GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

Archive for May, 2022

MATBOCK Raider Kit

Friday, May 13th, 2022

Finally, It’s here! an efficient, lightweight and low profile waterproof pouch suite that quickly mounts onto your plate carrier eliminating the need for bulky and hard to get into dry bags. Designed to simplify for over the beach (OTB) and maritime operations MATBOCK introduces the Raider Kit. This kit includes the Raider front pouch, back pouch side pouch and rifle bag. This Raider Kit joins the very popular MATBOCK MR Dry Bag and Graverobber Assault Waterproof bag.

Each pouch in the MATBOCK Raider Kit has a heavy duty waterproof zipper but the material is lightweight and covered with our ghost material to protect it from punctures. Each pouch can quickly mount to your plate carrier without adding a lot of bulk. The rifle bag can be folded small enough when not in use and stowed in your cargo pocket. The Raider kit truly simplifies maritime operations and eliminates transition time from water.

Raider Front Pouch

The Raider front pouch is a waterproof low profile pouch that mounts directly to the front of your plate carrier keeping water and sand out of your magazines and gear. This pouch can quickly be unzipped allowing the operator full access to their magazines and gear and ready to move out in a fraction of the time it would take in the past.

Raider Back Pouch

The Raider back pouch is a low profile waterproof backpack that mounts directly to the back of your plate carrier with MOLLE attachment points. It can also mount to MATBOCKs GRAM insert and worn as a removable pack making access to your back pouch even easier. Keeping your gear waterproof and sand free without the bulk makes OTB and maritime operations so much more efficient.

Raider Side Pouch

The side pouch was designed to MOLLE onto your cummerbund for quick access to gear and equipment that is sensitive to water and sand. This pouch size is perfect for NVGs, grenades, breach charges and ammunition.

Raider Rifle Bag

Our rifle bag was designed to carry a variety of weapons during OTB and maritime operations. The lightweight and waterproof material can easily be folded and stowed in your cargo pocket when not in use.

To find out more: /www.matbock.com/collections/maritime/raider

Federal and Defense Textile Summit – May 24-25 in Charlotte

Friday, May 13th, 2022

The upcoming Federal and Defense Textile (FEDTex) Summit is May 24 and 25 in Charlotte, NC. In addition to the sessions on the textile industry, there will be sessions on individual, organizational, and safety equipment as well as combat clothing.

There is a pretty impressive array of speakers that will be present to include DLA, PEO Soldier, MARCORSYSCOM, etc.

This summit is not just a brief to industry, but an attempt by DOD entities to reach out to industry on issues concerning workforce and supply chain issues.

Here is the link to the event info. fedtex.ncmbc.us/event-info.

FirstSpear Friday Focus: OEM Spotlight Brave Castle

Friday, May 13th, 2022

In this weeks Friday Focus, we featured another installment of our OEM Spotlight. An American brand, a solid choice in material and craftsmanship, enter Brave Castle. Guest interview with Loren Butchart, owner and operator of Brave Castle.

How did Brave Castle get its start?

Brave Castle got its start as a podcast, fully transitioning into a tactical nylon company in 2020. Retention solutions have always interested me and the ongoing challenges continue to be a puzzle I enjoy sharing my input on. Providing kit to Americans is one the highest honors I have attained and maintaining this is a responsibility that I respect and hold at a very high regard.

Why did you choose to collaborate with FirstSpear?

I have followed, collected and studied nylon companies for a long time. I found FirstSpear and was blown away at the level of innovation they were offering. FirstSpear quickly became one of my favorite companies and the Tubes™ connector system was something I had to have. When I started sewing kit, I really wanted to make a chest rig that utilized Tubes™ connectors. The relationship I have built with one of my favorite companies has been a true honor and everyone I have worked with at FirstSpear has been incredible to collaborate with.

Where did the need for the BCR-1 Chest Rig arise?

The Brave Castle Rig One (BCR-1) was born from some basic niche problems that I saw in the classic chest rig and micro rig designs. The BCR-1 is essentially a plate carrier minus the plate bags. The first solution I wanted on the BCR-1 was the utilization of the Tubes™ connector system for a more secure closure and ease in donning and doffing. The BCR-1 is constructed out of 7 individual parts, all of which can be replaced.

