SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Autonomous Alloys – Digital Steel Smart Target System On Indiegogo

August 17th, 2016


Back in late June, we featured a release on Autonomous Alloys and their Digital Steel Smart Target System. The full details are in the original article, but for a quick refresher: the Autonomous Alloys targets are intended for use with pistol caliber and rimfire cartridges, featuring a magnetic reset and multi-colored backlit light bar for shooter feedback, as well as an onboard wireless system which lets multiple targets sync up for a variety of programmable training and game modes.

Since then, Autonomous Alloys has set up a crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, which at the time of writing has amassed over 140% of its stated $100,000 minimum funding goal. While the project has met its goal, there’s still plenty of time, if this project interests you, to support it.

For further details, and to fund the campaign, visit

SureFire Field Notes – Bill Blowers Of Tap-Rack Tactical

August 17th, 2016

SureFire Field Notes is a multi-segment informational video series with tips and techniques from subject matter experts of all backgrounds. In this episode, Bill Blowers of Tap-Rack Tactical discusses the advantages of night vision in Law Enforcement.

Bill Blowers has been a police officer for over 20 years, prior to that he was in the US Army for six years. Bill is currently a Sergeant for a Municipal Agency in Washington State. He is assigned to his agencies training unit and is also a team leader on a large and active regional SWAT team. He has been assigned to SWAT since 1995 and has held positions such as Sniper, Ballistic Shield Carrier, Entry Team Member, and Assistant Team Leader. He has planned, or participated in, over 1000 missions and has in excess of 5000 documented training hours. Bill holds instructor certifications in a variety of topics and is the primary instructor in ALL Tap-Rack courses.

USASOC Seeks Folding Kayaks

August 17th, 2016

It’s good to see that the traditional ways are still in fashion.

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) has a Brand Name or Equal requirement for manufacturer; Long Haul Folding Kayaks. In particular, they are seeking 10 of the Mark-II Commando Double Kayak.

1.90 lbs / 41 kg
2.length 204″ / 518 cm
3.beam 36″ / 91 cm
4.depth 18″ / 46 cm
5.capacity: capable of supporting 900 lbs / 408 kg
6.pack size 3 bags

-Complete Rudder Assembly
-Expedition Tuckunder Spraycover
-Classic Bags
-Longren Packing Sleeve
-2 Comfort Seats
-Black Frame with Touch Codes

Spiritus Systems – Lazarus Deployable Headrest System

August 17th, 2016


Spiritus Systems’ Lazarus Deployable Headrest System is designed as a simple to utilize and easy to access metical pouch. It mounts to the headrest of the user’s vehicle, and its design allows it to be mounted to either side of the vehicle for quick deployment for either driver or passenger.


The pouch fully opens, giving the user full access to their contents and is designed to lay flat, for an easy work space for retrieving items. The Lazarus also features Velcro lining, for a variety of hook-backed inserts for organization.


Kopis Mobile – FastForm Apps

August 17th, 2016


Well, it is not exactly like the one in Back To The Future. It won’t really transport you through time, but it will give you tons of time you never had. The warfighter has plenty of bullets, beans and boots, but what they don’t have enough of is time to deal with the ever-increasing mountain of administrative tasks on their plates.

Most senior officers think that because of digitization, their troops are getting more productive because of less paperwork. Actually the opposite is happening. Despite all of the digitization, they now have more paperwork than ever. Research conducted by the American Action Forum revealed a 47.8% increase in just the last 20 years alone.

Kopis is helping give time back to the warfighter with their family of FastForm Apps. Produced about a year ago, FastForm 1306 is a mobile system that significantly cuts down the time it takes to create jump manifests. It digitally manifests a jumper quickly and generates a 100% accurate jump manifest form for the jumpmaster.

The just released FastForm Readiness app is a time and money saver as well. It tracks individual warfighter’s medical, dental and OER/NCOER. The app provides senior leaders with instant notifications if a qualification is about to lapse or already has and creates the form DA Form 1379. Among its many features, it generates an email that can be sent to the warfighter notifying them what the deficiency is, how to fix it and what will happen if it is not taken care of. It can also create and send emails to chow halls and billeting offices to cancel reservations so charges aren’t incurred for not showing up, saving an organization thousand of dollars annually.

These two products, and all of Kopis’s other products for that matter, were created via their proprietary diagnostic system. Their engineers and SMEs spend a few days interviewing multiple levels of leadership in a military organization in order to discover what their pain points are. They then produce software and/or hardware that will help reduce inefficiencies and generate cost savings. With this approach, Kopis puts the warfighter at the center of their product development and gives them direct input into the products they ultimately end up with.

For more information about Kopis products or their diagnostic system, contact them at or call 866-535-1985.

