GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Archive for October, 2024

Brownells Introduces Law Enforcement and Military Discount Program

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

GRINNELL, Iowa (October 23, 2024) – Brownells is showing its support for individuals working in law enforcement and the military by introducing a discount program exclusively for them. This program reflects Brownells’ commitment to giving back to those who courageously risk their lives every day. 

The discount is available to all active law enforcement and military personnel, as well as professional department gunsmiths and armorers. Eligible customers can create an account on the Brownells website to access reduced prices on a wide range of products. To sign up for these special discounts, visit brownells.com/le-gov/

Silvus Technologies Unveils StreamCaster LITE 5200 SL5200: Ultra-Low SWaP OEM Module Delivering Powerful MANET Radio Performance for Leading-Edge Unmanned System

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

            The Power to Perform – SL5200 unifies C2, sensor, and telemetry data with communications relay capabilities into one powerful (up to 2W output power – 4W effective), streamlined OEM module

            Network Connectivity for Multi-Domain Operations – Powered by Silvus’ battle-proven MN-MIMO waveform, the SL5200 is capable of linking hundreds of nodes across any operational environment

            Compact Size, Powerful Performance – With an ultra-low SWaP profile and versatile I/O interface options, the SL5200 is purpose-built for tactical unmanned systems – delivering Group 2 UAV level performance in a compact form factor engineered for Group 1 sized platforms

Los Angeles, California (October 22, 2024) – Silvus Technologies, Inc. (“Silvus”), a global leader in advanced wireless networking communication systems, today announced its next-generation MANET radio OEM module: the StreamCaster LITE 5200 (SL5200).

Designed for leading-edge unmanned systems, the SL5200 unifies C2, sensor, and telemetry data with communications relay capabilities in an ultra-low SWaP (52g), easy-to-integrate MANET radio module. With up to 2 Watts of native output power (4W effective power, thanks to TX Eigen-Beamforming) and up to 100 Mbps data rate, the SL5200 delivers class-leading power, high-bandwidth throughput, and tactical mobility.

Compact and versatile, with multiple I/O interface options, the SL5200 is designed for seamless integration into a wide range of tactical unmanned systems, and other Size, Weight and Power (SWaP) constrained embedded applications. Systems operators can now experience Group 2 UAV level radio performance in a compact form factor engineered for Group 1 sized platforms.

At the heart of the SL5200 is Silvus’ proprietary MN-MIMO waveform, capable of linking hundreds of nodes in any operational environment. With the SL5200, operators can connect multiple UAVs, UGVs, USVs, sensors, personnel, and manned/unmanned platforms, to actualize a common operating picture through one massively scalable mesh network. The SL5200 is seamlessly compatible with 4000-series StreamCaster MANET radios, ensuring interoperability across a diverse range of applications.

“Redefining C2 and comms mesh networking, the SL5200 delivers on Silvus’ promise of class-leading range, data throughput, scalability, and EW resilience, in an ultra-low SWaP OEM module providing robust network connectivity for multi-domain operations at the tactical edge,” said Jimi Henderson, Vice President of Sales for Silvus Technologies. “To fast-track enhanced capabilities to end-users, the SL5200 is designed for easy integration into a wide range of unmanned sub-systems, reducing development costs and speeding time to market for today’s leading-edge manufacturers.”

In addition to AES256 and FIPS 140-3 encryption for secure operations, the SL5200 provides available access to Silvus’ Spectrum Dominance expansive suite of LPI/LPD and Anti-Jamming resiliency capabilities. Silvus is the only tactical MANET radio provider that delivers Spectrum Dominance secure and protected communications in complex, congested and contested environments, without compromising performance.

Learn more about the StreamCaster LITE 5200 at www.silvustechnologies.com and follow us on LinkedIn to get the latest news.

Army Special Operations To Create New Robotics Specialty

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

USASOC has been experimenting with robotics for several years, as seen in this image of 1st SFG(A) Green Berets during Project Origin at Dugway Proving Ground, Utah. Despite Army Special Operations leaders discussing the idea of creating a specific robotics careerfield within SOF for years, details are still scarce on this new plan, which could see its first training class as early as 2025.

