
Archive for 2018

The Baldwin Files – Physical Fitness, Combat Readiness and Leaders Who Just Look the Part

Saturday, November 3rd, 2018

There has been a lot of interest and commentary lately about the Army’s new physical fitness test the Army Combat Fitness Test or ACFT. For the purposes of this article, I will refer to it generically as a Physical Training Test or PT Test for short. Part of what I will be arguing here is that the name of the new test is something of a misnomer. A PT Test – by any name – is not a good standalone gage of the “combat fitness” of an individual or a unit. Indeed, the discussions about the subject on this site and elsewhere on line got me thinking about my personal experiences and observations of successful and unsuccessful physical fitness programs. Visits earlier this year to Fort Benning and last month to Fort Campbell reinforced my own direct experience the last few years I was on active duty. The Army has grown smarter over time about individual fitness and now achieves as good or better results – and with far fewer injuries – than we did in the so-called “good old days” with unit PT centered on long formation runs.

As I considered the subject, I realized that PT Tests and the testing process were never that useful to me as a leader. Certainly, there were a couple of exceptions. Prerequisite testing to get into Ranger School and the SFQC can and does cause anxiety for the candidates and I was no exception. Other than that, in my long career in Infantry and Special Forces “line” units, PT Tests were simply a routine administrative requirement that provided only another data point to indicate if the unit fitness program was working or not. In terms of judging whether my unit was combat ready, PT Tests scores were of little or no relevance. Frankly, in as much as statistics matter, I was a lot more concerned about individual marksmanship scores and in some cases how recently we had completed requalification on infiltration techniques like HALO or SCUBA. Or perhaps how many people I had on hand with advanced skills in demolitions or long range shooting (snipers). Granted, in Special Forces, baseline physical fitness is rarely an issue, but I would say essentially the same thing about the various infantry units I served in over the years.

While we all often use the analogy, combat is not a sporting event or collegial competition.

I agree wholeheartedly that some sports medicine and physical training techniques are applicable to building physical fitness in soldiers. Some extreme sporting events like ultra-marathons might even approach the kinds of physical exertions seen in combat. However, beyond that, the analogy falls apart. NO competition or sanctioned sport I am aware of requires the participant to intentionally and continuously risk death or catastrophic injury. The fear that combat naturally engenders can be debilitating and sap the strength of even the most physically fit – but otherwise unprepared – soldier. Indeed, the physical and especially the psychological demands on soldiers in combat are not analogous to anything an athlete ever faces in a sport. Soldiers have to perform when they are not at their physical peak. They have to function at an acceptable level with little sleep, less than optimum diet and in austere environments and in all weather conditions day in and day out. In other words, sustained combat requires endurance and mental toughness beyond anything that a brief PT test can possibly measure. That is why longer duration stressful programs like Ranger School are considered so valuable a tool in preparing leaders for combat.

As I have mentioned many times, when I came into the service in 1975, all of my NCOs and the majority of the officers were Vietnam combat vets. Some of the Colonels and CSMs were Korean War vets too. Most of them smoked a lot, and a good many drank way more alcohol than polite society thought acceptable. I am sure those vices reduced their physical fitness by some mathematical factor. Did that really matter? What I do know is that these leaders were exactly the kind of “rough men” that Orwell spoke so eloquently of…and they were nothing if not HARD. Each had been physically and psychologically challenged in the crucible of jungle warfare and had passed the test. Sustained combat is difficult, frustrating, mean and always exhausting. The attached famous picture of members of the 173rd Airborne Brigade speaks to that unforgiving reality. What kind of soldier is best prepared to face that challenge? On the upper left, we have an imaginary commando. He has an impressive physique and the movie is fun to watch but we all know he is play-acting and is not combat ready. Still, because of popular culture that is what many – including some in uniform – think a combat ready soldier should be built like. On the right, we have a short skinny kid named Audie Murphy who was undoubtedly combat ready; this despite the fact that his physique was always unimpressive. That is how many a real combat soldier actually looks. I have no doubt that Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime could bench press, or dead lift much more weight than Audie Murphy ever could. Nevertheless, if I could choose which one I want at my side in combat it is no contest. I choose Audie Murphy.

