SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Archive for November, 2011

New Shirts from Magpul

Saturday, November 26th, 2011

Magpul has released a variety of new T-shirt designs including this one celebrating American manufacturing. Several designs are offered including some designs for the Ladies.

Check out all of their designs at

Skydex X-treme Duty Knee Pads ADS Tactical

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Incorporating their patented energy absorbing technology, Skydex has introduced their new X-treme Duty Knee Pads. They combine the Skydex twin-hemisphere technology with their Rez-Flex outer shell to provide 57% greater impact protection over standard foam padding. Plus, it’s flexible enough to bend with the joint. The rubberized straps and back of the pad are non-slip so they won’t fall down while you wear them. Additionally, the backing is a breathable mesh to help prevent moisture build up. An Elbow Pad version is also available.

The X-treme Duty Knee Pads and the full line of Skydex products is available from

Caveat Emptor – Why Don’t You…

Friday, November 25th, 2011

We get email all of the time from readers asking why we don’t test this or that. There’s two simple reasons.

First, we do the news and we don’t have enough bandwidth to do proper test & evaluations which leads us to the second point. We don’t have the access to the right facilities and equipment to conduct proper tests.

We see folks all over the internet throwing products on their charcoal grills saying they are conducting burn tests or taking their latest gucciflauge out in the back yard to snap a couple of photos and saying they are testing camouflage or worse yet, shooting a ballistic material at a random range with some random gun. In all cases, they are wrong. All they are doing is making noise and, filling their reader’s heads full of nonsense that in some cases is libelous and in others downright dangerous.

Our editor actually conducted test & evaluation for DoD and later, after he retired from the military for commercial companies. Consequently, he knows how it is supposed to be done and, that is why you won’t see us doing it. If we aren’t going to do it right, we aren’t going to do it at all.

So, next time you see an internet “test” conducted by amateurs, ask them what qualifies them to conduct that test. Ask to see their test plan and their data collection schema. Ask them how many times they conducted the test and how they ensured that the tests were conducted properly and consistently. We could go on and on but quite frankly, question one will stump them.

Not only are there folks posting this nonsense on the internet but they are taking money from unsuspecting companies. Before you pay someone to conduct RDT&E for your company ask them what qualifies them to do this. There are tons of former end-users out there but DoD’s T&E community isn’t very big. Verify credentials.

Tactical Black Friday Is On!

Friday, November 25th, 2011

Black Friday is coming and sales are already starting. Here is a master list of the tactical deals to be had this year. Click here to (more…)

Happy Thanksgiving from Mayflower and SSD!

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Today is Thanksgiving here in the US, a day when we commemorate the hardships of early settlers of our great land. We also take time to reflect on pur own trials and triumphs. Aptly enough, Mayflower Research and Consulting has provided a prize pack consisting of their new Assault Pack and a UW Gen IV Chest Rig. Both are in MultiCam and made from LiteLok fabric.



Mayflower asked us to find this gear a deserving home and we can’t think of any better group to honor than our readership. To enter, tell us what you’re thankful for in the comments section below.

On Friday the 25th, we’ll randomly draw a winner from the comments for the prize pack.

We will contact the winner via the email address you provide when you post your comment, so it would behoove you to enter a valid address you can access.

One entry per person.

You have up to 7 days to claim your prize after we send the winner email. Unclaimed prizes become forfeit.

Void where prohibited.

The Camo That Almost Was

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

While Australian forces will soon be outfitted in a new Australian MutiCam Pattern developed in conjunction with Crye Precision, at one point the Royal Australian Air Force almost took a page from the Royal Australian Navy‘s playbook to adopt a unique color variant of the Disruptive Pattern Combat Uniform.

Haley Strategic Partners Releases Adaptive Light Mounts

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Partnering with Impact Weapons Components, Travis Haley developed two new HSP Adaptive Light Mounts. Available in two models; Dropwing and Thorntail, both are designed to mount the SureFire Scout Light to carbines in such a manner to leave room for both your hands on the rifle but also any lasers or other devices mounted to the carbine. They can be mounted in 8 different positions on the rail system and moves the light forward, in front of lasers or other gear with plenty of room to keep even a vampire head out of the way of a laser.


The Dropwing is intentionally designed to fit in a shorter carbine’s rail system (works fine with longer rails as well). But, instead of mounting to the Picatinny rail itself, it mounts in the space between the rail sections to offer a lower profile.


Conversely, the Thorntail does the same things as the Dropwing, except that it is Mil Std 1913 rail compatible.

Although designed to mount a SureFire Scout Light, there is also a ring system for use with these mounts to accommodate other lights.

From what we understand, these are the first of many weapons accessories on the way from Haley Strategic Partners.

HyperStealth Retains The 132 Group

Thursday, November 24th, 2011

Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp. announces that the company has retained the services of The 132 Group as Advisers and Consultants. The 132 Group’s Principle Officer is William (Bill) Jarvis who has worked with Guy Cramer, President/CEO of Hyperstealth over the past few years while serving as the R&D Manager for ADS Inc.

Mr. Jarvis is a 20 year Navy veteran who spent 19 years in Naval Special Warfare (SEAL Team). Bill spent his last three years on active duty working programs in support of NSW Combat Systems Proponent at Naval Special Warfare Group 2. He was involved in the Special Operations Forces Protective Equipment Advanced Requirement (SPEAR) Program, worked on several camouflage programs and initiatives as well as the Naval Working Uniform (NWU) Type II and III program that fielded Area of Operation specific patterns to Navy Ground Forces.

The 132 Group is a network of former SEAL Operators and Naval Special Warfare Technicians who provide programmatic, equipment specific, and Business Development services to companies desiring to develop or increase their technologies or ability to provide their specific goods and services to the Government.

Bill has accompanied Cramer on a number of briefings to different U.S. Special Forces Commands, British Military Headquarters in Bristol and the Royal Navy’s SBS (Special Boat Service) base in Poole earlier this year and is one of only a few people to see the actual SMARTCAMO (color changing material) and also the Quantum Stealth (Light Bending Material) during a recent briefing.

Cramer comments “Bill is a very experienced operator and has a grasp on our development issues with these new technologies. I was never in the military and do not pretend to fully understand the nature of their operations. Bill has been very quick to point out problems or drawbacks of my prototype technologies which I can then use to problem solve. Given the nature of our intellectual property, it’s difficult in business to build a solid trust without having to always look over your shoulder, I am entirely comfortable with Bill as I have never seen him deviate from his ethics and morals and those are rare qualities to find in people today. Bill’s addition to our team is more or less a continuation of the work he was doing with ADS Inc. but he now has the time for greater participation with our company and we are already moving ahead on a number of projects that Bill’s company; “The 132 Group” has brought to our attention.”

Hyperstealth continues to have a great working relationship with ADS Inc. and ADS looks forward to working with Bill on a new level. Hyperstealth will be in the ADS Inc. booth at the Shot Show in January and Mr. Jarvis will be there representing Hyperstealth.