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Archive for May, 2021

Tulmar Safety Systems Exhibiting at Land Forces Australia 2021

Monday, May 31st, 2021

Tulmar Safety Systems is pleased to announce that we will be participating in the Land Forces 2021 exhibition from 1-3 June, 2021 in Brisbane Australia through our Australian & New Zealand distributor, Danger Solutions. With most defence exhibitions and conferences virtual only, or canceled outright over the past 14 months due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, we are excited for this opportunity to meet in-person with our end-users in the armed forces and law enforcement communities. Danger Solutions will have on display a range of Tulmar’s tactical inflatable life preservers, as well as training systems from 4GD & UTM and tactical ISR drones from UAVTEK.  If you are attending, please stop by Danger Solutions at stand 2A7.  To book an appointment, please contact Danger Solutions at We look forward to seeing you at the show!

InVeris – BlueFire Wireless Training Weapons

Monday, May 31st, 2021

InVeris Training Solutions‘ BlueFire wireless weapons provide realism by maintaining form, fit, and function. Weapon recoil and cycling is achieved with a rechargeable magazine of compressed gas. Additionally, the weapons utilize wireless Bluetooth technology to communicate with the system, allowing the same control as FATS legacy tethered weapons but with full range of motion.

There are over 300 versions of BlueFire weapons available, including Glock 17, Glock 17 Gen4, Glock 19, Sig P226, Sig P229, Beretta M9, S&W M&P 9 and 40, H&K G36E, M4, M16A2/A4 and SRS Rifle (M16 type) simulators. There are also taser and OC trainers.

BlueFire training systems are available for units and agencies through Atlantic Diving Supply.

Blast from the Past – What Sort Of Man Reads Infantry?

Monday, May 31st, 2021

For decades, Infantry Magazine was the professional journal of the grunt. Printed by the Infantry Center, it facilitated outreach to members of the branch, informed on modernization efforts and served as a platform for professional writing. This ad promoting the publication, was printed during the early 70s heyday of men’s pulp magazines, with their lurid covers promising to satisfy an appetite for life.

I love the combat ace look, with ascot, starched OG-107 fatigues, aviator shades and leather gloves. The only things missing are a Vietnamese Ranger badge or jump wings, and direct embroidery.

The text reads:

What sort of man reads Infantry?

He’s the guy who’s always there when the going gets tough. Cool, self-assured and thoroughly in control of the situation, he makes the difference no matter what team he’s on. A profile of INFANTRY readers shows that 98% have specialized skills. Taste patterns in clothing reflect remarkable similarity and conformity, leaning towards the conservative. The IM reader is widely traveled, 97% having traveled abroad or resides in a foreign land. An outdoorsman at heart, he is the bon vivant of cuisine au natrual (sic). The INFANTRY buff is well informed and willing to go out of the way for a superior product.

Thinking About Those We’ve Lost

Monday, May 31st, 2021

I don’t find anything particularly “happy” about Memorial Day itself. Sure, it’s a great weekend to spend kicking off summer with friends and family, but I always end up thinking about those we’ve lost in military service.

Today is about sacrifice

Almost every year I remind others that Memorial Day traces its roots to the post Civil War period to help heal after American fought American. Originally known as Decoration Day, Veterans chose 30 May because it was not the anniversary of any particular battle.

Over time the holiday transformed to the last Monday in May and changed names, but it wasn’t recognized as an official national holiday until 1967, the year I was born. While the implementation of the holiday has changed somewhat as well, its intent has not; it’s about the fallen.

Remember their sacrifice

Not everyone does in battle and wounds may takes years to kill. Please remember, earlier generations sacrificed in other ways, so don’t discount someone’s death while in uniform just because they weren’t charging a machine gun nest. They did their part, and it’s up to us to toast them and honor their death.

Take some time today and consider what you and yours have done for America.

Are You Missing Out On Soldier Systems Digest?

Monday, May 31st, 2021

Since the beginning of the year we’ve been publishing a weekly, digest version of the website. Soon, will be adding giveaways and special discount codes for newsletter subscribers.?

Don’t miss out, sign up now.

Remington Ammunition Sponsors Ted Nugent’s Spirit of the Wild

Sunday, May 30th, 2021

Remington Ammunition Sponsors Ted Nugent’s Spirit of the Wild

Lonoke, Arkansas – May 27, 2021 – Ted Nugent’s Spirit of the Wild program is one of the most popular hunting shows on the Outdoor Channel. This top-rated show has been a mainstay of hunters and shooters for twenty years. Now, Remington Ammunition will be the exclusive ammo loaded into Nugent’s firearms when hunting everything from whitetails to bear, boar, bulls, turkeys and doves.   

“Uncle Ted’s show is as fun and entertaining as it gets,” said Remington Ammunition’s Director of Marketing Joel Hodgdon. “His passion for hunting, conservation and the second amendment are unquestionable and it’s why Big Green partnered with Ted.” Expect to see Nugent integrate Remington Ammunition’s complete line up of trusted ammunition in the series on air now.  

“I’m excited to shoot Big Green and their comprehensive and trusted line of ammunition,” said rock and roll icon Ted Nugent. “Plenty of Core-Lokt, AccuTip, and HyperSonic Steel have been in my guns over the years, and I’ve always gotten the performance I’ve needed every time I pull the trigger.”