Most recently USASOC Command Sergeant Major JoAnn Naumann told students at a SOCOM Ignite event at MIT, that the command is creating a new Military Occupational Specialty.

“Special operations is leading the Army by creating a new MOS this year for technology, innovation and integration – a new MOS that does not exist in the Army,” said Naumann. “We’re creating it because we realized that we need it. We will have people whose job is to think about these kinds of problems, build prototypes and then help us once we get the technology integrated into the battlefield and make it work in real-world scenarios.”

The details we’ve uncovered are that the paperwork to create the new MOS is currently at the Department of the Army staff and is expected to be approved by the end of the calendar year. Selection from the force could begin soon after, with the initial training course early in 2025.

The MOS designation is 390A meaning it’s going to be a warrant officer MOS. It’s a novel approach to the challenge and we are told it is for two reasons.

First, there are many within the Army’s SOF formation who have chosen unconventional paths including working with unmanned systems, robotics, and other technologies. They are valuable to the force in these niche roles and there are concerns about losing their expertise as they get passed over for not checking the blocks.

The second reason is that a few years ago Congress gave DoD additional authorities to direct commission those with technical experience of interest to the service. This will allow USASOC to not only recruit talent within house, but also look to industry and academia for the right people.

While no MOS name has been mentioned, it may likely be “Robotics and Unmanned Systems Technician”. This guess is based upon the six week Robotics and Unmanned Systems Integrator Course currently taught as an advanced skill to select SOF at USAJFKSWCS. However, SOF leaders have widely acknowledged that other, emerging technologies are required by their forces.

CMF 39 is of note, simply because it was once used as a Functional Area designation for Civil Affairs officers before it became a branch and adopted MOS 38A. It seems to have become a spare, somewhat under the purview of ARSOF. Joining CMFs 18 (Special Forces), 37 (Psychological Operations), and 38 (Civil Affairs), its reactivation bodes well for the creation of dedicated Cyber, Space, Fires, and other enlisted specialties for technical SOF enablers. Robotics systems are platforms and using their payloads generally requires additional technical expertise.

While the Navy beat them to it by creating a rate for unmanned systems last year, so far RM Sailors haven’t been integrated into the SOF formation. The creation of this MOS is something entirely new, not only for SOF, but all across the Army. They are seeking technicians who will integrate new capabilities. Although these aren’t SOF operator positions, many of the initial cadre will come from SF, Rangers, and the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. This will assuredly open doors as they integrate into SOF operations. While we’re unsure how USASOC plans to employ them and where they’ll fit into the organization, or will have their own unit, it’s a move that is a good investment in transformation and the future.

While this new MOS is currently destined to support ARSOF, within the Army there have discussions of creating a Robotics branch. A few years ago during the Maneuver Conference a plan was briefed to create MOS 19R, a non-accessions MOS which would accept volunteers at skill levels two and up from CMFs 11 (Infantry) and 19 (Armor). The plan had skill level 5 (E8 & E9) robotics Soldiers serving as 19Zs or Armor Senior Sergeants.

The difference between SOF’s robotics requirement and the other maneuver branches of the Army is about size. Like their current force structure, armor and infantry units have armored vehicles and in the future will integrate remotely operated and autonomous armored vehicles. SOF will mainly use smaller, very specialized systems like the Ghost Robotics Quadraped Unmanned Ground Vehicle seen above. Some of the tools will be the same across the force, but as taught in the RUSIC training mentioned earlier, SOF students learn to use innovation and additive manufacturing to locally produce specialized payloads for unmanned systems.

With USASOC working toward adoption of a formal requirement for a family of ground robotics and having already heavily adopted Small unmanned Aerial Systems across the formation, this move is the right one. Hopefully, they will create enlisted MOSs for other technical enabler positions.