I never met Murphy or Schwarzenegger so I am not going to say much more about them. Instead, I am going to talk about some real soldiers I did know. Four in particular that I met while serving in the 1st Bn, 27th Infantry in the 25th Infantry Division in 1982-83. This was before the “Light Infantry” initiative of the mid-80s. In those days, infantry battalions of the 25th were referred to (at least by airborne qualified personnel) as “Straight Leg” or simply “Leg” infantry. This meant that we were not organized to be delivered by parachute and did not have enough organic helicopters to routinely be airlifted into battle. Therefore, we walked everywhere with always too heavy rucksacks on our backs. I am not going to name three of the soldiers in this story because it is not relevant to the points I am trying to make. They were my Battalion Commander, Brigade Commander and a Sergeant (E-5) who worked for me. I was a Staff Sergeant and was leading a Scout Section at the time. The fourth soldier was a SFC (later 1SG) named Jim Myers who was the TOW platoon sergeant in the battalion.

SFC Myers was a friend and mentor of mine and a great professional influence on me. He had joined the Army in 1956 and gone to jump school as a combat engineer at Fort Campbell. After a couple of years, he got out but reenlisted in 1966 to go to Vietnam. He served 4 tours in country with the 173rd Airborne Brigade. He was a short guy and because of his size and previous engineer experience he was routinely called on to do tunnel rat work. He had a picture that was taken as he was crawling out of one of those holes before collapsing it with explosives. In the process, he also earned a couple of Bronze Stars with Vs and four Purple Hearts. My wife and I used to meet up with Jim on Waikiki or one of the other beaches on Oahu on the weekends. So I got to see him with his shirt off many times. On his chest he had one long scar from his right hip up to his left shoulder. There were four distinct bullet holes equidistance along that scar thanks to an AK47 burst he took on his last tour. Not surprisingly, doing pushups and sit-ups was always a struggle for him. Still, he could ruck much younger men into the ground and I swear that if you look up “tough as nails” you will see his picture.

SFC Myers retired in 1988 and passed away about 10 years ago. He was my hero and I wanted SSD readers to meet him. Another positive role model during that time was my Battalion Commander. He had earned two Silver Stars in Vietnam with the 1st Infantry Division. He was a big guy about 6’3” and was a chain smoker as I recall. He had received just one Purple Heart during the war. A mortar shell had landed near him and shredded the muscles in both legs. He apparently had to endure some two years of physical therapy after they put him back together as best they could. His legs remained twisted like warped wood. He walked with a limp and it was painful to watch him run. Yet, he led all the unit road marches – including a three day, 70 miler that we did just before Team Spirit 83. More importantly, he was always out at training actively teaching, coaching, mentoring and leading by example rain or shine. Despite not being what some would consider a PT stud, he was probably the single best infantry battalion commander I ever served with.

On the other hand, my Brigade Commander was almost exactly the opposite. He was tall, tan and fit. However, I never once remember seeing him out at training in the rain or the mud or at night. I never saw him with a rucksack on his back and that is noteworthy in a leg infantry outfit. I learned a lot about bad leadership from him and for that I am grateful. He did have one idiosyncrasy I will highlight here. He liked to run by himself out to unit training on sunny days. He did not like to wear a standard PT uniform on his runs. Instead, he wore ranger panties, running shoes without socks, and – I kid you not – a gold chain around his neck with a silver dollar sized gold medallion. I know all this because he did not wear a shirt but rather a generous coat of coconut tanning lotion slavered over his entire body. Before anyone asks, I have no idea who on his staff was tasked to put the lotion on his back. He would come out, put his hands on his hips, display his toned physique, and grace us lesser men with his presence for a few minutes before running on his merry way. Because of this odd and frankly disturbing habit, he was known in the Brigade un-affectionately as “Disco.”