Explain the modularity of the BCR-1 and why you chose FirstSpear Tubes™ technology.

The BCR-1 is made up of 2 cummerbund sides, a front velcro based placard, a magazine shingle, a back sizing panel and 2 shoulder straps that form an X on the users back. Upgradability is native to the BCR-1. The heart of the BCR-1 is the front velcro based placard which accepts magazine shingles with ease. The wealth of knowledge, innovation, technology and experience make working with FirstSpear a gold mine for a creative brain like mine. It is a massive honor to be able to work with FirstSpear and I am eternally grateful for everyone who works with this company.

For more information on Brave Caste and the BCR-1, check out www.bravecastle.com.

For more information on FirstSpear, check out www.first-spear.com.

Revised Air Force ‘Brown, Blue Book’ Released

Friday, May 13th, 2022


The Air Force recently updated the contents of The Enlisted Force Structure and The Profession of Arms: Our Core Values, more commonly known among Airmen as the “Brown” and “Blue” books.

Tradition and heritage are themes found within the revamped foundational guides for Airmen to emulate throughout their career.

“Our Airmen are the greatest competitive advantage we have to deter and defeat the fast-paced, complex threats we face around the globe,” said Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass. “Airmen should approach our mission with the mindset of respect, pride, innovation, and a continued commitment to anticipate and embrace change to achieve excellence.”

The Enlisted Force Structure, or “Brown Book,” provides a standard baseline to best meet mission requirements, while outlining foundational and occupational competencies Airmen should develop as they progress in rank and responsibility. It underscores the importance of character in each tier of the enlisted structure, and clearly outlines standards Airmen must meet and enforce to advance a culture of trust, respect and inclusion.

Although the core of the enlisted force structure remains the same, the updated “Brown Book” supports developing current and future Airmen by adding topics such as: Airman Leadership Qualities, teaming, force development and multi-capable Airmen. The updates outline modernized development changes within the Air Force, in line with the vision to accelerate change across the enterprise.

The Profession of Arms: Our Core Values, known as the “Blue Book,” was originally published in 1996 and provides guidance to Airmen at all levels on the service’s institutional values and guiding principles. This revision extensively explains the Profession of Arms; Service Oaths for Enlisted, Officers and Civil Servants; Air Force Core Values and the Code of Conduct.

“We must periodically review and refresh our foundational guides to ensure we’re giving Airmen the tools they need to succeed in the future force,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr. “What hasn’t changed, is every Airman’s responsibility to inspire others, set an example through personal conduct, and promote leadership and accountability across our force.”

The Blue Book calls on Airmen to be dedicated to continuous individual and institutional improvements. It emphasizes the importance of showing respect for others and implements a recommendation of the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military by clarifying that engaging in and tolerating sexual assault and sexual harassment are violations of the Air Force Core Values. Stalking, bullying, extremism and discrimination are additional behaviors cited as eroding the foundation upon which the Air Force was built.

In addition to the “Brown” and “Blue” books, Airmen can expect a new “Purple Book” to be released in the summer. The “Purple Book” will aim to educate Airmen about how Airpower fits into the joint-force environment, and connects joint doctrine, values, capabilities and warfighting concepts that capture how the Air Force effectively partners with other services to protect America’s interests across the globe.

“Updating these foundational guides equips Airmen with the resources needed to become highly trained, educated, and adaptable to the threats our competitors present, and the significant role every Airman plays for the mission to be successful,” Bass said.

Developing and updating these guides was part of the 28 Enlisted Force Development Action Plan objectives focused on developing the future enlisted force. The revised “Brown Book” can be found here and the revised “Blue Book” can be found here.

Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs

Cole-Tac Adaptive Gear Stick

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

The Adapative Gear Stick is retry straight forward both in name and design. It’s PALS compatible and is offered in Black or Coyote

Made from laser cut Tegris, it includes adjustable Shock Cord, Elastic Band and One-Wrap retainers.


Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles Logistic Vehicles for Germany: The Success Story Continues

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

Official handover ceremony for new palletized load-handling system and delivery of 3,000th Unprotected Transport Vehicle

The Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles success story continues. At a ceremony in Munich, Michael Wittlinger, Chairman of the Management Board of Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicles GmbH, and Armin Papperger, Chairman of the Executive Board of Rheinmetall AG, together with the Head of the Land Support Division of the German federal procurement authority Bundesamt für Ausrüstung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw), First Director at the BAAINBw Jan Gesau, officially handed over the key for the new generation of palletized load-handling system to the German Armed Forces – represented by the Commander of the Bundeswehr Logistics Command and General Bundeswehr Logistics, Major General Gerald Funke, Brigadier General Frank Schmitz, Head of the Planning Department at the Joint Support Service Command and Brigadier General Dr. Thomas Czirwitzky as representative of the German Army Office.

A further cause for celebration was the delivery of the 3,000th Unprotected Transport Vehicle, or UTF. The fact that the logistics vehicles are a showcase project in which politics, the armed forces and industry work together successfully was also expressed by the presence of other high-ranking visitors from politics, the Bundeswehr and partner companies. Among others, the Bavarian State Minister of the Interior, Joachim Herrmann, the Deputy Chairman of the Defence Committee of the German Bundestag, Henning Otte, as well as Karsten Klein MdB, Chairman of the Budget Committee, and Bernhard Loos MdB from the Economic Committee took part in the ceremony.

In June 2020 the Bundeswehr entered a framework agreement with Rheinmetall MAN Military Vehicle Systems (RMMV) for the supply of up to 4,000 palletized load-handling systems. The framework agreement runs until 2027. Known in German as “Wechselladersysteme”, or WLS, these palletized load-handling systems are mounted on RMMV’s successful family of HX military trucks ensuring high commonality to the already fielded Unprotected Transport Vehicles, or UTFs. The prime feature of the WLS is the hook loader, developed by the Hiab company. This means that the flatracks in use with the Bundeswehr can be picked up and set down on almost any terrain without the need for additional handling equipment. Alternatively, the vehicles can also transport an interchangeable flatbed or a container via the standardised 20-foot ISO interfaces.

A large share of the Bundeswehr’s WLS trucks feature a protected cabin. The protected WLS will substantially enhance the survivability, sustainment capability and tactical flexibility of the logistic formations of the German Federal Armed Forces.

The WLS is a critically important component of NATO’s Very High Joint Readiness Task Force VJTF 2023, which the Bundeswehr will be furnishing. In March of this year, instruction began for military drivers in the first protected WLS.

For several years now, the Unprotected Transport Vehicle family has been contributing to the operational effectiveness of the German Bundeswehr’s logistic formations. In July 2017 the Bundeswehr contracted with Rheinmetall MAN to supply its new “UTF mil gl in den Zuladungsklassen 5t und 15t” family of unprotected trucks capable of carrying payloads of 5 and 15 tonnes.

“The UTF is a showpiece project that paved the way for new procurement methods,” says Michael Wittlinger. “It was the first large-volume flexible framework agreement. Financed by the German government’s pandemic recovery package, additional vehicles were called-off and delivered. By the beginning of May, 3,000 vehicles had been transferred to the customer – almost a thousand more than envisaged in the original framework agreement for delivery by 2024. RMMV is therefore well ahead of schedule in this project.”

Armin Papperger also emphasised the high importance of the WLS and UTF for the company in his speech. “Both projects from the field of logistics vehicles are closely interwoven, not only from a technical point of view. They are among our lighthouse projects. WLS and UTF show how defence programmes can be carried out in exemplary fashion. This success is the result of close cooperation built on mutual trust between the German parliament, the armed forces and the defence industry – for which great thanks are due to all those involved!”

A large portion of the value added in the WLS and UTF projects – over 75 percent – is generated in Germany. In close coordination with the Bundeswehr, RMMV has boosted its UTF capacity to 1,000 vehicles per year. Against the background that logistical transport capacities are likely to increase further and more vehicles will be needed, the production capacity for the Bundeswehr will be further expanded. RMMV is also moving to greatly increase delivery capacity for WLS trucks. Rheinmetall MAN thus remains a strong, efficient and reliable partner of the Bundeswehr, capable of meeting its delivery commitments even under extremely difficult circumstances, as demonstrated during the coronavirus pandemic and the Ukraine crisis.

