SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Corps Strength – A Body in Motion Tends to Stay in Motion

July 11th, 2020

Every person that exercises and tries to eat right has their own set of fitness and health goals. These are unique and personal to each person, with no two being exactly alike. Most are basic stuff like: achieving/maintaining a healthy body weight, improving performance for a sport/occupation, adding some muscle/strength. Under those very general objectives it can get as specific and detailed as your own ambition and imagination can take you. However, there is one common goal of everyone’s fitness program whether they actually say it or not. That is having an abundance of energy, both physical and mental energy, which are completely interrelated.

When you really think about it, energy has driven the human experience. We needed a lot of energy to survive, to hunt, to explore new lands, to build amazing structures and form nations. The fact is tired, exhausted people did not build our country, win our wars or develop the greatest economy in history. Our people did this with incredible physical energy and mental drive. Now in today’s modern world it’s not usually as dramatic a need that our forefathers had to contend with, as technology has made many parts of life much easier. But to be successful in just about anything you want to do, you still need a lot of energy. I know as a trainer that one of the things you often hear from people trying to get in better condition is that they’re tired, worn out. That at the end of the school or work day they have very little energy left to do anything but collapse, let alone exercise. I found this is even a common issue with younger people who have sedentary jobs. Needless to say, it’s hard to convince exhausted people that giving up some sleep to get up early and exercise will actually provide them with more energy, not less. But in most cases it does work exactly that way.

It’s been my experience that increasing activity (the right way), will provide you with more overall energy than a little more sleep, or sitting around will. It tends to build on itself in which the more you do, the more energy you have. It kind of works like interia. However, of course, this theory has a tipping point, where you do too much and the physics takes over and it goes the other way. But I think people can do a lot more than they would think. As a simple example the other day I got up at my normal time, my alarm is set for 0430, but 99% of the time I wake up before it goes off. Within 30 minutes, I’m up, drinking coffee and listening to the news as I put myself through a pretty intense workout in my garage for an hour. By 0730, I was finished, showered, had breakfast and headed in to work. From 0800 – 1400 I taught classes, attended a staff meeting (the most tiring part of my day) and had lunch. At 1400 I took my class of International students for an hour of PT. Standard military PT nothing crazy. After PT I finished the work day with prepping for the next day’s classes and answering emails, etc. Around 1600 I was driving home and noticed that the ocean was calm, with low boat traffic. Arriving home I quickly changed, loaded my kayak and fishing gear onto my truck and was on the water within an hour. Two hours of paddling and fishing yielded me one keeper (a nice slot Redfish, note the picture).

I got home around 1900, cleaned my gear and fish, which I grilled for our dinner. A hot shower and a cold beer had me ready for the rack around 2100. Was I tired? You bet and I slept like a baby with the intent that it would start again around 0430 tomorrow. That was last Tuesday and pretty much a standard day for me. No, I don’t always go fishing and for sure don’t always catch fish when I do. However, I almost always PT early and do something else physically active in the afternoon, a bike ride, climbing on my bouldering wall, some home maintenance, something. The one thing I very rarely do, is park my ass in a chair and stare at the TV or computer. That would exhaust me. People who follow me on IG or FB often say where do you get the energy to do all that crap? Well, habit for one, I’ve been doing a version of this routine all my life. But I do and more importantly don’t do certain things that greatly help me maintain a high level of usable energy. IMO, outside the assumption that you are following a good workout routine and are eating a decent diet, these are the five most basic and effective things that anyone can do to increase their energy levels.

1) Keep your body weight down. This should be obvious, if you’ve overweight (even a little), your body has to work harder to move that weight around, using energy that you could put to better use. If you’re really overweight, it will drain your energy reserves pretty quickly. Not just your muscles, but your organs will be stressed trying to move that extra weight you around. 10lbs doesn’t seem like a lot, but try just carrying a 10lb dumbbell plate around all day, it would become a pain in the ass quick.

