
ITS Tactical Presents – Level Up Featuring Sensei James Williams

September 18th, 2017

‘Level Up’ is a series of articles by Immininent Threat Solutions which concentrates on Every Day Carry. The series features guests who discuss their EDC setups.

In this issue, that guest is James Williams. I met him at The Blade Show a few year ago. I had no idea who he was, but he was very pleasant and well respected by the others I was talking to. Turns out, James Williams is a Sensei. Adept at numerous martial arts, he has trained some of out nation’s most elite warriors. He is also a knife designer of some renown.

Be sure to read the article at

Operation Market Garden Commemorations

September 18th, 2017


1500 paratroopers jumped Saturday, during day one of the four day long Operation Market Garden Commemorations.



B.E. Meyers & Co. Exhibiting at Modern Day Marine 2017

September 17th, 2017

September 15, 2017 (Redmond, WA) –

B.E. Meyers & Co., Inc. will be exhibiting at Modern Day Marine, September 19-21, 2017 at the Marine Corps Base Quantico, VA.

Visit us at booth #3229 to see the all-new B.E. Meyers BOARS-M2, as well as the MAWL, IZLID, and GLARE series of lasers. B.E. Meyers will also be presenting its GLARE RECOIL (now officially designated the USMC LA-22/U). The GLARE RECOIL (LA-22/U) is the sole-source winner for the MARCORSYSCOM Ocular Interrupter (OI) Program, and the premier Hail and Warning solution for any escalation of force scenario.

For more information about B.E. Meyers & Co. products, please visit:

Modern Day Marine is a trade show aimed specifically at the Marine Corps market with a mission to
assist the Marine Corps to identify and procure the best products and services to help their warfighting efforts.

To connect with the B.E. Myers & Co. team to schedule a meeting, please contact us at:

Ask SSD – Help ID This Rifle Attachment

September 17th, 2017

SSD Reader Luke sent us this message:


Need help identifying this rifle attachment. Have a 10k run and gun coming up and I’m looking for one of these for myself and my wife.

Here’s your chance to help put a follow SSD reader. What do you think it is?

Marine Corps Systems Command supports 2017 Modern Day Military Expo

September 17th, 2017

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. — Marine Corps Systems Command will support the 37th Annual Modern Day Marine Military Exposition Sept. 19-21 aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico.

The annual event showcases the latest innovations in military equipment and systems, designed specifically to address the evolving, expeditionary needs of the Marine Corps. During the three-day event, members of industry, military leaders and Marines will have the opportunity to interact with MCSC and Program Executive Officer Land Systems, and experience some of the systems and technology used by Marines in the fleet.

The Target Handoff System Version 2 is one of many pieces of equipment Marine Corps Systems Command will display at Modern Day Marine Military Exposition Sept. 19-21 aboard Marine Corps Base Quantico. THS V.2 is a portable system designed for use by dismounted Marines to locate targets, pinpoint global positioning coordinates and call for close air, artillery and naval fire support using secure digital communications. (USAF Photo by SSgt Joe Laws)

Sponsored by the Marine Corps League, the event is intended to nurture the intellectual energy and creativity that will enable the Corps to lead tactical and operational innovation.

“This vital and unique expo plays a large part in helping us communicate to industry about the future acquisition of military equipment, systems, services and technology,” said Brig. Gen. Joseph Shrader, MCSC commander. “Our goal is to emphasize the importance of critical technologies and capabilities MCSC provides to ensure Marines maintain combat readiness.”

On Sept. 19, MCSC will conduct a Planning Brief to Industry, and PEO LS will present a science and technology brief. MCSC’s Office of Small Business Programs will also conduct small business training sessions. MCSC will also provide interactive displays at the expo to boost visibility for the command and its system capabilities to key decision makers and industry leaders.

The event will also provide attendees an interactive experience with vehicles, weapons systems and other technologies used by Marines. Some of these items will include:

* Ground Radios
* Personal Protective Equipment
* Indoor Simulated Marksmanship Trainer III
* Target Handoff System Version 2
* Individual Water Purification System

“We look forward to seeing our industry partners and fellow Marines at Modern Day Marine, and sharing more about how Marine Corps Systems Command equips Marines and advances the warfighting effectiveness and readiness of the Marine Air Ground Task Force,” Shrader said.

For more information and a full schedule of events, visit the MDMME website.

Colt Partners with VZ Grips on Aftermarket OEM 1911 G10 Grip Line

September 17th, 2017

WEST HARTFORD, Conn. (September 15, 2017) – Colt, original manufacturer of the worlds most prolific pistol platform – the 1911, is excited to announce it’s partnership with VZ Grips Custom Gun Grips to create the Colt Signature Series line of genuine OEM G10 grips for Colt’s legendary 1911 platform pistols.


“We couldn’t be prouder of our association with VZ Grips,” said Justin Baldini, Product Director for Colt. “VZ Grips has established themselves and one of the premier G10 grips manufacturers in the industry, and their quality and toughness is a perfect fit for Colt. Some folks may have noticed that nearly all of our new-model pistols have come with Colt-branded G10 grips, including our Colt Competition Pistol™ and Colt Combat Unit™ Rail Gun®, and many have asked for them on the aftermarket. We listened, and now we can anyone who’s looking for an excellent, duty-grade option for their Colt 1911 platform pistol, need look no further than VZ Grips’ Colt Signiture Series.”