Program Manager Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment Issues RFI To Industry For Army Modular Tactical Holster In Support Of XM17 Modular Handgun System

August 17th, 2016

This is a great piece of news. The Product Manager for Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment (PdM SCIE) has identified a need for a new modular and tailorable holster system in support of the Product Manager for Individual Weapons (PdM IW) Modular Handgun System (MHS) XM17 program.

While the pistol is PdM IW’s bailiwick, it’s PdM SCIE’s responsibility to maintain, develop, and improve Soldier clothing and individual equipment to include holsters as the life cycle manager of these items. They’ve fielded holsters in the past.  For example, in 2013 they began fielding the Blackhawk SERPA and a G-Code holster for the M9 Handgun.  

However, along with the pistol it will support, this requirement is new and has us excited.  To begin with, it shows that the XM17 is alive and kicking and far enough along to give accessories like holsters a serious look.  What’s more, it’s good to see PdM SPIE working with PdM IW to field a holistic solution which crosses commodities between the two teams.  The XM17 solicitation did call for holsters, but as we’ll show below, the holster concepts weren’t nearly as ambitious as the requirement for the pistol.  

In the solicitation for the Modular Handgun System, the offerer’s were required to provide Holster Sleeves to fit the Blackhawk SERPA Improved Modular Tactical Holster.

The offerors were also required to provide compact holsters, which were essential Safariland ALS holsters.   

In both cases, the holsters are well established legacy systems, in wide use. Whether you like them or not, they are industry standard holsters. But if the Army is to get a new pistol, why not see what industry is capable of and field a new holster as well?

That’s the point of this call to industry requesting formation on what they are capable of regarding holsters. Specifically, they are asking a lot and hopedully, industry will step up to the plate. Here is a sampling of what they are seeking; the entire list can be found at

Key Performance Parameters

KPP 1 – Interoperability
The AMTH will carry a M17 pistol (T) and will be interoperable with any other MHS variants (i.e. Compact, etc.) (T). The AMTH must accept the M17 with suppressor kit, without actual suppressor in place (T), or with suppressor in place (O).The AMTH will accommodate future handguns used by Soldiers by providing an interchangeable holster sleeve variant (T), with one holster system (O).

Rationale: Compact variant users may need to carry their handguns in an overt/tactical method in the course of their duties and it would be necessary for the full size holster to accommodate the compact variant. In the event a new handgun is needed, the existing holster will need to holster or adapt to holster the new weapon to ensure Soldiers have a holster system available for use. The MHS suppressor kit may include a longer threaded barrel and higher than normal sights. The holster must accept the weapon configured for suppressed use, while accepting a fully suppressed MHS is an objective. Other methods of carrying fully suppressed pistols exist that may be more operationally suitable to the user.

KPP 2 – Modularity of Mounting Positions
The AMTH must be modular and provide three (3) mounting options, 1) mounting on equipment using standard Pouch Attachment Ladder System (PALS) webbing; 2) on a belt; 3) and a drop leg configuration (T=O). In any of the configurations the MHS Tactical Holster must be adjustable to accommodate a vertical or cross drawing of the handgun (T=O).

Rationale: The MHS must have a holster associated that allows the user to wear the system securely on their person and allows them to do all combat/battlefield required tasks. Users have a need for a holster to allow them to securely carry and quickly employ the MHS. Users currently have the modular capability to transfer the holster from chest (MOLLE) to hip to thigh carry in seconds without removing the weapon from the holster sleeve. Users require this capability in the AMTH, for example, when transitioning from riding in a vehicle to dismount and individual movement to key leader engagement. Users of the MHS will need to use one or both hands to conduct battlefield tasks while still maintaining a tactical advantage. Therefore, Users of the MHS will need to have the ability to draw the weapon effectively with one hand quickly and efficiently.

KPP 3 – Retention
The AMTH must provide retention upon holstering without the activation or manipulation of first level retention devices to secure the handgun when Soldiers are training and conducting combat operations (T). The AMTH will have to carry the pistol in a manner that conforms to the shape of the handgun and ensure the handgun is securely held within the holster (T). The AMTH must provide redundant systems to ensure the handgun is secure (O) and prevents someone other than the Soldier from drawing the handgun (O). The AMTH must provide one level of retention (T), two levels of retention (O). No retention buttons, switches, levers, etc. will use the Soldier’s trigger finger to release the handgun (T=O). None of the retention systems will cause damage to the pistol (T=O).

Rationale: Soldiers require the ability to draw handguns from holsters and re-holster with one hand reliably when transitioning from another weapon system, or when presented with a lethal force engagement with little or no warning when only armed with a handgun. This requires that Soldiers be capable of drawing the weapon quickly with one fluid motion, attain a proper firing grip from the holster, engage enemy targets, holster the weapon and potentially repeat the process during the same engagement or in successive engagements. Through all of this, Soldiers require the ability to continue to conduct other tasks with the non-dominant/non-firing hand and maintain situational awareness of their battle space. Therefore, Soldiers must be able to conduct draw and re-holster with one hand and without looking or glancing away from their near-target environment.