Spirit of the Wild viewers know the authenticity of that statement. Over the years, Ted Nugent’s show has won multiple awards for Fan Favorite Best Overall Series on Outdoor Channel while also voted Fan Favorite Best Host due to Nugent’s real descriptions of intense hunts and big personality.

Ted Nugent’s Spirit of the Wild, now sponsored by Remington, can be seen on Tuesday nights at 8:30 p.m. EST on Outdoor Channel.  Check local listings for more information on additional airings or go to

Find legendary Remington ammunition at dealers nationwide and online. For more information on Remington ammunition and accessories, visit

SCUBAPRO Sunday – Memorial Day

Sunday, May 30th, 2021

Shortly after the Civil War, what is now known a Memorial Day began as Decoration Day. The reason for that name is because it was a day on which Americans, both North and South, would decorate the graves of soldiers who died in the Civil War.

Maj. Gen. John A. Logan, who lead a group for Northen Civil War veterans, declared in 1868 that Decoration Day would be observed annually on May 30. The date was chosen only for the reason that it didn’t coincide with any battles fought. It was a day for the North and South to honor their fallen and decorate their graves. After World War I, the holiday was broadened to include service members who died in all of the country’s wars, not just the Civil War.

Multiple cities claim to be the birthplace of this holiday, but President Lyndon Johnson formally gave the honor to Waterloo, N.Y. in 1966. Up until 1971, Memorial Day was observed on May 30th, the date Logan had selected for the first Decoration Day, but in 1968, Congress passed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which established Memorial Day as the last Monday in May to create a three-day weekend for federal employees. The same law also declared Memorial Day as a federal holiday and created a day for everyone to take time to reflect and honor the fallen. That did not go into effect until 1971.

Most people look at the Memorial Day weekend as the unofficial start of summer, mattress and furniture sales, or a day for cooking out. I know most of the people that read SSD will understand the real meaning. This is a day to remember the fallen service men and women of the military who have gone before us. Like most holidays in the U.S., it has been turned into just a weekend for sales and people to try and make money. But please take the time to think about the fallen and their families who have, as President Lincoln said, “Laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom.” We truly are lucky to live in the greatest country in the world, where “the pursuit of happiness” is a guaranteed right. You are never asked to do anything for it other than maybe do jury duty. But some people chose to serve for whatever reason and some died because they chose to serve.

There are a couple small things you can do. One is, if you fly an American flag, lower it to half staff until noon. Then at noon raise it all the way up until sunset. Second, in the year 2000, the National Moment of Remembrance was passed by Congress that says at 3pm local time, take a moment in your own way to remember the fallen.

Memorial Day is not Veterans Day. I have heard so many people say, “oh, this weekend, we should really thank a veteran”.  This isn’t for us; it is for the people who never came home and for their families.

Lastly, I wanted to say something about what to say to someone else on Memorial Day as a greeting. Please do not say “Happy Memorial Day”. This is a little thing, but it’s like saying happy funeral day. So, if you feel like “Happy Memorial Day” isn’t appropriate, try saying, “I hope you have a nice/good Memorial Day”. Never forget that, for some people, every day is Memorial Day.

Long Live the Brotherhood

Gould Brothers Break World Record

Sunday, May 30th, 2021

ANOKA, Minnesota – May 27, 2021 – There is a new distance record for breaking a clay target with a shotgun load following an epic day at a rural Minnesota farm. Federal Ammunition sponsored shooters Steve and Aaron Gould, who make up the popular Gould Brothers exhibition team, broke their own record not once but twice outside Osakis, Minnesota on a cold and windy day this spring.

“We are always trying to push the limits of what is possible, and we knew that Federal’s TSS would be the round to make it possible to break a clay pigeon at further distances than we had in the past,” exclaimed Steve Gould.

The previous record was 160 yards set several years back by the duo of brothers. Now with Federal, and having the world’s leading shotshell manufacturer backing them, a new record was ready to be set. The Gould Brothers teamed up with Federal’s Adam Moser, lead shotshell engineer, to better understand the capabilities of Heavyweight TSS in both 7 and 9 shot sizes at extreme ranges.

“The #7 TSS has a significant advantage at 170 yards over the #5 lead at 160 yards. Three times the pellet energy and 100+ more pellets in the payload,” stated Moser, when explaining the differences between Heavyweight TSS and the previously lead load used to set the record.

Having that knowledge, Steve and Aaron Gould attempted the 170-yard shot and Aaron was able to break the record only to be bested minutes later by brother Steve who successfully broke a clay target with Heavyweight TSS #7 at 180 yards!

“We knew we could break the record; we just didn’t know by how much. To pull the trigger of a shotgun and see a clay break at 180 yards, that is pretty cool,” stated Aaron Gould.

“Pulling off incredible shots requires the best performing ammunition and what an exciting accomplishment to witness with one of our category leading products,” stated Jason Nash, Federal’s Vice President of Marketing. “What is even more amazing, is the technology they used to capture the historic event, so fans of the Gould Brothers, Federal, and shooting in general can watch history play out.”

Federal ammunition can be found at dealers nationwide or purchased online direct from Federal. For more information on all products from Federal or to shop online, visit