FirstSpear TV

Posts Tagged ‘Tactical FanBoy’


Thursday, December 22nd, 2011

The Glowbar is a high-carbon steel crowbar that also happens to glow in the dark! Each Glowbar is coated in a Silicate-Aluminium-Oxide-based powder that glows up to ten times brighter than conventional glow in the dark items. It’s available in 12″ and 24″ versions, with 2% of profits going to the EFF, a non-profit that fights for technological freedom. Also available is the Glowbar T-shirt, and the company says they’ll be making more tools with the hyper-phosphorescent powder coating in the near future.

This article originally appeared on Tactical Fanboy.

Tac Girls Calendar

Sunday, November 13th, 2011

This year, Tac Girls is not only offering a 13 month calendar packed with models but they’ve also introduced a new safe-for-work calendar, the Exotic Weapons calendar, featuring high quality art, trivia and technical specifications.

Tac Girls is offering several Veterans Day specials through midnight tonight.

To learn more about all of the models on the Tac Girls calendar, visit Tactical Fanboy who is profiling them weekly.

TF Presents – Vehicle Counterambush: Fighting Drill for the Zombiepocalypse

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

Training for the worst case scenario…that’s the way to prevail. Not just to survive (which obviously is important) but to win. Rob Pincus is a longtime firearms and tactics trainer many of you might be familiar with. He’s the host of SWAT Magazine TV, a prolific writer, author of both Combat Focus Evolution 2010 and the Training Log Book and one of the busiest instructors we know of. He’s come up with quite a few drills some of our friends use on the range themselves, but this one may be the coolest one yet – and just in the nick of time. Everyone preparing for the impending zompiepocalypse, from Ohio cops to 5.11 Tactical, are undoubtedly relaxing now that Halloween is past. As though somehow the end of the world will happily coincide with a convenient undead-friendly holiday. Complacency kills, whether you’re a cop on the street, the gunner on top of an up-armored or the leader of a zombie eradication team.

Check out this drill, and if your rangemaster has a sense of humor try it yourself. Truth be told, you could probably make the argument that it simulates having to engage from inside a heavy, rioting crowd…but zombies are a more likely threat.

This article first appeared on

TF Checks Out the SureFire MAG5-100 HCM

Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Our very own Tactical Fanboy gave the SureFire 100 round MAG 5-100 high-capacity magazine a go during a training course conducted by 914 Consulting at C2 Shooting Center on his birthday. While not a comprehensive test, he shared it with several other students who used it in a variety of rifles by various manufactured with no problems noted.

The SureFire 100-round High-Capacity Magazine is constructed from Mil-Spec hard-anodized aluminum. It weights 3.3 lbs. (!) fully loaded, and has a length of 12.2 inches, so have fun trying to go prone. It features reliable functioning thanks to mechanical simplicity and high-quality, non-binding springs coated with cadmium for low friction and corrosion resistance. Any weapon that can accept STANAG 4179 compliant magazines can accept one of these. Specifications aside, can a magazine with this high a capacity actually work reliably?

The rifle is a Blackheart International BHI-15 with a Lucid LLC HD7 Red Dot Sight.

My initial analysis: yeah, it can. See, I was at a training class yesterday (more on that later) and I happened to bring a hi-cap mag along. Not for the class, mind you, but because I was at the range and I finally had a chance to test it out. It took a long time to load, and it was heavy [said Captain Obvious], but it seated just fine and I had no feeding failures. I had a few of the other students try it out as well, so it went through multiple AR-15s from many different manufacturers, and still had no issues. I’d have to use it a few more times, and in different weapons, to be completely sure, but as it stands it’s my full belief that SureFire made a great product in this magazine.

Maybe Hornady’s New Zombie Ammo Isn’t Enough

Saturday, October 15th, 2011

Tactical Fanboy has posted an interesting find; the Hornaday Zombie Ammo video. Considering how many rounds the “hero” had to put into those Zombies to take them down and the fact that he isn’t in the end of the video tells us that that ammo may need some work. Or…maybe it’s just the shooter and his gun.

Here is TF himself wielding the Mossberg 500 Chainsaw Shotgun.

Tactical Fanboy at the Oceana Airshow

Sunday, September 25th, 2011

Tactical Fanboy went to the NAS Oceana Airshow yesterday. The weather conditions were less than ideal with low ceilings and rain all day. What was planned to be an all day outing was cut short due to even more severe weather rolling in in the early afternoon. There were no flight operations during his time there but he was able to check out a few interesting items.

Below is a teaser. For the full story visit

In addition to a wide variety of aircraft on display, Navy Reserve SEAL Team 18 and active-duty Special Boat Team 20 as well as Navy Riverine Squadron 3 were on hand.




SSD – Morning, Noon & Night

Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

Believe it or not, SSD is poised to share all of your online moments. Morning, Noon & Night is more than just a catch phrase. We publish multiple times per day. No one else comes close to offering the same amount of original, tactically oriented content as we do.