Sadly, the Brigade Commander had a certain cult following among a few of the junior officers and even some of the junior NCOs. He was young and dynamic and looked like the central casting version of the steely-eyed infantry officer of the movies. My Scout Platoon Leader was one of those guys. It was clear that he idolized the Brigade Commander, saw him as the better professional role model, and was frankly ashamed that the Battalion Commander could not and did not project the same kind of “studly” image. Since he could not differentiate form from substance, the Lieutenant saddled me with a buck sergeant who was a semi-pro bodybuilder. One look at the kid’s guns and the tiny waist and the LT just knew this had to be a superior NCO. Of course the fact that a line company had sent him to us was an obvious clue that they had no use for him. I quickly found out why.

The kid made sure to educate me on his detailed training and dietary requirements. He had to get 8 hours sleep per night and at least an hour at the gym twice a day. He required 5 high protein meals per day that he needed time to prepare himself. Messhall meals or C-Rations were calorically insufficient for his needs. Not to mention that if he was preparing for a competition he would need additional time. Of course, he assured me that he would otherwise be available for unit training. He really said that. I did learn some interesting things about bodybuilding from him and from Schwarzenegger. First and foremost, bodybuilders are not as healthy as one might think from looking at them. They practice unhealthy tricks to make their muscles “pop” like dehydrating themselves before a competition. They train their muscles for show not go and deliberately and severely limiting their fat intake means they have little stamina. They are great for short bursts of activity – say for an hour or less – but flag quickly. This kid could easily max a PT test but literally could not keep up on a road march of several hours even after others took his ruck and weapon.

In short, despite his well-developed muscles, this young sergeant was actually not physically fit enough to be in the infantry let alone the scout platoon. Unfortunately, I was not able to get my LT to see that. He actually wanted the guy to take over the platoon’s PT program and turn us all into bodybuilders! Luckily, I had a little juice of my own in that battalion. I went up the NCO chain to the CSM and then we both went to the Battalion Commander. Shortly thereafter, the sergeant moved to the Brigade HQ to be the Brigade Commander’s driver. Together I am sure they could pose for a nice recruiting poster but the truth is that neither one was much of a soldier. My LT never forgave me. He actually thought we had lost an asset rather than removed a combat liability from the platoon. In terms of vehicles, the Brigade Commander and that sergeant were racecars. We all know that racecars look sleek and powerful on dry, purpose built paved tracks. However, they do not do well when conditions are less controlled. Say when the track is wet and those cool machines are all but useless off-road on rough terrain. On the other hand, the Battalion Commander and SFC Myers were high mileage but still reliable pickup trucks. It should be obvious that when there is dirty, heavy work to be done, a pickup truck is much more valuable than a racecar.

Indeed, I have always trusted guys that perform reliably day after day like pickup trucks more than those flashier types who require higher maintenance. Effective PT programs are important. I have believed that, preached that gospel and hopefully set the right example my entire career. However, as you can see here, I do not give too much weight to PT tests. I know this new one is more logistically burdensome than the simpler test it replaces. I expect that it will be a better indicator of overall physical fitness but admit that I do not think the juice – in terms of measurably improved soldier fitness – will be worth the more cumbersome squeeze. I draw your attention one last time to the attached picture. Everything a leader does should focus on preparing your individual soldiers and your unit collectively to fight and win in the harsh reality of sustained combat. Physical fitness is just one of many components that build combat readiness. Keep it in the proper perspective. Finally, always remember that the picture on the left is an imaginary soldier and the picture on the right is a real soldier. I assure you that particular real soldier is in every way the better role model.

LTC Terry Baldwin, US Army (Ret) served on active duty from 1975-2011 in various Infantry and Special Forces assignments. SSD is blessed to have him as both reader and contributor.

Zarges Inc Releases Batterysafe Case For Damaged Lithium-Ion Batteries

Saturday, November 3rd, 2018

October 28, 2018 Charlotte NC

ZARGES is a global supplier of storage and transport equipment, used in a multitude of industries and companies worldwide. Our lightweight aluminum cases are appropriate for safe and secure storage and transport of sensitive items and hazardous materials. We offer a variety of aluminum cases appropriate for the shipping and storage of Lithium and Lithium Ion batteries (Li-Ion) that are properly packaged and intact. However, the problem of transporting and storing damaged and defective batteries has posed serious challenges. The US Department of Transportation Hazardous Material Regulations (HMR; 49 C.F.R., Parts 171-180) states that lithium batteries are to be regulated as a hazardous material. This is due to the potential of fire, electric shock and chemical burns that may occur when batteries are damaged, defective or improperly handled and stored.