KPP 4 – Ergonomics
AMTH must be manufactured in variants for right and left hand dominant personnel (T) or have one variant which allows for ambidextrous access of the weapon without an increase to the size of the holster (O). The AMTH must allow the Soldier to draw and re-holster the weapon continually with one hand (T=O).

Rationale: Users need to be capable of carrying/accessing the holster on the dominant side. Objective ambidexterity in the holster permits logistical streamlining, but not at the expense of ergonomics or increased bulk/snagging hazard. Many users of the MHS need to use one or both hands while maintaining a tactical advantage. Being able to draw and re-holster with one hand and without taking eyes off the target area allows the user to maintain situational awareness and tactical advantage.

Key System Attributes

KSA 1 – Construction Materials
The AMTH must be constructed of materials that are non-magnetic, non-corrosive, block absorption of blood-borne pathogens or other biological fluids, fungus resistant and fire resistant (T=O). The AMTH shall not be degraded by CBRN decontamination materials; insect repellant; sea water; and commonly used petroleum, oil, and lubricants (POL) (T=O). The materials of the AMTH that contact the handgun will not mar the manufacturer-applied finish of the weapon (T). The color of the AMTH will be Tan 499 (T), Operational Camouflage Pattern (O). The external surfaces of the AMTH must be dull, non-reflective, and must not contribute to visual (T) or infrared signatures (O). The AMTH must not have visible logos or distinctive commercial markings when worn by the Soldier (T=O).

Rationale: The holster is not considered CBRN mission critical but is a durable item, as such, it needs to be capable of surviving CBRN training regimen and commonly used POL and insect repellants. The weapon finish prevents corrosion and maintains a level of operational security through camouflage. It is expected and acceptable that the holster may affect user-applied paints and camouflage that are less resilient than the factory-applied finish. The holster should not damage the finish and induce increased maintenance or corrosion of the weapon. Tan 499 is an approved Tank and Automotive Command (TACOM) color via Memorandum for Program Manger Soldier Weapons, Small Arms Weapons Neutral (Non-Black) Color, dated 31 January 2014.

KSA 2 – Configuration/Reconfiguration
Initial configuration and adjustment of the mounting system for the AMTH will be conducted at the operator level and will be accomplished without the use of special tools (T=O). Once set to the Soldier’s preferences, the AMTH must allow for placement between any of the three modular mounting systems without the need for tools in no more than 20 seconds (T=O).

Rationale: Initial configuration and/or reconfiguration is a task that would be conducted in a maintenance-type environment and not under fire. Soldiers do not have access to special tools and introducing special tools is not desired. The Soldier does have a common tool (multi-tool) that has narrow and wide blade flat screw driver tips and a #2 Phillips screw driver tip. Transition from one modular placement platform to another needs to be conducted in a combat environment (e.g., exiting or entering vehicles, drop zones or landing zones, etc.) and the Soldier should be able to do so without the use of tools in an expeditious manner.

KSA 3 – Airborne/Air Assault
The AMTH will include a retention system that can be configured in preparation of operations such as military free fall, static line parachute, air assault/fast roping, SPIES/FRIES, combat diver, patrol boat operations, hovercraft operations, rappelling, mountaineering, jungle penetrations, All Terrain Vehicle Operations, swimming, etc. which is installed before the operation and removed when extra retention is no longer required (T); is part of the holsters retention system (O). When conducting these dynamic movements, the Soldier will require multiple steps to draw the handgun (e.g., installing and removing bungee straps, manipulating locking levers, etc.) (T), be able to draw and holster the handgun continually with one hand (e.g., having additional steps with collocated levers, etc.) (O).

Rationale: Soldiers occasionally are required to conduct highly dynamic mission-critical tasks that may exceed the limitations of standard holster retention devices. If the standard retention device is not sufficiently robust to maintain security of the weapon, another form of retention is needed to ensure the weapon is secure. These operations are pre-planned thoroughly and configuration would not be necessary on short order or under fire. The need to present the weapon for use during these situations is real; therefore, Soldiers would still need to be able to do so in a timely manner and potentially with only the firing hand, and then re-holster and secure the weapon to continue the dynamic event.

KSA 4 – Law Enforcement Configuration
The AMTH must provide a Law Enforcement configuration (T). The AMTH Law Enforcement configuration will have additional mounting platforms and/or parts that can be added to the AMTH to meet the Law Enforcement Configuration or be a variant that attaches to the AMTH platforms (T), be the same as the AMTH with no additional parts (O). The Law Enforcement configuration will consist of a holster sleeve and a mounting system that is compatible with existing Military Police Law Enforcement Ensemble Kit (LEEK) belt dimensions (T). All components of the Law Enforcement Configuration will be black in color (T=O). The Law Enforcement Configuration will have a mounting platform that is user adjustable for height, adjustable to below/above the belt wear, and capable of being angled to slant holster away from the user’s hips (T) by providing an additional belt mounting system to the AMTH that provides the required adjustability (O).