2) Don’t eat large meals. Meaning a lot at one sitting. Now, there is no doubt that eating right; The right foods in the right amounts by itself is a huge part of the fitness puzzle, but for now let’s just assume you are eating pretty well. The point is that digestion, especially when processing a large meal, requires a lot of energy. Again, this is a pretty obvious thing, think about how you feel after you’ve had your typical Thanksgiving sized meal, you’re ready for a nap. You are much better off eating smaller meals and if you need more fuel add some nutritious snacks in between. Especially at night as having too big a meal at the end of the day can seriously tap out whatever you had left in your tank.

3) Get better sleep. This is a big one and for many people a very hard one, myself included. The world of today is a 24/7 affair and we all tend to overload our brains with the non-stop input of smart phones, social media, the internet, etc. etc. This all can make sleeping, getting to sleep and then sleeping soundly very difficult, if not almost impossible. I have this issue myself, always have. There is a lot of information out there that can help you with this. Though I know it’s a popular solution, I would try to avoid prescription sleep aids. This can be a complicated problem and you’ll have to do some research to figure out what works for you, but you can’t maintain high energy levels without good sleep.

4) Don’t smoke and don’t drink too much: When I was in the field, on guard duty or drinking with my buddies I smoked way more than my share of cigarettes. I luckily never developed the 24/7 habit and gave them up completely about 15 years ago. The nicotine will give you a quick boost, but in the end, you’ll pay a heavy price, not only in your energy levels, but your overall health. The years of research in this area is beyond dispute. The same goes for drinking too much, a few drinks can be a good thing. Getting slam drunk a few times a week has only one outcome. This can sneak up on you. Many years ago, I was on a two-month det in Thailand. I got in the habit of drinking Johnny Walker Black, as it was tax and duty free at the base package store for $5 a bottle! I drank a bottle just about every night for about a month, before I started to realize maybe I was developing an issue. Needless to say, I was pretty tired all the time too, but being young and in Thailand brings its own energy.

5) Manage/reduce your stress: Easier said than done, I get that. But stress is a huge energy killer. Sweating the load over work, family and social issues will tire you out more than running a marathon. Exercise is a big way to help burn some of this off, but that often isn’t enough, not for me. I find that spending some time doing something relatively mindless works even better. Bike riding, kayaking, fishing and just walking my nutcase cattle dog can go a long way for me. Find something without a bar to jump over, a little hobby. I know many high-octane people who have little hobby’s that they seem to live for, not because it makes them any money, or other tangible benefit, but just for the peace of mind and simple joy it brings them. Grown men that collect comic books, fly model airplanes and I even know a retired Marine Officer that makes appearances as an Elvis impersonator? (He’s actually pretty good too). The point is you can’t work, PT or travel 24/7. I enjoy them all, but I know they all can get old and wear you out. They say that you should think about what you used to like to do when you were 10 and try a version of that again. When I was ten, I lived on a sting ray bike, played sports and ran around the woods like a little wild animal. So it’s no surprise that hiking, bike riding and playing sports are things I still love to do. Don’t disregard the benefits of a simple hobby, it will recharge your battery.

Having more energy has many benefits, too many to list. But maybe the best one is that after the day’s battles are fought. After you’ve done all the things you have to do, you have some steam left over to do something you want to do, things you like to do. At some point you need to pay yourself, life is too short. Protect yourself and hang tough as we all work through this rough patch. We’ll talk again soon, till then:

“Be Safe Always, Be Good When You Can”

Semper Fi


New Special Operations Outdoor Training Facility Allows Safe Workouts

July 11th, 2020

TAMPA, Fla. — U.S. Special Operations Command Central has opened a new outdoor human performance facility at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida, providing the opportunity for safe and socially distant workouts while allowing a venue to maintain personal wellness.

Officials deemed it necessary to open the outdoor facility during a time where most public fitness facilities were closed due to COVID-19.

Navy Rear Adm. H. Wyman Howard III, the Soccent commander, cut the ribbon to open the facility June 3.

”This is a great moment for us to be able to expand the [human performance] facilities,” Howard said. ”With this new workout area, our teammates will have ample room to perform workouts necessary to keep the team fit for the fight.”

