
Archive for the ‘Camo’ Category

US4CES Camo Preview

Tuesday, July 10th, 2012

ADS Inc has released a few new photos of their US4CES family of camouflage, selected by the US Army as a finalist in their Camouflage Improvement Program. US4CES camouflage patterns share a common shape geometry and are offered in colorways developed specifically for Woodland, Arid, Transitional environments. Additionally, ADS and their partner Guy Cramer have introduced a specific color option for use with Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment that is complimentary to the three environmental patterns. All four of these patterns are currently undergoing the most intensive camouflage testing ever conducted by the US Army or for that matter, anyone. In these photos you can see the various patterns in live environments.

Spotted! A Bird In The Wild

Monday, July 9th, 2012

Seen earlier today in North Carolina. Think maybe Arc’teryx has MultiCam shorts on the way? Man I hope so. I would SO wear these.


Sunday, July 8th, 2012


Are Digital Pixel Camouflage Patterns Ineffective?

Thursday, July 5th, 2012

In a just published essay entitled, “Are Digital Pixel Camouflage Patterns Ineffective?” Guy Cramer, CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Corp takes on the recent meme that imagines all pixelated camo is bad because the US Army’s Universal Camouflage Pattern is anything but.


While Mr Cramer takes a stab at it as well, I’d like to remind our readers that it’s foolish to throw the baby out with the bath water. UCP’s geometry is based on the highly successful Marine Patterns (MARPAT) which is a derivative of the Canadian Pattern (CADPAT). The exact same geometry is also shared with the US Navy’s AOR patterns. It’s about coloration, and in the case of UCP they got it wrong.


Guy Cramer believes in the effectiveness of pixelated patterns so much that the submission he developed with ADS Inc is based on the technology but with some more advanced enhancements. Read Cramer’s Essay here –

Major Announcement Regarding A-TACS Camouflage Fabrics

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

A-TACS Camo and Schott Performance Fabrics announce a virtual ONE STOP SHOP for A-TACS Camo fabrics and Trims; also expands A-TACS Camo fabric printing to Duro Textiles

Due to high demand and to assist smaller manufactures who do not require large quantities of production fabric, Schott Performance Fabrics is now set up to take orders and distribute less than Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ) on all A-TACS AU and A-TACS FG Camo fabrics. For domestic and international manufacturers requiring larger quantities of fabric, the ordering process will remain the same, simply contact Denise Barrick by phone toll free at: 877-720-4545 or by e-mail at:

Manufacturers or individuals not requiring large amounts of fabric for their project, will be now able to order fabric directly from Schott fabrics in quantities as small as five yards.

As an added feature, Schott will also be including A-TACS AU and A-TACS FG printed webbing and A-TACS AU and A-TACS FG printed loop to their product offering creating a virtual ONE STOP SHOP for A-TACS Camo fabric and A-TACS Camo printed trims. When ordering fabrics, you will now be able to order printed webbing and loop at the same time.
The ordering system will be implemented in two phases. For phase one pricing and availability, simply contact Andy Raynor or Bryan Merrick at Schott Fabrics by phone toll free at 877-720-4545 or by e-mail at , or

Phase two, which will follow shortly after phase one, will include an online ordering component designed to make fabric purchases simple and hassle free. The user will simply set up an account, provide appropriate shipping and billing information, make a fabric and/or trim selection and place the order.

Additionally, due to increasing demand for more options, Schott Fabrics announces that they have now enhanced their offering to include A-TACS Camo fabrics vat printed at DURO Textiles. Duro joins Hampton Textiles, who will also continue supplying quality A-TACS Camo Fabric.

For more information about Schott Fabrics please visit or, the manufacturers page at

This is What Bad Info Causes

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Based on the state of the Internet and the way news is now generated, you get stories written on the back of bad info.

Case in point

Hyde Definition Updates News Section

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2012

Make sure you check out the NEWS section of Hyde Definition’s website for the latest on clothing and equipment in their PenCott camouflage patterns. For example, take these items which include a flash-bang grenade pouch, a zippered utility pouch and a small radio pouch in PenCott-GreenZone from Shaddox Tactical.

Camouflage Gets Its ‘Keep Government Out of My Medicare’ Moment

Sunday, July 1st, 2012

I literally live for irony. I can write and write and write all about the camo wars and the various services’ quest for a better camouflage but I just can’t force people to READ. Regardless of the topic, folks love news by headline and they form opinions around phrases designed to titillate rather than inform.

Most recently, I had a reader comment that the Army should look to the private sector to solve their camouflage woes. Classic. They have. The US Army Camouflage Improvement Effort is investigating families of camouflage patterns developed by industry. And, PEO Soldier and their scientific arm, The Natick Soldier Systems Center are embarking on the most extensive test and evaluation undertaking ever conducted. When this is over, the Army will truly be able to say that they have thoroughly considered the latest that industry has to offer.

Commercial finalists currently undergoing field trials include

ADS Inc as Prime, partnered with Guy Cramer
Brookwood Companies
Crye Precision