We expect the Army will follow SOF’s lead and adopt the right systems for the larger force. Hopefully, they’ll implement dedicated personnel from inception as well.

– Story by Eric Graves, Editor

Top photo by Jerome Aliotta, US Army

Quadraped photo by Zachary Rufus, DoD

USSOCOM to Hold Industry Day for Lightweight Machine Gun – Assault

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

United States Special Operations Command’s Lightweight Machine Gun-Assault (LMG-A) requirement has been on the books for years but kept getting pushed to the right.

Last week, they announced an industry day to be held 19-20 November 2024, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm EST at the SOFWERX Facility in Tampa, Florida.

We have shared a photo of the Knights Armament Co Lightweight Assault Machine Gun chambered in 5.56 NATO because it has been procured in limited numbers by USSOCOM and is similar in size to what they are seeking.

To be clear, this is still NOT a solicitation for proposals, proposal abstracts, or quotations. Instead, they want gather market information to assist the Government in forming future acquisition strategy or methods.

Specifically, they are seeking input from industry to further refine the Government requirements documentation, Performance Specification (P-Spec), as well as identify the marketplace for interested vendors for the Lightweight Machine Gun-Assault (LMG-A) under NAICS Code 332994, Small Arms, Ordnance, and Ordnance Accessories Manufacturing. USSOCOM is only seeking input from manufacturers, not distributors.

The LMG-A is intended to replace the legacy MK48 for a lightweight assault machine gun.

The LMG-A shall be a lightweight belt fed, multi-caliber system which will include a primary barrel, spare barrel, with required bolts, barrels, and operating groups for each caliber, buttstock, receiver, sound/signature suppressor, operator manual, cleaning kit, operator tool kit, maintainer tool kit, spare parts kit, training munition kit, bipod, backup iron sights, sling, and a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) approved locking hard carrying case capable of storing a fully accessorized weapon.

The LMG-A will extend the range of suppressive fire capability out to 1500m. The LMG-A shall be accurate to 6.0 MOA (T) / 3.0 MOA (O) at 100 yards firing 7.62mm NATO ammunition and USSOCOM TDP 6.5CM ammunition. USSOCOM is also interested the capability of the LMG-A to adopt other calibers such as 6.8x51mm high pressure ammunition (U.S. Army TDP) and the .264 Lightweight Intermediate Caliber Cartridge (.264 LICC) via caliber conversion kits.

SOCOM has been interacting with industry for years discussing a 6.5 CM gun. During SHOT Show, 7.62 NATO entered the picture. I asked someone in industry why and was told that the answer is that there’s loads of 7.62 ammo available. (Naturally, I immediately said, “.276 Pederson.”) Word is that the 6.5CM ammo programs aren’t progressing very quickly, so like with 300 BLK on RASR, they’re moving forward with an ammo supply they can rely on.

They are shooting for a gun which weighs, at its heaviest, 17 lbs. At that weight, it’s just a pound lighter than the Mk48 it’s replacing. The new gun has to handle 6.5CM which isn’t an issue but those other calibers could be tough for some guns, especially as you get down to the objective weight of 12.75 lbs which is around what the developmental model of the KAC LAMG in 6.5CM weighs.

The command has publicly released these additional requirements:

Operation and Performance characteristics

a) The LMG-A shall be capable of firing in fully automatic and semi-automatic firing modes.

b) The LMG-A shall have an ambidextrous safety selector that prevents the weapon from being fired when the trigger is depressed and the weapon is on SAFE (T), capable of charging the weapon when the weapon is on SAFE (O).

c) The LMG-A shall be capable of firing 7.62x51mm NATO family of belted ammunition to include training munitions, and USSOCOM TDP 6.5 Creedmoor belted ammunition via left-hand feed.

d) The LMG-A shall have AMR not to exceed 6.0 MOA (T), 3.0 MOA (O) at 100 meters (109 yards) when firing 7.62 NATO ammunition.

e) The LMG-A shall be equipped with quick-change barrels in assault and standard configurations.