Today, ZARGES, Inc. is proud to introduce our newest product, the ZARGES BatterySafe™, an aluminum case designed for the safe transport and storage of developmental, damaged and defective Lithium Ion batteries. Utilizing the strengths of our classic K470 transit case, the ZARGES solution is comprised of aluminum cases with a custom CIRRUX lining which contains an intumescent fiberglass material and is UN Approved for the transport of hazardous goods. The cases have been successfully tested with up to three batteries, each measuring 814Wh. The test proved that the case suppressed ignition, extinguished flames and reduced thermal transfer, keeping exterior temperatures under 100° C and neighboring batteries intact.

“Storing and transporting damaged Lithium Ion batteries has posed great difficulty up to this point,” said ZARGES, Inc. General Manager, Olaf Klutke. “We are pleased to be able to offer a proven solution to this dangerous issue.”

The ZARGES BatterySafe™ offers all the available features of our standard K470 cases, including secure latches, stacking corners, three fully welded aluminum profile frames, and the cases are easy to load and unload. The cases are appropriate for a variety of uses, including defense contractors standardizing battery management, vehicle battery development, medical equipment and drones. The case will initially be available in one size, with additional sizes and custom options available soon.

For more information on the ZARGES BatterySafe™, please contact or visit

On Station Apparel – CW3 Taylor Galvin Memorial 1-160 SOAR T-Shirt

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

As a Hooter Brothers Aviation Customer from way back, it’s great to see them doing something like this.

Designed in conjunction with CW3 Galvin’s brothers in the 160th SOAR, all profits from the sale of this T-Shirt will be donated to his family in order to meet any needs that arise from his passing on 20AUG18 during combat operations in Iraq. Shirts may be purchased direct from 1-160 or through

Griffin Armament – Paladin 5 Suppressor

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

The Paladin 5 is a user serviceable .22 – 250 rated .22 suppressor. It weighs just 12.5oz thanks to a combination of a 17-4 Stainless Steel body and 6AL4V Titanium components.

Griffin Armament claims the following sound levels:

• 16″ 5.56mm AR15 with nato ammunition measured 131db at the muzzle and 141db at the ear

• 22LR on a 3.5″ barrel pistol with CCI standard velocity measured 115db quieter than some 22 rimfire suppressors on the market.

• 22-250 Remington, at the ear on a bolt action rifle measured 128

“User serviceable rifle sound suppressors are becoming more and more popular and requested.  We have been fielding requests for them for probably the last 5 years with decent volume.  It’s not applicable to all end users as a lot of users don’t really shoot a lot.  But if you’re one of these guys that is on the range all the time or out on the back 40 shooting all the time it’s definitely really nice to have.  Depending on the ammo you’re using how dirty or clean the powder burn is etc,  how badly the twist in your barrel shaves copper off your bullets and throws molten lead in your suppressor… all of that adds up for people that shoot a lot.  What do we mean by a lot?, we’re talking thousands and thousands of rounds so it’s not needed for most people, but if you are a heavy shooter and you want to be able to clean the suppressor and set it back to factory specs, that’s a really nice feature.  Cans get heavier over time due to the carbon and copper deposits building up in the suppressor with use. And the Ratchet-lok™ end cap on the Paladin® suppressors makes them super easy to take apart and service but also ensures they stay together even under hard use.

Personally, I like them. The Paladin is right now my favorite series that we make. It’s definitely not the easiest suppressor to make but its its one of the best.  “

–Evan Green,  Business Development Manager Griffin Armament

It comes with a minimalist taper brake, assembly tool and pouch. For full details, visit

ASA November Membership Drive and Raffle

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

 Join Today for a Chance to Win One of 20+ Prizes Worth over $15,000

ATLANTA, GA – Thanks to you, last year’s membership drive was a huge success! The money that we raised helped us travel to work on legislation in 8 different states, sent us to DC countless times, and over 20 ASA members took home prizes! Your support is an integral part of our fight for pro-suppressor rights across the nation.

