 event scheduled for September 21-23 at the Quantico Marine Corps Base due to COVID-19 concerns.

S.O.TECH Delivers 8000 M320A1 Grenade Launcher Weapon Retention Clamps to USMC

Wednesday, August 25th, 2021

S.O.Tech is proud to have worked with the USMC to develop a solution to the difficult challenge of securely retaining the M320. This is a cumbersome device with scope and stock making it sway and shift on the vest. A stable carriage platform that still offers speed draw and field repairability was needed.

The Solution: SOTECH’s weapon clamp was designed to pull the weapon close to the body with the pistol grip angled inward. The clamp uses a plastic insert to grip the frame of the weapon rather than the trigger guard. The clamp is indented on one side and flat on the other side, allowing the weapon to lay flat on the shooter. Detents on both sides would have angle the weapon outward creating sway. Three MOLLE compatible loops provide a stable attachment that pulls the weapon against the shooter.

Quadruple retention with a plastic lined front strap fastened by a side lock buckle common to all military issue rigs pro-vides easy manipulation and security. Stiffened straps keep them from dangling and catching in the action or in the sight mount. The elastic grip retention is anchored for an easy no-look find and manipulation. Its pistol grip loop is rubber grip lined flat elastic for a better hold on the weapon.

And in case of a failure with the plastic clamp, it can be easily removed and replaced, as can the elastic grip strap which can also be tightened if the elastic wears. M320A1 Grenade Launcher Weapon Retention Clamp is patented and has additional patents pending.  Available on GSA and through DLA.  Government price is $45.60.

RETENTION CLAMP, Right  GLRC-RT-CB NSN: 1005-01-691-9293;

RETENTION CLAMP, Left   GLRC-LT-CB NSN: 1005-01-691-9289;