f) The LMG-A shall be capable of being suppressed, while reducing the signature of the weapon in flash, ground disturbance, sound, and gas blowback. The suppressor shall not modify the rate of fire by more than 10% (T) or 2% (O).

g) The LMG-A suppressor shall be of a quick-detach, lockable design, and minimize Point of Aim/Point of Impact shift when mounted or dismounted.

h) The LMG-A shall have a two-position, non-reciprocating charging handle that is operable and moveable to both the left and right-hand side of the weapon.

i) The LMG-A shall have a user-adjustable bipod that is rapidly deployable/stowable and provides tension and lockup upon loading.

j) The LMG-A buttstock shall have an adjustable for length (T), collapsable (T) side folding (O), and adjustable cheek riser (O) that does not interfere with the function of the weapon.

k) The LMG-A shall have a maximum overall length with bipod attached, buttstock, and barrel (with suppressor) of 49.0 inches (T) less than or equal to 44.0 inches (O).  Sights and other accessories will not be included in the weight requirement.

l) The LMG-A shall weigh no more than 17.0lbs (T), 12.75lbs (O).

m) The LMG-A shall have Mil-STD-1913 rails, with numbered slots at the 12 o’clock position with a minimum of 8.50 inches aft of the feed tray cover for optical sights.

n) LMG-A shall have M-LOK attachment points at the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions on the forward handguard to support the attachment of accessories and enablers.

o) The LMG-A shall have a rate of fire between 500-750 rounds per minute (T=O).

p) The LMG-A shall minimize felt recoil across all firing modes.

q) The LMG-A shall have a single mounting point for DoD-common weapons mounts.

r) the LMG-A shall have a mounting point for common ammunition carrying boxes or soft pouches.

Brigantes Announces New Stock of Hilleberg Tactical Equipment Available for Immediate Order Fulfilment

Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024

Brigantes, a leading extreme cold weather supplier of tactical on-the-soldier equipment and apparel, has recently announced the procurement of a high volume of tactical stock from esteemed global tentmaker, Hilleberg. This move toward increased production capacity marks a significant chapter in Hilleberg’s story and an exciting development for Brigantes’ partners and clients.

Whilst a portion of the Hilleberg stock has been pre-allocated to orders from key military units, a large quantity is available for immediate order fulfilment. The range encompasses several of Hilleberg’s cutting-edge shelter solutions, including those with military specific adaptations, designed specifically for tactical end users. By expanding their inventory with Hilleberg stock, Brigantes are positioning themselves to be able to fulfil urgent operational requirements for cold weather deployments.

Matthew Williams, Brigantes CEO, commented:

“I can’t overstate how exciting it is to be in a position where we can hold such substantial volumes of Hilleberg tactical stock in our warehouse. Hilleberg is renowned as the unrivalled leader in the design and development of superior quality tents – they’re complete sticklers for quality and won’t accept anything less than the highest standards possible. With the rapid increase in cold weather deployments, this investment means that we can ensure units have immediate access to this vital product range.”

Widely respected as the leading tentmaker in the game, Hilleberg was established in 1971. Founded upon a keen passion and intrinsic understanding of everything outdoors, this family-run business is still going strong over 50 years later. Their range of military-specific tents have been designed for enhanced durability and superior performance in challenging tactical environments, making them an obvious choice for armed forces personnel.

For more information or to discuss placing an order, please contact Brigantes: brigantes.com/contact

Kryptek Outdoor Group Partners with the Green Beret Foundation to Empower Veterans through the Warrior Sportsman Program

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Eagle, ID – Kryptek Outdoor Group and the Green Beret Foundation (GBF) are proud to announce a strategic partnership to raise meaningful awareness and support for the Green Beret Foundation’s mission. This partnership will place special emphasis on the GBF Warrior Sportsman Program, a key initiative designed to assist U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers—whether active-duty, veterans, or retired—in their journey toward recovery through outdoor activities.