That’s why we’re doing it again – with a twist. This year, the prizes are bigger and better – valued at over $15,000 – and you will have more opportunities to win! Plus, Silencer Shop is going to cover the $200 tax stamp for anyone who wins a suppressor!

As long as your membership is active as of Monday, December 3, 2018, the day of the drawing, you’ll automatically be entered to win. 1-year members will receive one entry in the drawing, 3-year members will receive three entries, and life members will receive ten entries. Want more chances to win? This year you will be able to purchase additional raffle tickets – but a couple of big prizes will be reserved for ASA members only.

Not yet an ASA member? Visit to join and be automatically entered for a chance to win some great prizes. The contest will run from Nov. 1 – Nov. 30, so make sure you don’t miss your chance to win!

WHO: All current and new ASA Members will be entered for a chance to win. Purchase or renew a 1-year membership for one chance to win. Purchase or renew a 3-year membership for three chances to win, and Life Members will have ten chances to win! Are you a current member? You’re entered already! Not a member, or want to increase your chance of winning? This year we will also offer raffle tickets for sale. However, a few of the prizes will be limited to ASA members only.

WHAT: Win one of over twenty prizes, including suppressors, ammunition, accessories and more! Silencer Shop will even pay your transfer tax if you win a suppressor!

WHEN: Contest ends Friday, November 30, 2018, at 11:59pm EST. Winners will be announced Monday, December 3, 2017, at 5:oopm EST on the ASA’s Facebook page.

WHERE: Join now, or purchase raffle tickets at

HOW: Winners will be selected and ranked. Winners will be contacted by phone/email to claim prizes. Winners will be given the opportunity to select their winning prize from the pool of prizes in ranked order similar to a shooting match prize table. See terms & conditions for details.


Members Only Prize Drawing

Barrett Firearms Fieldcraft Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor & DC30 Suppressor with 100 rounds of Hornady Match Ammunition

Daniel Defense WAVE QD suppressor

Freedom Munitions 9mm HUSH 165gr ammunition (500 round case)

Member & Raffle Prize Pool

Ruger Precision Rifle in 6.5 Creedmoor, Rugged Razor 7.62mm Suppressor with Vortex Razor HD Gen II 3-18×50 and 100 rounds of Hornady Match Ammunition

Ruger American in .308 with Daniel Defense WAVE suppressor and Magpul Hunter Stock

Ruger 10/22 Takedown with Magpul Stock and SilencerCo Switchback 22 Suppressor

OSS Helix HX-QD-762 7.62mm Suppressor

Freedom Munitions 9mm HUSH 165gr ammunition (500 round case)

Tactical Tailor Drag Bag in MultiCam

Surefire Masterfire Holster with XH35 Handgun Light

Cole-Tac $100 Gift Certificate

Magpul DAKA™ suppressor pouch set (small and medium) (5 winners)

12-ounce bag of Black Rifle Coffee Company – Silencer Smooth Roast (5 winners)

An ASA swag package of patches and stickers (5 winners)

— Don’t Forget –

Silencer Shop will cover the $200 tax stamp for each of the suppressor prize winners!

ADS Offering L3 Night Vision Device Sustainment Upgrade

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

I recently met with ADS Inc to discuss their new Night Vision Device Sustainment Upgrade Program with L3.

When the Army begins to field the new Enhanced Night Vision Goggle – Binocular (ENVG-B) to its Close Combat Forces, PVS-14s previously used by those forces will be redistributed within the Army.

That being said, there are hundreds of thousands of AN/PVS-14 night vision monoculars in service across all of the US services, our allies and with law enforcement agencies. Some have been in use for well over a decade. Most feature Green Phosphor tubes and are in need of an upgrade.

That’s what the Night Vision Device Sustainment Upgrade Program is about. ADS Inc teamed with L3 to offer upgraded tubes (un-filmed 2376 FOM White Phosphor). These White Phosphor tubes offer improved target identification and image clarity as well as decreased eye strain. They also work quite well with clip-on thermal enhancements like the Enhanced Clip-On SWIR Imager from Optics 1.