We put the “new” in news. If it’s worth knowing you are going to read it here first. And if you do happen to see it somewhere else first, we will tell you to go see it there, unless we have the rest of the story. Which, all too often seems to be the case. We will always endeavor to give you the best and most up-to-date coverage of the tactical industry, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. No one else provides this level of coverage.
Last Fall we realized that as our readership grew, so did their interests begin to vary and in response, our editorial content began to shift somewhat as well. Ever conscious of our core readership, consisting of Industry, Government, and Military, we became a bit concerned that we had lost some of our focus. And in that notion, the idea for Tactical Fanboy was born. Officially launched during SHOT Show, you can think of it as sort of an alter ego. Over the past few months TF’s fan base has grown and grown. In fact, some of our most popular stories have been from TF.

Now, we can have our cake and eat it too and so can you. SSD at work and TF at home. SSD has moved back to its roots concentrating on hardcore Government and Industry news while TF has picked up the more recreational and entertainment sides of this community, with a little bit of humor and risque content thrown in for good measure. While this may mean no more worries about running across content on SSD that may be questionable at work, don’t just write TF off as some milsim wannabe site. The name might be lighthearted but the content will always be on point. But don’t worry, you’ll see us share content and collaborate regularly.

Our readers kept asking to be able to comment on our stories and finally, we listened. You can now comment on our articles. We were a bit standoffish at first and maybe one or two commentors seem to forget that this is primarily a tactical gear site but overall we are very pleased to see how well behaved everyone is. Additionally, it is nice to see some of the added value our readers have offered.

We have found Twitter to be one of the best means to reach out to our readers and our list of followers continues to grow. In addition to alerts of new stories we also release information through Twitter that might be of interest to our readers or is related to our core content but originates elsewhere.

We launched our Facebook page awhile back and recently started taking advantage of it. Tactical Fanboy has also got his up and running so check him out as well. Make sure you like us and tell your friends about us as well. We recently conducted a test of live Facebook/Twitter coverage of a recent PEO Soldier media roundtable. Overall, it was very well received.

Our iPhone app has been extremely popular and delivers the latest updates directly to your iPhone each time you open it. If it seems to have died on you, delete it and reinstall. We want to do an Android app but we are not happy with the company we had chosen. Any suggestions?
iTunes has been most gracious in offering us a dedicated sub-forum to interact with our readers. Not only is it a great place to discuss our articles and current issues in the Soldier Systems industry but gives access to the best group of Subject Matter Experts we have run across. No over-inflated CVs, no BS, just good information. Military, Law Enforcement, or a fan of the Black Rifle? You should be a member of

We have a presence on Check it out.

We post videos for our articles on our Youtube channel. Additionally, we make use of content posted by others. Always be on the look out for more content.

Subscriptions to SSD’s content are available for the Kindle via Amazon. Don’t forget there is a Kindle reader for iPhone and iPad.

We have been running some cool contests this year thanks to our sponsors. We regularly run giveaways both here and on Facebook so keep your eye out.

Looking for some swag? If you don’t run into use at a trade show, our logo patches are available from Mil-Spec Monkey and our American Heritage T-shirt series is available from Tactical Distributors. Look for more soon.

Trade Shows
In the near-term look for us at New Breed of Warrior, Modern Day Marine and AUSA.

On-line Gaming
If you have an Xbox Live account, you can friend request ‘Tactical Fanboy’.

The Future
Here at SSD we continuously look at ways to increase interaction with our readers. For example, some of our writers have begun to develop specialized content for other sites. If you look hard enough, you will also see some of our stuff in print. Additionally, we have also posted guest content from the Mad Duo and others. Look for some additional SSD logo items becoming available VERY soon through well known vendors. We don’t run this site to sell you anything but people keep asking us for it so we’ll let them do what they do best and we’ll stick with the news. Also, we will have a cool announcement next month that will change the way you look at our content.

One final word. None of this would be possible without the support of our sponsors. We have affiliated ourselves with reputable companies who provide solid products and services and we would not hesitate to recommend any of them. At SSD we look at our sponsorship program as a two-way street. We are endorsing them as much as they are us and we urge you to support them. They offer some great products. Use them and let them know you saw them on SSD.

One of the first things I learned in the Army was to constantly improve my fighting position, so if you have any additional ideas on ways SSD can do more for you, please feel free to share them with us.

Swag Backpack Bed

Sunday, August 28th, 2011

This article comes from Tactical Fanboy.

The Swag is a lightweight backpack that turns into a single-person shelter with a 6’2″ EVA insulated foam mattress and a top cover fabric made from UltTrex Liteâ„¢, a material 7 times more waterproof than canvas. Besides this, the Swag is anti-mildew treated, windproof, and features steam-sealed seams, zippered mosquito mesh, four zippered external pockets, an internal waterproof pocket, a lockable internal pocket (brass lock included), Velcro front pocket, Kevlar security loop, 2 wind clips, two carabiners, and three built-in ropes, among other features. Plus, every Swag purchased buys another for a homeless individual.

You can buy it here.