Rationale: Military Police conducting Law Enforcement Operations have special capability needs. It is logistically prudent to ensure the Law Enforcement configuration is compatible with the AMTH. LEEK belt and accessory dimensions and characteristics will need to be compatible with AMTH LE configurations.

KSA 5 – Target Acquisition
The AMTH must have a variant capable of holstering the XM17 with target acquisition enablers (lights, lasers, pointers) mounted on the forward rail of the handgun, which does not extend forward of the muzzle or below the lowest portion of the trigger guard, and is not more than 1.5 inches wide (T). The AMTH must be capable of holstering the XM17 with target acquisition enablers (lights, lasers, pointers) mounted on the forward rail of the handgun, which does not extend forward of the muzzle or below the lowest portion of the trigger guard, and is not more than 1.5 inches wide (O). The AMTH must be capable of holstering the XM17 with target engagement enabler (mini red dot sight, RMR, etc.) mounted on the top of the handgun slide (O).

Rationale: Soldiers that require target acquisition enablers need to be capable of employing those enablers straight from the holster. When using night optical devices, it is imperative that the weapon be equipped with target acquisition enablers to be able to engage threats with any degree of accuracy. Installing the enabler after drawing the handgun and then removing the enabler prior to re-holstering is not acceptable in any situation. Installing the enabler on a loaded handgun while under fire is unsafe. Enabler fit is based on the required capabilities of the XM17 enabler SEP effort. Intent of the threshold is to have an AMTH variant for enabled pistols. Intent of the objective is to have a single AMTH that accepts both enabled and non-enabled pistols. It is possible that the XM17 will be capable of accepting mini red dot sights (MRDS). There are also other efforts that are reviewing the viability of MRDS for pistols. It is reasonable and prudent to expect some users will have a need to holster the XM17 with MRDS capabilities mounted on the weapon.

KSA 6 – Cost
The Tactical Holster system with holster sleeve and three mounting positions will cost less than $100 (T), $70 (O). The Law Enforcement configuration will cost less than $50 (T), $20 (O) for the law enforcement adapter.

Interested parties have 45 days to submit in response to this Request for Information. Full details can be found at

You Never Know Where They’ll Show Up

August 17th, 2016

KCRF on Italian Holiday…

SSD reader, CTsheepdog sends, “Easy to keep calm in Italian lake country, but feel naked without my EDC Sig….”

CJ Buck Inducted Into Cutlery Hall of Fame

August 16th, 2016

Co-Founder and President of the American Knife & Tool Institute Honored for His Contributions to the Knife Community

CJ Buck, CEO and Chairman of Buck Knives, Inc., Post Falls, Idaho, was recently honored for his extraordinary service and contribution to the knife community. He was inducted at the 2016 BLADE Show into the Cutlery Hall of Fame©. Active members of the Cutlery Hall of Fame elect an annual inductee by a vote prior to each show.

Hall of Fame member Goldie Russell, President of A.G. Russell Knives, and Jan Billeb, Executive Director of the American Knife & Tool Institute, shared how CJ Buck’s foresight and commitment in the formation and work of the American Knife & Tool Institute insured that a forum for the industry was in place to develop solutions to problems when needed.

“As an ambassador of the knife community and AKTI, CJ Buck has elevated the knife industry’s image to the greater world at large and fostered partnerships with labor unions, congressional caucuses and conservation and outdoor groups,” noted Jan Billeb.

CJ Buck challenged the organization to be multi-faceted and proactive – protecting the American heritage of knives in daily lives, promoting growth in the industry and encouraging the next generation of knife users.

“CJ’s grandfather Al and father Chuck, also Hall of Fame members, would be proud of him – the man he is, heritage he successfully continues and his accomplishments to ensure that everyone in the knife community can continue doing what they love – making knives and sharing them with others,” said Goldie Russell.

“The Cutlery Hall of Fame includes individuals who have had such a strong and passionate impact on the industry I love,” said CJ Buck, “and the fact that those same individuals have accorded this recognition to me is almost overwhelming.”

He added, “I continue to enjoy my involvement with the American Knife & Tool Institute and am so pleased with how much progress we have made by working together. From the closed and short-sighted 1958 Federal Switchblade Act to the visionary Knife Owner’s Protection Act, we have brought outdoorsmen and women together with the building trades in a frank dialogue based on logic and reason and not fear. We have partnered with legislators and law enforcement rather than just be adversarial and have brought about change in how knives are regarded. That momentum continues.”