A Special Forces Operations Detachment – Alpha (SFOD-A) with 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) put their combat dive skills to use November 5, 2020 where one would least expect: in the heart of the Cheyenne Mountain Complex.
Inside the complex are three reservoirs that hold water for a variety of uses, including cooling the mountain’s generators and expelled exhaust. Because the mountain is designed to function independently, the water systems are vital to the success of the mountain’s operations. Assessing the Structural integrity of the reservoirs and ensuring the water is flowing freely through the cave systems that connect them keeps things running smoothly.
“They originally contracted with a civilian company to get this done,” says the Officer in Charge of the Dive LIfe Support Maintenance Facility at 10th SFG (A). “My brother, an Air Force Logistical Officer tasked to the Space Force, recommended they get in contact with (us) to do it for free.”
The facility manager of the complex and the DLSMF and a chosen combat dive SFOD-A set out to accomplish the mission.
“Dive operations don’t happen very often in special forces,” says the OIC. “This was a good chance for us to go out and showcase our capabilities as a legitimate maritime force within (Special Operations Command) to actually do a real world mission. It’s not infiltrating into enemy country or territory, but it was a chance for us to show everyone that we do have this capability and it’s important to keep the capability within the Special Forces community.”
10th SFG (A) to establish and develop relationships outside of the Army and Special Operations Command. It started a relationship with the Cheyenne Mountain complex to provide future opportunities for real world missions, training and equipment testing. These relationships are essential to interoperability within different branches of the military enhancing our overall capabilities as one united force.
By Sgt Angela Walter, 10th Special Forces Public Affairs