“When Colt approached us to develop the next chapter in Colt pistol grips, I was excited,” said John VanZyck, President of VZ Grips Custom Gun Grips. “All of our products are made right here in the USA, so working with Colt is a great fit for us. We share Colt’s commitment to quality and performance in the harshest environments, so to be able to incorporate our passion for making the best pistol grips into Colt’s legendary history is a great opportunity for us.”


Colt Signature Series G10 grips are available in the Double Diamond pattern for Colt Government Model® size 1911 platform pistols in the following colors: Black, Black & Blue, Black & Cherry, or Black & Gray, and have an MSRP of $69. Please visit for more information.

UF Pro Offers Free Upgrade for Striker Stealth Smock Belt

September 17th, 2017

Now available free of charge when you purchase a Striker Stealth Smock. Already own one? Follow this link and get the upgraded belt free of charge.

Corps Strength – When You Hit The Ground, Don’t Whine, Bounce

September 16th, 2017

First off I apologize for being late with my normal monthly article. I was on leave in August doing some climbing and hiking in Maine, when I was asked to make a last minute deployment to Madagascar, (literally within 48 hours of getting back). The guy who was supposed to go, backed out at the last minute and that left only your favorite old jarhead to jump on that grenade for the sake of our company and school house reputation. Nothing new here, but it did put me out of country and very busy for the last several weeks. Hence why I’m late with this article. Sorry to all the great SSD readers (and some of my best critics), that have supported me and my book; Corps Strength over these past few years.


In any case, after a few days of great rock climbing and camping in New Hampshire, we rolled up to Baxter State Park (Literally the middle of F’ing nowhere), to climb Mt. Katahdin. This is the highest point in Maine (5267 ft) and the end (or start, depending on your direction) of the Appalachian Trail. Now I’ve have climbed much higher and steeper hills around the country (and world) and this didn’t seem like it would be any big deal, except for the infamous ridge line trail there called the “Knifes Edge”. Which was what me, my youngest son and nephew were really there to do.

The Knifes Edge is a very narrow and rocky ridge that is just over a mile in length. It is the most notable feature and most dangerous part of the mountain, accounting for the most deaths. From exposure in bad weather and falls, the Knifes Edge has claimed over 20 lives since 1963. For about 3/10 of a mile the trail is only (at best) three feet wide, with straight drops off of several hundred feet on either side. The Baxter State Park Authority closes the trail in any wind or rain and only recommends it only be hiked in the best of conditions.

So anyhow, the weather was cloudy and slightly foggy when we started up, so we decided to do the Knifes Edge on the way down, hoping the weather would clear up. We gained the summit easy enough in about four hours going up a steep boulder filled trail (Cathedral), that involved a lot of hand over hand scrambling. Nothing crazy, just a fun and challenging few hours of PT. However, just as we reached the summit it fogged over completely and started raining. At that point our pride got the best of us and we stubbornly decided to descend the Knifes Edge anyhow, even though the weather and conditions were getting worse. I mean it was only a mile and we had done longer, higher up and worse weather climbs/hikes. Those Ranger warnings must just be for the old and out of shape, right?

Well, the short answer to that is F NO. that pretty much says it. But, too make a long story short is was a pretty harrowing event. I would say the most dangerous hike (without any technical support), that I’ve ever done. We couldn’t see shit and the wind and rain was blowing like hell most of the way. There was more than a few very dicey spots. In fact, at the end of the ridge, a Park Ranger was stationed turning people around from coming up. Stunned to see us emerge from the fog coming down, he gave us an earful of (well deserved) profanity in a thick Maine accent. LOL. In any case, it was a stupid move, that as the senior guy I take the hit for. However, all was well until about ½ mile from the finish and with the trail very muddy from the rain, I severely rolled my ankle. In fact, I would have bet I broke it, as I swear I heard it snap. That last little bit to the truck was pretty painful, but thank Christ this didn’t happen up on the Edge, I don’t even want to think about that.


When I got back to our campsite I took off my boot and my ankle swelled to double it’s size. It didn’t stop us from celebrating our escape from the Knifes Edge with a bottle of Maple flavored rum, but it hurt like hell all night and the next day it was worse, but I had to get back to Florida and then off to Africa a few days later, I had no time for the doc.


Now, while I was in Africa I was determined to get some climbing in as there are decent little peaks all around our training area. So I used the tried and true RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevate) method of rehab. I also wore compression socks on my 40 hours of plane ride over and every night. Slowly it got better and I started doing some walking every morning with as much stretching as I could in between.

Two weeks after my injury I taped it tight like an HS football trainer would and me and my training partner made a very steep 6000 ft. peak, without any real issue. I did go more slowly and carefully than I usually would, especially coming down. It was a little sore, but no biggie. The point of all this? Most injuries like this are just that, an injury not a permanent disability. By using your head and giving yourself some time to heal up you can bounce back, even at the ripe old age of 57. Too many people I know just roll over when they get hurt or even sore. To really live life means taking risks, and injuries are part of the deal. Just don’t let them give you an excuse to hit the couch. I do recommend seeing a doctor if you have an injury. In that part, do as I say, not as I do.


One of my oldest HS buddies heard of my injury and sent me a text saying: “Welcome to old age, maybe now you’ll wise up and slow down. In any case your ankle will never be the same.” Really? Sorry my friend, me slowing down is your fantasy, not my reality. I may fall (as I have many times), but I always bounce up. A little slower than I used to, but up just the same, because in the end it’s 90% like everything else; more about how you think about it. BTW, our training of (33) members of the Madagascar military was a complete success. Till next month;

“Be safe always, good when you can.”

Semper Fi
