NIGHT FIGHTER: Level 1 (2 Nights – Open Enrollment)
NIGHT FIGHTER: Level 1 is an open enrollment class for qualified civilian students and armed professionals. We are currently looking for hosts who would like to bring a unique training experience to their ranges.
NIGHT FIGHTER: Level 1 is designed to arm students with a solid understanding of the fundamentals of night vision operation and usage techniques. Beginning with gear choice and setup, the class provides students the tools for learning to safely / effectively move, shoot, and communicate in low-light / no-light environments. Students will participate in a variety of movement, stalking, and live-fire exercises aimed at producing a core competency with night vision goggles, lasers, and white light.
Don’t have night vision, but still want to train? No problem! We offer rental NVG’s, Helmets, Mounts, and Lasers for an additional fee. If you decide that you want to purchase the gear you rented during the class because it was so awesome and you realized what you’ve been missing, 100% of your rental fee for that item(s) will go towards the purchase of the new product.
Once a class has been set up, we will post it on our site so students can sign up. The host does not need to have a full class roster before coming to us.

NIGHT FIGHTER: Armed Professional (3 Nights – Restricted U.S. Government)
Let’s face it: a disproportionate amount of crime and combat takes place at night. Military, Law Enforcement, and Security Professionals need to be able to meet that threat in a manor that provides them unparalleled advantage to increase officer/public safety. NIGHT FIGHTER: Armed Professional is a restricted class for those going into harm’s way. This class can be private for an individual department, unit, or agency. Or, it can be open to representatives from multiple departments, units, or agencies. We are currently looking for departments that would like to host a class in their area.
NIGHT FIGHTER: Armed Professional provides advanced instruction to armed professionals who have already mastered the fundamentals of low-light / no-light operation. This class focuses on increasing the students’ night vision skill sets during real world operations. Students will participate in a variety of evolutions including team movement and communication, movement to target, stealth search to contact, target discrimination/engagement, vehicles, and CBRN integration.