Tube replacement is relatively easy, meaning units can purchase the White Phosphor tubes and do the work themselves.

Alternatively, customers can send in the NVG and L3 will inspect the device and replace the tube. Many of these PVS-14s also need repairs or are missing parts. The program can make that happen as well.

Read about the upgrade program at

ZEV Technologies PRO Flat Face Trigger

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

ZEV Technologies, known for creating the market for GLOCK upgrade triggers, announced the release of their PRO Flat Face Trigger. The new trigger incorporates a number of ZEV’s proprietary features including ZEV’s trigger bar, connector and riveted assembly process.

“This trigger represents the culmination of years of effort. We obviously recognize the popularity of flat faced triggers, but we took our time getting ours to market because we wanted more than just a different look. We wanted a trigger that really reset the bar for high performance triggers. This trigger puts all of our years of research and innovation together,” stated Matt Ridenour, CEO.

Dave Roberts, VP of Marketing, expanded on the benefits of the trigger, “At the end of the day, all other trigger upgrades on the market re-use the Glock factory trigger bar, the most important component in a trigger. We invested years and a lot of money developing our own trigger bar in the continuing effort to really differentiate the ZEV trigger. We believe shooters will feel the crispness of the break and the consistency of the trigger pull and reset. These things make shooters better and tighten up groupings”.

ZEVs trigger line now includes both flat and curved faced triggers for most Glock models.

Key features include:
• Wider trigger pad and safety for improved user engagement
• Drop-in installation
• Mil-Spec hard-anodized aluminum construction
• Proprietary ZEV Trigger Bar and ZEV Pro Connector
• Riveted trigger assembly

USMC to Field Gen III Vest Systems with FirstSpear Technology

Friday, November 2nd, 2018

Fenton, MO – FirstSpear® Technology Group, industry leading technology integrator for Personal Protective and Load Bearing Equipment, announces the Gen III vest systems for the United States Marine Corps (USMC) will be produced and fielded with FirstSpear® Technology. After extensive testing and evaluation, the Marines chose to include FirstSpear® 6/12™ laser cutting and Tubes™ rapid-release system on the all new Gen III Vest System.

Debuted on Solider Systems Daily in 2011 and proven in the field for over seven years, FS™ 6/12™ laser-cut platforms and rapid-release Tubes™ fasteners are embraced by assets of the United States Department of Defense, State and Federal Law Enforcement Agencies, and friendly forces within the international community. The FS™ 6/12™ laser-cut and fused platform system helped the USMC achieve their goals for reducing bulk and weight of legacy PALS systems.

USMC Systems Command wanted to give as much mobility back to the individual Marine as possible by reducing the weight and bulk of the vest without decreasing ballistic protection. Integrating 6/12 laser cutting and Tubes allowed designers to reduce the weight of the vest by 25 percent.*

FS™ Tubes provide rapid donning and doffing of carriers without complicated cable systems adding weight or requiring specialized training and allows the Marine to remove and reassemble their vest in less than three seconds. Vest testing found the older system took about seven seconds to take off, and 10 minutes to reassemble. The Tubes have vastly improved the Marines ability to act fast while on missions.*

According to Sam White, Vice President of Applied Science at FirstSpear®, “Our primary mission is to provide equipment solutions to the men and women protecting our freedoms and the fastest way to do that is by working with industry partners and program managers to make this technology widely available. We couldn’t be more excited the USMC has integrated this technology into their new vest system and look forward to helping Vertical Protective Apparel provide it to the Marines.”

FirstSpear™ continually develops and refines Technology to meet the ever-changing requirements of the warfighter and first responder. Paramount to every development effort is a focus on mobility, lethality, weight reduction, functionality, durability, and manufacturability. Ideas are well thought out, tested, and proven in actual field use before general release, ensuring the final product works as intended when needed most. Once proven, FirstSpear® works closely with end users and manufacturers to allow for rapid fielding of advanced solutions.

For more information or to contact FirstSpear® Technology Group on how you can integrate these technologies visit