Both the WLS and UTF are based on RMMV’s robust HX vehicle family. Designed for military use right from the start, they display outstanding mobility even in tough terrain. The wide distribution of the HX vehicle family around the world brings major advantages when it comes to interoperability and logistics. Among other countries, the circle of user nations now includes the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, Austria, Hungary and Denmark. In cooperation with the armed forces of Germany and other partner nations, RMMV is eager to write new chapters in the success story surrounding the company’s tried-and-tested HX vehicles.

Jon Becker, Founder of Aardvark Tactical and PROJECT7 ARMOR, Releases The Debrief, A New Conversational Podcast Centered on Tactical Leadership

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

After over four decades spent serving and protecting tactical operators, Jon Becker is imparting some of the lessons he has learned along the way to listeners across the nation. The Debrief is an interview-based podcast that tells the stories of the leaders of some of the world’s top law enforcement and military units – individuals who navigate dangerous situations with their highly effective teams every day.

Jon Becker founded AARDVARK at just seventeen years old. The company started out as a climbing equipment business, often selling gear to SWAT teams and operators. After attending law school and working in police litigation, Becker realized that the best way he could serve tactical operators was by producing and providing high quality gear and products that would enhance operator safety on the job. After AARDVARK’s expansion and success, Becker founded PROJECT7, a provider of purpose-built, scalable, and configurable tactical platforms. Throughout this decades-long journey, Becker has learned invaluable lessons about the lives and work of law enforcement and tactical operators, leading him to a deep understanding of the principles and core values behind highly effective teams. After keynoting for many years on the leadership of elite units and what he terms “culture-centric” leadership, Becker is putting those lessons into The Debrief, a non-profit podcast that serves the wider public.

Although The Debrief focuses on the stories of tactical officers and team leaders, the audience is much more broad: leaders from all spheres, including business, entrepreneurship, communications, healthcare, law enforcement, and much more, will be informed and inspired by the lessons The Debrief has to impart. Jon and guests will cover conversations that are relevant to leaders of any field, including accountability, psychology, risk taking, and collaboration. The primary goal of The Debrief is to share these stories in the hopes of making us all better leaders, better thinkers, and better people.

The Debrief is available wherever you find your podcasts, including Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, and Google Play. Visit www.thedebrief.live to stay updated on the latest episodes as they release.

Persistent Systems, Thales Unveil Integrated Communications Solution for Dismounts

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

MPU5 tactical networking device leverages advanced radio-over-IP tether to connect AN/PRC-148E Spear radio to mobile ad hoc network, delivering long sought-after warfighter capabilities

NEW YORK, N.Y.—May 11, 2022—Persistent Systems LLC (“Persistent”), a leader in mobile ad hoc networking (MANET) technology and Thales, a leader in tactical communication equipment, announced today that they will be showcasing a new combined tactical communications solution at the Special Operations Forces Industry Conference (SOFIC), held May 16-19 in Tampa, Florida.

The Department of Defense has long desired a solution that delivers both a MANET and a tactical radio, and whose combined capability exceeds the sum of its parts. The Persistent-Thales solution does that by leveraging an advanced radio-over-IP capability to tether an AN/PRC-148E Spear radio to an MPU5, thus bringing the Spear on to the digital network as an IP talk group.

“Imagine a helicopter transmitting on an AM frequency to a dismounted ground team,” said Shane Flint, VP of Business Development at Persistent. “With traditional tactical radios, some users might receive the helicopter’s transmission and other users might not. But with a Spear/MPU5-equipped team, if any single Spear radio receives the helicopter’s transmission, the entire team will receive it.”

The slender AN/PRC-148E Spear weighs only 1.24 pounds and has programmable cryptography that supports the requirements of the National Security Agency’s (NSA) crypto modernization program.

The Spear radio connects to the MPU5 MANET device via a specially designed cable. This integration allows the MPU5 to remotely auto-configure settings and channel presets on the Spear to ensure the tethered solution “just works,” eliminating operator error and delivering a true plug-and-play capability.

“This capability was designed for combat operations, based on real-world feedback,” said Flint, “The goal was to deliver a simple, no fail solution that empowers the warfighter.”

Both Persistent Systems (Booth No. 1435) and the Thales (Booth No. 1029) will be showcasing this new capability at SOFIC. This game changing capability delivers the “tactical network” that the Special Operations community has been requesting.