The collaboration between Kryptek and the Green Beret Foundation is rooted in shared values and a commitment to supporting the military community. Both organizations were forged through the strength of U.S. military veterans, and this partnership aims to leverage their unique resources to enhance the reach and impact of their missions.

“Kryptek is proud to support the Green Beret Foundation and the Warrior Sportsman Program and what they stand for! We are honored to collaborate with an organization that supports the center of gravity for U.S. Army Special Operations, from Battlefield to Backcountry,” said Kryptek CEO, Butch Whiting.

The Warrior Sportsman Program provides exhilarating outdoor adventures that offer physical, mental, and emotional recovery opportunities for Green Berets. These activities foster camaraderie, helping participants reconnect with the bonds forged in service and find healing in the great outdoors. The partnership with Kryptek will further amplify the program’s impact, bringing greater awareness and resources to support the brave soldiers of the US Army Special Forces.

“Our partnership with Kryptek is a crucial addition to the Warrior Sportsman Program, reinforcing the exhilarating outdoor adrenaline adventures that are central to our mission,” said Charlie Iacono, President & CEO of the Green Beret Foundation. “This collaboration offers U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers valuable opportunities for physical, mental, and emotional recovery, while deepening the bonds of camaraderie forged through shared experiences.”

Kryptek’s commitment to supporting U.S. military veterans is evident in its innovative outdoor gear and apparel designed by and for those who serve. By partnering with the Green Beret Foundation, Kryptek continues its mission to honor and support America’s heroes, providing them with the tools and experiences needed to transition from battlefield to backcountry successfully. A portion of the proceeds from merchandise sales goes directly to the Green Beret Foundation. See all their merchandise and partnerships in their shop located here.

AUSA 24 – Danner Sonic Boot

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

While many of the items you’ll see at AUSA are ready to go right now, Danner gave us a sneak peek of the upcoming Sonic.

This lightweight boot is TAA compliant and features the Resurge high-density EVA midsole for comfort with an upper made from Perspair textile which is abrasion resistant and breathable. Inside there’s a moisture wicking air mesh lining.

It’s AR 670-1 and AFI 36-2903 compliant. Coming February 2025 from Danner.

Zerotech Launches Exclusive Bino Rebate Promotion with Purchase of Riflescope

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024

Murfreesboro, TN – Zerotech, a leader in outdoor optics and accessories, is thrilled to announce a limited-time promotion offering a free bino rebate with the purchase of select riflescopes. From now until December 31, 2024, customers can enhance their outdoor experience with this incredible offer, allowing them to enjoy the perfect pairing of riflescopes and binoculars from the same product line.

Purchasing a scope from our premium lines will result in a free pair of binoculars tailored to that specific line, ensuring you have the best optics for your outdoor adventures.

Promotion Details:

• Purchase a Thrive or Vengeance Scope: Receive a pair of Thrive Binoculars.

• Purchase a Thrive HD Scope: Receive a pair of Thrive HD Binoculars.

• Purchase a Trace or Trace Advanced Scope: Receive a pair of Trace Binoculars.

This initiative is designed to provide outdoor enthusiasts with a comprehensive optics package that elevates their adventures, whether in the field or enjoying nature’s beauty.

How It Works:

1. Purchase one of the qualifying riflescopes from Zerotechbetween now and December 31, 2023.

2. If you are purchasing in store, visit here to download the rebate form.

3. Submit the completed form along with proof of purchase to receive your free binoculars.

Why Choose Zerotech?

Our riflescopes, including the Vengeance, Thrive, Thrive HD, Trace, and Trace Advanced models, are known for their precision, durability, and innovative technology. This promotion allows our customers to experience the full spectrum of outdoor optics, enhancing their ability to spot game and enjoy the natural world.

“We’re excited to offer this promotion as a way to thank our customers and enhance their outdoor experiences,” said Zerotech USA President Nathan Dudney. “Our products are designed for performance, but we know times are tight and we believe that pairing riflescopes with a free set of high-quality binoculars will help our customers save overall so their time can be better spent chasing game in the outdoors during our favorite season.”