The facility is nearly the length of an American football field; stretching 247 feet, with half of the flooring made of synthetic turf and the remainder made of rubber matting for the equipment workout area. New lighting and industrial fans were installed throughout the facility, which also includes a purified drinking station. The open-air, yet covered, space allows athletes to work out without being exposed to the direct sunlight.

After the ceremony, Mike Renteria, Soccent’s strength and conditioning coach, invited a small group of personnel to stay for the initial workout session at the new facility.

This workout area is the first expansion phase of the human performance facilities, with plans for two more buildings on the Soccent campus to be converted as indoor facilities.

”The expansion of our Human Performance Training Center is going to be a world-class facility, with the best trainers, for the best warriors in the world,” said Army Maj. Juan Salas, the headquarters commandant for Soccent. ”It will serve as the pinnacle for all special operations forces while stationed at MacDill Air Force Base.”

The expansion and renovation project for the workout areas, physical therapy and rehabilitation facilities will span three fiscal years: 2019, 2020 and 2021.

”The project is moving nicely,” Salas said. ”The gym equipment will be installed in the new buildings by September of this year.” The project is scheduled to be completed before the end of 2020.

By Staff Sgt. Steven Colvin for

(Army Staff Sgt. Steven Colvin is assigned to U.S. Special Operations Command Central.)

Schiebel Camcopter S-100 to Perform Coast Guard Services for European Maritime Safety Agency in Finland

July 11th, 2020

Vienna, 6 July 2020 – The Finnish Border Guard will operate the CAMCOPTER® S-100 for maritime surveillance purposes. The Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) service is offered by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and will also extend to Estonia and Sweden.

The CAMCOPTER® S-100 will support the Finnish authorities in carrying out Coast Guard functions, such as search and rescue, monitoring and surveillance, ship and port security, vessel traffic, environmental protection and response, ship casualty assistance, as well as accident and disaster response. The S-100 will execute these tasks equipped with an L3 Wescam Electro-Optical / Infra-Red (EO/IR) camera gimbal, an Overwatch Imaging PT-8 Oceanwatch, a Becker Avionics BD406 Emergency Beacon Locator and an Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver.

EMSA awarded the multi-year maritime surveillance contract for a Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) RPAS to Schiebel in November 2018. In execution of this contract, Schiebel provides simultaneous maritime surveillance services to several EU member states and EU bodies. Currently, the CAMCOPTER® S-100 is also operational in the Republic of Croatia supporting the Maritime Safety Directorate of the Ministry of Sea, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia.

Hans Georg Schiebel, Chairman of the Schiebel Group, said: “The S-100 has extensive experience in the maritime domain. It is the UAS of choice when it comes to sophisticated maritime surveillance. We’re proud to be EMSA’s chosen RPAS providing vital surveillance services to its member states.”

About Schiebel:

Founded in 1951, the Vienna-based Schiebel Group focuses on the development, testing and production of state-of-the-art mine detection equipment and the revolutionary CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS). Certified to meet AS/EN 9100 standards, Schiebel has built an international reputation for producing quality defense and humanitarian products, which are backed by exceptional after-sales service and support. With headquarters in Vienna (Austria), Schiebel now maintains production facilities in Wiener Neustadt (Austria) and Abu Dhabi (UAE), as well as offices in Washington, DC (USA) and Shoalhaven (Australia).

About the CAMCOPTER® S-100:

Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER® S-100 Unmanned Air System (UAS) is an operationally proven capability for military and civilian applications. The Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) UAS requires no prepared area or supporting equipment to enable launch and recovery. It operates by day and by night, under adverse weather conditions, with a beyond line-of-sight capability out to 200 km / 108 nm, over land and sea. Its carbon fiber and titanium fuselage provides capacity for a wide range of payload/endurance combinations up to a service ceiling of 5,500 m / 18,000 ft. In a typical configuration, the CAMCOPTER® S-100 carries a 34-kg / 75-lbs payload up to 10 hours and is powered with AVGas or JP-5 heavy fuel. High-definition payload imagery is transmitted to the control station in real time. In addition to its standard GPS waypoint or manual navigation, the S-100 can successfully operate in environments where GPS is not available, with missions planned and controlled via a simple point-and- click graphical user interface. The high-tech unmanned helicopter is backed by Schiebel’s excellent customer support and training services.

BAE Systems Honors Wilcox Industries Corp with a Gold Tier Supplier Award

July 10th, 2020

NEWINGTON, NH – July 10, 2020 – Wilcox today announced it won a Gold Tier Award for exceptional performance and contributions to supply chain success in 2019 for BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems sector. Wilcox was selected from a pool of more than 2,200 suppliers that worked with the sector in 2019.

In response to the award, Wilcox CEO and Founder James Teetzel stated, “Wilcox is honored to be recognized by BAE for its efforts in employing the ISO 9001:2015 system, along with continuous quality improvement initiatives for creating a manufacturing environment that yields consistent quality products. BAE Systems’ recognition of these efforts demonstrate that our attention to detail and disciplined manufacturing systems have paid off. At Wilcox, our slogan speaks to what we as an organization believe – ‘Our Customer’s Life Depends on It’ ”.

BAE Systems’ Partner 2 Win program is designed to achieve operational excellence and eliminate defects in its supply chain by raising the bar of performance expectations to meet the demand of current and future customers. As part of the program, BAE Systems meets regularly with its suppliers at their locations to transfer best practices to ensure that the components and materials that compose BAE Systems products meet the highest quality standards.

“We are proud to partner with companies – including Wilcox– committed to delivering the highest quality products on-time, every time,” said Kim Cadorette, vice president of Operations for BAE Systems’ Electronic Systems sector. “We look forward to continued collaboration and success.”

Federal Ammunition Introduces New Hydra-Shok Deep 380 Auto

July 10th, 2020

ANOKA, Minnesota – July 9, 2020 – Federal Premium Hydra-Shok Deep’s bullet design brings the 380 Auto cartridge to all-new heights—or in this case, depths. This new micro-handgun ammunition offering is the first expanding 380 Auto load to consistently penetrate beyond the FBI-recommended 12-inch minimum in bare gel and through heavy clothing.  Shipments of this product have begun to arrive at dealers.

“FBI protocol for handgun ammunition testing includes a series of rigorous scenarios. Bullets are shot through materials such as 10-percent ordinance gelatin, laminated automotive safety glass, plywood, wallboard and heavy clothing specified by the FBI,” said Federal Handgun Ammunition Product Manager Chris Laack. “While our larger caliber ammunition is designed to meet and exceed these requirements, the smaller 380 Auto is designed to offer the best possible blend of performance in a compact handgun platform.”

Testing done by Federal ammunition engineers in their Anoka, Minnesota facilities showed typical results of 13 to 13 ½ inches of penetration in bare gel and 13 ¼ to 14 inches through heavy clothing. Test gun barrel lengths were from common, compact handguns ranging from 2 ¾ to 3 ½ inches. The bullet and load are also fine-tuned to ensure delivery of consistent performance across all handgun platforms, including ones with longer barrels, to stay within that 13- to 14-inch goal range. 

“It’s a completely new bullet design. We didn’t just take a 45 ACP, 40 S&W or 9mm Hydra-Shok Deep bullet and make it smaller,” said Laack. “During development, engineers looked at several design elements such as bullet weight, jacket, skiving, profile, and hollow point design elements to determine what modifications were necessary for the 380 Auto.

Hydra-Shok Deep 380 scores a blistering 1,000 feet per second at the muzzle and delivers full expansion in both the bare gel and heavy clothing tests when shot from a variety of common compact handguns.

• First expanding 380 Auto to consistently penetrate beyond FBI-recommended 12-inch minimum in bare gel and through heavy clothing
• Improved penetration through common barriers
• Iconic center post design has been improved for better, more consistent expansion through standard barriers
• Consistent, specially formulated propellant
• Extremely reliable Federal primer with sealant

Federal ammunition can be found at dealers nationwide or purchased online direct from Federal. For more information on all products from Federal or to shop online, visit

SilencerCo Seeks Territorial Sales Representative in Texas

July 10th, 2020

The Territorial Sales Representative at SilencerCo will not only require one to be a high-level sales professional but also a firearm instructor, gunsmith, range safety officer, industry ambassador, and customer service rep just to name a few.

The position is responsible for teaching customers and dealers about SilencerCo products, conducting live-fire demos, and gathering industry intelligence at the dealer level. At SilencerCo, the Sales Team is fully supported in the mission by management and is encouraged to think outside of the box to accomplish the task at hand. If you can self-motivate to accomplish the goals you are given, you have the freedom to build and run your territory as you see fit.

***Must live in Texas


• Management of territorial sales consisting of all dealers in a multi-state area, TX, LA, AR, OK & MS.

• Management of product knowledge training of dealership employees throughout the territory.

• Management of live fire demonstrations for dealers throughout the territory.

• Support advocacy efforts when needed.

• Weekly reporting to the Sales Manager and upper management.

• Monitor competition by gathering current marketplace information on pricing, products, new products, delivery schedules, merchandising techniques, etc.

• Recommend changes/additions to products, services, and policy by evaluating results and competitive developments within the dealer network.

• Maintains professional and technical knowledge by attending industry shows; proactively study professional publications; establishing personal networks.

Job Qualifications:

• Firearms industry knowledge

• Technical firearms knowledge

• Time management skills

• Self-motivated

• Budget management skills

• Ability to conduct live-fire demonstrations in a safe manner

• Travel requirement >70% of any given month

• Excellent customer service skills

• Ability to present in front of large groups of people

• Must live in major metro area in Texas

• Familiarity with SilencerCo product line


• High school diploma required

• 2 year of sales experience

NOTE: This list presents only the principal duties of the position and is not intended to be comprehensive. Other duties and responsibilities may be assigned as dictated by the business needs and conditions. As an essential function of the job, good attendance is required.

For full details and to apply, go here.

The Sons of Liberty Gun Works Warranty

July 10th, 2020

When you get into the top tier rifle companies you have a high performance expectation. At that level, the guns really do work.

Sometimes what truly separates those brands is the end user support.

A SOLGW Rifle is forever.

Quantico Tactical Showcases ATAK Enabled Gear from Safran Optics 1

July 10th, 2020

Aberdeen, North Carolina – July 9, 2020– Quantico Tactical®, the largest North Carolina based federal contractor, is proud to showcase ATAK enabled devices for the dismounted soldier.

Quantico Tactical® has been a longstanding partner with Safran Optics 1. Together these two companies are teaming to offer the latest in Android Tactical Assault Kit, ATAK, enabled devices. ATAK is an app-based technology that identifies and views teammates, targets, and route points. Operators can also see points of interest, such as terrain, topographical elements, and even weather.

The Optics 1 Enhanced Clip-On Thermal Imager, ECOTI, provides unmatched detection capability and situational awareness by adding a long wave infrared thermal overlay on the user’s night vision device, NVD. The ECOTI is a low power consuming thermal sensor that mounts to existing NVD’s.  The ECOTI has a Heads Up Display, HUD, that provides real-time, geo-referenced navigation information.  When combined with an Android device, the NVD becomes a remote display for identifying teammates, targets, and route points.

The Optics 1 Enhanced Clip-On SWIR Imager, ECOSI, is bears the same physical design as the ECOTI, yet provides short-wave infrared, SWIR overlay on to the user’s NVD.  It helps see out-of-band short-wave infrared items like strobes, markers, beacons, and other devices. The ECOSI also integrates augmented reality through the use of ATAK.

“ATAK is a game-changer for properly relaying information,” said Rett Vandenberg, C4ISR Category Manager for Quantico Tactical. “Having the right devices that connect via ATAK can dramatically change the battlefield.”

The Pocket Laser Rangefinder, PLRF25C, is a reconnaissance, surveillance, and targeting device, also by Optics 1 that provides accurate distance and angle measurement. The PLRF25C is a small, lightweight, and ruggedized laser rangefinder that connects via Bluetooth® to wirelessly transmit distance, azimuth, inclination, horizontal distance and vertical distance to a target. The ATAK unit will automatically populate the target location information on the ATAK map.